Our Family's 2nd Trip to Disney World-Pre-Trippie

I am looking forward to her reaction!! I hope is as magical as I am imaging it to be. I am sure she will be a little overwhelmed but she should settle fairly quickly.

I am glad Austin's birthday turned out good. :)

Thanks for the head's up about Dollar Tree--I think I will head over there at some point in the next few weeks to see what I can find. Maybe some stocking stuffers (I know, too early to think about it but buying gradually sure helps!) but mainly for treats on the way down to Disney since we are driving.

What plans/ideas :idea: do you have brewing?

It will be great for your dd's first time in wdw!!!! Especially having a little girl- there is a lot of fun things to do from meeting the princesses, having tea party's and lunches with the princesses, and oh...... the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!!!! I would so do that if I had a little girl.

Well, Aussie and I are going to watch Aladdin tomorrow night. It is going to be a "Disney night" but not an all out themed Disney night. I won't get home from work till about 5:45 and with the party this past weekend I didn't have time to plan an all out disney night. So, we are just going to watch Aladdin and maybe I will make us a little snack. Are next official Disney night will probably be MMCH night on the 25. I can't wait to do that- I have some left over MMCH treat boxes from the party that I might put some goodies in.
What a crummy day at work- well not really, but I just did not feel like being there. So, tomorrow night is Aladdin night. Not an official Disney night in my house since I haven't had the time to plan a disney night since the party this past weekend- but Austin and I will be watching Aladdin! I may make a small snack for him as well.

Our next official Disney night will be on the 25th for MMCH night. I can't wait!!!!!:banana::banana::banana: I have some left over treat boxes from his bday party that I am going to use to put little goodies in. I also have one of those Wilton Cupcake stands that displays cupcakes and I bought brightly colored cupcake cup liner holder thingys to bake them in. I also have the MMCH disney figurines that I bought from the Disney Store for his bday cake that I am going to display. Target sells Mickey Mouse shaped chicken nuggets so we may have them for dinner with french fries or something like that. Maybe we'll do Hidden Mickeys for an activity. So much fun!!!!!

So... what does everyone else have planned?
Okay so I've been slacking. I promise I will be on here more often :worship::worship:!!! So, this is what I've been up to. I had family over this weekend and we had a good time. We all went to go see "Paranormal Activity" which is supposed to be the scariest movie of all time, and I am warning you now- DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY it stunk. I should have went to go see the Toy Story 3D double feature for a few bucks more.

We did do Aladdin night- not an official disney night- but had to watch the movie. I just popped some popcorn for Austin and I and Bill decided he would rather watch Hell's Kitchen in our bedroom. I enjoyed the movie- as I haven't seen it in a very long time, and Austin fell asleep about 20 minutes into the movie. I am very excited about MMCH night this weekend. We have an engagement party to go to first and then I will start the fun once we get back.

Ok, so I've been thinking about Christmas presents alot lately. We usually get Austin a big gift and a bunch of smaller gifts- isn't that what everyone pretty much does? So, I've been thinking and thinking on what his big gift should be. He is at that age where he wants everything on tv. But his newest thing that he keeps asking for is "The Handy Manny Repair Shop". He keeps saying "I need that Mommy, I want to learn how to build a birdhouse". Well, apparantely, Manny teaches you by these interactive blueprints that you slide into this thing, step by step on how to build over 20 projects. There are also other compatible projects sold separately that you can add to it. It is 99.99- which seems pretty steep, but who cares, it's Disney right and it looks really cool. We were actually in Walmart last night looking at one and Bill agreed that it looked pretty cool. So...... I am thinking that this may be our winner, along with some extra tools and projects sold separately. Does anyone own this toy? If so, I would love to hear your feedback- I am a review reader and it got great reviews. I will probably pick a few other things up as well. I love Black Friday, and I usually pick up some odds and ends that are on sale to add to his stash of presents, plus, Toysrus has been doing this thing the past few years on Fri and Sat. They have Doorbusters near Christmas time from like November on with great deals on toys. Oh how I love Christmas!!!! :cloud9::cloud9:

This is going to sound kind of nerdy, but Toys 'R us lets you do Wishlists (kind of like a registry, but I always set mine to private so I'm the only one that can view it). I did one for his birthday, and am in the midst of doing one for Christmas- I am such a planner and it just helps with organization. That way if anyone asks what to get him, I just pull from my wishlist and just check it off if it is purchased.

