Our First, Last and only visit to Universal...yuck!

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mslclark said:
That is too bad that somebody told you IOA was the park to visit with small kids. That's probably the worst US advice I've ever heard, and it sounds like it ruined your trip. I'd never take small kids to IOA, there just not that much to do. US has much more for the younger ones to do, and it seems smaller and easier to walk around. It's also a shame you didn't make it to Suess Landing, that should have been your first stop with the little ones - the theming is awesome there - just like a Dr. Suess book!

Agree 100% IOA is mostly for thrill junkies. A little reading about what is there is enough for me to not want to go...extreme motion sickness! OP would have found more to do at US.
We were always die-hard WDW fans. The last trip (in 2003) kind of soured me a bit, probably because I was beginning to be spoiled by US and FotL. We had to get out of a line we'd been waiting in for about an hour and a half to make our Fast Pass on another ride. But, we also did our shortest trip ever there - 5 days. Our average at WDW is 9, the most - 11. Definitely need more time there.

DS wanted to stay one night at ASSports. OMG - talk about the drinkers around the pool!!! Kids unsupervised running all over. It was crazy. And I am no tight-a** either. We usually stay Deluxe, but did it for him. Never again!

Yes, alcohol is available at US. I get carded every single time and I am 41 years old - but, I also get carded outside of the parks at regular bars sometimes, so it doesn't bother me. I'm glad they card everyone. As a former bartender back in the day, I carded everyone - it's responsible.

My kids are DS10 and DD(gonna be 14 on Friday). DS is a peanut like his mommy - I am only 5 feet tall. I'm lucky I even make the height requirements!!!:rotfl2: DS is not a huge ride guy (meaning coasters & such) and this year he can probably ride everything. He absolutely loves MIB and Spidey, Toon Lagoon, Jurassic Park. Loves seeing the super heroes come out at Marvel & getting his pic with them. Does Twister, Jaws (sometimes), and most everything there is to offer at the parks. DD is the coaster queen and will ride anything - she's taller than me so she's good to go!

It's a shame that generalizations about the clientele were made. There is enough "profiling" going on the world, don't you think? I am 2nd generation Sicilian/American (my grandparents came over) - a lot of people think I'm Hispanic. So What?? So is Jennifer Lopez and she's one of the most beautiful women in the world, I think. It just makes me sad that we forget that our relatives had to come from somewhere other than America. Do you automatically come to the conclusion that a blonde, blue-eyed German boy is affiliated with Nazis? COME ON PEOPLE - GET OVER IT ALL!!! I'm sick to death of racism and hate against people for their skin color, accent, religious beliefs, sexual preference, WHATEVER. The saddest thing of all, is that it will never, ever be over as long as we continue to reproduce and our kids replicate our behavior/attitudes/beliefs, and so on.

"SLEEPING JEDI BEAUTY" - OMG - go and form your own opinion! Take a bunch of friends and have a blast!!

whew. I'm done. Peace. :flower3:
I guess I don't understand the difference between alcohol At DW and the US parks. You can run into bad types, rough language at any park. I've read some stories on the disney threads that were horrible. People being shoved, cursed at etc. I also cannot imagine not heading to Seuss first with small kids. My kids are older and went to US & IOA for the first time last summer and the first thing my daughter asked is why didn't we come here when I was little. She loved Barney and the Seuss area is just amazing. Without flaming I really feel like this person had their mind made up before they arrived. What I don't understand is why they even bothered to go in the first place.

Oh how I wish we were going back this year!!!
thelionqueen said:
Let's just say that I felt like I had walked into east LA. Many of the people were teenagers and 20-25. Many had foul mouths and were acting like gangsters. Using "street lingo" very loudly and offensively. I truly felt intimidated just with the type of visitors I was seeing.

Wow - sometimes its best to keep comments to your IMHO - although everyone has their own opinion - everyone else don't need to hear it!!

thelionqueen said:
Then I saw younger guests drinking alcohol. I think that reason may have been the one that pushed me over the edge. I firmly believe that alcohol should not be served at a theme park where children abound. I didn't see anyone drunk or acting badly, but I'm sure it's only because I didn't stay long enough.
Have you ever been to Epcot? Seems like - thats all I see when I'm there - alcohol drinking adults. Thats there business - not mine (as long as they are not offending me). And again as said by previous posters I doubt if the young people you saw drinking were really children but a young looking person - but still old enough to drink!!!
Motherfletcher said:
An old boss told me, "Be careful who's baby you're calling ugly."
You come to this forum and say don't "flame" me but I hate everything you love. Stay in East LA, Cheech. You won't be missed.

