Our First Trip as Parents! December 2012 TR - 8/6 OMG a TR link!

I hope that posting an update did cheer you up - big hugs from England

The photos of you all riding Dumbo are just precious, what an awesome memory that will be :)
Wow... the little man is getting big. Looks like a great weekend, the view from your balcony was fantastic.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your DH's family as they're dealing with his grandma's health issues.

Now for the update...

Your DS looks like he was having fun on Dumbo! Your DM really got some nice pictures of the 3 of you from her elephant.

A restaurant your DM won't want to go to because of the name... hmmm...

ESPN Club :confused3 :lmao::rotfl::rotfl2:
Okay, I think that picture of you taking a picture on Dumbo is so cute!!

Wow, the baby sure is growing! :)

Hope everyone is doing okay...:flower3: :hug:
WOW! I missed A LOT!

First off, sorry about your DHs Grandmother, I hope she gets better soon!

What a great time you had at the Yachtsman, Finally!

The funny thing is, i've never tried creamed spinach before. I've always thought it was just mushy, soggy spinach. But oh no. It's creamy, cheesy goodness with a hint of spinach :lmao::hyper:

I can't believe you have never had creamed spinach! :eek: It is one of my most favorite vegetables!

Your day at the MK was so cute and so many great memories for your little man! I'm sure he'll look back at them some day and realize why he is such a Disney fan!

We'll figure out something. Let's see what Alison is thinking and see if that narrows it down, because I'm also totally fine with anything :)

Okay sounds good to me.

I also missed this, I am up for whatever you guys want. Hopefully, Alicia, we can meet up next month when you come down.
Your DS looks so much like your DH in the newest pics! WOW! He's growing up so fast :cutie:
Sorry to hear about your DH's grandma. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

Ooh, cliffhangers are unfair! I want to know where you are eating!:thumbsup2
I am so sorry to hear about your husband's grandma. That is never and easy situation :grouphug:

I am glad to be caught up on your report, and it is true, we can never have too many photos of that adorable baby! Love that you got such great shots from Dumbo!
OMG - your little guy is growing up! How absolutely adorable!

I am so sorry to hear about your DH's grandma. I am sure your MIL is extremely grateful for your support. I have elderly parents and it really is terrible to see them decline.

I hope your update cheered you up, because it was perfect. What fun on Dumbo. That's sure to make anyone smile.

I'm so sorry about DH's grandma :hug:

Adorable pictures on Dumbo!

The looks DS is giving in the first current picture is too funny. :)

Ooohhh, another ADR change? I have no ideas.

Such cute photos on Dumbo and in front of the castle! :cutie:

Emma princess: x

I hope that posting an update did cheer you up - big hugs from England

The photos of you all riding Dumbo are just precious, what an awesome memory that will be :)

Wow... the little man is getting big. Looks like a great weekend, the view from your balcony was fantastic.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your DH's family as they're dealing with his grandma's health issues.

Now for the update...

Your DS looks like he was having fun on Dumbo! Your DM really got some nice pictures of the 3 of you from her elephant.

A restaurant your DM won't want to go to because of the name... hmmm...

ESPN Club :confused3 :lmao::rotfl::rotfl2:

Okay, I think that picture of you taking a picture on Dumbo is so cute!!

Wow, the baby sure is growing! :)

Hope everyone is doing okay...:flower3: :hug:

WOW! I missed A LOT!

First off, sorry about your DHs Grandmother, I hope she gets better soon!

What a great time you had at the Yachtsman, Finally!

I can't believe you have never had creamed spinach! :eek: It is one of my most favorite vegetables!

Your day at the MK was so cute and so many great memories for your little man! I'm sure he'll look back at them some day and realize why he is such a Disney fan!

I also missed this, I am up for whatever you guys want. Hopefully, Alicia, we can meet up next month when you come down.

Your DS looks so much like your DH in the newest pics! WOW! He's growing up so fast :cutie:

Oh my, Calvin is the image of your DH!

I am so sorry to hear about your husband's grandma. That is never and easy situation :grouphug:

I am glad to be caught up on your report, and it is true, we can never have too many photos of that adorable baby! Love that you got such great shots from Dumbo!

Hi everyone! Thanks for all the kind words :goodvibes We've been busy going back and forth from the hospital to the convalescent home everyday. She's still hanging in there, which is unbelievable to me.

A few days ago, right as I was about to leave, she stopped breathing for 3 solid minutes, then suddenly took a huge gasp and started breathing again :faint: It was very scary to see that and to see all of her children around her weeping and begging her to breath. She has done it 2 more times since so i'm not sure if that means it's nearing the end or what. But DH's mom is extremely exhausted in every way possible and I feel so terrible for her.

I'm trying to get caught up on everyones TR's right now while I have some time. So sorry my TR has dragged on and on! :rotfl: Honestly though, it's giving me something to look forward to and makes me happy thinking about it.

Hope everyone is doing well:)
No rush, we're here whenever you have time :) family is what's important at times like these.
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the kind words :goodvibes We've been busy going back and forth from the hospital to the convalescent home everyday. She's still hanging in there, which is unbelievable to me.

