People waiting in line say the darndest things!

My husband and I were at Turtle Talk with Crush. Crush brings out this red bikini top and asks the kids about it.
Crush: Can any of you little dudes tell me what this is?
Child: It's a bra!
Crush: Um... well can anyone tell me what you humans use it for?
Same child: It holds up your ****s!
Crush: Uh, let's all pretend we are my friend, little Blue, and forget this happened.

Another time, my husband and I were in line for Space Mountain. A little girl was behind us in line with her mother and she was so excited because this was the first time she was tall enough to ride. All was fine until it was almost time to load and the poor girl lost it. She pointed to the comets that you see whizzing by while in line, thought that was the ride, and that it was going so fast that everyone kept falling out. Her justification for believing this was that she saw people getting on, but the cars always came back empty. Poor thing.
Couple years back was at the opening to Epcot one morning. So of course after rope drop we are running to Soarin....just like everyone else. Well there was the bigger lady in front of us and her son about 4-5 maybe. She was racing along like everyone else but was having some issues keeping up.

Mom: come on son walk faster!!!!
Boy starts running to keep up
Mom: son quit running
Boy starts walking
Mom: son walk faster
Boy starts running
Mom: son quit running

This repeated over and over and over. Poor thing was so small to keep up with mom he had to run but when he ran he passed mom and she couldn't keep up. After a couple minutes we just couldn't take it anymore and we just busted out laughing. Poor kid didn't know if he was coming or going. It was the funniest thing we've seen.
Years ago on our first visit to Disney, my best friend and I were at EPCOT from the minute the gates opened until the minute they closed. As you can imagine, we were exhausted and a little giddy when we boarded the bus to go back to our hotel. There were members of an extended family in front of us (parents and adult children and their spouses) and they were comparing notes on what they'd done that day. One of the couples was talking about the meal they'd had in France and the husband said, "It was a fancy place and I didn't want them to know what a hick I am so everytime the waiter did something for me I said mercy buckets."

Well, my friend and I just lost it! We laughed until we were sick and everytime one of us would start to get control, the other would start giggling and we'd be off and running again. To make matters worse, the guy knew we were laughing at him and kept egging us on by saying things like, "Yep, I was sauve and de-boner!" His mother finally told him, "Knock it off before you kill these girls!"

Twenty plus years later we still get a good laugh over the sauve and de-boner guy! :rotfl2:
DS,6 to DM while standing in a very long line for Dumbo in the July heat:"Mommy did you know you have a mustache?"

DM to DS,6: "No I don't honey, shhhhh...."

DS,6 to DM: (very loudly)"Yes you do Mommy, look it's right there" (DS was now pointing to DM's very embarassed face)

DM wished the earth would open up and swallow her and has since learned all about bleaching,tweezing, and waxing of facial hair ;)

DS is now 15 and loves to tell the story of how he embarassed me in line for Dumbo :sad2:

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: OMG this is the funniest post ive ever read. LMAO!! :rotfl2:
Illinois gets a bad rap in Disney world... My mom and I were taking the boat to the Grand Floridian one day, it was hot out and we were wearing sun dresses. A very talkative little girl about 7 or 8 years old started talking to us and asked us where we were from. When we told her Chicago she responded, "You wear skirts in Chicago??" :confused3 Guess she thinks Chicago is in the arctic?

LOL! Thats funny. But im guessing the girl was referring to the fact that since Chicago is known as the "windy city", she's wondering if you guys bother to wear skirts at all. LOL! Funny thou!
All was fine until it was almost time to load and the poor girl lost it. She pointed to the comets that you see whizzing by while in line, thought that was the ride, and that it was going so fast that everyone kept falling out. Her justification for believing this was that she saw people getting on, but the cars always came back empty. Poor thing.


Funny how kids think! It actually makes sense- cars leave with people and come back empty-- what happened to them?

