Price of the "extra bun" has soared!

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I was on the cut the burger in half bandwagon for awhile until a friend with two little boys pointed out that she would have problems if one kid got a bigger half.

(Wasn't there a commercial where the solution to that is let one kid cut the burger in half and the other kid make the first choice as to which half they wanted?)

There was also an explanation that some adults liked to pile on the toppings and you can't pile them on half a burger.

That's one solution, and it works. The other is to look at your children, say "fine" - throw the food into the trash.

(For us its never been the park where this has happened - its splitting a can of soda at home. And you remove it from both of them, throw it away, and suddenly they realize that some coke is better than 'more coke than your sister.' )
That's one solution, and it works. The other is to look at your children, say "fine" - throw the food into the trash.

(For us its never been the park where this has happened - its splitting a can of soda at home. And you remove it from both of them, throw it away, and suddenly they realize that some coke is better than 'more coke than your sister.' )

Amen:thumbsup2 And, yes, I have kids. If they pitched a fit about how big their half is...wait-they wouldn't do it because they know what would happen. (I would eat the burger myself! :laughing:)

I agree with the PPs who say to cut the burger in half (if you can manage it without the bun falling to pieces!!) Cheshire Figment has a great point about the condiments,too.
I have to admit I have never thought of buying and extra bun , but it reminds me of the time I saw a family with 7 kids both parents had bought a large drink then the mother took out small bathroom size dixie cups and proceeded to pour some of the drink into each cup for the children while dad stood there and guzzled his large drink down all by himself, I am all for trying to save as buck but gee wiz

We saw a poor dad who ate as the clean up person. Everyone else in the family ordered a meal, and he ate whatever was left over.:crazy2:This was at the Plaza restaurant in the Magic Kingdom. I'm all about sharing and saving money, but this just seems gross to me. Geeze, let the poor man have his own food.
I once saw a family of three with a child who was probably a teen split a hot dog, french fries, and a drink. WOW!! I would have brought PB&J instead, probably cheaper, healthier and would have filled everyone up!:confused3
I agree, I'd definitely just cut the burger in half before paying $3.15 for one bun. If I was hungry again later, we could all split a popcorn for just $3.09.

For a little over $1 more you can get a bucket!
I once saw a family of three with a child who was probably a teen split a hot dog, french fries, and a drink. WOW!! I would have brought PB&J instead, probably cheaper, healthier and would have filled everyone up!:confused3

Ok, thing is people sometimes, snack throughout the day. Just suppose that same family, had eaten elsewhere, but just wanted a taste of a hot dog. I know my family and I do this often. When my teen, and I go alone. We may pick two places to eat from, and share one meal each place.
Yea the comments on the mom sharing her soda and the dad being the clean up person....or the teen sharing a hot dog. You would really have to know the circumstances. Maybe the mom (like myself) didn't drink soda and her kids were only allowed soda as a 'special treat' so she shared a large with everyone so everyone got a taste....maybe they had water out in a stroller or something? And maybe the dad wasn't feeling well or didn't want anything to eat from that restaurant until he smelled their food....and he ate what they had left, been there done that. Maybe the teen sharing her hot dog was sharing it as a snack because they had a large TS meal scheduled for later, or maybe they were meeting someone for supper later....again, been there done that LOL
Yeah I didn't think of all the possible reasons why. Either way I guess its not my business what others do. To each his own.
grrrrrrrrrrrrr, i will not give my opinion as it almost always results in points.:laughing:
We saw a poor dad who ate as the clean up person. Everyone else in the family ordered a meal, and he ate whatever was left over.:crazy2:This was at the Plaza restaurant in the Magic Kingdom. I'm all about sharing and saving money, but this just seems gross to me. Geeze, let the poor man have his own food.

I have done that. I knew my kids were not going to eat all of their food, I wasn't very hungry, so I just had some of theirs after making sure they got enough. What was I going to do with the left overs of a full size meal? Just seemed wasteful when I knew I wouldn't eat it.
I understand that Disney is "losing money" because people are getting an extra bun and splitting the patties on a double burger but lets be serious. Maybe if they didn't force you to buy a double it wouldn't be as much of an issue. They used to have singles and doubles on the menu. How much extra profit is Disney making because they force everyone that wants a burger to buy a double. I'm kinda in the food service industry. I don't have the buying power of Disney so I just buy my buns retail. My hot dog and burger buns cost me .13 cents. Disney used to sell extra buns for $1.00 and now they're charging over $3.00 for a .13 cent bun?!?!? Holy crap!. I also sell 1/5 lb Nathans all beef hot dogs, my cost with bun is .65 cents. May of 2009 Disney was getting $5.00 for a dog and you want me to feel sorry for them cause their "losing money" because people a splitting patties? Remember these bun costs are retail, I can guarantee you Disney is paying a whole lot less with the amount they buy.
They still single burgers, as far as I know - not forcing you to buy a double.
My hypothesis to the drastic increase in cost per bun: food service management noticed x% of people purchasing a second bun were on a dinning plan (where x is large enough for them to care) instead of using another credit for the other person. Thus, their thought is, DP participants will be willing to (or unwilling but still will) pay the increase or go ahead and use another credit (~$3.00 for a bun!! That's outrageous!!!) in a moment of emotional turmoil. Win / Win for the bottom line.

Also, why would using another credit be good for profit when any un-used credits are forfeited? One less credit available is another out of pocket meal that might be purchased at full price.
I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but If I have to go to Disney and worry about splitting a soda or buying an extra bun to save money then I would be rethinking a Disney Vacation. Why not wait another year to go, and save more money.
I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but If I have to go to Disney and worry about splitting a soda or buying an extra bun to save money then I would be rethinking a Disney Vacation. Why not wait another year to go, and save more money.

For some it isn't about not being able to go unless they split a soda or buy an extra bun but they just don't want to eat the huge portion that is offered on the menu so being able to split a meal is more to their liking. Some people are just plain frugal and yes there are those among us that don't have unlimited financial resources. Is a Disney vacation the best idea then, maybe not, but that is not our call to make, is it?
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