Princess Power - September 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

You must be an early riser lol although I don't actually know what time it is where you are ...

We can all do with some positivity to help us power on :-)
In honour of our very own Prince…… Dr Gunnie !! Today we are going to visit with the men in our Princess’s lives.


Do you know all their names? Florian, Charming, Phillip, Eric, Adam, Aladdin, Li Shang, Naveen, Flynn Rider aka Eugene Fitzherbert and Kristoff. Ok I was a little confused I think I knew Charming was with Cinderella – but I never knew the Prince’s name in Snow White …. then watching Once Upon A Time …. They have Snow White with Charming. The early Princess movies don’t feature the Prince’s very much they are mostly there to save the Princesses … however from Prince Phillip on the Princes had much larger roles in the movies. Have you noticed as time went by as their roles expanded it was no longer just about them rescuing the ‘damsel in distress’? The Prince’s had their own issues to overcome, the Princes and Princesses seemed to challenge each other in good ways that is more representative of modern relationships. Our Princes though are still represented as strong, brave and protectors.
So this got me thinking about strength …. Now there’s all kinds of strength including mental strength which comes in handy for those runners amongst us to get you through a hard run when your body is screaming at you, or for those of us who are overcoming body issues, anxiety, depression, loss etc. And of course muscle strength!!


Many of us think cardio when we want to lose weight but we need to remember the important role of building muscle (you don’t have to be a big muscle man/woman) in our metabolism and burning calories. Having a strong core and other muscles can also improve our stamina and reduce injury in our everyday lives - don't forget our most important muscle - the heart!. This typically involves weight bearing activities – which is also good for bone health as we age.


QOTD: Are you including any strength training in your weekly routines? If yes what does it involve? If no – what could you think about including?
Bonus Question: Who is your favourite Disney Prince?

Quote of the Day

We had yesterday to find a home before we were going to have to take her to a shelter. Luckily a co-worker of mine took her. We are really hoping this works out.

It's always sad when a pet loses their home because of a loss. I hope the arrangement works out for the kitty, keep us posted! I have a friend who just turned 90, she would LOVE another cat, but understands at this point the cat would outlive her!

I LOVE Mulan - it is my favorite Disney movie and I'll run it in the background as white noise all the time... I've probably watched it 100 times!

I'm behind but still around and weighed in this morning at 187.0 - just .8 away from my goal and a wand! According to the percentage calculator online that's 96%! WOOT! I really didn't think I could pull off a second straight month of 2 pounds per week, and this time even more and ironically for just the reason you mentioned above. Strength training! I joined my SILs gym 3 weeks ago in order to work with her trainer during the Fall. I've only missed two days in that time - the trainer set me up with a pretty basic routine that doesn't require rest days. 20 minutes elliptical to get the heart rate to around 140 and then one minute of sit ups and then about six different weight machines. Initially it was really frustrating because that first week the scale didn't move. I presume it's because the muscle weight counterbalanced the fat weight, as the clothing was still fitting better. Then suddenly in week two - 4 pound weight drop! And it's been steadily continuing since then.

As for the previous question - I love kick boxing type activities, but I could never take any of the stylized classes because it is so repetitive - I'd lose interest before I got good at it. :) I find I exercise much more efficiently with music playing in the background anyway and karate type classes don't seem to incorporate that!

Favorite prince? Have to be Flynn - so many of the princes in these movies are paper thing because they only show up at the end or really don't add much except to be there for the Happily Ever After. So unless we can throw in Dreamworks and add Shrek, I have to go with Flynn. He's charming and witty and in the end genuine and I like that.

Have a great week everyone!!!
Yes I lift at least twice weekly, 30/40 minutes session

I do deadlifts, back squats, bench presses, rows, barbell glute bridges, push ups and that type of thing. No lunges as they don't suit me
Always starting with plans

If I don't get to the gym in work I try something as bodypump class, or trx but also have kettle bells home

Too much cardio does not suit me at all and on the contrary weight lifting is like health insurance to me. If I want to feel strong and healthy I need to do it, it's not negotiable
QOTD: Have you ever practiced a martial art? If yes – tell us about it – if no do you think you would ever try one – and which one?
Bonus: What adventures are you up to this weekend?

I did Capoeira for a while as well as some basic karate. I don't enjoy it at all. I don't like the yelling or the moves. It's just not for me!

QOTD: Are you including any strength training in your weekly routines? If yes what does it involve? If no – what could you think about including?
Bonus Question: Who is your favourite Disney Prince?

I'm really terrible at including strength training but I really want to start because I actually really enjoy lifting and the soreness that comes with it! I have dumbbells at home and that's where I'll start until I'm more confident in doing strength training at the gym. As for my favorite Disney Prince? That's a tough question! I really like Prince Eric. I'm not sure why but he's always appealed to me.


