Old sayings

Aint that just slicker than pup-poop on a hoe handle

Old truckers never die - they just get a new Peterbuilt

My Momma didn't raise no dumb male (female) childrens
I know it's a song, but it's still a good saying:
If the house (or trailer) is rockin, don't come a knockin :banana:

Oops- after thinking about it it's "don't bother knockin"- which changes the whole message, no never mind :)
I know it's a song, but it's still a good saying:
If the house (or trailer) is rockin, don't come a knockin :banana:

Oops- after thinking about it it's "don't bother knockin"- which changes the whole message, no never mind :)

In my case it's "RUN LIKE H--L IT'S AN EARTHQUAKE!
He who farts in church sits in his own pew.

It's never enough.

It's never enough.

Doesn't have a pot to pizz in or a window to throw it out of.

Cuter than a bugs ear.

If intelligence was dynamite, he/she wouldn't have enough brainpower
to blow his/her nose.

If BS was music he'd be a brass band.
I know it's a song, but it's still a good saying:
If the house (or trailer) is rockin, don't come a knockin :banana:

Oops- after thinking about it it's "don't bother knockin"- which changes the whole message, no never mind :)

I stopped by to see you and Michael a couple times Thanksgiving 08 and that's what was happening so I didn't bother. Don't blush Wendy.
Aint that just slicker than pup-poop on a hoe handle

Old truckers never die - they just get a new Peterbuilt

My Momma didn't raise no dumb male (female) childrens

I didn't know ho's had handles? Doesn't that make it hard to fit through doorways? ;)
Hey that is what got me in the naughty chair with the violation! Only I said assume out of u & me

yes, but i typed the whole word so it went through the filter...i got the same warning for doing exactly what you did about a year ago
as the crow flies

honey chlid

bulit like a brick sh** house

go get me a hickory and if if ain't a good one I'll go and get a limb.

something in the woodpile somewhere

it's colder than a well digger's butt in utah

two wrongs don't make a right

people that live in glass houses should'nt throw rocks

heed my words

I brought you into this world,and I can take out

do as I say do and not as I do


far (fire)

over yonder
Red sky at night sailors delight,
Red sky at morning sailor warning.

If you sit too close to the TV you'll go blind.

If you let your hair hang in your face you'll go blind

(Theres one for the guys bout going blind,but I'm not post'n it,
I'd get a warning if I did.)

Don't eat boogers, you'll get worms. :crazy2:

Don't swim within one hour of eating.

If you break a mirror, 7 years bad luck.


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