:lmao: I am actually from L.A. Went to school with alot of people from EAST L.A. Had alot of friends from EAST L.A. Ya know, I was thinking, I do think I need to call them and see which one of those thugs stole my souvenir US pilsner glass last time I was at US!!!! :p
thelionqueen said:
Finally after walking and walking and walking and finding almost no rides that DS4 could ride, I was done. I wanted out, and I wanted out now! Honestly, I would have paid another $200 for someone to just get me out quicker, seriously.

Yikes! I have a 4 yo DS and a 6 yo DD. They love love LOVE US and IOA. We took our first trip in February, and they asked to go back again. We just got back from our second trip about a week ago. Bought AP's!! Again, we had a blast. Neither could ride Hulk or DD and DS could not ride Rip Saw Falls, but no probs. They love the kid park areas in both parks and do not have to constantly be riding something. We are going to WDW in the fall and just added a couple of days at US to our trip at my children's request. I love WDW but I find these parks sooooo much more laid back. I am hooked. It is what you make of it though. It is NOT WDW.

Sleepy said:
I could not count the number of times people have posted on the Disney boards, what a horrible experience they had at DISNEY. Everything from the hotel room, the lines, the rude guests, prices, food, etc. I'm sure the same person on this thread, who has a problem with US would tell the person complaining about their experience at Disney, the same advice as we are giving them.

There wouldn't be much advise, positive anyhow. Had this on the Disney thread this person would have gone up in :furious: quickly, the thread turned hateful, and not lasted as long as this one has. :sad2:
The OP has over 2,000 posts on the DisBoard and yet never managed to post or even lurk on this board before her trip. We would have shared valuable information and would have helped her plan her visit. Also, with over 2,000 posts here on the DisBoard, I am sure she knows exactly how her post would have been received if she had posted the exact same thread and replaced the words "Universal/IoA" with the words "MGM/Epcot/MK/ AK" and posted this post on one of the Disney forums here. She would have been flamed mercilessly. She certainly wasn't flamed here.
:lmao: This is honestly the funniest thread I have ever seen on these boards. You do realize that both Disney and Universal are THEME PARKS, right? They're there for entertainment and fun. I love both resorts. Disney is a COMPANY. Those "only-loyal-to-Disney" comments are really funny, since you pretty much furnished Eisner's mansion :lmao:

Why is it so hard for obsessive Disney fanatics to also like Universal? They speak of it like it's the plague. It's another theme park... get over it and lighten up.

When it comes to cleanliness, Disney was absolutely filthy last summer. I was very surprised. There was food and garbage floating in every fountain, and every 3Dtheater was filled with garbage under the seats. The garbage cans at the restaurants were also over-flowing, and the counter service tables were dirty. But I didn't go around saying, "Oh no, get me out! This is hell!" It's a theme park... crowds will bring garbage. And from what we saw, Universal did a much better job with it.

EAST LA?! I can tell where you're from. Being from NYC, the most culturally diverse city in the world, I have close friends of all nationalities, backgrounds, and cultures. I'm white, but even I was offended by this. THUGS? What?! I can tell you're from middle America... Anyway...

We saw tonsof drunk adults at Epcot and MGM, as well as at the Disney resorts. We saw drunk adults at CityWalk, too. When there's alcohol in a party atmosphere, it will happen.

I love how close-minded you are. You still think you said nothing wrong. And no, bashing Universal isn't wrong. You can do what you want. But that East LA comment really cracked me up... it's very sad, actually.
The more I've thought about it the more I've found myself thinking that this visit to IOA / USO sounded like a spontaneous idea on the OP's part rather than something that was planned in advance.

I could be wrong (I'm wrong a lot), but I don't understand how you end up at IOA with two small children without doing some research in advance of your visit. It would be different if this were someone fairly new to the community, but as many people have already pointed out, this is someone who has more than 2,000 posts at the DIS...surely she was aware that there was a wealth of information at her fingertips?

But then again the OP might have been intimidated by the folks who frequent this area of the DIS. There are some pretty scary looking avatars hanging out over here and according to her stated thought process: if it looks scary, it must be scary, and, in fact, will be scary...therefore she must have been too petrified to ask for advice.

