Official 2012 Princess 1/2 marathon thread part 2

i heard someone mention they text when they are in line for characters...that's actually a great idea if you find you need to text. you can still talk to your loved ones and you are not putting anyone else in danger.

i've personally had a really bad experience the last time i did the donald half marathon. the course was very crowded, and someone was not paying attention, and they ended up tripping me, and i sprained my ankle. i hobbled my way to a finish (even though i admit now i should of went to a ment tent as soon as i saw one and dnfed) was in complete agony after. thankfully, my dad (PT) was around and able to examine me so i avoided any ER visits. but i still had a pretty miserable couple of weeks, and it kinda ruined my trip.

so that's why i'm suck a stickler for race etiquette! i don't think the princess is anywhere near as crowded as the donald is, but still, i would hate for anyone else to have a similar experience as me.
I've heard that the roads at Disney are all angled for water run off. Does anyone know if that is true? If so how does it affect your running? Does it hurt you legs or hips after a while?
Hello thread #2! I am also behind in my training, so going for 7 this weekend. I am following galloway but due to lingering foot issues and my tendonitis, not going to push it....I think if I get up to 11 miles I will be ok. Hey I finished last year and its ok to walk if need be, I just want to finish.....I know I can do it, so I don't need the mental thing of 14 miles. Anyone Gallowayers who think this is a huge mistake, let me know, but I got up to 11.5 last year when I hurt my maybe mentally it has me afraid. Granted, don't want to injure myself at the race either......

Happy Training everyone, we are getting closer and closer!
Hey Julie! I think, assuming everything goes well, I will only get up to 10 or 11. I did 4 walking on the treadmill this weekend for the first time since the end of October. (I am doing a bunch of cardio on the bike and the pool as well, so I'm not worried about the cardio).

Have you tried the Strassburg sock yet? I was very skeptical at first, but I am really thinking it is helping me a lot. With the pf and the tendonitis. I wear it every night and I noticed in the evenings everything started getting tight, so I will put it on when I watch tv now as well. I am noticing a lot less pain--which is why I am back on the treadmill.:goodvibes

The other thing that I've been doing that is really helping is a stretch I do a minimum of 2x a day. 4 reps of 30 sec each, each time. Anyhow, I lay on my back, one leg bent at knee foot on floor. One let straight up. I hook a towel around the leg that's up and pull the leg towards me and the foot down. It stretches from my foot to my glutes. I really feel like it has made a huge difference as well. I also have a pink golfball that I roll my foot on a couple of days a week. I still am going to pt 2x a week, but really feeling like I am just about done.:goodvibes

And count me as another myfitnesspal fan.:thumbsup2

I am really glad I have this race to look forward to. It has really helped me to push myself to keep up the cardio, even if I'm not running right now.:goodvibes
I've heard that the roads at Disney are all angled for water run off. Does anyone know if that is true? If so how does it affect your running? Does it hurt you legs or hips after a while?

Most of our roads around here are like that. I have screwy feet to begin with so I really feel it in my ankles and sometimes my knees. I either try to stay on the side walk (I know is not an option at Disney) or run right down the middle of the road.

I got 5 miles in today. I felt good to get back out there. I really need to get myself back on track. My shins are a bit sore. I'm trying to be better about icing after a run.
Hi ladies! I just registered for Princess, so I will be joining you all there! This will be my 2nd Princess - I ran it this year, too. Nice to meet you all!
I did the 8 mile long run this weekend. 13:07 pace which I was a bit disappointed about, but on the theory of "2 minutes slower than race pace" would put me on track for a PR. :lmao: Besides, there was a lot of stopping for lights, and RunKeeper isn't too good at pausing. I also had (TMI warning) an extended walking period close to the start when my digestive system suddenly rebelled against running...yikes, thank goodness I made it to the gas station. I always put bathrooms strategically on my routes.

I am following Galloway's mileage plan, but I don't actually do the run/walking. I ran most of the time, and in the last 3 miles did maybe 1 minute of walking per 10 of running. I'm cautiously optimistic because I'm the one who's been whining about shin splints, and although my shins were a bit sore the day after, it was nothing like it had been. Maybe they're getting better?

The race ends in the Epcot parking lot, correct? DH and I are staying at BWV, so my assumption is we can just walk through the park, will it be open? Not sure how we'll get back otherwise since BWV doesn't provide Epcot buses.
The race ends in the Epcot parking lot, correct? DH and I are staying at BWV, so my assumption is we can just walk through the park, will it be open? Not sure how we'll get back otherwise since BWV doesn't provide Epcot buses.

Yes, I stayed at BWV last year and walked back to the resort through Epcot. You just need to make sure that you have a park pass!
Yes, I have checked a bag at both Disney races that I did. It's a very easy process with no lines (they were very well organized).
This is what I put in my bag: official race shirt (because I wear a different one during the race), shorts, undies, socks or flip flops, book or something to pass the time by while I wait for my family to finish up, snack (although there are lots of things to eat/drink provided by Disney) and some extra money (hidden) in case I want to buy something after the race.

I also carry $20.00 (along with my room key, credit card and ID) in my Ifitness belt so that I can get my medal engraved (with my name and finish time) right after I finish (the lines aren't as long them). And they prefer cash.

