** Picture of the Day 3 **

Dead Horse Point in Dead Horse State Park, Utah
Every kid's dream? The Kittanning, PA Central School Burning 1918 - Photo taken by a relative of mine. This fire started in the hot air ducts but 850 children escaped safely. Written up in the Quarterly of the National Fire Protection Association as a loss of $75,000.


Below is the companion photo I posted a couple years back.

Sierra Nevada in California - Long distance hikers often climb down from these (14k elevation) to the small town of Lone Pine (3727 ft elevation) for food and a night in a hotel and then hike back up!

So all that house hunting finally paid off! Looks like a great place for a young bachelor!
It's at Flamingo Crossing...and to think, about four years ago there was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING there!
I have several friends who have had knee replacements (partial and full) and all have had good results if as goopysolelady says especially if you put in the hard PT work afterwards. One even recently went to India for a mountain trek. And a couple friends with Stage 3 prostrate cancer too. One had the radiation pellets and is doing great now; the other chose surgery and radiation and is okay from what we last heard. I hear there are new options available almost every month. Will keep you both in my thoughts over the coming months!
....well, a little bit of good news: He had the PET scan done on Tuesday and yesterday the doctor's assistant shared the news that it has NOT gone beyond the prostate wall, so there is definitely more hope about the situation.


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