Proof The Rumors Are True!!! TCD Relocation Plans!

BVC should be BCV - Beach Club Villas
SAB - Stormalong Bay the pool at the Beach and Yacht Club resort

No problem. BCV = Beach Club Villas, SAB = Stormalong Bay

Thanks! Sometimes I'm acronym challenged. I saw the SAB last time we were there, it was nice. Something like that at FW would be awesome! Hopefully it wouldn't be DVC exclusive. Especially considering what a cabin & campsite cost these days.
I second tcd sentiments !!!
I have been staying at the Fort all my life and I can safely say there has not been a cannon since 1970's

Thanks for the confirmation on the canon. I thought it was new also.

I don't think they are going to revive any portion of River Country for any use. Too dilapidated, cost too much to rehab, etc.. I can see them using a few token items in the construction of a new pool for the DVC use.

As far as the close distance to FW, it only makes sense to share the same boat dock. It saves them from having to add another boat dock using still more boats or the FW boat having to make an extra stop :-)mad:).

And like I had said before, if this was built, it would only make sense to move the main bus transportation back to the Settlement area, but completely redesign it. They would need to straighten out the road that goes towards Creekside to directly connect with Vista Blvd. (restricted access of course). That way the bus service can 'loop' through WL, FW and then back out again

I agree with all of this.

Especially the part about moving the Settlement Bus Stop (to somewhere closer to the current River Country area), and making the Settlement the main bus stop for park transportation. I still don't understand why they have the buses stop at WL and then travel all the way to the Outpost, when they could just use the internal road to get to the Settlement Bus Stop.

Ok, following my last blunder, I have spent considerable time working with the PDF, primarily separating the bits into pertinent layers. Now that this is largely done I thought I would play with what might extend beyond the edges of this sheet. As has been mentioned (sorry, I don't recall by whom) the buildings that are cut off appear to be creating a second arc. I thought, what if you build that arc out, what area would it occupy. Interestingly, it matches up neatly with the existing shoreline! See...

Now, I'm not suggesting that they will build a second arc as drawn, but there seems to be some coordination between the shape of the building arc and the shoreline. The red building over the RC dock doesn't seem to relate well to the arc of buildings, and seems to be another block of rooms, so I don't really know what to make of it.


Whoa Daddy!

You don't think small, do you.

That would be a huge resort.

If this was the design, what about parking?

I think you can't dismiss that little remnant of a building there by the docks just to the West of River Country. This is where I am thinking a row of buildings will end.

The cannon must be new and to keep us fort rif raf out of the new dvc lol


One more quick image. The partial footprint for the west-most building is a perfect match for another building in the northern arc, so I'd say this is a pretty good hypothetical of that building:


Still doesn't seem to fit with the other arcs, but there it is.


What if this building was the end of a second arc that was kind of a mirror image of the first? It would curve the opposite way of the Northern arc. Fort Wilderness Pavilion, the Upstream Plunge, and the new lodge type building would be in the center of these two arcs. Parking and such could be in the area of the current TCD Farm/Ranch.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see the buildings be 4+ stories high.

Why not?

WL and the VWL are pretty tall.

Sorry for asking, but what is SAB and BVC?

I know SAB refers to Storm Along Bay- the big pool shared by the Yacht and Beach Club resort. It is like a water park. Very nice.

I believe BVC refers to Beach Club Villas (maybe it's supposed to be BCV?). This is the DVC portion of the Beach Club Resort.

You don't think small, do you.
That would be a huge resort.
If this was the design, what about parking?
I think you can't dismiss that little remnant of a building there by the docks just to the West of River Country. This is where I am thinking a row of buildings will end.
What if this building was the end of a second arc that was kind of a mirror image of the first? It would curve the opposite way of the Northern arc. Fort Wilderness Pavilion, the Upstream Plunge, and the new lodge type building would be in the center of these two arcs. Parking and such could be in the area of the current TCD Farm/Ranch.

Oh I agree, I really don't think they would be building the full circle, but I thought the match of the arcs seemed too close to be coincidence. As far as the building over the RC dock, if it were the terminus of a second arc (and I agree the angle may suggest that), then the question becomes "what's the idea with the partial building to the SE of the lodge?" It is clearly the same design as the other resort suite buildings. And where is the grand entrance and registration? They need to relate to the parking, wherever that is. :confused3

Welcome DVC lurker!

I would love to hear more about your Diamond Horseshoe comment. Do you mean the show would be brought back here?


It appears that it would definitely fit.

But, what about the Hoop Dee Doo Review being right next door?


I definitely see an Old West type atmosphere very similar to the "street" section of frontierland. Using the boardwalk example, the store fronts could have a gift shop, restaurants, maybe an arcade, etc.

My other inspiration for all of this is the main area of Dixie Landings that has the water wheel.

I agree that there is a conflict with having a Diamond Horseshoe show AND Hoop Dee Doo. However, I think Disney could come up with something appropriate. Boardwalk has Jellyrolls, while Dixie Landings has Yee Haw Bob. Both of these "shows" are first come first serve bars. Yee Haw Bob is family friendly, while Jellyrolls is 21 to enter. So...long story short...use the Nightclub model, and not the Dinner Show model. (A saloon would fit into that model afterall.)