A shame, really, because I've found everyone here to be exceedingly helpful and friendly, despite the way you all look! :lmao:
:sad2: :furious: Another person who just because it is Universal, does not-let me repeat-does not - give it a single chance. I am a 10 year old boy. While I love Disney, I also love Universal :sad2: Sounds strange, doesn't it? Well, here's what I think. Universal is super clean and I do not see drunks and rude employees. The employees are far from mean, imo. And I must agree with ChrisK. Your son missed out on 7 whole rides at USF! Go back when your son is older, stay at a hotel (I would choose Royal Pacific:thumbsup2) and you can get a free express pass.And don't go on the 4th of July!! When your son gets to 10, he might be able to watch Jurrassic Park, The Mummy (1999), Back to the Future, Men in Black (they have a ride just like Buzz but even better), sure, even JAWS :rotfl2: But let me say this-just because you love Disney but Hate Universal with a capital H does not mean we should do the same! Sigh- :sad2: so many people think Universal is losing money, but even if they were that has happenned to Disney.But eithe way, both Disney and Universal remain a family tradition of ours. :grouphug:

Disclaimer-I am not trying to insult you, I am just trying to make the point clear.

By Austin -- son of JulieWent
I think we need to take her "opinions" with a grain of salt. After looking at just her first page of other posts, she seems to be one that is not easily pleased. It is apparent that she thrives on complaining.

During this same trip, she also sent an e-mail to her beloved WDW to complain that they had removed the bedtime stories. So, even WDW met with her disapproval.

And as somebody else from Colorado, please don't profile us by her comments :goodvibes Most of us are very open-minded and easy going. :teeth:
Motherfletcher said:
What a milk toast! Mommy won't let me go to USO! You shouldn't go if you still drink your milk with both hands!
Sadly, some people still see the need to prove their argument through being rude, obnoxious, and demeaning to others. You know that argument sounds a lot like the one that US/IOA has been making on some recent commercials. No wonder their business is dropping.
Sleeping Jedi Beauty said:
Sadly, some people still see the need to prove their argument through being rude, obnoxious, and demeaning to others. You know that argument sounds a lot like the one that US/IOA has been making on some recent commercials. No wonder their business is dropping.

what you don't know about the Universal parks could fill a book.
Wow, I'm a huge prefer Disney over Universal but Universal has its merits. We did a five day on site when DD was about 4 maybe 5, but she had a great time. She really Enjoyed all Suess Landing had to offer, participated in the Grinch show they had at that time, loved Jaws, the shows at both US and IOA, I dont' think there was much we did as a whole family that excluded her. I didn't find the patrons much different from those at WDW and found the hotels to be very beautiful. My only problem with Universal is that well, Universal is VERY expensive when you have kids that are considered adult age. So no BOGO and only Deluxe resorts, just too much $$$ for two or three days. I hope to fit it in again sometime as we enjoyed much of it--I just can't spend almost $2000 for a couple of nights and passes for four add insult to injury when you cahrge me to park although I'm staying at the resort.
For the OP I'm sorry your experience was so poor.
I was at Universal Orlando like 2 or 3 years ago, same time i went to WDW. It was awesome! I loved the rides bc im like a huge DareDevil.lol. When we went to Universal, i snuck onto the Hulk ride bc i really wanted to ride it then. Then i think the next day i wanted to ride that ride again, they made me get off bc i was to short. and i rode some other rollercoaster and i snuck on to that one it was the Dueling Dragons, its one of those rollorcoaster where your feet hang. I loved it so much! :banana:
Sleeping Jedi Beauty said:
Sadly, some people still see the need to prove their argument through being rude, obnoxious, and demeaning to others...
Obnoxious? Look at your photo. A grown man stood in line with a bunch of kids so his mom could take his picture with a princess. princess:
Motherfletcher said:
Obnoxious? Look at your photo. A grown man stood in line with a bunch of kids so his mom could take his picture with a princess. princess:

OMG! Soda really burns when its coming out your nose. :rotfl2:
goofy! said:
And as somebody else from Colorado, please don't profile us by her comments :goodvibes Most of us are very open-minded and easy going. :teeth:

Definitely... I have a lot of family in Colorado, and they're very open-minded. Don't worry, one ignorant person won't lead to assumptions :thumbsup2
:sunny: We are from Colorado also. Please don't group us with the few closed minded people out here. We are Big Time Disney fans and are looking forward to our first ever trip to Universal this July-August. We will be doing Disney first and then UO. We will walk in with an open mind and enjoy ourselves. I'm sure we are going to love it. I've been reading the UO board for some time and it sounds like everyone (with a few exceptions) has a blast. :thumbsup2
Sleeping Jedi Beauty said:
Sadly, some people still see the need to prove their argument through being rude, obnoxious, and demeaning to others. You know that argument sounds a lot like the one that US/IOA has been making on some recent commercials. No wonder their business is dropping.
If you dislike US/IOA so much, why are you here? Theres plenty other boards on this site for you to bother with if you dislike Universal that much. :thumbsup2
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