Our 3rd Annual Holiday Trip to DL in November - November 22nd - 25th, 2013 Post #3416

Bret --

The Ariel's Grotto tree was one of my favorites from the 2013 holiday season -- maybe AG has always had that tree every year, but this was the first time I'd seen it (when I was on my DLR trip). What I love about it is that it fully commits to the "undersea theme." The way the ornaments and sea grass are arranged on the tree, it looks like schools of fish and seahorses, etc., are swimming together amid the plant life -- just as they would do in the ocean.

The other undersea-themed tree -- the Paradise Pier Hotel tree -- on the other hand, is trying to use its blue-green color as the "ocean" and the clutter around the bottom of the tree is "the beach," but the ornaments on the tree -- seahorses, starfish and shells -- are not grouped together in a way where that it actually looks like an underwater scene.

So, while I love the color of the PPH tree much, much more, I love the cleverness and artful decoration of the AG tree!

What I dislike about the AG tree is that it is located in a spot with that giant window as a backdrop. It makes it hard to get a really, really good photo of the tree in the daytime because of all of that sunlight/daylight behind it! At night it's probably a bit easier.

(Sorry, everyone -- Tree Talk has now ended and I will return you to your regularly scheduled programming! It's just that Bret is the only other person I know who pays as much attention to the DLR trees as I do, and he can relate!:rotfl2::rotfl2:)

Bret -- I started a new Christmas/Holiday Season Superthread, as the existing thread was about to hit page 250. Here is the link to the new thread: http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=3215593. Be sure to join us when you have time (no rush, though -- I know you're backlogged and busy!). TK, KCmike, Jamie, crystal1313, Gisele and Corinna are all already subscribed, and we can't have a Superthread without you too!

I would say that AG had the Christmas tree during the holiday season every year since we don't go too often in that restaurant. The tree is very nicely decorated with the undersea theme ornaments.

I have not see the PPH tree yet and by seeing the pictures from you and other places that it is not as interesting as the AG tree.

The location of the AG is in a very bad place where the giant window in the background is bright. At night would be great but not during the day.

Sad to hear that not too many people are looking around the DLR at the trees for the quest. Those quests have been fun during the Holiday season where each tree in different places are unique.

I have seen that you started a new Christmas Superthread which I belive is number four and the third one that you have started. I can't believe we are now into number four on the superthread and the third one you have managed. You know me that I will join in on the superthread when I have time. I also saw that you post my previous TR's in the past and I see that you have a separate part of the TR that are current so you got to link my November TR for this year [post=50167988]Our 3rd Annual Holiday Trip to DL in November - November 22nd - 25th, 2013 Post #3222[/post]

Thank you for all the hard work on the Christmas Superthread and I will look forward to it again.
I would say that AG had the Christmas tree during the holiday season every year since we don't go too often in that restaurant. The tree is very nicely decorated with the undersea theme ornaments.

I have not see the PPH tree yet and by seeing the pictures from you and other places that it is not as interesting as the AG tree.

The location of the AG is in a very bad place where the giant window in the background is bright. At night would be great but not during the day.

Sad to hear that not too many people are looking around the DLR at the trees for the quest. Those quests have been fun during the Holiday season where each tree in different places are unique.

I have seen that you started a new Christmas Superthread which I belive is number four and the third one that you have started. I can't believe we are now into number four on the superthread and the third one you have managed. You know me that I will join in on the superthread when I have time. I also saw that you post my previous TR's in the past and I see that you have a separate part of the TR that are current so you got to link my November TR for this year [post=50167988]Our 3rd Annual Holiday Trip to DL in November - November 22nd - 25th, 2013 Post #3222[/post]

Thank you for all the hard work on the Christmas Superthread and I will look forward to it again.

You're very welcome, Bret -- and thank you for all of your photos and information-sharing in the assorted threads. You're a vital part of the Superthreads!

We only have to wait 7 months for the next Theme Week Countdown!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I will definitely be adding your in-progress November TR to the In Progress TR section of page 1. In fact, what I have been (quietly, behind the scenes) doing is keeping a Word document of other links to other threads, new trip reviews, new trip reports, new blogs, etc., that I want to add in to page 1 of the Superthread. I was originally going to just add in the info to the corresponding posts in the Superthread that I just closed, but I knew we were heading towards the page limit on that one and I figured I might as well just hold off on adding the new stuff until I started a new thread. So I am in the process of trying to make my way through the previous Superthread to grab any links or info that I don't want to forget, so that I can copy it into the new Superthread somewhere. It takes a while because I don't have all day to spend on doing it, but it will get done.