I had my second 10K this weekend and it went well! Again, really pleased with the results. The course was actually the 5K course twice which I contend is just torture no matter how easy the course is. Because there's nothing new to look at the second half of the race! But the race is done which makes me happy. I only have one more 10K to go and then I'll have 2 weekends to push my distance to prepare for my half marathon. Which is hard to believe that it's that close! I'm already starting to freak out.

Oh! and I forgot to check in. So I'm at 50%. I lost another pound last week.
In honour of our very own Prince…… Dr Gunnie !! Today we are going to visit with the men in our Princess’s lives.

Do you know all their names? Florian, Charming, Phillip, Eric, Adam, Aladdin, Li Shang, Naveen, Flynn Rider aka Eugene Fitzherbert and Kristoff. Ok I was a little confused I think I knew Charming was with Cinderella – but I never knew the Prince’s name in Snow White …. then watching Once Upon A Time …. They have Snow White with Charming. The early Princess movies don’t feature the Prince’s very much they are mostly there to save the Princesses … however from Prince Phillip on the Princes had much larger roles in the movies. Have you noticed as time went by as their roles expanded it was no longer just about them rescuing the ‘damsel in distress’? The Prince’s had their own issues to overcome, the Princes and Princesses seemed to challenge each other in good ways that is more representative of modern relationships. Our Princes though are still represented as strong, brave and protectors.
So this got me thinking about strength …. Now there’s all kinds of strength including mental strength which comes in handy for those runners amongst us to get you through a hard run when your body is screaming at you, or for those of us who are overcoming body issues, anxiety, depression, loss etc. And of course muscle strength!!

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Many of us think cardio when we want to lose weight but we need to remember the important role of building muscle (you don’t have to be a big muscle man/woman) in our metabolism and burning calories. Having a strong core and other muscles can also improve our stamina and reduce injury in our everyday lives - don't forget our most important muscle - the heart!. This typically involves weight bearing activities – which is also good for bone health as we age.

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QOTD: Are you including any strength training in your weekly routines? If yes what does it involve? If no – what could you think about including?
Bonus Question: Who is your favourite Disney Prince?

Quote of the Day

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I try and do squats, lunges and some core work in the exercises ball. I should be doing more though.

Favorite prince, hmmm mom, I would have to say Aladdin and Flynn. I love those movies and I think they are both kind of funny.
In honour of our very own Prince…… Dr Gunnie !! Today we are going to visit with the men in our Princess’s lives.

Ha! This made me laugh... and I needed it, I definitely have a case of the Mondays today.

I like Flynn and Kristoff - both have a sense of humor which I like.

I don't do much strength training and I need to. I've lost a lot of strength over the last nine months. Once football season is over, I plan to hit the gym and try to get some strength back. It will be humbling because I'm so much weaker than I used to be, but it's a trade I would make again every time. I'll get some of it back.


Weekly Check In:

Hit the scale at 198 this morning. I found an old lacrosse program from my freshman year in high school that had me listed at 199. I weigh less now than I did my freshman year in high school. Unbelievable. When I started this whole thing I was just hoping to maybe get in the 240's. I used to think how great that would be... can't really comprehend seeing my weight begin with a 1! Anyway, this puts me at 100% of my September goal!
I've been crazy busy this weekend and MIA -- DH and I closed on a small business on Friday so it's a nut house over here setting it all up on our end. And I am sure the busy is going to last for the next few weeks while we get all set up. But this is good stress! I hope to see a little extra Disney money coming in by the end of next year so we are excited! Oh, and because this group can actually appreciate it-- I named our corporation Spirit of Adventure :-) Now I just need a golden retriever named Dug as our mascot!

Anyway on to catch up:

@courtneybeth Happy Belated Birthday!!!!

Weekly check-in: Actually got moving last week - 25%

QOTD: I basically don't strength train at all--- and I know I should. I do have a few free weights at home that I will use occasionally, but I do need to work that into my routine.

I'd have to say Flynn is my favorite. I like his personality.... and the smoulder :rotfl:
Weekly Checkin- 50% :)

Thank you everyone for the awesome birthday wishes - it was truly a fun and exciting weekend. Now I'm paying for it on Monday.

QOTD: Are you including any strength training in your weekly routines? If yes what does it involve? If no – what could you think about including?
Bonus Question: Who is your favourite Disney Prince?

Strength training was included originally in my routines! I was lifting weights and building up the muscle so I could run faster and stronger. I haven't done much of it recently though :(

Bonus question: Prince Eric, hands down. :love:
Checking in this morning at 40%, I gained 2lbs back and I am not happy :( I haven't been eating all that well since getting back from DL and it is starting to show up on the scale.

