Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

I'm here to vent again...last night and this morning have been a total cluster. The biggest thing is that my aunt who is already battling cancer and having surgery on Friday - her 90-something-year-old mother suddenly passed away last night. OMG. What else can this poor woman have thrown at her? I guess the only good thing is that the mother did not want a service and made all of her arrangements for cremation already, so there's really nothing Aunt has to do. She also has a brother who I would hope would come out and help, but I don't think he lives near them.

Between this, and my kid not listening to me even when I'm RIGHT IN HIS FACE, and the cat bothering me for his supper when it's not even 10 a.m., and my DH being...well, a typical man every night...I'm stressed and beat. Josh even just said to me, "How about we have a Mommy-Take-It-Easy day?" Yeah, I'd LOVE that...

Does anyone here watch The Good Place? We just discovered it on Netflix...and this is ME right now:

QUESTION of the DAY: Are you a morning person or a night owl?? Have you always been this way? What about others in your family??
Put it this way...I'm a night owl who gets up early and gets stuff done. I have always been a night owl. When I was a teenager, my grandmother would complain that I slept until 10-11 a.m...but I didn't fall asleep until 2 or 3, so I wasn't oversleeping. And I didn't purposely keep myself up that late. I just naturally seem to wake up around 10 a.m. and find it difficult to fall asleep earlier. Even now, as tired as I always am, I can't seem to go to sleep before 11:30.

I can't say if DH is either. He gets up early because he says if he sleeps too late, he feels like the day is wasted. But no matter the time of day, he dozes off in his chair. 9:30 a.m...noon...2-3 p.m...8 p.m...10:30 p.m...he's snoring away.

Josh seems to be more of a night owl as well. As a baby, we often couldn't get him to fall asleep until after 1 a.m. He gets cranky between 3 and 6 p.m., but once we get over that hump, he's wide awake. I had read that it has something to do with what time of day you're born - people born in the morning are morning people, and people born after 12 p.m. are night owls. Has something to do with the light setting your body clock...? So that would make sense for Josh and I...I was born at 3:45 p.m. EST and he was 6:51 p.m.
I'm here to vent again...last night and this morning have been a total cluster. The biggest thing is that my aunt who is already battling cancer and having surgery on Friday - her 90-something-year-old mother suddenly passed away last night. OMG. What else can this poor woman have thrown at her? I guess the only good thing is that the mother did not want a service and made all of her arrangements for cremation already, so there's really nothing Aunt has to do. She also has a brother who I would hope would come out and help, but I don't think he lives near them.

So sorry for your Aunt to have to be going thru this again, you are right, way too much has been thrown at her lately. Sending some prayers her way to help her get thru her Mother's passing

Between this, and my kid not listening to me even when I'm RIGHT IN HIS FACE, and the cat bothering me for his supper when it's not even 10 a.m., and my DH being...well, a typical man every night...I'm stressed and beat. Josh even just said to me, "How about we have a Mommy-Take-It-Easy day?" Yeah, I'd LOVE that...
You seriously do need a Mommy-Take-It-Easy day! Can you find a cool park or somewhere to take him where he can run off a little steam and you can just sit and relax for a little bit? If at all possible, then DO IT!

Does anyone here watch The Good Place? We just discovered it on Netflix...and this is ME right now:
I watched every episode of all seasons when it was on NBC. . I was a little skeptical of it at first, but by the second episode I was laughing at it, and enjoyed it immensely. I love Kristen Bell, so that made it even more enjoyable. I was very sad when they showed the final episode.

Put it this way...I'm a night owl who gets up early and gets stuff done. I have always been a night owl. When I was a teenager, my grandmother would complain that I slept until 10-11 a.m...but I didn't fall asleep until 2 or 3, so I wasn't oversleeping. And I didn't purposely keep myself up that late. I just naturally seem to wake up around 10 a.m. and find it difficult to fall asleep earlier. Even now, as tired as I always am, I can't seem to go to sleep before 11:30.

I can't say if DH is either. He gets up early because he says if he sleeps too late, he feels like the day is wasted. But no matter the time of day, he dozes off in his chair. 9:30 a.m...noon...2-3 p.m...8 p.m...10:30 p.m...he's snoring away.

Josh seems to be more of a night owl as well. As a baby, we often couldn't get him to fall asleep until after 1 a.m. He gets cranky between 3 and 6 p.m., but once we get over that hump, he's wide awake. I had read that it has something to do with what time of day you're born - people born in the morning are morning people, and people born after 12 p.m. are night owls. Has something to do with the light setting your body clock...? So that would make sense for Josh and I...I was born at 3:45 p.m. EST and he was 6:51 p.m.
:hug:apirateslifeforme, I'm so sorry your Aunt has one more sadness to cope with and that you do as well. Please take time for yourself to be still and recharge! Keeping you and your family in prayer.