A few days ago, right as I was about to leave, she stopped breathing for 3 solid minutes, then suddenly took a huge gasp and started breathing again :faint: It was very scary to see that and to see all of her children around her weeping and begging her to breath. She has done it 2 more times since so i'm not sure if that means it's nearing the end or what. But DH's mom is extremely exhausted in every way possible and I feel so terrible for her.

I'm trying to get caught up on everyones TR's right now while I have some time. So sorry my TR has dragged on and on! :rotfl: Honestly though, it's giving me something to look forward to and makes me happy thinking about it.

Hope everyone is doing well:)

Oh my - big hugs to DH's mom. That is so very stressful. I wish both DH's mom and grandma much comfort during this time.

And just keep dragging on with your TR - why not? I always feel sad when mine get to the end. It's so fun to relive the memories.
Oh Alicia, I'm so sorry for all the pain I'm sure you're family is feeling during this time. If there is anything I can do or say to help you through this rough time, please just let me know. Daniel's grandmother will be in my prayers. :grouphug:
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the kind words :goodvibes We've been busy going back and forth from the hospital to the convalescent home everyday. She's still hanging in there, which is unbelievable to me.

A few days ago, right as I was about to leave, she stopped breathing for 3 solid minutes, then suddenly took a huge gasp and started breathing again :faint: It was very scary to see that and to see all of her children around her weeping and begging her to breath. She has done it 2 more times since so i'm not sure if that means it's nearing the end or what. But DH's mom is extremely exhausted in every way possible and I feel so terrible for her.

I'm trying to get caught up on everyones TR's right now while I have some time. So sorry my TR has dragged on and on! :rotfl: Honestly though, it's giving me something to look forward to and makes me happy thinking about it.

Hope everyone is doing well:)

I hope you're taking care of yourself through all of this. Times like this are very tough. Hang in there, we can wait on the TR.
Thanks everyone for the kind words :goodvibes She passed away this last Friday, which I think is a huge relief that her suffering didn't go on any longer. The funeral is this Friday and, unfortunately, against DH's wishes, he's being forced to speak at the funeral.:worried: I'm really torn between saying something to his mom about it or to just leave it alone.

She kind of mentioned on Friday night that she would like him to speak. And he was very hesitant about it. Well, turns out his name was already printed on the program on Saturday, without his knowledge. So when she called yesterday, she told him that he needs to be over at her house tomorrow night so that all his aunts and uncles (6 in total) can tell him what they want him to say so they don't have to get up and say it. He was pretty upset when she told him this, but didn't tell her that.

I'm really torn about even bringing this up to her, because he won't. Any input on what I should do? I'm meeting with her later today. I feel like if DH won't speak up that I should for him. But I also feel like, his mom is grieving and anything will set her off which I don't want to do. DH has an older brother and younger sister who were asked not to speak, only DH.:confused3
I'm sorry to hear about your DH's grandmother passing, but as you said, after all she had been through it was probably for the best.

Now the part about your DH speaking at the funeral... wow. :headache: I'm afraid to say I don't have any advice for you. You and your DH both, are being put in a very difficult situation here. I know you don't want to see him have to struggle with speaking at the funeral, but at the same time I'm sure he feels that he doesn't want to disappoint his family, even if he isn't happy with them forcing this on him.

I know you want to defend your DH, but I almost feel like this is a no-win situation for you. If you say something to his mom, you could end up getting both of them upset with you (unless of course, your DH knows you're going to talk to her about it). I guess from that point of view, I'd probably say it is in your best interest to leave it alone. :confused3 :confused3

Either way, good luck.
sorry to hear about the loss.

i have been asked to speak a few times at family funerals, while i dont always want to at the time, i know that for me it helped to say something, and where i thought other family should say something they didnt, but after the fact they have all thanked me very much for saying something.

they said it helped them because they were not or did not feel like they could speak.

im sure they see him as someone strong in the family that can speak and say what they are not able to.

just a little past experience on things i have dealt with at funerals.
Firstly, I'm so sorry for your loss :hug:

Secondly, that is a very awkward situation to be in. I totally don't think it was right of her to put his name on the program without him agreeing to it. Does DH know you want to bring up the situation? I was just at a memorial service this weekend and some people are just not ready to talk yet, it's too painful.
Wanted to chime in to say how much I have been enjoying your TR but now also to say sorry for the loss in your family - though, like you said, the positive is that there is no further suffering her

That is a tough situation for you and your husband as far as speaking at the funeral. You might want to offer to your husband that you would speak to his mom if he wants - depending on his answer you might found out how much it is bothering. I wouldn't just do it without clearing it with him first though - but you obviously know the dynamics best

best of luck!
Sorry about you being in such a difficult situation. If I were your DH, I would probably tell them something snotty like, "If I talk, I will say what I want to say. If you want something said, that's your responsibility." But I'm not your DH.

I'm not you either, but I think you probably need to let your DH work it out himself. You might talk to him and see if he wants you to help out, but I certainly wouldn't do it without him knowing what you were planning to do.

Luckily for us, with all the people around us who have died, we never held any kind of memorial services, so there wasn't the quandary of whether or not to speak. I hope that it all works out for the best.


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