Parents of the High School Class of 2017/College 2021

DD21 is no longer in school, but DD18 got money from her school. That was a nice surprise.

DD21's workplace is still trying to survive, she is working from home 3 days a week , and some days are pretty slow but her boss got a PPP loan to keep them on. In better news, our State Fair had a t-shirt design contest and put their top 6 choices on FB for voting. The design with most number of likes gets put into production and sold. DD was in top 6 and as of today, the last day of voting, has a 2500+ lead :goodvibes
I would book it if it's otherwise perfect. A lot of people on my daughter's college's FB parents page have taken pictures of their graduating seniors on campus in their cap and gown. You can still celebrate on campus even if there is no graduation.

Awesome! Congratulations to her! My little stinker won't tell me her grades. I have to wait until the Deans List comes out to see
After talking to one of my best college girlfriends who will have a senior at the same college, that’s exactly what I decided to do. She booked her cabin months ago and said her family will be spending graduation there no matter what. She mentioned the same thing you did - that it would give us the opportunity to take on campus cap and gown pictures no matter what happens with graduation 2021. So I booked it! DD is super excited about it!!

At least she’s excited about something right now. Seemingly out of the blue, she broke up with her boyfriend of 1.5 years this weekend. I knew they had been fighting a little during the pandemic lockdown, but she seemed so happy with him. He is a terrific kid, and DH and I will really miss him. She has been a crying mess over the whole thing because while she thinks it’s for the best, she will miss him terribly. It makes me sad that both their hearts are hurting.
Good morning everyone!

My DD21 was unable to finish her internship this summer because of Covid. Instead, she signed up for 2 classes over the summer. She signed up for a graduate level class in Social Work (! NOT her major, but the topic was related) and she got an "A". I was really worried that she wouldn't be able to pull that off against students in the field, but she proved herself. She has grown so much since her academically disastrous freshman year.

She starts classes at the end of this month. She and her BF moved out of their apartment last week with no help from us. They are moved into her BF's family's cabin about an hour away. She spent 3 semesters driving back and forth there to see him before they rented an apartment in town. All of his classes are online and she says that she has 2 class sessions that are currently in person, 1 lecture (out of 2, class split up) and 1 discussion section, but the rest are all online. She'll drive in for those classes. All of her classes at the UW-Madison are in her major. She's also taking an Anatomy and Physiology class online from a local community college for her Occupational Therapy prerequisite. I'm not sure if it will transfer into the UW (there are rules for concurrent registrations) but she has enough credits to graduate if it doesn't. I tried to convince her to take it over the summer when it would have definitely transferred but was rebuffed. I told her to contact her advisor, but you can lead a horse to water .... I have to trust that she has things under control and she has proven it to me time and time again that she does but it's hard not to worry.

In the meantime, she and her BF are doing their annual hiking trip to Colorado and Wyoming. They're going to visit Boulder for 2 days and then backpack around the Colorado/Wyoming border. I think she's most excited about being able to go into the dispensaries and sample some legal weed :tilt:. She wasn't 21 the last time they went and was barred from entering the weed shops.

So, what's going on with your 2017 graduates?
Well, since my last reply, DD did win the t-shirt design contest, and they are being sold online, but the fair was cancelled so hopefully they sell them on-site next year and award her the prizes such as concert tickets and parking.

Her company is still trying to survive the pandemic, and laid off 3 employees out of 6. Of which now DD is assigned to take over the work of 2 of them plus redo the website, take over social media, and drum up more business. She's not sure if the other lady took on any extra duties! I told her this is what you get for being so capable. Last week the business was out of power for a whole week which just added to all the fun :p Fortunately her apartment, just 2 miles away, was only out for several hours. She could do some work from home. They have added PPE and custom masks to their line-up so that has helped bring in income.

Her BF has gone to grad school out of state. She helped him move and visited him once, now unless he makes a trip for her birthday it may be she waits till he comes home for winter break at Thanksgiving.
DD sent out applications to 10 dental schools in June. She's now waiting to see if she'll get some interviews. Should begin finding out who wants to interview with her in mid-Sept. It's hard waiting, but we are hopeful DD will get positive responses. She worked incredibly hard to have a strong and varied application.