Ok, well I think that is all for tonight. I'm kind of tired. Happy Disney Dreams!!
I do the wishlist for Ashton at toys r us and walmart every year for his bday and Christmas!! :goodvibes:
we have the Bob the Builder work table we picked up after Christmas last year...he loves it...but, I wish we would have waited to see the new stuff (although I picked it up for $29.99) we have added "handy manny " toys; just need to see if I can find extra kits (have not looked yet) for building--he always says he is bldg a house :laughing:

I do not know what to get Ashton this year...I wanted to do a train table but with my DD and her BF living here I do not have the room...so I don't know what to buy :confused3...I was thinking about the leapster or the bike that they ride to play games :confused3

I do the wishlist for Ashton at toys r us and walmart every year for his bday and Christmas!! :goodvibes:
we have the Bob the Builder work table we picked up after Christmas last year...he loves it...but, I wish we would have waited to see the new stuff (although I picked it up for $29.99) we have added "handy manny " toys; just need to see if I can find extra kits (have not looked yet) for building--he always says he is bldg a house :laughing:

I do not know what to get Ashton this year...I wanted to do a train table but with my DD and her BF living here I do not have the room...so I don't know what to buy :confused3...I was thinking about the leapster or the bike that they ride to play games :confused3


I am really excited about the Handy Manny Repair shop. It just look like you can do alot and build alot.

I was going to get Austin a train table last year, but decided against it and just bought him an Imaginarium train that I picked up from toysrus for 25.00- which he barely plays with- I am so glad I didn't fork out all of that money for a train table.

I have some great suggestions for you to get Ashton this year:

1) The Leapster- trust me, he will love it- we just bought Austin one for his bday a few weeks ago and he plays with it everyday.

2) Lego Duplo Bricks- They are the bigger Legos, and plus you can get little animals to add to it.

3) Little People- We LOVE the little people sets. Now that Austin is getting older, I started buying him Imaginext too. We got him the pirate ship for his bday and it is too cool.

Trust me, he will love all of these toys- I do not disappoint!!!:laughing:
It will be great for your dd's first time in wdw!!!! Especially having a little girl- there is a lot of fun things to do from meeting the princesses, having tea party's and lunches with the princesses, and oh...... the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique!!!! I would so do that if I had a little girl.

We are planning on doing the BBB Salon as a birthday gift to her!! She LOVES :lovestruc dressing up and such so I think it will be such a great way to start her birthday. We will be actually going to the My Disney Girl's Perfectly Princess Tea Party (if you are so inclined, you can see what's up with it in my PTR) too. So many fun things to do! I really think she is going to remember lots from the trip too--I will make her her own SB but she remembers our brief trip to the beach this past August (which I have not had a chance to SB yet :rolleyes1). Still talks about it so I am hopefully. Plus, she :love: loved looking at a YouTube video I showed her of one of the shows. She asked the next day to see more (and afterwards too).

We did do Aladdin night- not an official disney night- but had to watch the movie. I just popped some popcorn for Austin and I and Bill decided he would rather watch Hell's Kitchen in our bedroom. I enjoyed the movie- as I haven't seen it in a very long time, and Austin fell asleep about 20 minutes into the movie. I am very excited about MMCH night this weekend. We have an engagement party to go to first and then I will start the fun once we get back.

We are planning on watching the special too!! We are looking forward to it. I have not decided if I am going to do a themed night-probably not because DH would just role his eyes. :rolleyes: So we will be watching it just for fun. I think I will be starting our themed nights out about 4 to 6 months. I know I want to save a lot of fun things to add to the countdown calendar that I want to do about 45 to 60 days out.

Ok, so I've been thinking about Christmas presents alot lately.

We have started picking up things for DD's Christmas as well. Her big gift this year is the Leapster 2--we are hoping if we got it a little early we would have time to work with her so she can use it on the drive :car: down to Disney!

This is going to sound kind of nerdy, but Toys 'R us lets you do Wishlists (kind of like a registry, but I always set mine to private so I'm the only one that can view it). I did one for his birthday, and am in the midst of doing one for Christmas- I am such a planner and it just helps with organization. That way if anyone asks what to get him, I just pull from my wishlist and just check it off if it is purchased.

