Official 2011 Princess Half Marathon Thread - Link to new thread Post 3703!

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Wow! Congratulations X 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love your figment pic. I have one too from 84 and every time I see yours I want to go scan mine and put it up too.

I am so glad this thread is started. I will be there...hopefully. I am on week 3 of c25k and about 90 lbs. overweight. I am getting there though and I hope lose at least 50 before then. I am scared but, so excited! I have never run before.

Aw thanks :goodvibes Mine's from 84 too I think!! My first trip to Disney, just around 2 years old. I tried to start running years ago but added too much too fast, hurt myself and just gave up. I started again, building really slowly and it's been so much better. And yes, it's SO exciting!! To go from not being able to run a quarter mile to being able to finish 5 miles without walking once, it's amazing. I would love to be able to run the whole half but I'm sure I'll end up walking. Just to complete one for me would be amazing.

Question for those who've done the princess before... how does it work with pictures? I see a lot of pics of people with characters- are they on the course? Can you get someone to take your pic for you if you're running alone? Would getting a really small camera be worth it? I have a small P&S but could get a smaller one to make it easier to carry. I'm worried it will weigh me down too much.
About the iPhones/iPods: In the Endurance series chat last year they said that they are allowed, though they'd just suggest not wearing it. I wore my iPod (as did many others), though it wasn't on all of the time. It was necessary for miles 7-10 though! That part was long and boring and I really needed my music to help me. And for the record, I carried my iPhone in my SPI belt.

Men running: Men are absolutely allowed to run! My fiance ran and loved the race, even though it is geared towards women. The race tshirt is women's, so he's giving his to his mom. The expo is geared toward women as well, so as long as you don't mind all that, feel free to run. I liked seeing other men running!

Pictures during the race: There are photographers at several areas of the course, and you can buy those photos after the race, but they're really expensive. (I paid $79 to download my entire gallery of photos!) There are characters all along the course and you are encouraged to bring your camera with you! I brought my small camera and expected to keep it in the pocket of my running skirt, however I ended up carrying it the entire time because I took to many pictures! I didn't even realize I was still holding on to it until later in the race. I was surprised that it didn't bother me to hold it. At the areas where characters were, there were one or two cast members there. One would take your camera and get it prepared, while the other took a photo of someone with the character. When that person was done, I would run up and the person with my camera would take my picture while the other cast member was getting someone elses camera ready. It was a good system for keeping the short lines moving along very quickly. Anyway, my fiance and a friend of ours ran the race as well, but they are both fast so I hung back and went at my own pace. Whenever I would take my own picture, someone would always jump in and offer to take a picture of me, whether it be a Disney race volunteer or a fellow racer. At the mile marker signs, a lot of us solo runners became pros at the camera exchange with another runner, taking a picture for them and then them taking one of you. Basically you should have no worries about getting plenty of pictures if you bring your camera!
Question. I know that iPhones are really, really discouraged, but do people bring them anyway? Or is there music piped into the parks during the half? I've been listening to podcasts and music during my training, and it helps me go much faster than I would normally.
Race website says it's for safety so you can hear race officials. I also didn't know how people would do 13 miles without listening to something. I really depend on my iPod during training! I actually e-mailed one of my more experienced race friends to ask how she got through races without listening to music. But this race was exciting and had a good amount of entertainment - I didn't put on my iPod until mile 8. You can also just put in one earbud if you are concerned about hearing what is going on around you.

Photos - I also found it easy to carry my point-and-shoot camera in hand. I took a photo of every mile marker plus character shots.
Question. I know that iPhones are really, really discouraged, but do people bring them anyway? Or is there music piped into the parks during the half? I've been listening to podcasts and music during my training, and it helps me go much faster than I would normally.
Most of the course had some sort of entertainment, bands, characters, DJs ect. There was one very long stretch after the Magic Kingdom where I wished I had my MP3 (and I don't listen to music while running!). But other than that they did a really good job with music and entertainment.

Question for those who've done the princess before... how does it work with pictures? I see a lot of pics of people with characters- are they on the course? Can you get someone to take your pic for you if you're running alone? Would getting a really small camera be worth it? I have a small P&S but could get a smaller one to make it easier to carry. I'm worried it will weigh me down too much.

The characters were along the side of the road and they all had a "handler" who would take pictures. The longest I waited for pictures was maybe 5 people; it was awsome, I got great pictures!
Where is everyone planning on staying?

I will probably book into POP, anyone staying there?
Dreaming about doing this one. I am sure I could do it, just need financials to work out.
Where is everyone planning on staying?

I will probably book into POP, anyone staying there?

I'm so ready to go ahead and book a room, but was trying to wait it out until they announce the host hotels again. I would love to stay at Pop though--it seems like such a fun place!
I think we're planning on staying that the Grand Floridian again, provided we can afford it. If not, either the Contemporary, Beach Club or Poly. I'm a little indecisive. :lmao:
Would love to stay at the GF some day but sadly not in the budget.