DD began the summer working as a beverage cart girl at a local golf course. She's done this since HS and makes good money with the tips.

She had hoped of working at the MU dental school simulation lab, but it closed due to covid....
After a month, the dental school was able to re-open with many changes in place.
They broke the class of 100 into 2 sessions of 50. All must wear full scrubs and PPE. Thorough cleanings of all equipment and work spaces too.

DD was asked back to the sim lab and they wanted her 4 full days per week, due to all the extra tasks that had now been created. She jumped on the chance to boost her resume and work in the environment directly related to her career goals.
She makes less money (no tips), but LOVES her job!
DS21 who is living at home now and commuting to our local university, started classes today. He was excited to be back on campus but it turns out all 5 of his classes will be online. 3 are considered hybrid so I think he will do tests/maybe some classes? on campus. I'm more upset than he is. I just don't feel that he is getting as much from the online classes. They seem way too easy. My kid who is happy with B's made 5 A's in the Spring and 2A's and a B in the summer. It doesn't appear that he is doing much work. I'm happy with the grades but concerned about the actual education. And of course, we are paying full price.
Our son is starting senior year next week. Must be on campus on Tuesdays for several activities- a class, he's tutoring a class, and doing research. Most of his classes are hybrid or online.

He's keeping his off campus job of 3 years, too.

Changed his major in the spring to prepare for med school. Makes us nervous as he talked about a gap year next year to do research. He's also our kid that thinks differently than DH and I, but it always works out for him.

Our daughter is now a freshman at his college and they are close, so I know they'll enjoy being near each other this year.
DD moved back to an off campus house with 4 sorority sisters last Wednesday/Thursday. DH moved her in with a Uhaul cargo van and helped her set up her room. She had to go back early for training for her on campus job with rec sports. This will be her third year working with rec sports.

She finished her virtual paid summer internship with a software solutions company right before she left. She did corporate recruiting for them all summer, and she knows how lucky she was to have this internship when so many college kids didn’t have one. Her bosses loved her and asked if she’d like to continue recruiting part time from school. She was worried she would not have time but then realized that with Covid, the rec sports gym she works at may close, so she said yes. The company really wants her to work for them after graduation, but the pay is really bad (she thinks it’s $38,000 a year in Northern Virginia - not really a living wage for that area). So she’s going to go through the campus recruiting process to see what else is out there.

Three of her five classes were supposed to be face to face, but it looks like they were recently moved to online. We sent her back to school anyway because we’d already signed the lease; it’s her senior year, and we’d like it to be as normal as possible under the Covid circumstances. I’m not going to lie though, we are worried about the virus ripping through her school. I just pray she stays healthy.
My DS continues to rebuild his strength post-hospitalizations. The physical therapy has done wonders for him, though the process has been very lengthy. I would say he's at 80% of his strength level. He still deals with lingering vision and neurological issues but has gotten used to dealing with them on a daily basis. He says what else can you do.

He was able to complete 2 classes online this summer through his university. It was a good tiptoe back into school. He will take 12 hours this fall, all online. He's considered especially high risk for Covid, so we have no clue if he will be able to return to school in the Spring. Just taking things one day at a time.

One highlight this summer: He was elected to a student advisory board for his school. It's was a really bright spot for him after so many hard months. I have to say his school has been nothing but supportive of him through his illness.
My DS continues to rebuild his strength post-hospitalizations. The physical therapy has done wonders for him, though the process has been very lengthy. I would say he's at 80% of his strength level. He still deals with lingering vision and neurological issues but has gotten used to dealing with them on a daily basis. He says what else can you do.

He was able to complete 2 classes online this summer through his university. It was a good tiptoe back into school. He will take 12 hours this fall, all online. He's considered especially high risk for Covid, so we have no clue if he will be able to return to school in the Spring. Just taking things one day at a time.