I guess I should really call this new Superthread #3 instead of #4, because the very first thread wasn't really an official Superthread. It was a question thread, in which someone asked about the holidays at DLR, and then a bunch of us just started posting photos and talking about the holiday season!:rotfl2: In fact, I don't think the OP ever came back after asking the original question!:rotfl2: That thread had no organization to it at all and was a big blur of activity, which is why I started the thread that I called Superthread #2, which was really Superthread #1.:rotfl2: The previous thread I just closed was really #2, though I called it #3.:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

In any case, you know where to find us, whatever number is on the Superthread!:rotfl2:
You're very welcome, Bret -- and thank you for all of your photos and information-sharing in the assorted threads. You're a vital part of the Superthreads!

We only have to wait 7 months for the next Theme Week Countdown!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

I will definitely be adding your in-progress November TR to the In Progress TR section of page 1. In fact, what I have been (quietly, behind the scenes) doing is keeping a Word document of other links to other threads, new trip reviews, new trip reports, new blogs, etc., that I want to add in to page 1 of the Superthread. I was originally going to just add in the info to the corresponding posts in the Superthread that I just closed, but I knew we were heading towards the page limit on that one and I figured I might as well just hold off on adding the new stuff until I started a new thread. So I am in the process of trying to make my way through the previous Superthread to grab any links or info that I don't want to forget, so that I can copy it into the new Superthread somewhere. It takes a while because I don't have all day to spend on doing it, but it will get done.

I guess I should really call this new Superthread #3 instead of #4, because the very first thread wasn't really an official Superthread. It was a question thread, in which someone asked about the holidays at DLR, and then a bunch of us just started posting photos and talking about the holiday season!:rotfl2: In fact, I don't think the OP ever came back after asking the original question!:rotfl2: That thread had no organization to it at all and was a big blur of activity, which is why I started the thread that I called Superthread #2, which was really Superthread #1.:rotfl2: The previous thread I just closed was really #2, though I called it #3.:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

In any case, you know where to find us, whatever number is on the Superthread!:rotfl2:

Thank you Sherry. It is my pleasure to help as much as I can for the Superthreads and will continue.

It won't be to long until we get to the Theme Week Countdown.

Thank you for putting my current November TR in the TR progress. It is a lot of work to maintain the Superthread with all the information. You do a great job of maintaining the Superthreads over the years and this should be another fun thread to go through. I use word document when I do my TR's or posts since writing on the threads, I could lose all the writing if my browser closes. It is disappointed to writ up all the stuff on the thread and lose it when it closes.

You are right that it should be called Superthread #3 instead of #4 since the first one was a question thread where the first post didn't have the information like the last three have.

I am there and enjoying the new Christmas Superthread.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 13

We were now in New Orleans Square and we are ready to have our special event at DL that day. This was a real treat for the two of us since we have never done this one thing at DL.

The special event that day that we were looking forward to the most is having lunch at Club 33. We had a reservation at Club 33 at 2:30pm for lunch that day during the trip. We were so excited to have lunch at Club 33 that day. This is one of the activities that we have never done at DL for all the years that we have gone and we have been excited till that day.

I know someone that is a member and was able to make a reservation for the two of us that day during the trip. They were so nice to be able to make a reservation at Club 33 before it’s renovation in January which is coming shortly. We were so excited to have lunch at Club 33 during our November trip. Since DGM, DM and DD2 went back to the room to rest up, it was a great opportunity for my DA and I to have lunch at Club 33.

My DA and I have never went in the Club 33 or even in Lobby to have a peak which is kind of a surprise to all of the readers. This is one of the places that I have never visited for all the years we have been going to the Disneyland Resort and it is about to be a reality. I have walked by the Club 33 door a lot when we are in NOS and I can tell that when I die one day that I will get the opportunity to go in Club 33 and have a meal. This was by far the best part of the trip for both my DA and me.

We waited outside of NOS until it was time to go to the front entrance of Club 33. When I read the reservation that it said that we should be at the front door exactly at its schedule time instead of being early or late. So my DA and I waited around NOS until it was time around 2:30pm.

