** Picture of the Day 3 **

Bitter cold today with below zero temps; sticking close to the bed this AM since my foot is not doing well in the boot (extremely sore) but will work on packing away the rest of the decorations...from the couch later!


SO pretty! Been "out of pocket" a couple of days...as you know "south Texans" aren't accustomed to cold weather...and YES 24 degrees is COLD 🥶 for us! Been at that temperature since 2 AM and internet, TV and phone service are either not working at all or SNAIL SLOW! Took 20 minutes for a post last night on WITW before we lost all connections. We're "hibernating" in front of the fireplace now getting a few projects done that don't requite electronics. :goodvibes Not NEARLY as cold as February 2021 but Lady Boo has her quilted jacket on and enjoying it....for about 10 minutes before she's scratching the back door to come in! 😉

SO pretty! Been "out of pocket" a couple of days...as you know "south Texans" aren't accustomed to cold weather...and YES 24 degrees is COLD 🥶 for us! Been at that temperature since 2 AM and internet, TV and phone service are either not working at all or SNAIL SLOW! Took 20 minutes for a post last night on WITW before we lost all connections. We're "hibernating" in front of the fireplace now getting a few projects done that don't requite electronics. :goodvibes Not NEARLY as cold as February 2021 but Lady Boo has her quilted jacket on and enjoying it....for about 10 minutes before she's scratching the back door to come in! 😉

Hope it's warming up some! Boo looks cozy but a bit unsure of the situation. We have had below zero temps at night but lots of sun in the daytime. I spent most of yesterday sorting, filing and scanning various documents for online and our financial advisor. Not fun but had to be done.....hence no DIS posting yesterday. :oops: Still can't do stairs but my foot is feeling better in the boot. Yeah!!!
Hope it's warming up some! Boo looks cozy but a bit unsure of the situation. We have had below zero temps at night but lots of sun in the daytime. I spent most of yesterday sorting, filing and scanning various documents for online and our financial advisor. Not fun but had to be done.....hence no DIS posting yesterday. :oops: Still can't do stairs but my foot is feeling better in the boot. Yeah!!!

No, she wasn't sure of the situation and got a smile from me watching her walk on the ice on the patio! :goodvibes We FINALLY saw sunshine today for a couple of ours but still didn't get above freezing. Tomorrow will be better and by Thursday we'll almost make it back to 70 before another front brings us a couple more days of high 20's this time around. Wind damaged some cable equipment hence the outage but back to normal today...which meant a lot of phone calls and emails to catch up on! :rolleyes: Poor Allie has STILL been staying in the low teens but should reach low 30's tomorrow too. We've been as cold as it was on the night time streets of NYC! 🥶

So....I definitely need a knee replacement - the doctor thinks that I have a slight tear in my meniscus and a fragment of cartilage floating around in there, plus it's bone-on-bone. A temporary fix is a cortisone shot and eventual total knee replacement but my problems are secondary: my DH was diagnosed with Stage 3 prostate cancer. Surgery is scheduled for Feb 28....he has to go for a PET scan to detect exactly how large the cancer area is and how far it may have spread.



...my DS's new apartment in Winter Garden, literally less than 10 minutes from Coronado Springs.
....just a stone's throw from me.

So....I definitely need a knee replacement - the doctor thinks that I have a slight tear in my meniscus and a fragment of cartilage floating around in there, plus it's bone-on-bone. A temporary fix is a cortisone shot and eventual total knee replacement but my problems are secondary: my DH was diagnosed with Stage 3 prostate cancer. Surgery is scheduled for Feb 28....he has to go for a PET scan to detect exactly how large the cancer area is and how far it may have spread.



...my DS's new apartment in Winter Garden, literally less than 10 minutes from Coronado Springs.

We were only in NYC a short 4 days with DGD and the girls in the photo...the annual senior Brahmadora trip with the Directors and the families of the girls. A really fun trip and boy, did those Director's pack it full of activities! The Radio City Music Hall show has been on my "bucket list" forever and making that trip with BOTH DGD's was extra special. We enjoyed our trip a great deal but we're all "country kids" and were glad to arrive back home on December 22nd! I must say one of our best visits was this...


The head Director is a personal friend of the gentleman responsible for the museum (who was the official photographer of the 9/11 cleanup) and he made our private 2 hour session with him SO special. He's so pleased to continue the education of the youngsters who weren't even born when that day happened and our girls sat as still as "church mice" taking it in! (Might have been the first "lecture" some of them have listened to this school year! :rotfl:) They talked about that visit numerous times during the rest of our trip.

So sorry to hear about your medical issues; seems like those things all hit at once. Prayers with your DH for a successful surgery and a quick recovery. Won't be easy but God doesn't give us more than we can handle. Keep telling myself that as we also have a family member facing a pretty serious medical issue. As for the knee replacement...DH's was a "breeze" a few years ago. Not "fun" but hard work can make recovery time shorter. A week of "bed time" and he was at rehab working hard. Hang in there!:tink:
So....I definitely need a knee replacement - the doctor thinks that I have a slight tear in my meniscus and a fragment of cartilage floating around in there, plus it's bone-on-bone. A temporary fix is a cortisone shot and eventual total knee replacement but my problems are secondary: my DH was diagnosed with Stage 3 prostate cancer. Surgery is scheduled for Feb 28....he has to go for a PET scan to detect exactly how large the cancer area is and how far it may have spread.



...my DS's new apartment in Winter Garden, literally less than 10 minutes from Coronado Springs.
So all that house hunting finally paid off! Looks like a great place for a young bachelor!

I have several friends who have had knee replacements (partial and full) and all have had good results if as goopysolelady says especially if you put in the hard PT work afterwards. One even recently went to India for a mountain trek. And a couple friends with Stage 3 prostrate cancer too. One had the radiation pellets and is doing great now; the other chose surgery and radiation and is okay from what we last heard. I hear there are new options available almost every month. Will keep you both in my thoughts over the coming months!
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