One highlight this summer: He was elected to a student advisory board for his school. It's was a really bright spot for him after so many hard months. I have to say his school has been nothing but supportive of him through his illness.
I am so happy to hear about your DS’s positive progress!!!! I’ve been praying for you all ever since you shared that he’d had a serious health issue several months back. I’ll continue to pray that he improves more every day and stays healthy. {{HUGS}}
I am so happy to hear about your DS’s positive progress!!!! I’ve been praying for you all ever since you shared that he’d had a serious health issue several months back. I’ll continue to pray that he improves more every day and stays healthy. {{HUGS}}
Thank you so much! We appreciate the prayers. They made all the difference in the world.
DD started her senior year of undergrad today! I asked her to send the traditional 1st day of school picture. Hers had a big wet stain on her shirt. She spilled at breakfast. That's my girl, LOL !!!

Her first class was Head and Neck Anatomy, in person. Her schedule has 1 in-person class daily, with the remaining online.
Fingers crossed the in-person classes can remain that way.....they are all upper level courses, very small student numbers.
DD just sent a text. It is time for her to complete her masters application. And that she Will know the outcome By Sept 11 this year. A teacher/mentor at her School heads the Program and accepts less than 10 students into his program.
Good luck DD. Normally they go abroad 2 times in the program but because of covid they will not get to do that for this years class.
DD just sent a text. It is time for her to complete her masters application. And that she Will know the outcome By Sept 11 this year. A teacher/mentor at her School heads the Program and accepts less than 10 students into his program.
Good luck DD. Normally they go abroad 2 times in the program but because of covid they will not get to do that for this years class.
Good luck to your DD!!!!
DD did get the email she was accepted into the masters program.
The professor shared he has the kids TA for him one semester- which helps provide one semester discount for that semester tuition.

I just asked DD how many kids were in this accelerated program. Last year 4 kids were accepted.
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DD did get the email she was accepted into the masters program.
The professor shared he has the kids TA for him one semester- which helps provide one semester discount for that semester tuition.

I just asked DD how many kids were in this accelerated program. Last year 4 kids were accepted.
congrats to your DD!!!!
This weekend we got DD’s graduation announcement order form in the mail. It’s getting real!

She’s been busy with her classes, her pod of friends, her internship (they asked her to stay on part time during the school year), and applying for jobs (she’s had a couple of first round interviews and has been invited to one second round interview so far). Hopefully she’ll have some choices when it comes to job offers if she keeps at it.

She and her boyfriend of 2 years broke up again. They had broken up in mid May but still spent time together and got back together in late June. He graduated in 2020 and has untreated anxiety that reared it’s head during his senior year, and it was really affecting their relationship. Things were perfect when they were together but fell to pieces when they were apart, so the long distance thing was not working. On a positive note, the break up made him seek treatment for his anxiety, which is a very good thing for him and his happiness. They both still love each other, so who knows what will happen in the future.

Covid shot through DD’s campus early on, but seems to be on the decline now. She had one close call when she and 2 of her housemates were exposed to a friend who tested positive, but all 3 girls tested negative and have stayed healthy so far. Knock on wood! This isn’t the senior year she expected it to be, but she’s making the most of what she’s been given.
That's great that your DD is already interviewing for jobs. It sounds like she's got a great chance of having a job by graduation!

My DD has no idea what she wants to do once she graduates. She's been meeting with someone at the school's career center, so hopefully they can help her figure things out. But otherwise things are going great. She has a fun group of friends and there are zero cases of Covid on campus.

Fingers crossed for an in person graduation this spring!
My DS is enjoying his online classes. It's a nice way for him to ease back into school after being out last spring. It will push his graduation back to December '21 instead of May, but that's ok. He will apply to grad schools next semester. He's still not 100% back to his old self, but we're hoping he gets there someday.

I love hearing about everyone's status. I can't believe it's senior year!
My DDs school still hasn’t finalized spring schedule. They are considering canceling spring break and ending a week early in May. I assume that would move graduation up a week too. I wasn’t able to get a hotel reservation in her college town for the original grad date but did for the week early.

It seems like canceling spring break would be a good idea. Her campus had over 400 Covid case and had to go all online for a few weeks. She’s really careful, has a single room in an on campus apartment and cooks all her own food so she’s been healthy. If they don’t change the schedule we’ll be in a hotel about 40 minutes away.

I can’t believe she’s a senior already. She was supposed to be captain of her club hickey team this year but they aren’t even allowed to do outdoor off ice conditioning. I hope things improve for final semester.

I also have DS college sophomore and DD high school senior.


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