Now it was around 2:30, so my DA and I were arriving for our 2:30pm lunch reservation. When we were approaching the Club 33 entrance, a family was right by the Club 33 entrance door and were playing with the Club 33 buzzer. They just kept pushing the hidden buzzer. When they walked away and thought that no one was going to answer the buzzer from the door. We approached the door and about to push the buzzer, the door opened and the CM hostess came up to us. She thought that we were the ones that were playing with the buzzer. We can tell that she was about to tell us not to push the buzzer and about to close the door. She didn’t know that it wasn’t us that was playing with the buzzer but the other family. She didn't know that my aunt and I had reservations that afternoon until I showed her the reservation sheet and she was surprised. She greet us in and we walked in the lobby. The people around us were surprised and we can tell from the look on their faces. One of them said “What about us?”. We came exactly around 2:30pm when we got in the lobby.

When my DA and I entered the lobby of Club 33, I was so amazed of seeing it in person that I took my DSLR and took pictures of it. Since it wasn’t December, there weren’t any Christmas decorations. I have heard from other DISers that the lobby was decorated during December while it wasn’t during our visit. I wasn’t too bummed about no decorations in Club 33 during our visit since it was a real treat to be in there.

The CM hostess told us that we had to take the stairs instead of the elevator since the elevator was not working. She told us that a few days ago the elevator broke down and won’t be in-use during that day. I wasn’t too bummed about the elevator not working since I like to walk up the stairs. So we walked up the stairs to the second floor.


When we were upstairs, another CM greeted us and she took us to the main dining room. We passed by the bar and the dessert table where we will get out dessert later that day.


We were seated towards the back area at a two table. Our waiter for our dining was Jeff who was a great during our meal and you will learn later on what he has done for us later that day.

We were so amazed of being inside Club 33 to have lunch and looking in the main dining room was great. There were areas at Club 33 that needs to be work on like the wooden floors and the walls. But overall, it looks so nice and everyone around us looks like they are having a great time. There were some people in the main dining room while more people came later that afternoon.


The menu at Club 33 during lunchtime.

Talks about Club 33 in the menu which is very nice to read it.



I ask Jeff if the trophy room was being used and he told us that it was being used by a large group of family that had matching shirts. When I saw them in the men’s bathroom, there were about 6 kids and 2 adults so I can tell that there was a big family that was dining that day and they were in the trophy room.

The first dish that we started off with is the Club 33 Cordial: Plateau de Fruits de Mer – Cooked and Chilled Shellfish on a bed of Ice served with Cocktail Mignonette Sauce. It had shrimp, lobster tail and crab claws. Since we don’t eat much seafood, it was nice to try something new and it was delicious. The crab claws were my favorite with the cocktail mignonette.

My DA going through the crab claws and lobster tail. We didn’t get a lot of pictures of the two of us in Club 33 since we were enjoying the atmosphere and getting pictures of the whole place.

Here is my picture inside Club 33

Then our appetizers came and we ordered the same thing which was Butternut Squash and Gala Apple Bisque – Curried Root Vegetable Compote, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Dehydrated Apple. We were so amazed of how good the bisque was that my DA said that it was one of the best bisque that she had in a long time. I was amazed how good it was and glad that we chose this as our first appetizers.

After we finished our appetizers, our entrees came. I had the Filet of Pan Roasted Chateaubriand with winter truffle potato puree, McGrath farm French beans and Cabernet sauvignon demi-glace. The chateaubriand was so good and tendered while the demi-glace made the meat even more amazing.

My DA had the Zahtar Spiced Grilled Artic Char with caramelized forest mushroom, celery root and sweet potato hash and pomegranate jus. My DA like to eat fish dishes when we are at restaurants since she can eat only certain foods. She really liked the Artic Char which was cooked really nice along with the root and sweet potato hash.

The food was so amazing that it was worth every penny during lunch. I haven’t had a great meal at the DLR in a long time and it one that we won’t forget for the rest of our lives.

After we finished our meal, I asked Jeff if it was okay if I could go outside the balcony and he said that it was okay for me to go outside. My DA stayed inside while I went outside and it was so neat to see NOS on the second level. It looks so different seeing NOS from this view. I have seen a lot of people standing on the balcony of Club 33 over the years and it was nice to see it in their eyes.

It was a little busy in NOS that day




When I got back inside, we went straight on over to the Dessert Buffet which had a selection of traditional and contemporary sweet delights. There were a lot of choices at the dessert buffet. I mostly don’t eat chocolate desserts and there were a lot of them.


I have heard that the Valrhona Hot Chocolate drink was a really good one. I didn’t get it since I don’t drink chocolate. My DA didn’t got it either since she was full from the meal.


Crème brulee

I got a crème brulee along with sugar cookies and some macaroons. My DA tried some different variety from the Dessert Buffet.