I do it too! :rotfl: Private as well, but then I do not have to remember things and can give family each their own list without duplicates.
Hi Charlefours~

that is awesome that you and dh are taking your dd to BBB!!! I seen it when I was there in DTD and it just looked like an awesome thing to do. I think they have one in the castle too. I definitely want to see pics of that if you don't mind. I am so glad you decided to go with the Leapster for Christmas. I was going to get the Leapster 2, but I looked into both and the only really difference is that I think you can go online with it. All Leapster games are compatible with any Leap Frog gaming system- so I just figured I would get him the regular Leapster- and he loves it!!! They have a lot of great games for it (not to mention Disney games for it as well). She will love it :-) . I am on my way to check our your PTR.....
So today started off a very warm/beautiful day outside. I had to take my grandma shopping, and I had to get my friend an engagement present for her surprise part tomorrow. Well, then it rained!!! But, all in all, I pretty much accomplished everything.

What actually do you get someone for an engagement? Well, I looked up engagement party etiquette online and the actual answer is- you are really not obligated or expected to buy a gift for an engagement party- but come on, who is going to show up empty handed. So, the proper etiquette if you are going to buy a gift is to keep it inexpensive and small. So, I went to our local Lenox warehouse and found a very pretty picture frame that was originally 100.00- and got it for 24.99- go me :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Tonight we are going to a kids/adults Halloween party at one of my mom's friend's house. The little kids are dressing up. I bought Austin's halloween costume last night- although I really wanted the Buzz lightyear costume, which they didn't have any left in his size, I wound up getting him a cute little fireman costume. I figured he can wear it again for pretend play, and plus he has a cute little 101 dalmation dog to carry around with it- I had to Disney it up somehow you know? So that's where we'll be tonight, I will definitely take pics.
Hi Charlefours~

that is awesome that you and dh are taking your dd to BBB!!! I seen it when I was there in DTD and it just looked like an awesome thing to do. I think they have one in the castle too. I definitely want to see pics of that if you don't mind. I am so glad you decided to go with the Leapster for Christmas. I was going to get the Leapster 2, but I looked into both and the only really difference is that I think you can go online with it. All Leapster games are compatible with any Leap Frog gaming system- so I just figured I would get him the regular Leapster- and he loves it!!! They have a lot of great games for it (not to mention Disney games for it as well). She will love it :-) . I am on my way to check our your PTR.....

We got a great deal online through Leapster--they have great bundles with the system, a game and a case PLUS FREE S&H. I would check online if you have not gotten it yet--sign up for emails because they send coupon codes and sale announcements.

I will definitely post pictures from our BBB salon visit. We are doing it the morning of her birthday at Cinderella's Castle. If the dates hold true for next year, this year they had MNSSHP on the Tuesday (her birthday next is on Tuesday). I would think BBB is extra busy on days that MNSSHP is taking place. What do you think? At any rate, I am hoping to get the first appointment or as early as I can for it. Then she will stay dressed up the rest of the time (but we will not be going to MNSSHP that night).

So, I went to our local Lenox warehouse and found a very pretty picture frame that was originally 100.00- and got it for 24.99- go me :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
I wound up getting him a cute little fireman costume. I figured he can wear it again for pretend play, and plus he has a cute little 101 dalmation dog to carry around with it- I had to Disney it up somehow you know? So that's where we'll be tonight, I will definitely take pics.

What a great deal!! Your DS will look adorable I'm sure. Of course you had to add a Disney element. :thumbsup2 Looking forward to seeing pictures of DS dressed up if you don't mind.
We got a great deal online through Leapster--they have great bundles with the system, a game and a case PLUS FREE S&H. I would check online if you have not gotten it yet--sign up for emails because they send coupon codes and sale announcements.

I will definitely post pictures from our BBB salon visit. We are doing it the morning of her birthday at Cinderella's Castle. If the dates hold true for next year, this year they had MNSSHP on the Tuesday (her birthday next is on Tuesday). I would think BBB is extra busy on days that MNSSHP is taking place. What do you think? At any rate, I am hoping to get the first appointment or as early as I can for it. Then she will stay dressed up the rest of the time (but we will not be going to MNSSHP that night).