I hope there is a group at POP, there always seems to be. Can't wait for a girls weekend!!!!
I think you're right there are always a few WISHers at POP, though this time most of us did end up at the All-Stars because of the bus situation, I'm guessing.

I usually train with music - one earbud in and one out. I feel like I can always hear my surroundings quite well. However, I had used my shuffle extensively on the treadmill this winter, since I barely ran outside at all between November and, well, Yesterday, and when I turned on the music around mile 2, I was like "ugh - this sounds like...Treadmill!" :laughing: I was so pleased with how much entertainment there was on the course, though - I really barely needed it at all. I turned it on for a few miles during that slow middle part after the Magic Kingdom resorts. Mostly the race was too fun to drown out with music, though. This was NOT the case in January, incidentally!

Pictures - I ran with a small camera - they do not have official photographers with the characters on the course, so if you want a picture with characters, you MUST bring your own. The official race photographers get photos of you running on the course, in front of the castle if you're lucky and/or stop and at the finish. The only time I had a rough time with carrying a camera was at a valentine's day race here in Minnesota this winter. I should have left the camera home, as it was about 15 degrees and it made my hand too cold. This was thankfully not a problem at all at the Princess half! :) I have carried it by hand and I've had a little pocket on my belt in the past - I felt the belt pocket was too much trouble, overall.
Why are iPhones discouraged? Because it's a phone? I was planning on bringing my iPod- I listen to it everytime I run and usually during races depending on who I'm running with (if anyone). If there's a lot going on though I might not bring it for the half.

You can bring your devices but just be sure to keep the volume down on the headphones so you can be aware of what's going on around you. I brought my phone to txt hubby/kids updates and my iPod shuffle which I didn't even use! I have never run without music and to do it on a 13.1 run shows you that Disney really knows how to keep you entertained, even on a long run! There was so much to see and take in that I didn't want to put them on and miss anything. Plus I had a wonderful running buddy that I "met" on this board.
Is the princess marathon only for ladies? I been doing the main marathon the last three years, which was awesome except the cold weather this year. I never really looked at the princess marathon. I want to do the run with my wife and have a t shirt made out to my daughter. I would really appreciate the comments.

Nope, not just for the ladies! There were men running too and what a wonderful thing to do together!!! I say go for it!!!! :cheer2:
Can your SO/hubby/friends family pick anywhere along the route to cheer you on? I'd love to find out where Mickey and Minnie are going to be, and have my partner there to take a picture with.
Can your SO/hubby/friends family pick anywhere along the route to cheer you on? I'd love to find out where Mickey and Minnie are going to be, and have my partner there to take a picture with.

They will post a map that has the viewing areas for family/friends and as far as pics they always have another cast member there to take pics for you!
Oh, I forgot to say for the photos - there is always a "handler" cast member there who is taking photos during the half marathon. During the 5K, there were a few lone characters with no handler, and in that case, runners who wanted photos would take them for each other or hand the camera to the person behind you in line, etc.

As far as spectators go, there are limited places in the parks where spectators can be, and outside the parks as well, it is limited more by where is accessible by car and foot, but some places are closely controlled as well. The times I have seen Mickey, it has not been in areas where there were any spectators.

Mickey and Minnie were by the castle and at the finish this year. There are often some character photo ops after the finish where you can get a shot with friends/family. A lot of folks will hit the parks in the afternoon with their medals and get photos with the characters there, as well, after the race is over.
Ooooh a T shirt is a good idea. Now it is warmer I have been wearing a t shirt over my workout tank instead of my fleece type jackets.

I think I am going to have to make me one. I have been making all of DS's summer shirts and having pretty good luck with the ink instead of the fabric paint.
I carried my iPhone - it really helped to have music while we were waiting for things to start and distracted me from how cold it was! I had my earbuds in the entire time (mostly because they kept my ears warm and the volume down really low and didn't pay attention to the music) There were some runners around me that I could tell had their music on a really high volume but I don't think it was necessary. Just like others have pointed out, Disney did a great job of distracting you. The only time I think I got a bit bored was going up the bridge back down to Epcot. But, it was just about the end of the race so that could have been the reason! ;) Not one person seemed to care if someone had their iPod, or whatever. I didn't see anyone texting and the walkers were more apt to talk on their phone. I saw several people chatting on their phones which I thought was a little crazy. Everyone knew not to call me until they saw me running across the finish line. Although friends and family want to know how you are doing, I think it is really rude to answer you phone during the race. They have that automatic tracker that you can sign up for letting your friends and family know how you are doing and where you are so there is no reason you should have anyone calling you to find out where you are. Sorry - I just thought it was so rude and should be grounds for getting disqualified from the race. 3 1/2 hours is not a long time to ignore your phone. :mad:

My friends were able to get a spot at the finish line and didn't have a problem with finding space even with not getting there very early. So, I would recommend if anyone is to cheer you on, I think it would be most fun to see them at the finish line. :)
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