People are so done with Covid!

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In my area of Canada we are on full lockdown , waiting to hear an announcement today of possible curfews and can’t get our vaccines fast enough . I’m 47 and it will be at least a month or more until I can get my first shot . Our schools are closed as well .
My sister in law is a nurse and was moved from her regular floor ( Oncology) and into the ICU today because they are desperate for staff and resources . So she’s caring for Covid patients and she’s not fully vaccinated. Things are bad .
THis THis THis. Can we all take a moment to think about everyone? This thread (by it's very name) will draw plenty of attention and opinions... but we are talking about a health pandemic that is worldwide. What affects one country will affect another. It's how things work. What you personally may see in your day to day life folks,is NOT the big picture.
and about 8k die everyday in us from all causes.....
sigh.... :headache: excess deaths. Yes we all know people die from other causes daily. When it's a top 3 killer (yes folks,it still is) and the only one of that top three that is transmissible (or easily prevented) then I don't see the point of your comment. This is worldwide stats y'all.
I'm all for freedom. I would hate to be forced into taking a vaccine, BUT no one is forcing us and I want the FREEDOM to leave my house and socialize. I'm sorry about crazy relatives. I have those also, but even the nuttiest of mine want a vaccine (I believe).

I read this all the time. I have freedom right now. I have traveled, vacationed, worked with families in their homes (career essential) eaten restaurants, attended a wedding, etc. all during the last year. Why do you not feel free to do that? I'm also in Maryland so it's not state-related. No, I cannot cruise or travel abroad but otherwise, I'm living life pretty normally.
I read this all the time. I have freedom right now. I have traveled, vacationed, worked with families in their homes (career essential) eaten restaurants, attended a wedding, etc. all during the last year. Why do you not feel free to do that? I'm also in Maryland so it's not state-related. No, I cannot cruise or travel abroad but otherwise, I'm living life pretty normally.
I picked up Chinese food for dinner last night and spoke to the owner of the restaurant who is terrified to open until he and his employees can get vaccinated. His business is suffering. He's not living life pretty normally.
My DD22 graduated into this crap economy and can't find a job. Her life isn't normal either.
Vaccination is our only way out at this point IMO.
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I read this all the time. I have freedom right now. I have traveled, vacationed, worked with families in their homes (career essential) eaten restaurants, attended a wedding, etc. all during the last year. Why do you not feel free to do that? I'm also in Maryland so it's not state-related. No, I cannot cruise or travel abroad but otherwise, I'm living life pretty normally.

We all have had the freedom to do those things, or most of things depending on where we live....during this pandemic. That's the irony of the "freedom branch" of my family or this country. They're whining about their freedom being taken away, my opinion, really downplayed the seriousness of Covid. They acted recklessly at times, putting each other at risk. It lines up with other parts of their lives that we can't discuss on this board. And now, after the way that many of them have acted....for them to refuse to be vaccinated, with a kind of attitude, makes me not want to be around them. Some have boasted about breaking the rules or recommendations put out by the CDC...etc. They can't erase all of that "stuff" that they've been pumping out on social media for the last year plus....and expect that post vaccination that we're all going to go back to how we thought of each other in 2018...etc. And I know there are millions of others like them.

I can personally say that I'm not ready to "share air"....with the general public as a result, even after I'm fully vaccinated. I will visit indoors with my family members who are vaccinated. I will eat at outdoor restaurants. I would even take a flight that is short enough that I could comfortably wear an N95 mask without removing it. We're talking about vacationing at a resort in Mexico that has restaurants and many other services/activities that are entirely outdoors. But we're going to watch what happens for awhile post-vaccination and see how things play out. We'll certainly be doing more, but not "2019 more".