The Crème Brulee was very good and my DA enjoyed the dessert. We stayed in Club 33 for a while and time went by quickly.

That will be it for this post and I will have more from Club 33 that Saturday.
Oh good! You finally got to the Club 33 section of the TR so I can talk openly about it with you!:rotfl: (Obviously, I figured out what your surprise was way back when you first mentioned there was a surprise last year, so I have been waiting to ask you about it all of this time!)

How far in advance was your reservation made for you? I knew I was going to be going to Club 33 early last year, but I didn't say anything about it publicly until the reservation was made and plans were set, which was in October. Did you know way in advance that you were going, and just kept it quiet too? I am just wondering if we were all keeping Club 33 a secret at the same time!:rotfl:

You took some really great, close-up food pictures, and you captured a lot of desserts that I don't think were there when I was there! By the time I got to the dessert buffet there were too many people crowded around it and it was tough to get a really good look at everything. I had my heart set on the chocolate cake, which I had heard was good, but what I think was chocolate cake looked a little picked over, so I went for the angel food cake instead.

Was there any kind of angel food cake with white frosting at your dessert buffet? It was quite delicious, though hard to slice.

The hot chocolate had a great flavor, with a very slight cinnamon note...but it was not hot. It was lukewarm.

I, too, got the Chateaubriand and it was delicious! How good were those potatoes, right? Yummy!:thumbsup2

I am sorry that the restaurant was not yet decorated for the holidays, even though I know it was an amazing experience for you -- one that you will never forget!

I have to admit -- I thought of you when I entered Club 33 because there were Christmas trees everywhere! Not only was there a tree right inside the front door, but trees along hallways, several mini-trees in the Trophy Room, etc. I was surprised at how many trees there were, and I was thinking, "This would be great for Tree Quest." I did not get a lot of tree photos because it was not convenient. I spent more time just soaking in the atmosphere and listening to our server (Louis) give us info than I actually did taking photos, so I was really looking forward to your photos to see if there were decorations up when you dined there!

Also, you sat in the main dining room -- which is not where I was seated -- so I never got a look at the main dining room, and am happy to see your pictures of it! Looking forward to the next installment!
What fabulous pictures of Club 33. I love the one of you sitting at your table. It's a great shot.

The food pictures have me salivating here. Especially the chateaubriand and the creme brulee.

So happy that you got this opportunity to get in. :thumbsup2
Bret - Club 33 looked fabulous! The picture of you there was great. You don't often get in the picture :thumbsup2
Your Club 33 pics are fabulous and so happy you and your Aunt were able to go enjoy a wonderful meal during the busy holiday season.
Hi Bret, after seeing a link to your report in the Christmas super-thread I'd thought I'd have a look as I've always loved the photos you've posted on it. I had to laugh when I read about your hunt for the calendar on your first day as I think I was there at the same time! That was my second day and I know it was around 2.30 or so when I went to Elias & Co also searching for calendars, and when I was buying mine another CM asked the guy serving me if they had them- maybe it was your CM, what a coincidence if it was! In fact, there is one of your photos that I'm sure I can see my arm in (or maybe I've just convinced myself it's mine as it would be funny if it was).
Aside from all that, I'm loving your report and photos as not only am I enjoying reading about your trip but also reliving mine (I was there Nov 21-24)
Oh good! You finally got to the Club 33 section of the TR so I can talk openly about it with you!:rotfl: (Obviously, I figured out what your surprise was way back when you first mentioned there was a surprise last year, so I have been waiting to ask you about it all of this time!)

How far in advance was your reservation made for you? I knew I was going to be going to Club 33 early last year, but I didn't say anything about it publicly until the reservation was made and plans were set, which was in October. Did you know way in advance that you were going, and just kept it quiet too? I am just wondering if we were all keeping Club 33 a secret at the same time!:rotfl:

You took some really great, close-up food pictures, and you captured a lot of desserts that I don't think were there when I was there! By the time I got to the dessert buffet there were too many people crowded around it and it was tough to get a really good look at everything. I had my heart set on the chocolate cake, which I had heard was good, but what I think was chocolate cake looked a little picked over, so I went for the angel food cake instead.

Was there any kind of angel food cake with white frosting at your dessert buffet? It was quite delicious, though hard to slice.

The hot chocolate had a great flavor, with a very slight cinnamon note...but it was not hot. It was lukewarm.

I, too, got the Chateaubriand and it was delicious! How good were those potatoes, right? Yummy!:thumbsup2

I am sorry that the restaurant was not yet decorated for the holidays, even though I know it was an amazing experience for you -- one that you will never forget!

