Old sayings

Oh nos! I posted a saying and got a PM warning! I never get in trouble this has upset me! Did it really offend someone? It wasn't even bad... I guess I will never really know, but I am sorry if I made anyone upset.
Oh nos! I posted a saying and got a PM warning! I never get in trouble this has upset me! Did it really offend someone? It wasn't even bad... I guess I will never really know, but I am sorry if I made anyone upset.

I either missed it or it didn't bother me.

Could you repost it? :cool2:

Kidding !!!!
Ahh..a regional difference. :thumbsup2
Southerners being much more polite. ;)

Yeah, I can see that. A New Yorker telling you it's raining when they peed on your leg.
RIGHT BEFORE YOU BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THEM!:mad: Judy..lives in Manhattan. My son's precinct. He can't stand her ..lol!

She also has a huge house in Boca Raton. She fits right in there too.
She complains that the cops sit outside her building and eat their lunch. Can you imagine. WTH is with that...?:confused3 Guess they're not supposed to be slummin' it in a nice area. They need to go and eat in a more crime infested area.

I used to like her a lot..then I started hearing things that portray her in a less than attractive manner....and more like a smart *** who thinks who the heck she is. I still enjoy the show..but if my son walks in and it's on..we change it in a hurry.:scared: It's holy hell to pay otherwise!:laughing:
Here's my old saying...

Judge Judy for President!!

She has more common sense than the U.S. Mint has real cents!
Old fishermen never die, they just smell that way

Never fish in troubled waters.
Better Three Hours Too Soon than a Minute Too Late

All's well that ends well.

A watched pot never boils.

Out of the blue

Ace in the hole

Dressed to the nines

Albatross around the neck

sorry if any of these have been mentioned :confused3
a bird in hand is better than 2 in the bush

a chain is only as strong as its weakest link

madder than an old wet hen

slower than molassas in january

she looks like she has been rode hard and put up wet

that dog don't hunt

i am gonna jerk a knot in your tail

A face only a mother could love

A penny for your thoughts

Another day another dollar
One my mom usta say to me all the time,,

"Are you a freak'n IDIOT ??"

What do you spose that saying meant :confused3
My dad used to say....

Do as I say, not as I do.

- or -

Go play in traffic!!

- or -

Do you want me to spank you right here in front of all these people?

- and my personal favorite when breaking camp, and one I still live by -

Leave the campsite better than the way you found it!
He's about as worthless as a one legged man in a butt kicking contest.

You can't get there from here.


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