Over 50 and love WDW

I took my very first WDW trip Sept. 2007. I had just turned 51.

Walking up Main Street in MK I felt just like I did walking up Main Street in
Disneyland at 6 in 1962.
Kaky!!!! I recognize that image as your avitar!!! Ah pogo...

I have a mini myself :goodvibes

My mom is over 50 and loves every bit of WDW as well. She took her first trip to WDW back in 2002 and was in her 40's.
DH turned 50 in June, I just turned 49 - but we have a - gasp - 11 yo DS. We are counting the days to when we can go without him!!!! Like the good old days, it's referred to as BC in our life. Before Connor. He's telling us it will never happen.
I've been part of the over 50 club for 12 years now :lmao:

Me too !! And... I'm leaving this Monday, with DGD, to celebrate her 8th grade graduation. We will be staying at the GF. I've been to WDW too many times to count, and after returning home from this trip, I will start planning my trip for next April.

Karen :)
While me and my wife are only 32/31 we are already planning how we will spend our time in the future in WDW :). Our children now will hopefully get to visit many more times not only with us but with grandchildren of our own.

Every time we got to Disney we talk with them about how wonderful it is to have a magical place you can return. How truly magical it is to stand in a place you stood so many years ago and still feel the same amount of magic no matter how much time has passed.

I'll be 53 on Sept. 9 ( Happy Birthday to all you other Virgos!). I can never get
enough of my favorite place on earth. We love nothing more than resort-hopping and soaking up the ambiance. It's wonderful. I was just there
with grown DD in July and don't know when I'll be back. But I'm betting it will
be sooner rather than later! ;) :love: :cloud9:
Hubby and I are both 50+ with two teens, 17 and 19. We loved WDW before we had kids, but love it even more with them. Disney is their favorite place to visit which makes me glad, since I cannot imagine going there without them. I'm sure in the future that will change, but our love for WDW won't.
This November, I'll qualify for the over-60 club. Retirement condos at WDW would be awesome!

Loooove Pogo, too.
We are both just over 60, have been going to Disney by ourselves since 1995, at least once, but sometimes twice or more a year. We have decided that Disney is actually for Adults--kids don't appreciate it the way we do--!!!
Living in a rural household during the late 50's and watching the "Wonderful World Of Disney" was a highlight of my childhood. I made sure that my children expeirenced it and also all my nephews. I enjoy all WDW visits like they will be my last one.
Ah yes, the "Wonderful World of Color"!! That's when I fell in love with Tink! :tinker:
DH (59) and I (56) are hard core Disney lovers, much more so than the kids. We bought into DVC at 50+. It's a place we can go, and the whole world disappears for while. The only thing we miss during that time is our dog!! I still do the coasters (in the single line!). Mostly we relax, eat, drink, relax, play, and eat. No one understands our obsession except other DISers!! :laughing:
Definitely count me in....I'll be 63 on our trip in Jan. 2009...took my kids many times and this will be third trip with my grandson whowill be 8 and the first trip for new grandson who is due anyday...never too young or too old for Disney!!!!
I'll be landing at the World on my 59th BD next month on Sept. 19th. And to help celebrate my 60th, we've rented a kid! And he'd darn well better be able to keep up with us.

Remember, it's not your age, it's your heart!
Age matters only with wine and cheese!!!!
I was just 50 when I made my first visit to WDW. Went with my mother, who had been once before with her elderly mother, and my dd who turned 6 on the trip. And, I've never looked back!!! That was in '99...I'm looking at trip number 18 in two weeks!! I travel at least once a year just with friends.
I've got a Disney cruise booked for next summer...I turn 60 in July, my dd turns 16 in Oct...we are going to have one special celebration aboard the Wonder!!!

Nope, I am a huge lover of Disney at my advanced age...nothing better than going to WDW either with my family or with my friends. Let's see...I have a trip with dh and dd in two weeks, a cruise and Mousefest in Dec with friends, a short stay in April with dd, and the cruise in Aug '09...yep, I'm officially a WDW nut!!:hippie:
Count us in the over 50 club. I turned 57 2 weeks ago and DH is 60. We fell really in love with WDW in 1982 when we took our 2 children for the first time. We have been in love with it ever since. We are always planning our next trip. It's just so much fun for us and something we love to do together. We loved all things Disney before we took the kids for the first time, but being there when our kids were that little, deeply cinched it for us. Our kids are married with their own families now, and even though they are not over 50 yet they still feel the same way that we do. I don't see that changing.
Kaky I love your avatar!!!

I am over 50 and go with my daughter who is grown up (24) - usually when I am meeting her there I go for a day or two before she arrives.

I love it so much I like it to myself for awhile!!! :laughing:
Count me in the group :goodvibes I am 54, I did not make my first trip to WDW until I was 29 years old and I just fell in love with the place. There is just something about walking down Main Street that makes me feel about 5 years old. I so relate to the commerical where the mother and daughter are in Florida and the mom becomes the same age as her daughter and there is one with a father and son too.
At first I made 1 trip every few years and then I started going once a year and then twice a year. Last year and this year I've will have gone three times a year. I feel "empty" when I do not have a trip in the works.
My husband does not share my love of WDW so alot of my trips have been solo, which is fine with me. My son loves WDW but he had college and then got married so he has not been in a few years. I just became a grandmom in April so I forsee a family trip to WDW in the future. I am going to get her Disney obsessed at an early age so she and grandmom can go to Disney as often as possible. :love:
Count DH (59) and me (55) in as members of the over-50 club! I have been having more fun at WDW the last few years than I have ever had!! I have been going on rides you wouldn't have been able to drag me on when I was younger!! :banana: Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror, EE, Rock 'n Roller Coaster!! I fell in love with WDW the first time we walked onto Main Street in 1976 when we were newlyweds!


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