Lynxtch, Sunday, felt so draggy to me! Yesterday was more normal but time is sure still "off." It had to have been MUCH later at only 8pm than it was, sure felt like it even earlier in the day. Prayers for some cooling rain for you and Meriweather, too!

Easyas123, hooray for some good news :) Thank you for sharing!

Have a good Tuesday everyone :grouphug:
Between this, and my kid not listening to me even when I'm RIGHT IN HIS FACE, and the cat bothering me for his supper when it's not even 10 a.m., and my DH being...well, a typical man every night...I'm stressed and beat. Josh even just said to me, "How about we have a Mommy-Take-It-Easy day?" Yeah, I'd LOVE that...

Sounds like you need a break - I had two boys, 20 months apart. They were generally good kids, but hey, everyone needs a break once in a great while! Might I suggest a 24 or 48 hour get away by yourself? Sometimes a re-charge is just the thing. Doesn't make you a bad person or mother-
I had read that it has something to do with what time of day you're born - people born in the morning are morning people, and people born after 12 p.m. are night owls. Has something to do with the light setting your body clock...? So that would make sense for Josh and I...I was born at 3:45 p.m. EST and he was 6:51 p.m.

That didn’t hold for me. I was born at 4:41pm, but am an absolute morning person. I was up before 5:00 today, and my brain is complete mush in the evenings.

Sorry to hear about everything your aunt Is going through right now. 😢

i love the “Mommy-Take-It-Easy day“ line! Josh sounds like a perceptive kid.
I am definitely a morning person. I get up early, 4:45 am, and start working by 6:30 am. My brain works much better in the morning. I believe in early to bed, early to rise. By 6:00 pm I am ready to relax and get ready for the night. On the weekend I sleep in a bit, to 6:00 am.
I am definitely a morning person. I get up early, 4:45 am, and start working by 6:30 am. My brain works much better in the morning. I believe in early to bed, early to rise. By 6:00 pm I am ready to relax and get ready for the night. On the weekend I sleep in a bit, to 6:00 am.

hahahaha!!! this is me when Daylight Savings Ends....home from work, light a fire, get supper started, put on pajamas and ahhhhhhhhh.
I am so not a fan of the time changes especially in the late Fall! I wish we'd stick to one or the other. It will get dark (and light) when God wants it to get dark or light no matter what "time" it is! The whole time changes always messes with me. I do love though when it is lighter longer right now.

Tuesday Gratitude:

Sweet PM's from friends
Clean laundry and extra groceries and that Dad came home safely after doing both
Re-reading a favorite children's book series is always fun for a smile. Are any of you familiar with the My Secret Unicorn books? 🦄
What other books do you enjoy re-reading, PollyannaMom (if you want to share :))?

The My Secret Unicorn series is smaller, I believe the author (Linda Chapman) is from the UK. There are 15 books. It's about a young girl named Lauren who discovers (with help from a kind elderly bookstore worker) that her new pony is really a unicorn in disguise. Now, lol, my horse experience=at Disneyland and maybe a couple other carousels! I am definitely not a horse person or knowledgeable about them. These books are just fun. I wish the author had chosen to write more. light-hearted but also well written.
My husband picked up The Stand for the first time and couldn't put it down, so I decided to read it again. Forgot how good it was!
I kinda tend toward serious, then fluffy books...I'm currently getting a lot out of some holocaust memoirs and for fluff reading enjoy period type books along the lines of Lucy Worsely - I just started a new book by the guy who wrote the Crazy Rich Asian trilogy (which I loved).
Youngest gave me a book called Lions of Kandahar that looks interesting, but I haven't started it yet.

We had a lot of rain and thunder and lightning last night.

I just reread A Wrinkle in Time. When I ran out of library books before the library reopened, i started looking at kid books still in the house. I also read Attila the Pun, about a 4th grade level boys story. Had a lot of dad jokes in it.

Last night at 7 pm I had a church worship team meeting by Zoom. I just now (4:30 Tuesday) remembered it. Oops.

Today DS and SIL both came up to help DH get big things moved from his office and the house. Some office to house. Some house and office to dump and to metal recycling. The rest of the things to move some fit in our cars, we rented a truck today. Luckily it wasn't too hot. The sofa is still in the garage as DS decided he'd like it. He'll have to get a truck and come get it.