I usally get done where I have enough time to walk around to all the boths. I'll get pictures with the characters. I'll watch the awards ceremony and marvel at the top finisher times. At the Rock & Roll run I put my feet (covered in plastic bags) in the ice tubs and boy does it feel good! Not sure if they will have that at the Disney run.

Once I meet up with my family, we head back to the hotel for a dip in the pool, shower then off to lunch and ice cream - becuase we all deserve it!

It's such a great experience.
Can't wait! :cool1:
I did 8 miles yesterday! It's the longest I have ever gone! I was pretty sore afterwards through. I stretched several times last night and today. It's not really my muscles, it's my inner hips/thighs. I've never been sore there so I don't know if it's the pregnancy or just running 8 miles.

For those with iphones and I think ipod touches, if you have the new operating system it has a iphone/ipod find. DH used this while I was at the Gobble Jog on t-day. Since I run with my iphone, he followed the route I was going on the ipad by finding my iphone.
I also carry $20.00 (along with my room key, credit card and ID) in my Ifitness belt so that I can get my medal engraved (with my name and finish time) right after I finish (the lines aren't as long them). And they prefer cash.

Cool! i didn't know you could do this afterwards.
I think I missed this and can't find it on the RunDisney site, but is there bus transportation to the Wide World of Sports complex for the Expo? Does it leave from parks, TTC, or resorts? I somehow assumed we were going to have a car, but it looks like we won't!
I think I missed this and can't find it on the RunDisney site, but is there bus transportation to the Wide World of Sports complex for the Expo? Does it leave from parks, TTC, or resorts? I somehow assumed we were going to have a car, but it looks like we won't!

I think I read somewhere that the host resorts will have transportation to the expo.
I ran one mile yesterday. I've been resting an injured foot for a few weeks and it's been so hard to not run. I had to keep reminding myself to wait so that I'll be able to do 13.1. I think it's paid off and I'm ready to start back up again.

I've been riding the exercise bike to keep my cardio level up. I've been working on P90x and Ab Ripper X has made such a difference in my posture.

I'm getting a treadmill for Christmas so I won't have to worry about being out in snow and ice. I like the cold but I am really clumsy on slick surfaces.:rotfl: Any recommendations for the TM?

I also got a full-time job, I should start in January. It'll be my first 40 hr week job in 16 years!
Had a great run tonight!! 9 miles!! My farthest so far!!!!

Now my left knee is buggin me again... :mad: I injured it a little on the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, and I've been babying it a little lately, and now its buggin again!! Grr!! I really don't want to go see a dr, I hope I can take care of it myself!!!
Is anyone else finding it hard to get motivated to run in the evenings now that it gets dark so early? I've never been a morning runner because I have to get up early enough already, and now it's practically dark when I get home. I have a treadmill, but I can only stand so many miles on it, and am really longing to get outside! I could buckle down and run in the dark, but the last time I ran in the dark I fell and ended up with bloody knees:rotfl:
Is anyone else finding it hard to get motivated to run in the evenings now that it gets dark so early? I've never been a morning runner because I have to get up early enough already, and now it's practically dark when I get home. I have a treadmill, but I can only stand so many miles on it, and am really longing to get outside! I could buckle down and run in the dark, but the last time I ran in the dark I fell and ended up with bloody knees:rotfl:

I'm having same issue. I find that I have to run immediately after work in order to still have some daylight. I used run on the treadmill all the time but lately I can't stand the thought of it.
I've been doing my runs indoors on a track (11 laps per mile) but gave blood friday and can't believe how wiped I am. Even yesterdays 3 miles was slow and hard. Hopefully I'll be more recovered by thursday which is my long run.

I have used bag check at most races I've done! I have to get my running shoes/socks off so I always put in short slides (if it's cold dry socks too) then what else depends on what the weather is supposed to be! Bag check is basically painless!
Is anyone else finding it hard to get motivated to run in the evenings now that it gets dark so early? I've never been a morning runner because I have to get up early enough already, and now it's practically dark when I get home. I have a treadmill, but I can only stand so many miles on it, and am really longing to get outside! I could buckle down and run in the dark, but the last time I ran in the dark I fell and ended up with bloody knees:rotfl:

I've been having that issue since I ended my swimming career and no longer had mandatory practices. I just like working out in the morning. Gets my blood pumping for the day, I wake up better, and I tend to get everything done that I need to for the day so I can take a nap and relax by the afternoon.

Of course now with work it's different, but I'm still doing all my long runs and workouts in the morning. I have shorter things I do at night after work, that is if I keep the motivation to do them...
I've been doing my runs indoors on a track (11 laps per mile) but gave blood friday and can't believe how wiped I am. Even yesterdays 3 miles was slow and hard. Hopefully I'll be more recovered by thursday which is my long run.

I have used bag check at most races I've done! I have to get my running shoes/socks off so I always put in short slides (if it's cold dry socks too) then what else depends on what the weather is supposed to be! Bag check is basically painless!

Giving blood is definitely admirable!

However, it can wipe you out for up to two weeks. The rule of thumb for runners is to try and time it as long before your next long run as possible, and never do it within 2-3 weeks of a race.


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