Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning.

That is a pretty cat @Judique.

Cold here too. Up to 22 now. I have a shift at church today. It is right by the door where the Empowerment Center feeds the homeless so I will be wearing a heavy sweatshirt.

Otherwise, my other goal is to finish a baby hat I am knitting. Need to be ready to start a blanket when that yarn arrives.

Dinner tonight is one sheet salmon with roasted vegetables.
Good Morning :)

Yikes, Snowysmom and Pea! I’m freezing just thinking about your weather! Please stay cozy safe!
14 degrees is freezing enough for me, Footballmouse! Eek. You please take care and be warm, too!

Many prayers the chair is fixed, dear Lynn. And I’m truly sorry the floor situation has become such an ordeal, may that get resolved at last too! As a P.S. You know I think your weather is also made for snowmen, too!

PollyannaMom, if you can stay warm and safe at home today, please do just that, my friend! Don’t go out into the Arctic! I’m thinking of the old TV show Northern Exposure right now. Grandma and I enjoyed watching that years ago. It was set in Alaska which is what your and other Quacker family member’s weather brings to mind! Much better to watch that type of cold from a warmer place. I hope you can do that from your warm home :)

You just take care, Easyas! I have been thinking time once again indeed feels timeless and/or later than it is. I hope you can be war, with your pups by the fire later this afternoon.

I’m glad you can stay home today, Judique! Thank you for sheltering the cat.

Thank you for braving the cold to serve Carol. Please do stay safe out there and lol get back home quick.

Quiet morning here that indeed feels timeless. Working on getting more puzzles and waiting for packages later to come. Have a good day, friends! Stay warm!
Good morning!

Other than I'm staying in and cleaning up a little, nothing much going on here. DD has gone off to work and I took a trip to the basement to see what I could find to discard on trash day.

Also thought I'd share a pic of outdoor cat from when it was warm.
This morning he wanted rubs and I did a little and he wanted to come inside. Maybe I'll cage him in tonight because it's so cold. 21 out there right now.

This pic is taken through my window as he was pretty wild when it was taken.

He is beautiful..and he looks almost like the one outdoor cat we have,,but he's more brownish,,he almost looks like a fox..going to try and take a pic when he's standing still. I call him Lynx,,didn't like the name Foxy Mr L gave him..and yes, I name all of them, inside and out, lol!

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Chair guys were here for almost an hour. Almost every bolt on that chair was loose. He said whoever put that together at the factory did a terrible job. The chair was tilting to the left, as the bolt that holds it was almost loose enough to fall out of the chair. It was also what was making the grinding noise when you used the power lift part..the bolt would hit the lift mechanism every now and then. Now its nice and quiet and not leaning to one side when you put it all the way back. Its sunny out, but only 25.
Chair guys were here for almost an hour. Almost every bolt on that chair was loose. He said whoever put that together at the factory did a terrible job. The chair was tilting to the left, as the bolt that holds it was almost loose enough to fall out of the chair. It was also what was making the grinding noise when you used the power lift part..the bolt would hit the lift mechanism every now and then. Now its nice and quiet and not leaning to one side when you put it all the way back. Its sunny out, but only 25.
😮 Glad Mr L didn’t get hurt!
Glad Mr. L has a nice, safe chair now.

Thank you for caring for the outdoor cats. They need to be cared for and are appreciative in their own way. You are very kind to them. Judique That little cat is a cutie.

I did venture out today to go to CVS. The temp got up to16 degrees. Later also took a walk. I was bundled up in my new Land's End coat which is so warm and cozy, a scarf, warm hat, and heavy gloves. It really wasn't too bad all bundled up. I lasted about 25 minutes walking at a good pace to try to stay warm. I need to get out most days just to clear my head.

I looked at the weather forecast 10 days out and see that the day I go to see the condo complex has snow of 3-5 inches predicted. I am hoping that does not happen. I will be watching and seeing how it goes over the next week. I may need to reschedule my day off from work and reschedule the condo visit. I am going to look at one of the 2 bedrooms and get a sense for the price and the size of the condo. I could always use the room as a guest room/office/mini gym with an exercise bike.

I have been having tough days lately really missing Chris and the life we had together. My life has changed so much and I am not the person I was before. I never could imagine such pain and hurting. I cannot do alot of things that Chris and I used to do or go places we used to go to. I wonder if I ever will be able to again. I also miss having someone to care for and to care for me. I miss our companionship and friendship. I am a nurturer and always tried to make sure he was taken care of. I just couldn't get him to call the doctor to get checked out to see if he had heart issues. I find that so sad. My job is getting to me and I am starting to think about the next step in life. Once I do get settled somewhere I have alot of thinking to do and decisions to make. I am not ready to stop working and retire as I need to stay busy.

