Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Thank you for your replies! I'll definitely post plague check some of them out at the library. I forgot to share earlier my very favorite book for younger children especially is called Santa's Favorite Story. I had it one year on my trunk as part of trunk or treat when I did a Christmas themed car.

A/C going here and sure feels good. Hope all of you are keeping cool, too! 🐧
QOTD for 7/7: Share with us about a favorite children's book or two.

To read to little kids, I love Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Room on the Broom, and The Little Old Lady that was not afraid of anything. The kids at my work LOVE when I read those.

When I was younger I loved book series I would get from Scholastic but I can't remember the names of any of them now... :confused3 I know my favorite one was a young adult series about teenagers with supernatural powers, I've tried to Google and can't find them at all. Then another that I think was called the boxcar children...or something like that. My grandparents had some old Nancy Drew books that I read when I would visit. When my daughter was younger, I would buy her some books for Christmas and I would read them first before she did...lol I LOVES the Junie B Jones books and another series call Dear Dumb Diary. Then of course Harry Potter series.
:) Thanks for sharing AuntieMe3. The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner is what they are! The first 20 books are written by the author. The rest are written by various people under the original author's name. I have to admit other than the very first book which I love and wish had been longer, I prefer the books not written by GCW. I find the language in them older and also the characters aged as well. This was one time I preferred the younger original ages. Have no clue on the teens with supernatural powers.

I admit to never getting into either Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys. I did like some of the Bobbsey Twins books (later editing of the purple hardcovers). Those saw me through a lot of dark and not positive childhood times. I think what I really liked about them was a generally happy and healthy family who also went to church and spent positive time together, too. Of course I did not care for some characterizations or even parenting choices but reading them provided a bit of a refuge for me.

Meriweather, I liked Charlotte's Web and Encyclopedia Brown, too.
QOTD for 7/7: Share with us about a favorite children's book or two.

From my own childhood, the Care Bear Cousins books. As I grew up, I enjoyed The Babysitter's Club (the Netflix show is such nostalgia), Boxcar Children, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Famous Five, Secret Seven, and Goosebumps.

For my kiddo, I've been enjoying Wherever You Go, I've Loved You Since Forever, On The Night You Were Born, and Ilama Ilama Red Pajama.
How about for today's being all about children's books! QOTD for 7/7: Share with us about a favorite children's book or two. This could be a book that has been special to you since childhood or like the Unicorn Series for me, one you came to enjoy as an adult. One day post-plague, I will thanks to Carol, check out some favorites from the library. Perhaps there is a kid's book or two you might do likewise with :)
I have WAY more than 2 favorites! When I was little, the first book I ever read on my own was the Dr. Seuss ABC book. I also liked Richard Scarry. I still have some books that are now in Josh's bookcase - a picture book of cats called "Tell Me Cat," "Ziggy and His Colors," and a set of fairy tale books that use these weird felt puppet-y looking dolls for the photos (puppets creep me out ;) ).

When I got older, I liked the Encyclopedia Brown, Choose Your Own Adventure, and All-of-a-Kind Family series. My favorite individual books were From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg, Behind the Attic Wall by Sylvia Cassedy, and Charlotte Sometimes by Penelope Farmer - the last one I actually discovered because it's my favorite song by The Cure. To this day, I'm surprised that Robert Smith didn't get sued for plagarism, as he lifted lines directly from the book for the song (of course, he also stole the idea for "that other song" from The Stranger by Albert Camus... :confused3)

When I got to the end of 5th grade, I discovered the Sweet Valley High series and Sunfire historical romances (I re-read a few of those a few years ago...really not well-written!).

Now with my own child, Neil Gaiman is my favorite author and he writes children's books as well as adult novels, so we have many of his books in Josh's bookcase. We also really like the Pig the Pug series, the "Pop Classics" where they sanitize movies from the 80s and make them into kid form (we have Back to the Future and we're constantly reading that; I've put the Karate Kid and X-Files on Josh's birthday list), and his absolute favorite is ABC/DC by Little Rock Star. It's about rock stars..."A is for AC/DC, and they are thunderstruck...B is for the Beatles, and they live in a yellow submarine," etc. My BIL really enjoyed it as well; we keep joking that we're going to get a copy for him for his birthday :)
Oh way too many to chose from, my best friend and I met at story time in the library when I was 4. Then in third grade, we competed against each other to read the most books in a month and win the county tournament,

Babysitters club, little house , Amelia Bedilia, biographies on wives of the presidents,

Superhero school by Aaron Reynolds. Is a great book to give to a 3 rd or 4 th grade teacher. I often donate books to school libraries in memory of a friend’s loved one who has passed. This book is a superhero training school where they learn fractions and math are important to protecting the world.

Izzy Willy Nilly. By Cynthia Voight. Great for a 7 th thru 10 th grader. A girl has it all cheer leader, boyfriend, then one night makes a bad decision. It had a big influence on my life to not say...oh just this one time .
What other books do you enjoy re-reading, PollyannaMom (if you want to share :))?