QOTD: Tell us about the women in your life that have helped you along the way.

Unfortunately I haven't had many women help me along the way (outside of this group) my mom is the jealous type when I lose weight and I am not close with other women in my family. I spent a lot of time with my grandmother but she was not very healthy and we bonded over food so while she meant well I think that is where my food troubles began.

QOTD: Have you ever practiced a martial art? If yes – tell us about it – if no do you think you would ever try one – and which one?
Bonus: What adventures are you up to this weekend?
I have not practiced martial arts, however my boys were in Jiu Jitsu for a couple of years.

This weekend we finally got the kid's pictures taken and they turned out amazing! I was also able to get in a 7 mile run.

QOTD: Are you including any strength training in your weekly routines? If yes what does it involve? If no – what could you think about including?
Bonus Question: Who is your favourite Disney Prince?

I use exercise bands for my strength training a couple times a week. I mainly do exercises that focus on different leg muscles to help with running. I also throw in some pushups and sit ups too.
QOTD: Are you including any strength training in your weekly routines? If yes what does it involve? If no – what could you think about including?
I struggle here! I TRY to include strength training in the form of DVDs that involve light weights. However my running comes first. So since the kids have been back in school I've gotten all my runs in (which was my goal), all of my Yoga workouts in but the strength training days are the ones that have suffered. I think I've done 1 in the last month. Next month I'll try to work that into my goal.

Bonus Question: Who is your favourite Disney Prince?
My favorite Disney Prince is Flynn Rider cause he reminds me so much of my little brother in law (who we dont see often because he is in the air force). I think he's just too funny!

Checking in: I'm at 40% of my goal for the month. I've gotten all my runs in but I have 3 days of non tracking on MFP for the month. Not terrible but could be better.
Well my weekend didn't turn out like I had planned. Saturday we decided to go to eat for dinner. Well I got macaroni and cheese with andouille sausage, broccoli and red peppers. I knew I should not have gotten it for two reasons. 1. It is not that healthy but not horrible. I could have done worse and 2. I know my digestive system does not like cheese. I ended up not felling good Saturday afternoon. I must have wanted to punish myself because I ate the left overs on Sunday for lunch. Yep, I paid for that. I was sick all afternoon. Thankfully I was planning on being home all day and watching football so I just laid on the couch all day.

It was a rough day watching football too. I play in a fantasy football league with work and my team was horrible yesterday. I did a lot of yelling at the TV. We watch the Red Zone channel (bounces back and fourth between all the games playing) on Sundays now because we a dreaded Cleveland Browns fans and they just stink. We are looking at 5 different quarterbacks starting with the last 2 games of last year. We at least have the CAVS (Basketball Champions) and the Indians (Baseball) are on top right now.

Well I finally weighed myself this morning. I haven't done it in about a month. I was surprised I had only gained 2 pounds. I thought it would be more.

Check In--- 16.66%

I need to work on getting my steps in. I did go for a walk on Friday with a friend. Our sons are both in the same class that I am having an issue with. It was nice to catch up and vent about the class. She is having issues too with the class. Her and I need to do this more often. She only lives about a 2 minute drive from me. I got over 14,000 on Friday. It didn't even feel like we were walking that long.

Here is an update on my son's English class. Still no answers. I am getting even more frustrated with the lack of communication. The team lead has not emailed me back so I have now sent an email to the principal. This is not what I wanted to do. I hate having to talk to the principal. I have never had to before. I feel they have better things to worry about. Especially since my son has now told me about 2 different first fights at school. Seriously, the kids in the school are 10 and 11. Well, hopefully I will get some answers soon so the principal can get back to mare pressing issues.
QOTD: Are you including any strength training in your weekly routines? If yes what does it involve? If no – what could you think about including?
I struggle here! I TRY to include strength training in the form of DVDs that involve light weights. However my running comes first. So since the kids have been back in school I've gotten all my runs in (which was my goal), all of my Yoga workouts in but the strength training days are the ones that have suffered. I think I've done 1 in the last month. Next month I'll try to work that into my goal.

Wow, this is really impressive! All runs and yoga and you are thinking of strength training, too. And you have kids. I wish I could be that determined!

Here is an update on my son's English class. Still no answers. I am getting even more frustrated with the lack of communication. The team lead has not emailed me back so I have now sent an email to the principal. This is not what I wanted to do. I hate having to talk to the principal. I have never had to before. I feel they have better things to worry about. Especially since my son has now told me about 2 different first fights at school. Seriously, the kids in the school are 10 and 11. Well, hopefully I will get some answers soon so the principal can get back to mare pressing issues.

So sorry that you have to struggle so much with getting your son the education that he deserves! But it sounds like getting together with your friend not only helps you to get moving, but also to get some support with this issue. Hope you get something resolved there soon!