I have to admit -- I thought of you when I entered Club 33 because there were Christmas trees everywhere! Not only was there a tree right inside the front door, but trees along hallways, several mini-trees in the Trophy Room, etc. I was surprised at how many trees there were, and I was thinking, "This would be great for Tree Quest." I did not get a lot of tree photos because it was not convenient. I spent more time just soaking in the atmosphere and listening to our server (Louis) give us info than I actually did taking photos, so I was really looking forward to your photos to see if there were decorations up when you dined there!

Also, you sat in the main dining room -- which is not where I was seated -- so I never got a look at the main dining room, and am happy to see your pictures of it! Looking forward to the next installment!

I had a hunch that you would have figured it before I got to my latest post.

My friend was able to make the reservations inside one month during our day. We were glad that we got to go in Club 33 that Saturday. That was nice to keep your Club 33 experience a secret until the reservations was made. I didn’t want to say anything about our meal at Club 33 until I got to the update part of the trip report.

I tried to get a lot of pictures of the food porn and were able to get some nice one. I didn’t took a lot of pictures that day since we were enjoying the atmosphere of eating that day. I wished that I would take more, but I was satisfy for the number of pictures that I took. Luckily it wasn’t that busy for me and my DA since most of the diners have left that day while there were a few people at the dessert buffet. Since I don’t eat chocolate, it was a shame of not trying all those different desserts.

I don’t believe there was angel food cake with white frosting at the dessert buffet when we looked at all the different desserts.

I was told that the Valrhona hot chocolate was one of the desserts to try but we didn’t get to try it.

The Chateaubriand was so good and the winter truffle potato puree was so amazing.

We weren’t too bummed that the restaurant was not decorated with Christmas decorations since it was during November. It was a great time for the two of us to be there that day and have a great meal.

At first when we entered Club 33 that day, I knew that Club 33 has Christmas decorations during the holiday season and it would have been nice to see any. I knew that you would be able to see the decorations during your trip last month and glad that you were able to get some pictures of the decorations.

It was nice to eat in the main dining room. At first, it would have been nice to eat in the Trophy room but we were glad to be able to eat in the restaurant. I was glad to read from Laurie and PHXscuba trip report that you were all dining in the Trophy room.

What fabulous pictures of Club 33. I love the one of you sitting at your table. It's a great shot.

The food pictures have me salivating here. Especially the chateaubriand and the creme brulee.

So happy that you got this opportunity to get in. :thumbsup2

Thank you PiO. I didn’t take a lot of pictures of me during the November TR with the new camera and I had to get at least one picture of me and my DA in Club 33 that day. I should have asked Jeff if he could get us a picture but we were having a great time.

The food was amazing.

It was one of the best experiences that we have ever done at the DLR for the two of us.

Bret - Club 33 looked fabulous! The picture of you there was great. You don't often get in the picture :thumbsup2

Thank you TK. I don’t get too many pictures of me when I am at the DLR since I am taking all of the pictures. It was nice to get one that day.

Your Club 33 pics are fabulous and so happy you and your Aunt were able to go enjoy a wonderful meal during the busy holiday season.

Thank you Angela. It was great to have a meal at Club 33 during Thanksgiving break. It was a little busy that weekend before the break.

Hi Bret, after seeing a link to your report in the Christmas super-thread I'd thought I'd have a look as I've always loved the photos you've posted on it. I had to laugh when I read about your hunt for the calendar on your first day as I think I was there at the same time! That was my second day and I know it was around 2.30 or so when I went to Elias & Co also searching for calendars, and when I was buying mine another CM asked the guy serving me if they had them- maybe it was your CM, what a coincidence if it was! In fact, there is one of your photos that I'm sure I can see my arm in (or maybe I've just convinced myself it's mine as it would be funny if it was).
Aside from all that, I'm loving your report and photos as not only am I enjoying reading about your trip but also reliving mine (I was there Nov 21-24)

Hi Luisa and glad that you are enjoying the pictures from the November trip report. I was asked by my friend to look for the 2014 Attraction Poster Calendar during the trip. I wanted one as well and it was a good thing that we were there when the posters were at the stores. During my trip in December, I looked around all the big stores at the DLR and I wasn’t able to find them. Luckily, I was able to get three that day. I did see your name in the November Check-In Thread before the November trip that you were going to be there during the same time. It did took a while for me to find the calendars in the Los Feliz Five & Dime store at DCA. I looked all over the store to find the calendars until the CM told me where they were.