Definitely the Harry Potter series! (...even though I was an adult when those came out). I also re-read Alice in Wonderland as an adult, and several series to DS:

QOTD for 7/7: I am thinking post plague that it would be fun to re-read some of the Beverly Clearly books such as Henry and the Paper Route or one of the earlier Ramona books (I THINK I liked those better than some of the later ones). I do have about 20 Boxcar Children mysteries. I'd enjoy checking out some others in this series...

I loved reading Beverly Clearly’s books to my DS! They were some of his favorites, and with him I discovered the ones beyond the Ramona series - Henry, Socks, etc.

Winnie the Pooh and Paddington were also sets that I enjoyed myself and then shared with him.

And the series that started with “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” was a special favorite as well - when I read them, then read them to my younger brother, then to DS. I can still recite bits to this day!

I also enjoyed (but haven’t re-read) the Little House, Encyclopedia Brown, and the Sweet Valley High series that others mentioned, the Mary Poppins books, and especially loved the Meg mysteries. A couple of individual books I particularly remember are “Night in the Lancelot” and “Foster Mary”. (That one I do still have and re-read. It was a gift from my mom, and one of those “just at the right time” books.)

My favorite books to read to little ones now are probably Dr. Suess, and I also really love “Miss Rumphius.”

...and his absolute favorite is ABC/DC by Little Rock Star. It's about rock stars..."A is for AC/DC, and they are thunderstruck...B is for the Beatles, and they live in a yellow submarine," etc. My BIL really enjoyed it as well; we keep joking that we're going to get a copy for him for his birthday :)

If my brother the musician ever has kids, I will have to get that for them!
My favorite book as a child was Charlotte's Web. But I loved many. My favorite series was the Dr Herriot stories All Creatures Great and Small, etc.

My own kids had all the classics. I loved giving and receiving them. One of our favorites is Dr Herriot's Children's Stories. We love animals!
My vote goes for those books, tool -- loved them and read/re-read them so many times! One of the best memories is introducing DH to the James Herriot books and TV shows -- such fun times! Also loved the Little House books (and have really enjoyed recent biographies of Laura Ingalls Wilder) and any other books with illustrations by Garth Williams, the Chronicles of Narnia, all the L.M Alcott books, the Frances Hodgson Burnett books, definitely the B. Cleary books, the Phantom Tollbooth, moved on to Agatha Christie mysteries -- oh, so many books to love! The librarians must have been sick of the sight of me because I practically lived at the library.

BTW we have not seen @NYCgrrl for a while! Hope everything is ok!
Is she camping? I, too, hope all is well, but assumed she was off grid right now.
I've always loved reading and spent endless hours reading while growing up. I've loved many of the books mentioned here, but when I was very young I really enjoyed the Mrs. Piggle Wiggle books and Pippy Longstocking because they were so silly and absurd. When I was about eight I read Anne of Green Gables and really enjoyed that.

I tried finding Mrs. Piggle Wiggle when my girls were little, but they were updated, very different and had none of the charm of the stories I read as a child.
I got up and went blueberry picking at a "pick your own" farm near me. Picked 2.7 pounds, just for the two of us. I plan to bake a blueberry cake tomorrow.

After the past two days, I think I will get Charlotte's Web from the library to reread. I remember laying in my parents bed in a darkening room with my mom reading it to me. I think I had measles and I wasn't supposed to strain my eyes.

This thread also reminded me that I own four of the James Herriot big picture kid's books. My favorite is Only One Woof.
Good Morning everyone :)

First off, prayers for NYCgrrl that she is well and just enjoying time offline.

Have we seen Monkey Dawn recently? Thinking of another perhaps absent for a bit person from this lovely thread.

Love all the replies! They bring back good memories and reminders of "oh yeah, I liked that book, too!"

I LOVED all the James Herriot books! He seemed so quietly kind yet devoted to the animals and also a very real person. I am not able to fly in a plane and that type of long travel anyway would be out, but has anyone been to the James Herriot Museum in Thirsk, I believe?

I remember Sweet Valley High! I only read the earlier books (so I don't think many of the later spinoffs) I completely loved one of the twins and her long time boyfriend. I remember being upset when he moved and they broke up even though the new guy she connected with seemed like a nice boy. Romantic me cheered (though I felt badly for the newer guy) when the old guy came back and they picked right back up where they left off. I had always loved the idea of that type of childhood long term friendship turned romance lasting.

Richard Scarry and Lowly worm lol! :) I had a big book of his that showed Lowly driving an apple shaped car.

Cabanafrau, I have heard of Mrs. Piggle Wiggle but am not familiar with the stories, what are they? The name reminds me of a southern grocery store chain Piggly Wiggly! I've never been to a PW store but the name always makes me smile.

Sparkle78, how could I forget Amelia Bedelia?! So fun. Those would be happy rereading right now for sure :)

What about Frog and Toad?! I remember in one story they make cookies. One (if not both) of them LOVES cookies akin to Cookie Monster and decided to hide them way up high in a box (out of sight, out of mind). That does not work, of course! There was another story about a snail delivering a letter.

Hooray for happy book memories :)
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