I am concerned about putting an Old West resort on water. How does that work? I mean old San Francisco or San Diego doesn't quite fit. Do you make it a Tom Sawyer, Big River theme? Do you make it Memphis or St. Louis? Maybe, it will be Hanibal Missouri.

The only part that I really don't like about all of this is the prices that DVC have been astronomical lately. I love the idea...I just can't imagine paying $120 points for it. (I'm not willing to pay $120/pt. for ANY Resort ANYWHERE)

I think it would be a lot of fun to mix and mingle with our Fort Friends while staying at DVC.
Oh I agree, I really don't think they would be building the full circle, but I thought the match of the arcs seemed too close to be coincidence. As far as the building over the RC dock, if it were the terminus of a second arc (and I agree the angle may suggest that), then the question becomes "what's the idea with the partial building to the SE of the lodge?" It is clearly the same design as the other resort suite buildings. And where is the grand entrance and registration? They need to relate to the parking, wherever that is. :confused3

Who knows what they will build, but its fun being an armchair quarterback. While I would love to play with this in AutoCAD myself, my employer may have an issue with me taking a license to play with this at work for a few hours. Instead, I sketched what I envision using your image.


It wouldn't be huge like AKV or SSR, but it would be bigger than BCV and VWL. Maybe close to BWV, but I hope it wouldn't go more than 4 stories.
I have to agree with TCD on the layout of what I'll call the Southern Arc. If someone with the computer capabilities* can show that on the overlay, I'll bet the pool and other parts of RC would fit in between the two arcs. Plus, if you notice the main common building has what appears to be a porch all the way around it on 3 sides, with a bar on the short end. The porch side on the southern exposure would be facing the pool area. Just add some rocking chairs and we'd have a fancied up version of the Trails End porch.

*I'd do it myself, but unfortunately my drafting skills never made it to the computer age.:goodvibes

BTW: Note to Everyone:
This has got to be one of the most enjoyable threads we've had in a while! Maybe if we come up with enough good ideas, the Disney imagineers will use some of them.:flower3: We can only hope!
Who knows what they will build, but its fun being an armchair quarterback. While I would love to play with this in AutoCAD myself, my employer may have an issue with me taking a license to play with this at work for a few hours. Instead, I sketched what I envision using your image.


It wouldn't be huge like AKV or SSR, but it would be bigger than BCV and VWL. Maybe close to BWV, but I hope it wouldn't go more than 4 stories.

Hey! You must have been reading my mind! Thanks!

It wouldn't be huge like AKV or SSR, but it would be bigger than BCV and VWL. Maybe close to BWV, but I hope it wouldn't go more than 4 stories.

Really like the image. If they build something like this, with a nice pool area and a decent beach (similar to BCV), I would be talking to the wife about adding on here.

Add the entertainment area (Diamond Horseshoe, an old soda fountain, shops, shooting gallery, etc) and people will be lining up to buy points.
A decent entertainment area would draw people from FW, WL/WLV, and all the boat access resorts (GF, Poly, and CR/BLT).
I definitely see an Old West type atmosphere very similar to the "street" section of frontierland. Using the boardwalk example, the store fronts could have a gift shop, restaurants, maybe an arcade, etc.

My other inspiration for all of this is the main area of Dixie Landings that has the water wheel.

I agree that there is a conflict with having a Diamond Horseshoe show AND Hoop Dee Doo. However, I think Disney could come up with something appropriate. Boardwalk has Jellyrolls, while Dixie Landings has Yee Haw Bob. Both of these "shows" are first come first serve bars. Yee Haw Bob is family friendly, while Jellyrolls is 21 to enter. So...long story short...use the Nightclub model, and not the Dinner Show model. (A saloon would fit into that model afterall.)

I am concerned about putting an Old West resort on water. How does that work? I mean old San Francisco or San Diego doesn't quite fit. Do you make it a Tom Sawyer, Big River theme? Do you make it Memphis or St. Louis? Maybe, it will be Hanibal Missouri.

The only part that I really don't like about all of this is the prices that DVC have been astronomical lately. I love the idea...I just can't imagine paying $120 points for it. (I'm not willing to pay $120/pt. for ANY Resort ANYWHERE)

I think it would be a lot of fun to mix and mingle with our Fort Friends while staying at DVC.

I like your ideas.

Especially the one about a Saloon!

That would be a great amenity for Fort Wilderness and this new resort.

Right now, the night life ends at the Fort at around 10 pm :(

Who knows what they will build, but its fun being an armchair quarterback. While I would love to play with this in AutoCAD myself, my employer may have an issue with me taking a license to play with this at work for a few hours. Instead, I sketched what I envision using your image.


It wouldn't be huge like AKV or SSR, but it would be bigger than BCV and VWL. Maybe close to BWV, but I hope it wouldn't go more than 4 stories.

That is the idea of what I'm talking about.

Only, I think the pool ends up between the two arcs, not outside of the second arc. Also, I don't think the second arc would go as far to the South/East as you have depicted.

