Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

But, didn't feel like making extra stops so I bought one of those platters of veggies with the ranch dip in the center. The carrots are going in my stew and some of the celery. The broccoli and cauliflower are part of tonights dinner and I will chop up the peppers to eat with the dip, along with some of the veggies. Usually I would repurpose the leftover veggies after enjoying the tray but dollarwise it made cents this time around, plus convenient.
I've never thought of using a veggie tray like that. I'll have to remember it when I don't want to buy a lot of a vegetable.

I think we will get an ice storm also and I would rather snow, but neither would be best!
We'd like a little snow here. We get more ice than snow. Today was really nice, in the 70's. It's back to almost freezing overnight and then back to warmer weather next week. Such a rollercoaster!

It's like a fitted sheet (which is odd for a tablecloth) but works perfectly--yay.
I would love to have a fitted tablecloth for the GK's but my table is an odd size and thick around the edges. I would have to custom make it. I plan on giving it to DD when she moves out and getting a much smaller one.

I don't go to Wal Mart very often, only if I have to and it's usually for things I can't find elsewhere. So I went this morning around 9:00 am before too many people were out shopping. I was looking for Onion Salt. Can't seem to find it anywhere except online. I also went to see if they had any Suave 2 in 1 Shampoo. Nope, none there either. It's another item that I would have to resort to buying online. So I decided to try Pert 2 in 1 shampoo. I walked through the toys and picked up some card games that both Lou Lou and Lil Joe could play. They love to play cards.

I came home and finished putting together my 4th quarter paperwork for our accountant. DD asked me to put some corny dogs in the oven and while they were baking I put some tator tot crowns in her air fryer. Once lunch was over I headed to Dallas to hand over the paperwork to our accountant. I took the long way home because traffic was backed up on the highway that I usually take to get home, so round trip was two hours but much better traffic. Once our 2021 quarterly, W2's and taxes are done we are switching to an accounting firm here in town. The one we use is a good firm but it's just getting to be too much of a hassle with major construction, wrecks, etc. going into Dallas and we can't depend on the mail service anymore to get mail to them.

Once I got home I vacuumed the house. Then I sat down with the GK's and watched tv. They were getting tired and ended up taking a nap. I got up and did some invoicing in the office. The GK's woke up from their nap with 99.4 fever. DD was able to get a Covid testing appointment for them on Monday. They've been coughing and sneezing some too since yesterday. Not a lot, could be allergies since they played outside for quite a while yesterday and some today. The Cedar/Juniper pollen count is real high right now. DH and I feel fine so far.

Dinner tonight was Rosa's Cafe. DD had nachos with jalapenos, DH had a beef enchilada plate and I got a taco salad. Lou Lou had a couple bites of romaine lettuce with dressing and Lil Joe had a bowl of cereal. Lou Lou hasn't eaten much at all today but she has had plenty to drink. Lil Joe ate a good breakfast and lunch but he didn't eat as much as he usually does for dinner.

Everyone, have a good night and stay warm!
It is 3 degrees here right now with a high of 16 coming in the afternoon. I am bundled up in a heavy sweatshirt and heavy jeans. I will definitely use my remote starter to warm up the car today before heading out to the house.

Mona Glad the tablecloth worked out. It does look like a nice one. Mail has been an issue lately in alot of places. I got a Christmas card on Jan 6 that was sent on Dec 14. The labor shortage is affecting everything.

Have a nice Saturday.
It is 3 degrees here right now with a high of 16 coming in the afternoon. I am bundled up in a heavy sweatshirt and heavy jeans. I will definitely use my remote starter to warm up the car today before heading out to the house.

Mona Glad the tablecloth worked out. It does look like a nice one. Mail has been an issue lately in alot of places. I got a Christmas card on Jan 6 that was sent on Dec 14. The labor shortage is affecting everything.

Have a nice Saturday.