Hey Charlefours,

I actually bought the Leapster a few weeks ago for his bday on 10/10--- and he has been playing with it faithfully ever since!!! It is a great toy, it is cute and very educational and I would recommend it to everyone!!!

If you can book the BBB ahead of time I would say go for it. That way you can get in as early as possible. She is going to look adorable, they really make those little girls look like beautiful princesses.

What a great deal!! Your DS will look adorable I'm sure. Of course you had to add a Disney element. :thumbsup2 Looking forward to seeing pictures of DS dressed up if you don't mind.

I need to get pictures on here period! He actually wore his costume to the Halloween party tonight and looked so adorable!!!
I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been a little busy lately- you know, harvesting crops on Farmville on Facebook, making Christmas lists, baking pumpkin bread (yummy- a new hit for our family). But, I am back for all of you that I left hanging- I am very sorry.

I still want to go to WDW either the last week of August or Sept. 2010, but I have not reserved anything yet- it all depends on how everything is next year. But, my ticker will remain the same, unless I change it. The good news is, even though I am not positive we are going then, we ARE going back, even if it is a few months later than the original dates planned. Yes WDW, we will be back. So, even though I have not put the deposit down or anything- I am still going to do all of the fun things, and still plan a trip- just don't know the date yet. It depends if free dining and if I can get a really great deal on airline tickets. But, I am really going to push for those dates!!!! Don't give up on me DIS friends!!!

Okay, the big question now is, Austin wants the "Handy Manny Repair Shop" for Christmas this year. Thats all he talks about when you ask him what he wants. It is a tool bench where Manny tell you how to build over 20 projects, and it has blueprints that you slide into this thing that tells you how to do it. Is Santa going to bring this for him? Hmmmm...... you will just have to wait and see.

Other than that, I have been searching for the Black Friday preview ads online to map out where I will be going this Friday. I usually go out (yes at like 3:30 am :banana:) and pick up the different deals. There really aren't any good toy deals this year, but there are a few other things I would like to get. Then, most likely that Saturday or Sunday the tree and decorations will go up. I really can't wait!!!

Have a great night all!!!
I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been a little busy lately- you know, harvesting crops on Farmville on Facebook, making Christmas lists, baking pumpkin bread (yummy- a new hit for our family). But, I am back for all of you that I left hanging- I am very sorry.

I still want to go to WDW either the last week of August or Sept. 2010, but I have not reserved anything yet- it all depends on how everything is next year. But, my ticker will remain the same, unless I change it. The good news is, even though I am not positive we are going then, we ARE going back, even if it is a few months later than the original dates planned. Yes WDW, we will be back. So, even though I have not put the deposit down or anything- I am still going to do all of the fun things, and still plan a trip- just don't know the date yet. It depends if free dining and if I can get a really great deal on airline tickets. But, I am really going to push for those dates!!!! Don't give up on me DIS friends!!!

Okay, the big question now is, Austin wants the "Handy Manny Repair Shop" for Christmas this year. Thats all he talks about when you ask him what he wants. It is a tool bench where Manny tell you how to build over 20 projects, and it has blueprints that you slide into this thing that tells you how to do it. Is Santa going to bring this for him? Hmmmm...... you will just have to wait and see.

Other than that, I have been searching for the Black Friday preview ads online to map out where I will be going this Friday. I usually go out (yes at like 3:30 am :banana:) and pick up the different deals. There really aren't any good toy deals this year, but there are a few other things I would like to get. Then, most likely that Saturday or Sunday the tree and decorations will go up. I really can't wait!!!

Have a great night all!!!

You're a Facebook Famer like everyone else I know. I must be one of the only people that does not farm. LOL...

Cooper has been begging for the repair shop as well. Little does he know that it is sitting in the attic right now waiting for Christmas to get here.

I was going to go out on Friday morning, but the only thing I had to get was a tv for Sam. I was going to Sears because it was the only place it was on sale. Well, Best Buy matched the price and had it on sale today. No more early morning for me. We'll be doing our Christmas tree instead then.
Awe thats great that you got your son the Handy Manny Repair Shop Megan! It looks like a great toy.