Thank you for following my trip report and glad you are enjoying it.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2 – November 23rd, 2013 – Part 14

On the last update, my DA and I had a great opportunity to eat at Club 33 during the November trip. This was our first time being in Club 33 and it was a real treat to have lunch that day. It was an interesting start of the day when we entered Club 33. We were so in awe of being in Club 33 for the first time. We had a very nice lunch and it was by far one of the best meals that I have ever had at the Disneyland Resort. We were seated in the main dining room which was very nice. Now back to the trip report.

Just when we finished the dessert from the dessert buffet, we stayed in the main dining room for quite some time. We stayed in Club 33 since 5:30pm which was 3 hours. It was worth staying in Club 33 for 3 hours where we got to see and enjoy the experience.

Most of the guests that dine at Club 33 during lunch left while there was another family or two with us. The main dining room is all set up for dinner that night.


Our waiter Jeff gave us our bill and the total was over $160 with tip and it was worth every penny. It is by far the most expensive meal at the DLR and glad that if we spent that much money, it would be at Club 33. I have not ate at the Napa Rose and that will be one restaurant that my DA and I will eat one day.

I went back outside the balcony but it was towards the side facing the Haunted Mansion Holiday. I was on the Pirates of the Caribbean side early on and was able to go to the other side balcony.

It was nice to see the other side of New Orleans Square from the second level.

After I came back in and sat back at the table with my DA, it was 5pm and we were the only guests in the dining room. I can tell that it was about time for us to leave Club 33 and exit.

Then Jeff came to our table and asked us how was our meal and experience. We told him that it was a great experienced to eat at Club 33 and had a great time. He then asked us if we wanted a tour and a background history of Club 33. We said yes, and he took us around and told us about the history from the pictures & furniture in the restaurant.

We started in the main dining room and he told us about each art work. I wasn’t able to get all the art work pictures since we were moving really quickly.

There was another family with my DA and I as the only guests in Club 33 that evening where Jeff was giving us a tour.


Jeff took us right by the dessert buffet and bar area or Lounge Alley and he showed us the Pirates of the Caribbean pictures and told us about the history of PotC.

These artwork from the 1967 release “The Happiest Millionaire”.

We were now in the Lounge Alley and Jeff told us more about the artifacts from the pictures and the furniture. There were a few times where I didn’t listen carefully to Jeff about the history of the artifacts since I was concentrating on taking pictures.




Costume design artwork for Mary Poppins

The one that I was so interested of all the artwork was Walt Disney enjoying breakfast at Club 33. I really love this a lot and Jeff told us that the art work is limited edition by Charles Boyer.

Now we are right close to the elevator and Jeff talked about the phone booth right in the Lounge Alley which was used in the film “The Happiest Milionaire”.


Jeff now took us in the Trophy room which is the other dining room in Club 33. We were lucky to be in the main dining room and were given the opportunity to see the Trophy room. Part of the room was being cleaned up that day when that one big family was eating in the Trophy room. Jeff gave us a history of the room where the California Turkey Vulture which was designed to talk to the guests. There are hidden microphones on the overhead lamps where we could see them. There were a lot of very nice artifacts in the room.



When we were taken out of the Trophy room, we were back at the Lounge Alley and Jeff had to go back to work. We really appreciated Jeff time to take us around Club 33 that night and gave us a tour and history of the club.

Just before we left, he told us that we can purchase Club 33 merchandise in the case. We knew that we wanted to get a little something when we left that night and the hostess right by the elevator would help us.

Most of the CM waiters and waitresses were getting the restaurant ready later that night where we didn’t see other people when we were about to leave.

The merchandise in the cabinet and they were all very interesting to look at and I could easily have spent a lot of money on the merchandise.



My DA and I did buy a lot of merchandise that day where I must have spent over $300 in Club 33 stuff while my DA spent about $100. It has been awhile since I have spent that much money on merchandise at the DLR (I’m not counting the D23 Expo in August since it is not at the DLR but at the Anaheim Convention Center).

After my DA and I bought our merchandise at Club 33, we started to leave and head towards the bottom. I really didn’t want to leave Club 33 that day but we had to meet up with DGM, DM and DD2 later that night.

We walked down the stairs since the elevator was not working during our time. It would have been nice to ride in the elevator but we are glad to have a meal that day.

Just one last picture of Club 33 before we left that day and it was worth every second when we were in there that day.

We walked on out of the door and there were guests outside take pictures in front of the door. I remember that one of those people try to peek in when we left Club 33.