We are a teeny bit higher here with 21 degrees supposed to go to 28 later this afternoon. So, the rest of my deck snow will not melt. I was able to push most of it off yesterday after it got warmer. But there is still a lot in the corners and I got tired of it and went inside. At least the area between the doors and the steps is clear.

Set up the cage inside for KittyKitty and he climbed right in to eat his dinner. So I got bolder too soon and got up to do something and he scampered out, so I sat down to wait a bit. Back in he came. Touched the cage with my foot to push it shut and out he went. I probably need to be more patient.

This morning he came up and looked in the window but wouldn't go in the cage. He climbed back into the Igloo and is still there. Maybe he will eat later.
Good morning all. Its exactly the same here as Judique. 21 degrees going to 28 or 30 for a high. Its still a storm watch, hasn't turned into a warning--yet.

@Judique good luck getting KittyKitty to stay in the cage. There are 7 of them outside here, but they are smart enough to stay in the shed or under the porch in their nice warm boxes. I will put bowls of cat food and water in the shed and under the porch, just in case we do get the 15" of snow they say we could. No way can I clear that much snow all over the place. We are going out to pick up lunch later, may stop and get a loaf of bread , the one time I didn't get an extra one this week, we might need it, lol. We have plenty of everything else.

@Kirby, hope both of the kids feel better today, maybe they won't need the covid test by Monday, it could just be a cold (hoping). And I will be more than happy to send all of our snow your way..just tell me where to send it!

@flyingdumbo127 Glad you like the tablecloth Mona. If you are wondering why I didn't send you any puzzles, it's because the one we get in our local paper, is the LA Times one, and I figured that was probably the one your Dad was already getting every day!

@Snowysmom--brrr..stay warm!

@easyas123--Have a good visit with your sun, and I hope you don't get a lot of freezing rain/ice

@footballmouse-Hope your are feeling less stiff and sore today..and that was very nice of you to do for your hairdresser

@Breezy-carol--glad your tests were negative!!

Have a nice morning all,,will be back later to check in

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Good Saturday morning! :wave2:

Snowysmom - that's just too damn cold for me!!!! Living in Cincinnati, we can get that cold so I'm just waiting for it to happen this winter. :cold:

Lynxstch - cute picture you included this morning :cutie:

Working this weekend so not much going on. The Bengals play in the playoff game today so I'll make sure we have that on in the conference room across from my desk. I'm not a huge Bengals fan but I'll at least pull for them to win, they usually end of finding a way to lose though. Maybe they're showing that they finally have it together this season.

Got on Amazon Video last night and started watching Psych. It's a funny show, I'll finish watching the series. Well I guess I should get back to work. Have a great start to the weekend and stay warm! :banana:
It is 3 degrees here right now with a high of 16 coming in the afternoon. I am bundled up in a heavy sweatshirt and heavy jeans. I will definitely use my remote starter to warm up the car today before heading out to the house.

Mona Glad the tablecloth worked out. It does look like a nice one. Mail has been an issue lately in alot of places. I got a Christmas card on Jan 6 that was sent on Dec 14. The labor shortage is affecting everything.

Have a nice Saturday.

The weather brought back a small weather related memory. Mid 80ties, my husband was stationed in Newport, RI. First year we were there, my Boston cousins invited us to come and enjoy/celebrate Thanksgiving with them.

I was so pleased to be included. Baked something, got dolled up, including cute dress and high heels. After all, I was in my thirties and I wanted to look good! Keep in mind I had never visited this cousin's home so had no idea of the fact that it was located on a hill in Newton.

We left relatively balmy Newport and drove up. As we neared the Boston area (Newton is west of Boston. East of I-95, South of I-90 for those not familiar), I started noticing snow on the ground. We arrived at the house and there were the steps - snowy, icy, steps. Remember the high heels and skirt.

Husband found on street parking some distance away. But not before he made sure it was the right address, carried my kid up the steps, carried our food offering, all while I waited my turn. He left me at the steps, went off to park and then came back and assisted me up the steps. I couldn't take a safe step by myself.