Everyone in the cold weather zone try to stay warm. Have a good evening.
How scary, Lynn! I, too, am so grateful Mr. L was not hurt! Yikes. Blessing it has been fixed! Love that you name all of your cats, btw :)

Carol, hope by now you are warm and home.

Tablecloth is out for delivery. I'll let all of you know later how it works. I am so hoping the cute Birthday design can still be seen when the cloth is folded (at least) in half. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

I watched the rest of (in parts) Karen Kingsbury's Maggie's Miracle that was a Hallmark Movie. I liked the book better but the movie was sweet, too. Dad and I will watch more of Hope at Christmas later. I'm reading a good Love Inspires series called Homecoming Heros that makes me think of some of dear you because it focuses on Military families and supporting them and their children within a fictitious TX community. My absolute thanks and gratitude forever to those of you who have and are serving our country or are related to someone who is!

❤Snowysmom and :grouphug:You are going through so very much and all at once. Breathe. One step at a time. Know all of us love and care and are cheering you on! You are absolutely not alone, my friend. God, forever is with you, too. And so is Chris in spirit and His truth! Do you get any light reading magazines? I wouldn't have lasted 5 seconds walking in that cold ☃ Walking indeed is peaceful solitude that I pray does bring you comfort! We're here. We care. PM me anytime, as well.

I shall check back later. I hope all of you are having a good afternoon.
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@Snowysmom-- :grouphug: We all know how hard it is for you, and I can only imagine that some days are harder than others. You have all your memories to look back on, but I also realize that a lot of them must also be very bittersweet. I really think that you are very strong, stronger than you realize. You went from a life as a couple, relying on each other , and without warning you were left alone.Just keep going forwards, 1 day at a time, 1 hour at a time if need be. Take long walks to clear your head and just think about all of the people who love you and care for you, a lot of them are right here in our QUACKer family.

Just went to discount grocery store over the PA line with sister in law and niece. Wow, they were crowded. They had kobe and wagyu beef for $3.99 a lb again, so I grabbed 3 more pkgs of the patties. Got some other things, and when we got back to my house, niece handed me this heavy tray, full of apple crisp. 4 huge pieces of it..so big that 1/2 of one will make desserts for the 2 of us for the next 4 nights, lol.

Having burgers for dinner with homemade coleslaw and devilled egg potato salad.
-Mona, I hope the tablecloth works out and is what you were looking for!

Have a nice nite all..stay warm..
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DS called a few minutes ago from the landline at work to say that his new (as of Christmas) iPhone has all of a sudden stopped working and given him a message that he has no cellular plan. :scared1:

DH went on our account and the plan is still there, so he called Verizon, and someone gave us instructions for DS to try. But now we are waiting for DS to call us back when he gets another break so we can see if it works. - Uggghhh!!!
Also thought I'd share a pic of outdoor cat from when it was warm
I'm admittedly not a cat person, but I know a handsome face when I see it!
Otherwise, my other goal is to finish a baby hat I am knitting. Need to be ready to start a blanket when that yarn arrives.
One of these days I'd like to learn to knit. I've bought books & watched tutorials before but I learn best in person - one of these days I'm going to figure it out.
I hope you can be war, with your pups by the fire later this afternoon.
Oh, it's roaring away! I don't think I could live in a house without at least 1 fireplace. It's just such a comforting thing (for me).
He said whoever put that together at the factory did a terrible job.
Geez - glad he noticed all that and was able to get it in tip top shape for your husband.
I was bundled up in my new Land's End coat which is so warm and cozy, a scarf, warm hat, and heavy gloves
My new Lands End coat just shipped! I'm looking forward to getting it...but kinda sad because I ordered it for a trip to Austria and Hungary in about 2 1/2 months and I'm not sure if we are going to get to go or not. BUT I'm holding out hope!!!!
I have been having tough days lately really missing Chris and the life we had together
I wish there was some comfort I could bring you. I imagine most of it you must have to figure out for yourself, suffer alone as it were because to describe it might make it worse....at least, that is how my grandmother described it to me after my grandfather passed away. I hope it brings you some comfort that the words you type about your sons & their support come thru as bringing you come comfort during this time, even if you don't realize it I can read it. Please know that, while each of us has our ups & downs of daily life - kids, work and whatnot, we all take a moment to think of you. It may be brief and fleeting, but we all hope our somewhat anonymous friendship brings you a small measure of peace if only for a few seconds as you read our words.

I'm home from my running around to jobsites this afternoon. Beef (okay, venison) stew for dinner with ciabatta rolls in a few minutes. My numbing TV to follow. Vet appt. needs to be made for The Situation. Baby steps, but soon. Best to rip the band aid off and start the healing. Can't quite bring ourselves to pull up on the band aid though...

