OFFICIAL Avengers: Endgame Discussion Thread (will contain spoilers once the movie is out)

DH wondered about her not being at the funeral too.

I said it was because she doesn't trust them or know them yet. Not this Gamora. She will, and I'm sure it will be part of their next movie, her getting to know them but they haven't gotten there yet

Still, just gonna be weird. Poor Quill, just won her over before, now he's gonna feel conflicted and weird. Like he got her back but not really.
I'm also very uneasy about Gamora. Guardians is my favorite marvel movie. I don't want the different timeline one to replace ours. I notice she wasn't at the funeral or on the ship at the end

Just before Thor got on the ship, her image was on the screen Star Lord was looking at and he was searching for her on the map so I’m guessing GOTG 3 is going to be partially about them looking for her and getting her to join the team again.

I’m kinda sad for Quill that’s he got to try and make her fall in love with him all over again.
I didn't really love that moment. I like the idea, but they cut away from it so fast. I know there was a lot going on, but it was more of a pose and move on thing. I wish there had been more.

I really kind of wanted hapless Spiderman to show up at the end of the pose and say some charmingly befuddled stuff and then realize he was interrupting a moment and then step away.
We saw it last night and I am having a strange reaction to it. It certainly did not feel like 3 hours-- there was never a dull moment and I loved about 95% of it. It definitely is extremely entertaining and fun to watch. After the fact, I started feeling like I am done with the Marvel movies. I started feeling like as much as I love Marvel and all the previous movies that this was truly an "endgame" and I don't have a lot of interest in what happens from here on out. I feel kind of like the characters who are getting movies in the future don't have a connection between them anymore. To me- it feels disjointed now and like the thread in the middle is gone. I didn't expect to feel this way. I hope that feeling changes. My DD who is an extreme Marvel fan seems to feel the same way---last night she said she was done buying Marvel things which is a very unusual reaction for her-- I hope that changes too- although I would be happy for her to quit begging for stuff--- I suspect when the new Spiderman movie comes out that might change since she has been Spiderman obsessed since the last movie.

We saw the first IMAX showing and it was completely sold out. There was cheering and clapping multiple times throughout the movie. Interestingly, we noticed that at the end, the clapping was about 1/2 or less what it had been throughout the rest of the movie. The end clap was definitely lackluster compared to the rest of the movie.

I would say don't think about it or try to analyze it too much after the movie. Enjoy the movie while you are watching it-- but let it end there and don't try to break it down. LOL. For us, it was a very cliche ending which my DD had predicted months ago in almost exact detail. My DD feels like it was not original at all and was something done in, and borrowed from, too many movies and I have to say I agree. When we started to analyze the premise of what they did as a whole- what happened started to seem full of holes and nonsensical - and it started to feel like a cheap trick designed to set up all the Marvel series on Disney's streaming service and to make sure that they are at a point where they can do absolutely anything they want in any movie or show.

That said- definitely enjoyed most of it and for entertainment value it can't be beat.

I get exactly what you are saying. I still have an interest in the future movies, but the conclusion of this movie really feels like the end.

As much as I was excited beyond belief to watch this movie, I was also scared to watch it knowing it was the end. Knowing I'd never be able to watch one of these movies for the first time ever again.
We saw it last night and I loved it. Felt very satisfied with the whole thing.
Obviously we have some questions, but that's what future movies are for.
Our theater was great: lots of cheering, lots of sniffling, lots of laughing. Really had a great time.
Most people did not stay for the post-credits, didn't help that some teen yelled out that there was not post-credit scene on his way out. That's on them if they didn't do their research. :)

Is there someone else making their own Iron Man suit? Maybe Harley?
I think I have the opposite thoughts on Captain marvel.

I enjoyed her movie by itself.

But I didn't like her in this, and I'm glad her screen time was short.