Seeing DS and hearing his stories
Successful move
Office is getting closer to empty
We are finally in the midst of a huge thunderstorm. It is dumping down the rain. ☔

At least we won't have to water tonite! We had 50% chance last nite , got nothing, had zero chance today, and yet here we are, lol! Our cats are all sitting in different windows watching the rain hit them, surprised that the thunder and lightening didn't scare them, it was right over the house and VERY loud!
Stay safe Lynxstch, glad you are getting rain. I also hope that will cool things off for you.

What a cool idea, Carol! I am not sure whether it is okay to directly share by name but the only other online site (besides here :)) I am a member of is for used books. I joined it several years ago when I had a surplus of books both from college (years ago) along with others I no longer needed to own. I knew should I ever truly want to re-read that is what the library was for! I needed more shelf space plus as I got older and feelings on some books changed, I also no longer needed to own them. This was a wonderful direct way of passing them onto folks who did want to read them. Yes, I also donated to the library too. But they only needed/had room for so many!

Looking back as an adult now, I wish I kept more of my kids books. It was from a Baby-sitter's Club one of the Little Sister books that I discovered the My Secret Unicorn books. I do remember in college enjoying going with a friend to used book store in town that had a great kid's section and just spending time browsing through some old favorites. I do have my degree in early childhood education so this made sense for that too. I do sometimes find kids book a whole lot more genuine than "adult' ones. I mostly do read these days besides rereading some kids favorites, Christian inspirational stories of how God helped someone to realize His Presence either through an Angel or more directly. I actually was given as an act of kindness such a book that if any of you are interested in PM me for title and it would mean so much to me to pass on to someone here. I do enjoy for lighter reader Love Inspired books too just, the regular line.

How about for today's being all about children's books! QOTD for 7/7: Share with us about a favorite children's book or two. This could be a book that has been special to you since childhood or like the Unicorn Series for me, one you came to enjoy as an adult. One day post-plague, I will thanks to Carol, check out some favorites from the library. Perhaps there is a kid's book or two you might do likewise with :)
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QOTD for 7/7: I am thinking post plague that it would be fun to re-read some of the Beverly Clearly books such as Henry and the Paper Route or one of the earlier Ramona books (I THINK I liked those better than some of the later ones). I do have about 20 Boxcar Children mysteries. I'd enjoy checking out some others in this series. I will also say that for some reason I have always preferred (this is true across most kids series I have read that take place in different locations) the books that took place at home to those that were afar or on a trip. Maybe they seemed more real or possible to me, especially as a young child longing often for a healthier/more normal life. I don't know. What about each of you? :)
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I liked the Nancy Drew mysteries. I am pretty sure read all of them. My mother had saved from books from when she was young circa 1930's. They were alot of fun to read. One book was called The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. It was about a poor family who got by with hard work, play, and love. A bit sad and a bit fun. I also read Little Women and other books by Louisa May Alcott.
QOTD: Favorite kids books....for the littles, There's A Monster At The End Of This Book. Best monster story ever. Also, Fox In Socks. That book I can quote from memory, lol

When a fox is
in the bottle where
the tweetle beetles battle
with their paddles
in a puddle on a
noodle-eating poodle.
THIS is what they call...

...a tweetle beetle
noodle poodle bottles
paddled muddled duddled
fuddled wuddled
fox in socks, sir!

For the slightly older me, I loved the Little House on the Prarie series; Louisa May Alcott's Little Women trilogy; Patricia C Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles.

As a teen, I started reading Spider Robinson's Callahan; Robert Asprin's Phule series; Christopher Rowley's Basil Broketail; and Joel Rosenberg's Ehvenor books. Also, David Morrell's Brotherhood of the Rose and other similar books he was writing.

Making a modified breakfast for dinner...fried potatoes, eggs, toast and melon. Feeling kinda lazy today, LOL. One more week with the grandkiddo, then he's off to CA with DD.
@flyingdumbo127, as I was reading your post, I thought a good question would be about your favorite children's book.

QOTD for 7/7: Share with us about a favorite children's book or two.
My favorite book as a child was Follow my Leader by James B. Garfield. It's about a boy who was blinded by a firecracker and had to relearn how to live, eventually getting a guide dog named Leader. I think I have a copy somewhere. I remember lending it to a neighbor who baby sat our kids and it was falling apart then. I think this is where I got my interest in rehabilitation.

I also liked the Little House on the Prairie books, Nancy Drew mysteries, and "blue" biographies. Both DH and I remember reading biographies from the school libraries in elementary schools that were solid blue covers.

One of my favorite books to read to my kids was Owl Moon by Jane Yolen. And now I have read it to my granddaughter.

Dinner tonight was easy. I had defrosted and marinated a chicken breast. Put that on the foreman grill and had left over pasta salad, some fresh pineapple, and sliced a tomato.


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