All of that to say, I don't think anyone has truly had their "freedom" taken away, but many seem to have lost their common sense.
Well, I've read 5 pages of this discussion and decided to put my 2 cents worth in:
I am over it too. People forget this is a VIRUS. It mutates and stays with us. We cannot ruin our economy and much more over this for much longer. It is time for us to go back to normal, and IMO it will happen this summer.
If you want to wear a mask and social distance, then you are more than welcome to do so. However, don't shame others who do not think this way.
We WILL experience many more viruses, such as the major "flu", and other viruses that are always around us. You can't live in a bubble, and think that a vaccine is the answer. How long are they effective? 3 months at most or weeks?? Then what, another booster while it continues to mutate and go on?
This virus has a very high survival rate and there has never in our history been a vaccine for a virus with this survival rate.
I wear a mask in businesses that require them, but am finding more and more people aren't, and the businesses I have seen don't seem to care. They don't even stop people or ask where their mask is at this point. When the majority don't wear them, then I won't either, which I feel will be this summer when the heat hits and more people are outside.
We need to get over this "shaming" of people who are going on with their lives. Not everyone feels the same way especially at this time of over a year since it started. Like I said, if you want to wear a mask and socially distance, then that's up to You.
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Well, I've read 5 pages of this discussion and decided to put my 2 cents worth in:
I am over it too. People forget this is a VIRUS. It mutates and stays with us. We cannot ruin our economy and much more over this for much longer. It is time for us to go back to normal, and IMO it will happen this summer.
If you want to wear a mask and social distance, then you are more than welcome to do so. However, don't shame others who do not think this way.
We WILL experience many more viruses, such as the major "flu", and other viruses that are always around us. You can't live in a bubble, and think that a vaccine is the answer. How long are they effective? 3 months at most or weeks?? Then what, another booster while it continues to mutate and go on?
This virus has a very low survival rate and there has never in our history been a vaccine for a virus with this survival rate.
I wear a mask in businesses that require them, but am finding more and more people aren't, and the businesses I have seen don't seem to care. They don't even stop people or ask where their mask is at this point. When the majority don't wear them, then I won't either, which I feel will be this summer when the heat hits and more people are outside.
We need to get over this "shaming" of people who are going on with their lives. Not everyone feels the same way especially at this time of over a year since it started. Like I said, if you want to wear a mask and socially distance, then that's up to You.
THis THis THis. Can we all take a moment to think about everyone? This thread (by it's very name) will draw plenty of attention and opinions... but we are talking about a health pandemic that is worldwide. What affects one country will affect another. It's how things work. What you personally may see in your day to day life folks,is NOT the big picture.

Sure but that doesn't change the fact that people are done with COVID when dealing with their every day lives.
In the US more and more people are being vaccinated, hospitalizations and death numbers are down, restrictions are being lifted (and have been gradually throughout the last year).
I am sorry that other countries aren't seeing and doing the same but as long as we here in the US I personally am "done with COVID" because that is what I see in my day to day.

In the beginning of it I was in a hotspot for infections. I spent the first 5 months beyond worried that my dh who was deemed essential was going to catch it every day he left for work. I worried he was going to pass it to me and the kids and one of us would end up being very sick with it or worse.
I missed visits with a sick relative and lost out on spending time with them before I could no longer. I worried every day about my kids and their mental health, or how my college graduates were going to finish school and find a job.
I worried for my elderly family members and about those who lost their jobs and whose personal businesses were at risk of not being able to make money and pay their bills.
So yes I am over it, the worry, the isolation, the sadness and depression.
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Outside of the Detroit metro, I think we're already there. I'm in the Thumb and the struggle is definitely to fill appointments, not to find them. Everyone I know well enough to know their vaccine status has had at least one dose already, but county health officials are begging people to turn out for vaccine clinics now and my county as a whole is only at about 35% first-shot coverage*.

* One asterisk to that figure - I've been told data sharing between jurisdictions isn't as good as it could be, so people who were vaccinated elsewhere - in the county where they work, for example - are slow to be added to the county's bottom line total. Since 3 of the 4 vaccinated residents of my household fit that category, one of whom was vaccinated in another state (near her university), I can see how it has the potential to skew the overall totals. And there is a discrepancy of about 4% between the state dashboard (which theoretically knows the zip codes of everyone vaccinated in the state) and our local health department's numbers.
I’m in the Detroit Metro area and it’s where we’re at too. IMO the surge in Michigan comes down to 3 things - fatigue, variants, and compromised immune systems. We were on such tight restrictions for so long that very few people had a chance to build up immunity. Then right as we started to reopen, the new variants started to become dominant. That coupled with people generally being fatigued and starting to get more lax with compliance started to drive the numbers up. I’ll also add that I don’t believe schools (or sports for that matter) are huge vectors of spread. I think the biggest source of spread is residential gatherings, whether it be adults or kids, and that isn’t something you can easily control through government mandates. I just read a study published by a local hospital system which predicts the current surge will last 2 more weeks then start to plateau. Hopefully we will see that become reality.
How long are they effective? 3 months at most or weeks?? Then what, another booster while it continues to mutate and go on?