Hopefully she figured it out.
A friend told me this from a trip she had taken. Her niece ( I think) who was 3 or 4 waited in line to meat Jessie from toy story. After meeting her, the little excitedly girl pulls up her dress and says to Jessie "Look! I'm wearing your panties!" The poor character had no idea how to react!
It'sWDW4me said:
A few weeks ago we were in DHS. My nephews (9 & 8) and niece (6) had just finished the Jedi Training Academy and we tried to hotfoot it on down to see Indiana Jones. We got there to find that Indiana Jones was full so we decide to trudge back to do Star Tours. Halfway there my younger nephew (he's autistic) starts screaming that he wants a beer. :confused3 Now, he doesn't drink beer at home so I have no idea where he's getting this from or why he's screaming "I want a BEER... I. said. beer!!" as I'm pulling him along telling him he just can't have a beer. All the while I'm just positive that everyone around us is thinking what kind of hicks we must be! We get back to earth after our trip to Endor and, once again start walking towards Indiana Jones. Then I see the stand selling funnel cakes and..... root beer! :rotfl:

From the same trip - we now have a new name for Spaceship Earth. My niece just loves "The Giant Disco Ball" :cutie:

On our recent trip, my 23 mo old kept yelling when we were at breakfast at 1900Park Faire "I need coffee!!!" We got a few strange looks. (And no, the child never has been given coffee.) finally I let him have an empty coffee cup and he spent the next ten minutes acting like he was drinking coffee...I am sure a few people gave us a looking at!
We were in AK going to Rafiki's Planet Watch. There is a family next to us and when we start moving and hear "you're on your one way trip..." they start to panic. The husband starts begging for the map and they are nervously asking how they will get back. This went on the whole ride, until finally the wife just sighs and says she will ask someone how to get back when they get off. And so we stop and they run off and, almost in tears, she asks the first CM if there is a way back to the park.

Meanwhile I hear the whole thing and am trying not to laugh. As soon as we are away from them I burst out laughing and my DH asks what happened. I told him the whole thing and he said "you should have turned to them and asked how they think they feed the animals".

The rest of the day we would just randomly say "I wonder if they made their way back yet".

Of course, I got payback later on at the Safari when my DS was acting nervous (which means he was hurting himself) and it finally dawned on me what was bothering him. "Kevin, this is a ride at Disney, not an actual 2 week trip. We'll be back in 20 minutes." He stopped and enjoyed the ride. But at least he's 5 and not an adult!
We didn't really hear anything this trip, except for when we were in line for Pirates. There was a group of three adults behind us and I hear one of the women say to her friend (referring to Pirates), "It's just like 'It's A Small World' but with different theming." :rolleyes2
Not in line but at AK on the Safari. We encounter a very well endowed male elephant showing off his best asset (dragging on the ground). The guide makes light jokes about how an elephant is not shy. During an awkward silence a little boy about 4 shouts. "Grandpa look at that poor elephant does he have a a broken leg?" The guide could not contain himself and laughed the rest of the tour only to tell us "best group ever" numerous times.
We didn't really hear anything this trip, except for when we were in line for Pirates. There was a group of three adults behind us and I hear one of the women say to her friend (referring to Pirates), "It's just like 'It's A Small World' but with different theming." :rolleyes2

You know, I've never thought about it but since you mentioned it......hmmmm.:rotfl:
"no there are no dinosaurs on this ride...I don't care what the sign says...even if there are this is Disney and they can't be scary" said a dad to his crying small child in line at Dinosaur 2 weeks ago.
When riding Small World in the last room the woman in front of me was reading all of the ways to say goodbye to her DS, she pronounced Au reviore as Oh rev-ee-air

Dad to his kids in line for CoP, "yeah this is a simulator!"

Overheard last week at WDW "yes, we're going to ride the train then go and see Minnie's house in Toontown!"
I have another one, DH and I were near the Firehouse on Main Street right by where they place the statue of Roy and Minnie when the Christmas tree is up. This family walks by and the girl about 7-8 says "Look it's Walt!" Then the mom says, "Let's get your picture with him since you did that report on him in school." :confused3


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