Official 2011 Princess Half Marathon Thread - Link to new thread Post 3703!

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I'm in! I needed some motivation to start running again after DS was born last May. In December, when I joined DIS, everyone was talking about marathon weekend...I decided running at WDW would be perfect motivation to start running again! I mentioned this at Christmas and my SIL, who is a big walker, would like to try running and is going to do it with me! I have always been a princess, so this race is right up my alley!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
I'm updated up to here! I'll go back and check in the morning to see if I missed anyone.
I'm in! I needed some motivation to start running again after DS was born last May. In December, when I joined DIS, everyone was talking about marathon weekend...I decided running at WDW would be perfect motivation to start running again! I mentioned this at Christmas and my SIL, who is a big walker, would like to try running and is going to do it with me! I have always been a princess, so this race is right up my alley!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Disney is what motivatied me to start running also! I used to hate running, but seeing that tiara medal in my head kept me going.
Disney is what motivatied me to start running also! I used to hate running, but seeing that tiara medal in my head kept me going.

Maybe I should print out a picture of it and tape it to the treadmill as well as other places around the house to remind me to run and keep me working!
I was worried about running alone this year, but thankfully, I found an awesome running buddy here on the boards, and it worked out fantastic-ly. I'm betting that you'd be able to find someone to run with you if your hubby doesn't!

{{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}}} it was awesome running with you too!!! I can't wait for next year, we are so gonna rock that race!!!!
I plan on returning...please add me to the list - I did it this year and knew I was going back immediately. Loved the experience! princess:

Solar (Deb)
I just wanted to pop in and say congrats to all of you who plan to run this next year! I really wish I could run it again (I mean, really, really, really), but I'll be getting married 2 months later so a March trip to Disney just isn't in the cards. (Although that won't stop me from scheming a way to make it happen ;))

If anyone is looking for some inspiration to get them going, check out my new running blog (in my signature) and read my loooong race report. Last year when I was training for the race, I searched high and low for race reports to get me motivated, but there weren't too many out there. I know it's still early, but I wish you all the best of luck with your training! The Princess 2010 thread - and everyone in it - was such a huge factor in keeping me motivated to run. Thanks!
Maybe I should print out a picture of it and tape it to the treadmill as well as other places around the house to remind me to run and keep me working!

I actually did that... I printed out the logo on glossy photo paper and pinned one to my bulletin board in my room, then taped one to the fridge, then set my iPhone wallpaper to a picture of the 2009 medal. It worked!
I vowed to never, ever do it again after I finished this year. But, it's alot like childbirth. That first week after you swear you'll never do it again. 2 weeks out you think, that wasn't so bad. A month later you're trying to figure out when you can do it again.

So, I'm in and trying to run more than I walk this year (and being able to walk after too).
I'm in! Princess 2010 was my first half and it was amazing!

My mom wants to come with me for a girls weekend, so I'm trying to talk her into at least doing the 5k together, then she can cheer me on for the half.
Question. I know that iPhones are really, really discouraged, but do people bring them anyway? Or is there music piped into the parks during the half? I've been listening to podcasts and music during my training, and it helps me go much faster than I would normally.
Is the princess marathon only for ladies? I been doing the main marathon the last three years, which was awesome except the cold weather this year. I never really looked at the princess marathon. I want to do the run with my wife and have a t shirt made out to my daughter. I would really appreciate the comments.
Question. I know that iPhones are really, really discouraged, but do people bring them anyway? Or is there music piped into the parks during the half? I've been listening to podcasts and music during my training, and it helps me go much faster than I would normally.

Why are iPhones discouraged? Because it's a phone? I was planning on bringing my iPod- I listen to it everytime I run and usually during races depending on who I'm running with (if anyone). If there's a lot going on though I might not bring it for the half.
Why are iPhones discouraged? Because it's a phone? I was planning on bringing my iPod- I listen to it everytime I run and usually during races depending on who I'm running with (if anyone). If there's a lot going on though I might not bring it for the half.

I think all devices with headphones are discouraged. Something to do with not being able to hear race announcements.
Mickeyncldkd the Princess race in March is only a half. Ye, men run. This year about 400, last year 200. Many dress up and have shout outs to family etc.
Hi! I'm super new to this. I did the 5K back in January, but thats about it. I'm currently 7 months pregnant so won't be starting to really train until summer. I'm hoping to make the Princess 2011 my first 1/2 Marathon, it times perfectly as I will be 2 years post cancer and on my list I made when I was first diagnosed I said I would run a 1/2 marathon at 2 years! :) DH is running it with me (I haven't told him its mostly women, but he won't care, haha). My whole family will be in town, we're doing the family 5K together also. We own DVC so will be staying at one of those... hoping race dates are announced soon so we can book and start planning.

Can't wait to read more. I feel kind of clueless.
Wow! Congratulations X 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just saw this thread was started!!
I love your figment pic. I have one too from 84 and every time I see yours I want to go scan mine and put it up too.

I am so glad this thread is started. I will be there...hopefully. I am on week 3 of c25k and about 90 lbs. overweight. I am getting there though and I hope lose at least 50 before then. I am scared but, so excited! I have never run before.
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