If you were watching any news last week, the latest information shows the vaccine is effective for a minimum now of 6 months. As time goes on with the original study participants, that 6 months, hopefully, will be extended. We'll know in another 3 months when they look at the antibodies of those people. Maybe it will be 9 months.
This is what we're really seeing in our family....on both sides. This pandemic has revealed a lot about all of us. And in our family, it has revealed attitudes and values by some that are so opposed to our own, that we really don't see these people the same way any longer. It's sad, but true. I would imagine there are millions like us going through the same thing. This period has been one of the greatest social experiments in human history.
I feel lucky because we are a mixed bag in our family and we all still get along and get together regularly. Some are getting the vaccine, some aren't. Some are for masks 100% of the time, some aren't. If somebody doesn't feel comfortable attending a school event or going to a restaurant, then they don't and that's ok. Some of us have had covid and none severely, thank goodness. I think if your goal is to never get covid (high risk or personal choice), you really just have to just stay home as much as possible and away from other people. DH, my brother, my Dad all go to work every day and our kids go to in-person school. Our risk was higher from the get-go, but we are not high-risk health-wise and we all take supplements that I think help. We mask and distance when possible, but we knew at some point, we would be exposed. The virus really is here to stay and people have to live according to their risk tolerance.
I'm done with getting older!
I'm done with bills!
Having health issues is too irritating so I'm done with illness and disability too, it costs too much anyway!
Curious if just saying it and meaning it really works like many seem to think, guess I'll know soon enough.
You pay bills???? I thought all bills were outlawed because no one on this board ever has debt...
Yes, they are, but being done with it doesn't make it over. Our schools keep closing due to cases that pop up due to kids getting together outside of school. It's so frustrating. Two school years have been affected already, and if this keeps up, we'll be facing a 3rd affected school year as well.

We all have had the freedom to do those things, or most of things depending on where we live....during this pandemic. That's the irony of the "freedom branch" of my family or this country. They're whining about their freedom being taken away, my opinion, really downplayed the seriousness of Covid. They acted recklessly at times, putting each other at risk. It lines up with other parts of their lives that we can't discuss on this board. And now, after the way that many of them have acted....for them to refuse to be vaccinated, with a kind of attitude, makes me not want to be around them. Some have boasted about breaking the rules or recommendations put out by the CDC...etc. They can't erase all of that "stuff" that they've been pumping out on social media for the last year plus....and expect that post vaccination that we're all going to go back to how we thought of each other in 2018...etc. And I know there are millions of others like them.

I can personally say that I'm not ready to "share air"....with the general public as a result, even after I'm fully vaccinated. I will visit indoors with my family members who are vaccinated. I will eat at outdoor restaurants. I would even take a flight that is short enough that I could comfortably wear an N95 mask without removing it. We're talking about vacationing at a resort in Mexico that has restaurants and many other services/activities that are entirely outdoors. But we're going to watch what happens for awhile post-vaccination and see how things play out. We'll certainly be doing more, but not "2019 more".

All of that to say, I don't think anyone has truly had their "freedom" taken away, but many seem to have lost their common sense.

I’m so over the freedom crowd.

What’s interesting is that they’re in specific pockets within each state. You can find vaccine appointments more in those areas. But you’d be lucky to find a hospital bed.

MI is a warning for what’s to come for the rest of the country. Cases are going back up. We’re almost up to 70 thousand a day. And half a million Americans have died.
You pay bills???? I thought all bills were outlawed because no one on this board ever has debt...

Well, not to get technical....but we all have "bills", utilities, property taxes etc.....even if we don't have debt.
I feel lucky because we are a mixed bag in our family and we all still get along and get together regularly. Some are getting the vaccine, some aren't. Some are for masks 100% of the time, some aren't. If somebody doesn't feel comfortable attending a school event or going to a restaurant, then they don't and that's ok. Some of us have had covid and none severely, thank goodness. I think if your goal is to never get covid (high risk or personal choice), you really just have to just stay home as much as possible and away from other people. DH, my brother, my Dad all go to work every day and our kids go to in-person school. Our risk was higher from the get-go, but we are not high-risk health-wise and we all take supplements that I think help. We mask and distance when possible, but we knew at some point, we would be exposed. The virus really is here to stay and people have to live according to their risk tolerance.

I'm glad your family is able to navigate this time without it breaking the family apart. In my family the ones who are really bothering me the most are the ones who have been so vocal about Covid not being a big deal, then about losing their freedom, and now....after all the noise, being vocal about not getting the vaccine. And they're still going on about their freedom. It's become their "thing". I'm not on social media at all, other than reading twitter for news...etc. But I hear about it from my sisters, who are on social media with the people on my side who are acting this way.

I just don't understand why we can't be like Israel, where the vaccine opens doors to things like concerts, restaurant reservations...etc. I'm sure it's not perfect there either and that people are whining about things, but I'd be 1000% more likely to attend indoor concert, if I knew everyone in that building had been vaccinated. I'd pay more for that experience. Same for flights...etc.
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