It looks like the Fort Wilderness pavilion, which is between the two arcs, in the area you marked Lobby, could be saved.

The DVC's have very small lobbies. They could put the Lobby just to the south of the FW pavilion, and maybe the pool just on the other side of the lobby, inside the arcs. The pavilion could be used in conjunction with the pool, and for outside seating for dining, as well as other activities.

I still say no new dock or boat service- I think that's the whole idea of cramming the northern arc so close to Pioneer Hall and the beach- it isn't too far to walk to the FW dock from there.

I have to agree with TCD on the layout of what I'll call the Southern Arc. If someone with the computer capabilities* can show that on the overlay, I'll bet the pool and other parts of RC would fit in between the two arcs. Plus, if you notice the main common building has what appears to be a porch all the way around it on 3 sides, with a bar on the short end. The porch side on the southern exposure would be facing the pool area. Just add some rocking chairs and we'd have a fancied up version of the Trails End porch.

*I'd do it myself, but unfortunately my drafting skills never made it to the computer age.:goodvibes

BTW: Note to Everyone:
This has got to be one of the most enjoyable threads we've had in a while! Maybe if we come up with enough good ideas, the Disney imagineers will use some of them.:flower3: We can only hope!

Yep. I see the porch. The northern exposure faces the lake and Discovery Island. Nice views there. And the southern exposure would face the water recreation area.

Add the entertainment area (Diamond Horseshoe, an old soda fountain, shops, shooting gallery, etc) and people will be lining up to buy points.
A decent entertainment area would draw people from FW, WL/WLV, and all the boat access resorts (GF, Poly, and CR/BLT).

Yes- I agree with this. There are hundreds of extra folks who visit FW every night for the Hoop Dee Doo Review and the Backyard BBQ- wouldn't Disney love to have some of those folks hang around for a bit and spend some extra money on drinks and games and such?

Someone suggested maybe we're being played here. Is Disney trying to save on Imagineering, and throwing this out just to see what the guests would design?
OK, I stop following the camping boards on a daily basis so I can concentrate on finding a darn joberoni and I return to find THIS mess of a thread. :goodvibes I LOVE it! Afterall, I love Fort Wilderness and not all of us are fortunate enough to be able to afford, or have the patience enough to drive, a second home but on wheels - hence why I love my DVC so much.

Great job on the mock ups guys! No visual concept designers in the bunch here? I'd love to see a ground view, a walk through, hear the music they'll play, the lifeguards blowing whistles at... err... no skip that one.
Someone suggested maybe we're being played here. Is Disney trying to save on Imagineering, and throwing this out just to see what the guests would design?

Well, if that's the case, then let me start doing some drawing!!!!!:)
Someone suggested maybe we're being played here. Is Disney trying to save on Imagineering, and throwing this out just to see what the guests would design?

I doubt it. Disney has had hundreds, even thousands of plans in filing cabinets for years and years. This is just an old one dusted off and most likely revamped to account for a few changes for engineering and to accommodate for wetland laws and new surveys/perk tests.

I don't think filing this was an accident either. Disney know's what it's doing. It's fun to imagine what they might do though :)
Here is a whack at the TCD vision:


Just an interesting note: the lodge (as we've been calling it) is larger than Pioneer Hall even without the porches. The porches make it much larger. I still don't quite buy that the parking will be where the stables are now... who wants the suites that look out onto a parking lot? I think the main parking may still be across the road, with a lot of emphasis on cart-based bell-service.

Interesting. If they took the angle a little sharper to the south, it appears the old pool could be used as well.

They may do under-unit parking like Kidani Village?

I really hope they don't go toward the bell-services/valet approach. That is one of my biggest complaints with the current Boardwalk setup, and Grand Floridian is even worse (not that I have stayed there, but have driven over for dinner and had to park and walk).

I hate being forced into "add-on" services like that.
I think they are being lazy and are letting us design it for them. A little from column A a little from column B and hey boss look we designed the new Fort Wilderness DVC
Interesting. If they took the angle a little sharper to the south, it appears the old pool could be used as well.

They may do under-unit parking like Kidani Village?

This is exactly what I've been thinking as I've read through all of the pages watching this wonderful iterations unfold! Great job with the drawing overlays on the Google images! I loved seeing the older ones from the '90s in B&W to the current ones. I've been lurking and following these rumors for a while now as they've come up, but this thread has been amazingly neat to watch and read it all unfold. Kudos to all you inquisitive minds. :thumbsup2

My two cents, like HockeyKat, is that if they repeat the style of building that they did at AKV - both at Jambo House and Kidani, then they would probably repeat the parking situation that went in at Kidani. Given the renderings, it sure does appear that they would follow that design choice all the way through with the parking situation as well. Ground level parking that is "underground" since the lobby entry area and "first floor" are actually on level two. Multiple elevators and stairwells throughout to accomodate guests getting to and from their vehicles easily wherever they are located, and avoids that unsightly view of the parking lot. It depends on how much would actually get built, of course. It could be a mix of both, underunit on one side, and traditional lot for the other side? Just guessing myself right along with you all.


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