I'm with you-- I really liked her movie, but I wasn't crazy about her in this. Her personality seemed different-- but they filmed Endgame before Captain Marvel, so that probably affected her demeanor and acting. She hadn't had the experience of really "being" the character for her origin story etc. yet. Plus, it almost felt like an intrusion for her to just swoop in and start saving the day at the end.


I'm also very uneasy about Gamora. Guardians is my favorite marvel movie. I don't want the different timeline one to replace ours. I notice she wasn't at the funeral or on the ship at the end

DH wondered about her not being at the funeral too.

I said it was because she doesn't trust them or know them yet. Not this Gamora. She will, and I'm sure it will be part of their next movie, her getting to know them but they haven't gotten there yet

Still, just gonna be weird. Poor Quill, just won her over before, now he's gonna feel conflicted and weird. Like he got her back but not really.

Just before Thor got on the ship, her image was on the screen Star Lord was looking at and he was searching for her on the map so I’m guessing GOTG 3 is going to be partially about them looking for her and getting her to join the team again.

I’m kinda sad for Quill that’s he got to try and make her fall in love with him all over again.

After the movie, I questioned why she wasn't at the funeral and my DH looked at me and said---- well what happened to her was the same thing that happened to everyone else that came there from the past-- She's gone. She's not on the map because she is gone. I much prefer what all of you are thinking.
I thought that was him. Poor guy though, never stood a chance.

Are you referring to Jarvis? Or was there another agent visible? Jarvis never needed a chance as he was never paired with Peggy a a love interest, assuming what's what you meant. I was super happy to see him though!
What did everyone think of the sort of female empowerment moment?

At our screening the audience was screaming and clapping. I would assume especially the women, but the 3 (20 something) guys sitting next to me were also yelling and clapping . DD screamed so loud it hurt my ear. Contrived or not, we loved it!
We saw it last night and I loved it. Felt very satisfied with the whole thing.
Obviously we have some questions, but that's what future movies are for.
Our theater was great: lots of cheering, lots of sniffling, lots of laughing. Really had a great time.
Most people did not stay for the post-credits, didn't help that some teen yelled out that there was not post-credit scene on his way out. That's on them if they didn't do their research. :)

Is there someone else making their own Iron Man suit? Maybe Harley?

I thought the hammering sound was from the original Ironman (gotta end where we started). But I assumed it just signified 'we are forging something new, stay tuned'.
I thought the hammering sound was from the original Ironman (gotta end where we started). But I assumed it just signified 'we are forging something new, stay tuned'.

It definitely is the sound of Tony making his suit in the cave and a full circle moment. But I would bet money that someone else will be Iron Man and it won't be Pepper (as much as I liked her joining in, she's not the hero type).
I didn't really love that moment. I like the idea, but they cut away from it so fast. I know there was a lot going on, but it was more of a pose and move on thing. I wish there had been more.

I'm with you-- I really liked her movie, but I wasn't crazy about her in this. Her personality seemed different-- but they filmed Endgame before Captain Marvel, so that probably affected her demeanor and acting. She hadn't had the experience of really "being" the character for her origin story etc. yet. Plus, it almost felt like an intrusion for her to just swoop in and start saving the day at the end.
I really have a feeling that both of these would have been different/more had they not cut something out
It's like a key scene was missing to tie it together more, to tie her into this group more, or in the case of the female fight, just MORE of it.
I mean, 3 hours is long and all that but there's still stuff they had to take out
They lost something in that "5 year jump" I feel certain
It definitely is the sound of Tony making his suit in the cave and a full circle moment. But I would bet money that someone else will be Iron Man and it won't be Pepper (as much as I liked her joining in, she's not the hero type).
DH said could it be Peter/Spiderman working on something but I don't think so
But, what about the Kid from #3?
I thought it felt forced and I cringed a bit but I'm probably in the minority. I liked the one from infinity war better.

Also, I know I shouldn't overthink these things but where the heck did Valkyrie find a Pegasus??

I would agree that the one from IW fit the scene better and didn't feel forced or thrown in. I still enjoyed the Endgame scene, but agree the IW scene flowed better.


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