Good news though, snow chances went up to 50%. And how about that chopper crash in Philly? That baby making it thru and still getting to CHOP? Pretty cool....I must admit a small obsession with plane / helicopter crashes due to 2 family members going down in a plane, so I like a happy ending to those stories.
DS called a few minutes ago from the landline at work to say that his new (as of Christmas) iPhone has all of a sudden stopped working and given him a message that he has no cellular plan. :scared1:

DH went on our account and the plan is still there, so he called Verizon, and someone gave us instructions for DS to try. But now we are waiting for DS to call us back when he gets another break so we can see if it works. - Uggghhh!!!

He just texted that it's fixed!

I'm so glad. It really feels weird nowadays not to easily be able to get ahold of your kids! (Yet again, I realize what I must have put my mother through "in the old days" :scared: )

And it definitely made me think about all the other things he was suddenly without - besides calling and texting, and any number of other social apps kids use, we rely on our phones for internet, music, GPS...It's a good thing he didn't have to take it to a Verizon store tomorrow, because I'm not even sure he would know how to get to the nearest one (up in Maine near school) without that.
So glad his phone is fixed, Pollyanna! A new phone should not have gone haywire so quickly!

Hug, Easyas what kind words you shared with Snowysmom and us all. Enjoy your warm fire with the pups.

Hug to you as well Lynn and I also was touched by your kind words too. We are so blessed to have one other as a Quacker family indeed! The tablecloth is adorable but WAY too big. I was hoping the design would be more in the middle so it could be folded in half but that doesn't work. Card table is not even 40X40. Would need at the biggest 52X52. Will keep looking and would appreciate always any extra ideas.

Wishing all of you a good night! 🐥🌃
I have been having tough days lately really missing Chris and the life we had together. My life has changed so much and I am not the person I was before. I never could imagine such pain and hurting. I cannot do alot of things that Chris and I used to do or go places we used to go to. I wonder if I ever will be able to again. I also miss having someone to care for and to care for me. I miss our companionship and friendship. I am a nurturer and always tried to make sure he was taken care of. I just couldn't get him to call the doctor to get checked out to see if he had heart issues. I find that so sad. My job is getting to me and I am starting to think about the next step in life. Once I do get settled somewhere I have alot of thinking to do and decisions to make. I am not ready to stop working and retire as I need to stay busy.
Please know that, while each of us has our ups & downs of daily life - kids, work and whatnot, we all take a moment to think of you. It may be brief and fleeting, but we all hope our somewhat anonymous friendship brings you a small measure of peace if only for a few seconds as you read our words.
This is so true! Thanks for mentioning that @easyas123! I’ve read and heard firsthand many stories about people dying and coming back to tell about it. Some have described seeing thousands of beams of light and they didn’t understand what they were, until it was explained to them that they were prayers. I even watched a good youtube recently about a near death experience where a woman had died on the operating table and was standing outside her body with angels watching the surgeons working on her. The angels said to her, sort of comically, “Watch this” - and then she watched them put light into the surgeon’s arms and hands that were working on her body! That makes me think a LOT about how important prayers are to people as well as how (I think) it’s not just hollow words when people say that spirits are there for us (as well as assist with the work we do in healthcare). You have a lot of people praying for you and thinking good, caring thoughts about you all the time, which I believe also help. I think it’s all just so new and excruciating for you, still, added to the ongoing stress you’re under. And, struggling with how to word this, but could it be that during the holidays it seemed like getting through them would help, but now the realization has hit that they’re over, but you’re still not feeling better? Could that be a possibility? It must be so hard to not be able to escape from that pain. 😣

I agree that you are stronger than you know, but that it’s hard for you to see and feel that right now. Hopefully some day you’ll look back on these difficult days and realize it. I also think that there are things that you can do that will help you with that need to nurture and be nurtured. (Down the road, volunteerism, maybe nannying, or a pet, as some examples.) It’s just that you’re still in this awful phase now and may be for a while. I hope you know your feelings will soften as time goes on. A hard thought, I know. Keep talking to the people you know who have been in this position. There are some medication options you may be able to explore with your doctor, too, even for just a while. For some reason I am thinking just now of my elderly friend that I visit. Her husband committed suicide at home, and her son found him when he was just a boy. She often brings it up when we visit. I just can’t imagine how difficult that must’ve been for her and her son. If that’s not bad enough, her son died prematurely, as well, and he was her only child. So much of our time is spent just talking about her son, who was her life. I knew him. He passed around the same time as an also-young close family member of mine, so we shared those feelings at the time. But I guess my point is that, she lived alone and went to work and later moved from our neighborhood into elderly housing, and never got over her losses, but learned to live with them. I guess that’s probably the best we can hope for, right? I know my SIL has similar struggles right now, too.

