Photo Sharing: Pentax

Nice Harry! The girls are beautiful!! It looks like everyone was having a great time.

Hey Mr Terry, those are from Daisy14'sDH!

Daisy14'sDH, you're making me want another sigma 30. On our last trip I mainly took family shots also. I found it harder to take serious photos when I was chasing a 2YO.
Thanks Harry, and Terry! I didn't want to say anything, thought maybe he thought my name was Harry lol! (Kyle BTW)
Thanks Harry, and Terry! I didn't want to say anything, thought maybe he thought my name was Harry lol! (Kyle BTW)

Sorry guys! I was probably half asleep. I shouldn't try to catch up when I'm that tired. I have been at the racetracks almost non-stop. With our Nascar Chase weekend just ended, I'm trying to catch up on some sleep and at the same time catch up with the computer. Over the 5 day event I only got 15 hours sleep. With all the Nascar drama and weather delays it was crazy week!
Sorry for the delay, so I left you outside the terminal on my last post.

So lets move on inside the terminal and onto the deck outside beside the ship:

[/url] Disney 16th BDay 2013 194 by FlyTriPacer, on Flickr[/IMG]

Here's the entrance to the ship:

[/url] Disney 16th BDay 2013 199 by FlyTriPacer, on Flickr[/IMG]

Here we are about 10 minutes before boarding the ship:

[/url] Disney 16th BDay 2013 208 by FlyTriPacer, on Flickr[/IMG]

Here's our view when we've just boarded and look up:

[/url] Disney 16th BDay 2013 215 by FlyTriPacer, on Flickr[/IMG]

More to follow, y'all have a good night.

Nice images! It looks like you had a great time. I'm so jealous because we have no plans, at this time, for a return trip to a Disney property. This is the first time in 12 years where we have no Disney vacation plans in the works! That's sad. I think I will just start planning one to see if I can make it work!
Kyle, those are awesome. Keep posting! We're headed back on February 27th during our Mardi Gras holidays.

What do yall think if the new K-3? It looks really promising even if its not FF. I wonder how the noise will be compared to the K-5.
Kyle, those are awesome. Keep posting! We're headed back on February 27th during our Mardi Gras holidays.

What do yall think if the new K-3? It looks really promising even if its not FF. I wonder how the noise will be compared to the K-5.

I am going to have wait to see the K-3. I have heard two versions of which sensor it supposedly has. One says its the Sony 24mp that's in the A77 and the other is that's its a new Sony 24mp. The A77 version did not handle higher ISO's as well as the 16mp used in the K-5. If it has improved noise levels at higher ISO's that would be of interest. Also, I have heard that it may have a new AF system. That is also something I could be interested in. I want to see some real world examples. Besides, for what I do right now my two K5's seem to work well. Also the cost will be a factor. Because I carry two cameras most of the time, I like to have two with the same controls. Prior to the purchase of the second K-5, I can't count the number of times I was shooting and couldn't get the camera to work the way I wanted and then realized I had my K10D in my hand. It was frustrating. I just can't wait for the announcement so we can end all the speculation of what it is. However, then the naysayers will be complaining about what it isn't!:rotfl2: I don't think anyone is ever completely happy except maybe me. I'm just happy to be out there shooting with whatever I have available. That could be a K5, K10D or K30.
I've sold my Nex 6 and stuck with the K-5IIs. I just find the K-5 handles so well. I found that I was picking up the K-5 more often than the Nex.

I definitely rather the 16mp sensor over the 24 from the A77/Nex 7. I shot with the Nex 7 enough to say I didn't like it above 1600-2000. The K-5IIs is way better with finer grain at 3200.
Even on they seem to be excited.

The question of the sensor seems to be answered in that it is not a Sony, rather a Toshiba. For those who need video, there seems to be a major improvement. The only complaint I have is why can't they design the grips to be used universally. I know, they need the money! I have a DBG-2, three DBG-4's, and now if I were to purchase this one, it would need the DBG-5! However, the batteries are the same as in the K5. I really can't wait to start seeing the real world reviews.
The K-3 looks pretty sweet! I'm looking forward to some real world samples. I can't believe they went with the Toshiba sensor instead of a Sony one. From the reviews of the D7100 vs the K-5IIs, the picture quality is so close but the K-5IIs seems to do better at higher ISO. I also like pushing shadows and the Toshiba sensor seems to show banding like Canon sensors.
The K-3 looks pretty sweet! I'm looking forward to some real world samples. I can't believe they went with the Toshiba sensor instead of a Sony one. From the reviews of the D7100 vs the K-5IIs, the picture quality is so close but the K-5IIs seems to do better at higher ISO. I also like pushing shadows and the Toshiba sensor seems to show banding like Canon sensors.

That's my only concern. I shoot a lot of night racing and need good high ISO performance. We will see.
I wont need a new body until late spring when recital season starts back up. Hopefully the price drops a bit and I can grab the body and grip then. At least the same battery is being used, that'll give me a third charger lol, and a redundant grip... anyone interested in my old Kr? :D
I wont need a new body until late spring when recital season starts back up. Hopefully the price drops a bit and I can grab the body and grip then. At least the same battery is being used, that'll give me a third charger lol, and a redundant grip... anyone interested in my old Kr? :D

I'm looking at 2 K10D's, one with a grip, 2 K-5's both with grips and a K-30. If I tried to buy another body the DW wouldn't be so darling! I probably would have to start looking for a place to live!!
Lol, I can easily integrate another K5 into the lineup, she doesn't know the difference between the bodies, but when the delivery man shows up is when the cats out of the bag!!!!
I really need to get some time to go out shooting now that the weather is cooling down here. A day of "nothing to do" sure would be nice, maybe the DW will give me some free time......:rotfl2:

Having Fun by Harry Shields, on Flickr


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