I went for a run!!! I am soooooo happy! I still have a little bit of a runny nose, but otherwise feel fine. So, when I got home from work I first picked up that large box of dresses that I bought on the last end of sale (far too many too cute, so it will be hard to decide which to keep and which to send home). Once I had gone through trying everything on, I was hungry and made my planned (!) dinner: gnocchi with zucchini. But before I started cooking I had to get dressed again and decided to put on my running clothes already. So, I had my delicious dinner and went out for my run. Yes, not the best to run on a full stomach, but I knew it would not be a long run and I could not have run while hungry! The only sad thing is that it is getting dark so early, so I had to run with my headlight around the block. But still better than no run. I only ran for 3.5 km, but considering how little I have been running recently, I really did not want to overdo it. So, this is Monday's run done. Now on to 4km on Wednesday!!
Forgot the QOTD: I do not really do strength training as such, but the Jillian Michaels DVDs that I like do have some strength exercises (more toning than strength exercises) and I really like the effect those have on my body. I am going to re-start doing the again now and hope to get to improve my shape a little before my cruise... I also need to do strength training specifically for my foot. But those exercises are boring and tiring... However, they are necessary and I should be off doing them so that I can go to bed to keep up with my good intentions about early bedtime!
Crazy day today, first day of the new team structure and of me being the day time on call. I've survived tho.

I think you could say there's strength training in pilates but other than that I don't do any.

Favorite prince... The guy in Frozen with the reindeer was pretty cute. For a cartoon charector.

Results aren't good, weight is up a couple pounds and step count has been off due to a sore toe so I'm at 0%. .
Checking in this morning at 40%, I gained 2lbs back and I am not happy :( I haven't been eating all that well since getting back from DL and it is starting to show up on the scale.


I find after vacations coming back to pre vacation diet & exercise harder and in fact end up gaining weight after my last WDW not during. However 2 lbs is really nothing and weight keeps going up and down naturally that much. You can do it but focus on eating well and the scale with do what it needs to do.

I had a great day yesterday! I feel I got this. I felt like I haven't stopped eating all day but so much of it was healthy, I did good workout in the gym, I took DS for little cycle, I had a hot dog at the mini beer fest near my work on my home but didn't go in I blew it so I may as well eat. I went home and I supplemented the hot dog with a nice big salad and called it a dinner, instead of pre dinner snack and my calorie balance was at healthy -500 calories in the end of the day

I think 200 to 500 calorie deficit is reasonable goal for me at this stage, and I have to say I find burning 2200 calories and eating 1700 much easier then burning 2500 and eating 2000. At some point doing too much without chill out time makes me hungry all the time!

But sitting less in front of the TV or laptop doesn't equal running or super active exercise. It was lovely to be out with my son and enjoy the nice evening last night

32 days to WDW!
I think you could say there's strength training in pilates but other than that I don't do any.

Pilates is strength training in my opinion. Isn't the purpose of creating pilates to target core strenght for dancers? Core strenght is so important, it's excellent choice of workout
I think 200 to 500 calorie deficit is reasonable goal for me at this stage, and I have to say I find burning 2200 calories and eating 1700 much easier then burning 2500 and eating 2000. At some point doing too much without chill out time makes me hungry all the time!

But sitting less in front of the TV or laptop doesn't equal running or super active exercise. It was lovely to be out with my son and enjoy the nice evening last night

32 days to WDW!

I think this is the answer why I felt more content before my Spanish holiday at 5kg more then I weight now. I am focusing too much on the scale and the short term goal (WDW holiday) and pushed too hard on exercise. AGAIN! Up to a level where it's not enjoyable and it feels like diet and not happy healthy living. I have been going out less too, I need to get out more and live more. I want to be healthy so I can do more and have more fun, not so I can be skinny and drained, hungry and cranky
I think this is the answer why I felt more content before my Spanish holiday at 5kg more then I weight now. I am focusing too much on the scale and the short term goal (WDW holiday) and pushed too hard on exercise. AGAIN! Up to a level where it's not enjoyable and it feels like diet and not happy healthy living. I have been going out less too, I need to get out more and live more. I want to be healthy so I can do more and have more fun, not so I can be skinny and drained, hungry and cranky

I truly admire your ability to push yourself so hard! I often lack this and therefore the results are not showing. But I do understand that too hard is not good either. I am afraid that the atmosphere here is one to help people push harder and this is not the right way for you. I guess this is why you stepped away from the thread a few times. Is there anything WE can do to help you to give yourself more freedom to just live and work less hard??

Also, keep in mind how far you have come this year!! You are truly one of the big success stories among us - whether there are a few more kilos that you want to get rid off. :goodvibes


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