This was an amazing experience to eat at Club 33 during the trip. The food was very good and I’ll say it again that this was the best food that I have ever eaten at the Disneyland Resort. The CM’s were great especially our waiter Jeff who was great helping us during our meal and also to give us a tour around upstairs. This will be something that we will never forget for the rest of our lives. This was by far the highlight of the trip even though I love going to the DLR during the holiday season but it was all about Club 33 for me and my DA.

After that, my DA and I were now back in NOS with all the crowds and are ready to meet up with DGM, DM and DD2 that night.

That is it for this post and I will have more from DL that night and see what we are doing next.
Oh WOW, Bret. You got great pictures inside Club33. How awesome to have that tour with Jeff and I think you're really glad to have gotten all the merchandise. It will be something tangible to look at and remember this meal.

I can only imagine what a fantastic time you and your DA had in here. :thumbsup2
Hi Bret, after seeing a link to your report in the Christmas super-thread I'd thought I'd have a look as I've always loved the photos you've posted on it. I had to laugh when I read about your hunt for the calendar on your first day as I think I was there at the same time! That was my second day and I know it was around 2.30 or so when I went to Elias & Co also searching for calendars, and when I was buying mine another CM asked the guy serving me if they had them- maybe it was your CM, what a coincidence if it was! In fact, there is one of your photos that I'm sure I can see my arm in (or maybe I've just convinced myself it's mine as it would be funny if it was).
Aside from all that, I'm loving your report and photos as not only am I enjoying reading about your trip but also reliving mine (I was there Nov 21-24)

Luisa - if that really is your arm in that picture.....:rotfl2:. I have to wait to see your arm in Bret's shot; even if we live in the same town and could do a 3D meet-up. :lmao:
Great pictures of Club 33 Bret! I feel like I've been there too. I really liked the Club 33 mouse ears. What did you end up buying?
Oh WOW, Bret. You got great pictures inside Club33. How awesome to have that tour with Jeff and I think you're really glad to have gotten all the merchandise. It will be something tangible to look at and remember this meal.

I can only imagine what a fantastic time you and your DA had in here. :thumbsup2

Thank you PiO. Jeff was very nice and we had a great time going around that day. I was glad to get the merchandise before we left Club 33 that night. That day will be something that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

My DA had a great time and she said that it was worth the money that we paid for that meal.

Great pictures of Club 33 Bret! I feel like I've been there too. I really liked the Club 33 mouse ears. What did you end up buying?

Thank you TK. I bought a couple of polos, ears, hat, pins, & key chains.

The next post will be up shortly.
Day 2  November 23rd, 2013  Part 15

On the last update, we just finished out lunch at Club 33 and our waiter Jeff gave us a tour of the club. It was a great day for the both of us to have a great meal and get a history lesson of Club 33. That was one of the best meals that I have ever eaten at the Disneyland Resort. Now back to the trip report.

My DA and I just have finished out great meal at Club 33 and now it was around 5:30pm when we got out and back at New Orleans Square. We need to meet up with DGM, DM and DD2 that night where they went back to the Grand California Hotel to take a nap and are about to meet back up with us at DL. They told us that they were in DL when we exited Club 33 and will meet up with them at the Hub.

Our plan for that night was to watch Sleeping Beauty Winter Castle Enchanting Lighting show and Believe&In Holiday Magic fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty Winter Castle. Since we didnt see Believe&In Holiday Magic fireworks on Friday during our first night since the fireworks was cancelled due to high winds, we wanted DGM, DM and DD2 to experience the full effect of Believe fireworks in front of SB Winter Castle.

When we met up with them around the Hub, it was around 6:30pm and there were people staking out spots in front of SB Winter Castle. The curb spot right close to the Hub which I usually get when I watch the fireworks already had some people. I was kind of surprised that there were people waiting 3+ hours for the fireworks that night so we had to get our curb spot one hour early. I was surprised that we had to wait an extra hour to get a spot in front of SB Winter Castle for the fireworks. I originally thought that we only had to wait 2 hours to get a curb side spot but since there were people waiting earlier then I have expected, we had to wait around that time.

Since we came during Thanksgiving break which my DA and I have gone during the first weekend of the Holiday season, there are more crowds during Thanksgiving break then the first weekend of the Holiday season. I talked to DGM & DM if they had no problem with the waiting and they had no problem resting up until it was time for the fireworks and SB Winter Castle Enchantment Lighting show.