When one of my closest friends lost her 23 yr old son, what got her through it was connecting with others who’d lost children, because she felt those were the people who understood best. She found new friends and that‘s where she spent most of her time. For a while I thought maybe she was mad at me, and/or our friend group, because she didn’t talk much to me, or come to events with our group, and she often sounded angry when I did talk to her. I tried not to take it personally because I knew she was in great pain, and I tried to do things that I thought would help and support her. I was afraid to even talk about my own son because I was worried it might be hard for her to hear, etc. So basically things were strained for a number of years, and I wasn’t sure it would ever be any different. But today, years later, things are back more to how they used to be. (I won’t say they can ever be the “same”.) We met for dinner not too long ago and it was more like old times. We didn’t specifically talk about how things were after her son passed, but in her own way, she alluded to how difficult things were for her, but that wasn’t really necessary because I already knew, and was glad I didn’t take it personally. I was glad to see she was in a better place, but clearly she had simply learned to live with her great loss, and that is always evident from her activities and thought processes today. For example I saw on her car that she has an organ donation license plate. Seeing it almost took my breath away because I recognize the pain (as well as the hope and love) that’s behind it even if not directly talked about today (we did talk about it as events were happening 😪 ).

Probably rambling right now but I just hope that connecting with others in your situation can help you, and those around you recognize your pain but don’t always know what to do to help, or can’t always help make things better if they try, etc. It‘s just one of those things that hopefully eases a little with the passage of time. 💐 I do think having the new place is something you can look forward to, but is bittersweet at the same time. Mourning Chris involves not only him, but the life you had together, and so many other things, and this period is so hard. As others have said, we’re here for you. 🐣
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Good morning--12 degrees outside,,but not as cold as those of you in MA..I hope you are staying safe and warm inside.

Took the trash down to the street and fed all the cats. They were all meowing at me, so I guess they are grateful for the warm water and food.

Mr L said his chair feels 100% better, thankfully!

Today is grocery day, will be stopping at Aldi's, Walmart, and Martins (Giant), as they have coke on sale b2g2 12 packs. Chewy sent me an email about 20 min ago , that 9 Lives was back in stock (canned), I clicked on the link and it was already 'temporarily out of stock', people must be stalking the site, checking to see if anything is in, and buying it immediately. When I was in the discount place over the PA line yesterday, they had the bigger cans of Special Kitty mixed grill, for $1.29 so I grabbed 6 of those. I find it strange that a place like that has it on their shelves , yet Walmart themselves have none, and it wasn't expired either!

Have a great Wednesday all, stay warm!

Thank you everyone for your kind words, caring, prayers, and support. It helps alot. This is the most difficult phase of life that I have had to deal with. I never imagined it to be so daunting. Chris always kept me grounded when I would get disturbed about the way the country and world is going. I truly miss that especially now. I think it is hard for me because I have had to clean out my house, don't really have a secure place to call home, and have so much to do that I don't have time for self care or to grieve properly. It is hard to think about looking for a new place to call home and yet I know in my brain that it is the right thing to do. My heart just has to get on board. Making the appt to see the condo was sad because it is just me looking. I have to think that Chris is coming along in spirit. I do hope it softens once I get settled and get into a new routine. After we lost Jasper Chris said we need to do new routines and new things. Jasper was a big part of our day. So we did exactly that. I need to take his advice and do the same, as hard as it is. The condo place I am looking at does not allow pets and to be honest, I know I will not get another pet. However strangely enough I am not happy they don't allow pets as I would like to see some dogs around. There are not alot of one floor condos in my area and I do not want a town house with steep stairs. Once I retire I would like to volunteer somewhere so that is on my list. I do not want to sit around all day. I talk with Chris' 2 close cousins regularly to be sure they are doing well and don't need anything. They watch TV most of the day. One is 79 and the other has serious health issues so I can see that they don't want to be out and around especially now.

Every morning I get my coffee, sit in a rocker chair, and look out the front window at my DS's house. I think of Chris, cry a bit, and talk with him. Today, for the first time, I saw a little bunny right outside the window. He hopped around a bit and then I believe he went back to his home. I know that was a sign as we had bunnies at our house and saw them every morning.

I am off work today to do some more doing. I am going to Target to buy more storage bins for the house, have an appt with my financial rep and my younger DS, and will go to the house to put out the trash and be sure all is OK. Then I will take a walk and clear my head from the day. I am also going to treat myself to a coffee and scone at a local coffee shop. Their scones are decadent and I am going to indulge today.


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