Finally got in the door wondering how I was going to get out of there later. Going down those steps (by now I'm thinking Exorcist stairwell) was all I could focus on.

Well, we had a great dinner, a really lovely visit and invitations back, plus invitations to another cousin's home later on, all important to a young military family in a new area. And my cousin's grown son's went out and scraped the steps clean and salted and sanded them completely, so I was able to make my exit much more gracefully than my arrival.

Newport is not that far away, but the close proximity to the sheltered waters of Narragansett Bay makes a world of difference in climate. Very little snow or numbing cold. Yes, it will get cold on weekends such as this, but the effect is different.

I still have those heels in my closet. They got very little use. Not sure I could stand up or walk in them now.
I'm waiting for delivery today of the dishwasher. Still showing on schedule online but I was supposed to receive a 2 hour delivery window notification after 6 last evening and that didn't happen yet.

Just want to get it in the house before the snow or ice or whatever weather we get so that I don't have to get rescheduled.

My friend brought me fresh eggs this morning and came to pay me for picking up bully sticks for her GSD - the biggest GSD I've ever seen! They had covid last week. She works in a hospital. After getting my cash and eggs I sprayed the Lysol and purelled my hands. The hospital has her back but I'm still freaked out a bit I guess. I even sprayed the money and egg carton. Hadn't done that since 2020, when we didn't know what to do so we just sprayed everything.

Have to find some cleaning to do which is not that difficult to find around here - cat hair, dog hair and old people shedding hair......
Good morning.

It was 16 when I got up and up to 18 now. The prediction now is for less than an inch of snow Sunday night, then rain.

Have to go over to church and pick up soup I bought from the Methodist Women's fundraiser. May make one stop for a birthday card for my brother. Otherwise, in for the day.
I'm waiting for delivery today of the dishwasher. Still showing on schedule online but I was supposed to receive a 2 hour delivery window notification after 6 last evening and that didn't happen yet.

Just want to get it in the house before the snow or ice or whatever weather we get so that I don't have to get rescheduled.

My friend brought me fresh eggs this morning and came to pay me for picking up bully sticks for her GSD - the biggest GSD I've ever seen! They had covid last week. She works in a hospital. After getting my cash and eggs I sprayed the Lysol and purelled my hands. The hospital has her back but I'm still freaked out a bit I guess. I even sprayed the money and egg carton. Hadn't done that since 2020, when we didn't know what to do so we just sprayed everything.

Have to find some cleaning to do which is not that difficult to find around here - cat hair, dog hair and old people shedding hair......
I’m sorry, Judique, that just struck me as funny! People probably do it with things I touch, too!

Sitting outside an Urgent Care clinic waiting for DD inside, she is sick again, probably from the N95 mask which causes her an allergic reaction and has now gone to her sinuses. We were up half the night using every home remedy we could think of but she’s still in horrific pain. Poor kid was supposed to be on a plane to Disney today.

On phone so can’t write much. It is a whopping 12 degrees out with a frigid wind. I should really take Toto for a walk, but I just opened the car door and nearly froze.
Sitting outside an Urgent Care clinic waiting for DD inside, she is sick again, probably from the N95 mask which causes her an allergic reaction and has now gone to her sinuses. We were up half the night using every home remedy we could think of but she’s still in horrific pain. Poor kid was supposed to be on a plane to Disney today.

Oh, Pea, I'm so sorry!!

It is a whopping 12 degrees out with a frigid wind. I should really take Toto for a walk, but I just opened the car door and nearly froze.

9° here. One of the cats insisted on being taken out anyway because it was sunny, but she came to her senses quickly!
Whew it's damned cold here, and the wind is blowing. I ran out to the amish market and picked up a few things, and then took a stroll thru the stove shop to widow shop a few pellet stoves and pick up a brochure. Husband would like to replace the wood burning stove in basement with a pellet stove, so I figured I'd start looking at them.