We got a spot on the curb side around 6:45pm which was 2 hours and 45 minutes until the 9:30pm Believe&In Holiday Magic fireworks. It has been a long time since I have waited that long for the fireworks. I would say that I would not wait that long for the fireworks and the lighting show. DM & DGM had no problem waiting that long for the fireworks.


Since we had some time until the 7:30pm Enchantment lighting, I left the group and walked around the park to look for the Mickey macadamia nut clusters. I was not lucky to find the clusters around the whole resort and the last place that might have it is at Poohs Corner.

While I was walking over to Critter Country, I went by Frontierland and it has the decorations during the holiday season.

Pioneer Mercantile store

The Shooting Exposition

I went into the Bonanza Outfitters store that has Christmas merchandise while I was in the area.

I went around looking for any Christmas trees and there are a few with ornaments



After looking around the Bonanza Outfitters store, I went straight on over to Critter Country. When I looked at the ground sitting spots for the show of Fantamic!, there were already people waiting for the 9pm show. Most of the ground spots were already filled up and surprised to see that it was all full.

I walked all the way to CC to see if they have the Mickey macadamia nut clusters and just like everywhere else, they didnt have them. It was a shame that the DLR didnt have the macadamia nut clusters. I talked to the CM about it and they were kind of surprised that they dont carry them.

While I was at Poohs Corner, I went around to take pictures of the Christmas trees


A look at the treats.



After looking around Poohs Corner, I started to head on back to my group so we can watch the 7:30pm show of SB Winter Castle Enchantment Lighting.

But on the way, I had to get a few pictures of the Christmas trees in Critter Country.


I had to stop in at the Golden Horseshoe.

There were a few trees in the Golden Horseshoe


I then met up with everyone around 7:15pm with about 15 minutes to go until the 7:30pm show of SB Winter Castle Enchantment Lighting. When I got back, most of the street in front of SB Winter Castle was all filled up. I was surprised to see the streets all filled up in that short of time. So I knew that it was going to be hard to maneuver around the area. So I was planning on staying with them until it was time for Believe&In Holiday Magic fireworks at 9:30pm.

We got to see the 7:30pm and 8:30pm Sleeping Beauty Winter Castle Enchantment Lighting show which is a very nice show before the fireworks. The castle lights up and plays a song and the best part about the show is that it snows around the Hub area before the fireworks. This is one of the best ways to see the snow at DL if you cant see the fireworks.

The day was kind of very busy with a lot of people to watch the fireworks. I would normally wouldnt wait 3 hours for the fireworks since I have seen them in the past but it was for DGM, DM and DD2 to experience the fireworks in front of SB Winter Castle.

It was a long 3+ hour wait time for the fireworks at 9:30pm that night. It did felt long with all the people already trying to find a spot in front of the castle. But we were able to wait that long for the fireworks and it is almost about time.

While we were waiting, my DA and I were talking to a nice family that was right next to us. We talked about the fireworks that night as well as their day at the parks. It is nice once in a while to talk to other people while we are waiting for the shows.




It is almost time for the 9:30pm Believe&In Holiday Magic fireworks show and that will be on another post.
Love seeing all the Christmas trees, Bret. There sure are a lot of them at DLR, aren't there?
Fabulous pics in Club 33. We were totally in awe of the place when we had dinner there so I understand how you wanted to stay as long as possible. Love your pics of the Castle too.
That's so nice that you had a great lunch at Club 33. I'm glad that the food was good and you enjoyed yourself. It's always been wonderful when we have dined there!
Love seeing all the Christmas trees, Bret. There sure are a lot of them at DLR, aren't there?

There are a lot of Christmas trees around the DLR. Each of the trees around the DLR are unique and different and not the same thing.

Fabulous pics in Club 33. We were totally in awe of the place when we had dinner there so I understand how you wanted to stay as long as possible. Love your pics of the Castle too.

My DA and I could have spent another 1 to 2 hours longer to look around the dining rooms, art work, bathrooms, etc. but we had to leave to be with our other party members that night.

That's so nice that you had a great lunch at Club 33. I'm glad that the food was good and you enjoyed yourself. It's always been wonderful when we have dined there!

Thank you Alison. It was a great lunch and we had an amazing time. It was worth paying the $65 per person for the meal. The food was very nice especially the butternut squash bisque which was the best dish for the two of us. Jeff was very nice and helpful during our meal but the best part was that he took us around Club 33 and gave us a history of the club. I will be looking to read and hear about the new improvements to Club 33. It still is sad that the Court of Angels is now closed and being used as the new entrance to Club 33.

The next post will be up shortly.


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