I go out every Black Friday just to pick up some of the Doorbuster Deals. Although I was pretty disappointed at some of the toy deals- nothing that I was really looking for. There is some great Pyrex dishes on sale at Walmart that I will be after. That is great that Best Buy matched your price though.
I'm subbing! I came over here from Pam's PTR and now I found another 2 that I'm off to read! Who knew so many people would make Aug-Sept PTR's?!?!? :laughing: (I have one too, as you can see! LOL)
Hi Janine!!! I'm subbing too!! Wow!! There's a bunch of us all planning to go around the same time! This is too exciting!!!!:banana:
Hi Janine!!! I hope you still plan on going in September, because now we changed our minds about August and moved up to september!!! Everyone has been scaring me about the heat! So Sept it is for us. We are not booked yet either but think we're going with the Caribbean Beach Resort the last week of September for 8 nights. The 20th-28th!!!

Is all of your Christmas shopping done? I'm almost done, got a little bit more shopping to do, I was going to do it this weekend but we're getting a lovely blizzard, so monday it will be. I'll finish it off then!
Hi Janine!!! I hope you still plan on going in September, because now we changed our minds about August and moved up to september!!! Everyone has been scaring me about the heat! So Sept it is for us. We are not booked yet either but think we're going with the Caribbean Beach Resort the last week of September for 8 nights. The 20th-28th!!!

Is all of your Christmas shopping done? I'm almost done, got a little bit more shopping to do, I was going to do it this weekend but we're getting a lovely blizzard, so monday it will be. I'll finish it off then!

Hi Pam!

I am going to try my best to still go in September. I was at CBR with my parents when I was about 7 or 8, but I still remember it. It is a beautiful resort. It has that beachy, yet disney feel- and I feel it is PERFECT for your honeymoon. They even have Pirates of the Caribbean themed rooms (not sure if you would want that for your honeymoon though lol). I have this Disney book that I bought annually the past three years called "Birmbaums Best Official Guide to Walt Disney World" and it has every restauraunt and every little aspect of disney in it that you can imagine. So, after my June girls trip, I was looking into CBR for our next family trip. Pam, they have this one QS restaurant that serves the kids meals in a plastic pail with a shovel. How cute? Plus they just redid their pool and it is gorgeous. It is pretty close to Epcot too. Its a very nice relaxing place. I am still going with one of the value resorts (money saver lol, and austin loves the oversized icons). But yes, CBR is an excellant choice- I want to hear all about it!!!:banana:
Oh, my god, I saw the pool, it's amazing!!! I've been planning on another 7 night trip all along, but after looking at this resort I figured we'd add an 8th night because I feel I want at least 1 day to hang out at CBR and there is so much to do at the resort!!!
I'm excited, especially because it will make it have more of a honeymoon feel!
Hello again! :wave:

I have been MIA as well--finishing up my semester than getting caught up with things around the house and holiday tasks. Taking a break at the moment from housework, :laundy:, cleaning up my office/craft space since I need to make several gifts for Christmas still! :confused3

Disney is not going anywhere--You will get there when it is right for your family! I am selfishly hoping for September and overlapping dates if possible! :rotfl:

Glad to know you are doing well!! The Handy Manny Repair shop has been going on sale here in Michigan as I imagine other places too. I hope you got a good deal if that is what you decided to do!!
Hello again! :wave:

I have been MIA as well--finishing up my semester than getting caught up with things around the house and holiday tasks. Taking a break at the moment from housework, :laundy:, cleaning up my office/craft space since I need to make several gifts for Christmas still! :confused3

Disney is not going anywhere--You will get there when it is right for your family! I am selfishly hoping for September and overlapping dates if possible! :rotfl:

Glad to know you are doing well!! The Handy Manny Repair shop has been going on sale here in Michigan as I imagine other places too. I hope you got a good deal if that is what you decided to do!!

LOL Charlefours!!! Better believe I am going to try my darndest to get back as planned in august or september!!!!

Hmmm....... I wonder if Santa is going to bring Austin the Handy Manny Repair shop- I just might have to leave you hanging for just a few more days.

I'm glad all is well your way- like Pam, I've had Christmas on my mind for a while- but I am thinking alot about Disney, and I know I will be thinking of it more after Christmas.


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