Sitting outside an Urgent Care clinic waiting for DD inside, she is sick again, probably from the N95 mask which causes her an allergic reaction and has now gone to her sinuses. We were up half the night using every home remedy we could think of but she’s still in horrific pain. Poor kid was supposed to be on a plane to Disney today.

That stinks! Hope they get her straightened out with something that can help and her wait isn't forever & a day-

No real plans for the rest of the day, I wouldn't mind a decent walk and the cold doesn't bother me but I'm going to pass on the brutally cold wind! Maybe I'll make the boy a cake. Oh! I need to wash the towels, that I'll do now.

Have a good day -
Good Morning Everyone :)

Guess what came around 7:30 last night? The mail! ✉ The kind mailman who we gave our old chair to was who brought it. He is so nice and we were happy to hear he really likes his new chair. He said there is a huge labor shortage at the post office. Felt badly for him out so late. Very much appreciated what he brought including to me some very special mail from a couple of dear Quacker Family members! I am PMing you both in a minute.

Hugs, Lynn, thank you, my friend. I do now know the LA Times puzzle is syndicated and printed in newspapers across the country. He does get the daily Times. Thank you (always) for thinking of me, my friend.

Oh Pea, I'm so sorry :( Prayers big time for your DD.

The tablecloth really is cute. I'll have to check if the company makes a similar cloth for other occasions.

Sounds like another ☃ day for most of you. Please bundle up (or better stay warm and safe at home) out there.

I'll check back later :)


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I’m sorry, Judique, that just struck me as funny! People probably do it with things I touch, too!

Sitting outside an Urgent Care clinic waiting for DD inside, she is sick again, probably from the N95 mask which causes her an allergic reaction and has now gone to her sinuses. We were up half the night using every home remedy we could think of but she’s still in horrific pain. Poor kid was supposed to be on a plane to Disney today.

On phone so can’t write much. It is a whopping 12 degrees out with a frigid wind. I should really take Toto for a walk, but I just opened the car door and nearly froze.

Sorry to hear about your DD being sick and missing the start of her Disney trip. I have chronic sinus but all in all it doesn't make me terribly sick.

When my neighbor was sick she sent me on a quest to find Vicks Vapo Shower Tabs for her. You set the tablet on the shower floor and let the water hit it. Creates soothing vapors, and she said it helped her. I've never heard of it or tried it, but I have memories of having Vicks rubbed on my chest when I was a kid. As far as I know it's non medical and definitely over the counter. Everybody in the world has probably seen this but me as I avoid almost everything in the drugstore that isn't prescribed and that I've not been forced to use.
Sorry to hear about your DD being sick and missing the start of her Disney trip. I have chronic sinus but all in all it doesn't make me terribly sick.

When my neighbor was sick she sent me on a quest to find Vicks Vapo Shower Tabs for her. You set the tablet on the shower floor and let the water hit it. Creates soothing vapors, and she said it helped her. I've never heard of it or tried it, but I have memories of having Vicks rubbed on my chest when I was a kid. As far as I know it's non medical and definitely over the counter. Everybody in the world has probably seen this but me as I avoid almost everything in the drugstore that isn't prescribed and that I've not been forced to use.

You can also buy VIcks Vapo Bath Crystals. You sprinkle them in the bath water as it's filling and the scent of Vicks is in the tub and in the air. I found it at Walmart, and they also had the shower tabs. It helped me when I had a cold, as did the old fashioned Vicks inhalers, which I had a hard time finding..had to order them on Amazon. I remember my Mother and my Grandmother rubbing Vicks on my chest when I had a cold as a kid,,they would also rub some just over my upper lip so the smell would go right into my nose and help clear it.
I'm unofficially giving up on getting my delivery today. The tracker shows the arrival yesterday at 11:45am. Then no movement after that. I was supposed to get a notification yesterday evening to set up a delivery window and that didn't happen.

The tracking still says delivery today between 7am and 9pm. If it comes, fine but I'm such a clockwatcher!

Our storm highlights: 1pm, start snow showers at 31 degrees.
5PM turn to rain and the temp is heading for 46 degrees by midnight, then it starts dropping down to the mid thirties over night. By Monday it should be nothing here but a wet memory. I hope.
@Kirby, hope both of the kids feel better today, maybe they won't need the covid test by Monday, it could just be a cold (hoping). And I will be more than happy to send all of our snow your way..just tell me where to send it!
Thanks! DH and I feel fine as does Lil Joe. Lou Lou woke up with a 100 degree fever. She has perked up and is playing and eating some. You know how kids are, sometimes you can hardly tell they are sick. DD has a call into the doctor to see what they recommend she watch for, do, etc. DD is feeling much better but still wears a mask in the house when she is around the rest of us.

Our cold front blew in last night with 40+ winds and they will continue to blow into tomorrow. All my bird seed has blown out of its container. We're expecting flurries later today into the evening but I doubt it will even register as a trace.

Sitting outside an Urgent Care clinic waiting for DD inside, she is sick again, probably from the N95 mask which causes her an allergic reaction and has now gone to her sinuses. We were up half the night using every home remedy we could think of but she’s still in horrific pain. Poor kid was supposed to be on a plane to Disney today.
I pray that they will be able to do something for her.

When my neighbor was sick she sent me on a quest to find Vicks Vapo Shower Tabs for her.
DD uses these for the kids. She used one the other day for herself.

DD went up to school today to get a couple of Amazon Fire tablets that she had bought for her class. She's bought ABC Mouse and needs them for Lil Joe and Lou Lou to work on. By the time Lil Joe goes back to school, he will have missed two weeks of instruction. DD has tested him and he is not where he should be but is making improvements. She hopes that ABC Mouse will help fill in the gaps plus she will be able to access some of the online programs that they use at school. That's one advantage of being a teacher. From his testing, she really feels that he is dyslexic. Both of my kids are dyslexic too so Lil Joe has a good chance of it.
Pea n me so sorry your DD isn't feeling well and had to miss the beginning of her trip. Hope she feels better soon.

Judique Hope the dishwasher gets there today.

Productive day at the house but heartbreaking at the same time. Taking pictures off the wall was awful and I just cried. We did get alot of trash put out, younger DS used the dry vac downstairs and it looks ready to be deep cleaned by a professional cleaner. We still have stuff to get off the floors upstairs so another couple of weekends should work. We also will need junk king to come back for a smaller pickup. Older DS is getting a bit tired of it all and is saying he can't came back for a while. I understand how he feels but I do need his help. He may just be feeling stressed due to being busy at work and with the kids. I am grateful for the kids help but older DS has not been at the house since Christmas so he did have a break. I have been there every weekend and any day I have off from work. This is hard and it can sometimes be a nightmare. We all need a break but we have to get the house done first. The lesson here is do not save alot of junk so your loved ones have to go through it all when you pass. I am looking forward to seeing younger DS's kids tomorrow. I am giving them some of the stuffed animals I have gotten from Chris over the years. Oldest DGD once asked me if she could have a stuffed springer spaniel mom and pup set. I told her at the time that Grandpa gave them to me and I needed to keep them but she could play with them. Now I am going to give them to her to take care of. Youngest DGD will get a sparkly penguin and a little dog. DGS will get a toy car that I got for Chris years ago as he had a real car like that and a stuffed triceratops.

I am going to take a quick walk in the 14 degree weather. I bundle up and walk fast so it isn't too bad.
Yikes, Judique, talk about freezing! Please stay warm. I'm sorry about your delivery. I truly hope it comes on Monday!

Hug, Kirby and prayers for your grandkids. Kids absolutely are so resilient and bounce back quickly :)

:grouphug:Snowysmom. I "loved" your post for the love you are passing onto your grandkids with all your love and from Chris, too!

I got another crossword today from a PBS friend in OH that came by UPS. No USPS mail here yet. We shall see later.

Continued prayers, Pea for your DD. Carol, I also hope you and your DH are feeling better today.


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