Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Waving Good Morning from cool CA,

Good to see you, Frog! :)

:grouphug:Pea and very thankful your DD is on the mend.

I'm sorry it's still so very frigid and freezing for most of you. Good day to be cozy and enjoy some hot chocolate! I really like the Kroger cocoa I've shared about on here. I just enjoyed some with a pancake. Tasty breakfast. I'm soon going to watch Sunday worship.

Carol, I hope you and your DH are feeling better. Kirby, glad to hear your DD and grandkids are doing much better, too. Please do stay well everyone.

No snail mail until Tuesday now (maybe). I am expecting a 3 -hole puncher through Amazon today. I need it so that I can compile all the crosswords together into the binder :) I do hope to get more puzzles this week ahead. I thank you all again for your help with this.

Wishing everyone a good Sunday! Will check back later.
Good afternoon, everyone. I am a few pages behind again.

@ Pea-n-me - glad your daughter is feeling a little better. I understand the mask issues, I can't shake the chronic ear infections and sinus issues myself.

My daughter's family all got Covid again after Benny was diagnosed but it was mild, and they are all back to normal routines and school again. My daughter from another mother's husband has finally tested negative and is on the mend but she wound up in the hospital for 2 days with kidney stones.

My youngest granddaughter Ella tested positive yesterday so now I am worried for my SIL. He has a rare clotting disorder and has had 4 strokes already, thankfully not major, but he can't get the vaccine because of the risks. He is also in a higher risk category if he gets the virus. Of course ,I am not sleeping again with worrying about them all.

I called my mom to fill her in and she told me she tested positive too. I thought she was crazy to get her and my dad tested the first week of January. They were vaccinated, boosted and had no symptoms. Thankfully she never did have any symptoms and my dad never got it. She is a little less judgmental now, although she still knows it all. I kept trying to tell her that the shots were not guaranteed to stop her catching the virus. I'm glad she is OK, but I am really glad when I can have a HAH moment. This has convinced her that she doesn't want to run the food distribution anymore.

I woke up to 8 degrees this morning, thankfully it's up to 21 now. We are supposed to get snow, or rain or ice. I can do without the ice.

Dinner is going to be a roast with carrots. I debated crock pot, pot roast or in the oven. The oven won out. I have some baby red and purple potatoes that I will toss in with some carrots. I decided on oven because it is so cold out.

Hope everyone stays safe and warm.
Back from Aldi's where I spent $16.52, all on snack food except for 1 veggie item.

My dishwasher tracking information changed this morning and it instructed me to call. I called and after they checked they found out my dishwasher was picked up by the installers.

I asked who was going to tell me and that I was kept waiting from 7am until 9pm yesterday with no communication. CSR replied, 'They didn't call you?'

No, they didn't call me. Apologies were given and also a small courtesy for inconvenience. Now to wait until Wednesday and hope there are no further delays. And, no one has to listen to this story any more today!

By the way, it's cold out but no snowflakes that I can see yet.
No snow here yet either.

We stayed home and watched church online.

Had some of the Tuscan Vegetable soup from church for lunch. It was good. Dinner will be turkey/feta/spinach burgers and left over roasted vegetables.

Otherwise, mostly football today. And I have to clean another file drawer.

No dishwasher and no email or contact yesterday.
Good afternoon friends and almost afternoon to you, AuntieMe3 :)

I'm so thankful to share my friend Sue did get her book from Amazon that I sent as a birthday surprise. Apparently, her name got taken off the mailing label (third party) and so the assisted living facility did not know who the book was for. Happy she got it and its in good condition. Plus, she's out of lockdown and is going to get to belatedly celebrate her birthday later this week.

:grouphug:🙏 all-around, my friend. You really are going through the wringer (still :((and from so many sides. Please take care of yourself!

🐥 Pollyannamom! Thank you so much for the smile.

Judique, I'm sorry you got such poor customer service! I do hope you have a brighter afternoon.

I hope you're having a laying lower Sunday, Easyas and enjoying some R&R.

Carol, glad to hear you did stay home. I'll watch worship this afternoon. Looking forward to it as always.
No snow here yet either.

No snow here yet, either. :rotfl2:
Sorry, wanted to be relevant to the conversation. LOL

Not much going on here. Packed up my candles and some other stuff from the bedroom (3 boxes, each half filled with candles!). Managed to toss 2 trash bags worth of papers, receipts, old user manuals, etc, and an old plastic drawer stand. I have 2 more of the stands, about 10 candles that I didn't like the scents of (all YCC) that are burned just a little bit, and some books that I'm putting up for FreeSale on Tuesday, plus next weekend, DH is going through his clothes and all the ones that are too small we'll give away, and I'm going toss all the old torn up ones when he's at work (I already hit his underwear drawer, lol...).

Went through all the old school supplies, and packed 3 boxes for DH to take up to the youth center when he has time. :oops: All brand new or just lightly used. There must have been 20 packs of loose leaf paper; 15 compisition notebooks; 20 wire bound notebooks; 4 or 5 packs of dividers; boxes of crayons and colored pencils + two containers of used (but practically brand new) colored pencils; 3 boxes of pencils (including Ticonderoga ones); erasers; tons of notecards (on clearance for .04 cents for each pack, way back in 2003, haha; all still wrapped and perfect condition!); stapler + box of staples; single hole + 3 hold punchers; and 40 or so paper or plastic folders. Mind you, I got rid of 2 boxes of stuff when we moved here 2 years ago, to the daycare center up the road; all the kid safety scissors, colored paper, glue sticks, and most of the crayons went there. I would hit the sales and stock up; between the kids school and scouts, we always had what we needed.

I think I'm getting a margarita and going to soak in the tub for a little while, then wash my hair and stuff. I won't have time in the morning, because DH has to go to Mayo tomorrow for his annual kidney biopsy. I have to go and sit in the car while he's seen (because of Covid, I can't go in, but he can't drive himself home). We have to leave about a quarter to six, so we have time to run the trash I gathered today out to the trash can (too heavy for me to lift, so he has to do it, and he won't be able to really lift anything until this weekend) and get coffee for me first! (I hope I can get into Mayo to use the restroom, LOL, as I'm going to be stuck there from 7am to mid afternoon)! Then I have to hit Home Depot after I drop him at home, because I am out of packing paper (already). DH has more appointments on Tues/Friday, but I don't have to be there for those.

Tonight is the ham, veg and au gratin potatoes I planned on. Tomorrow, we are just doing salad, and ham sammies, because it's going to be a long day tomorrow. I'll do the soup on Tuesday.

Anyways, that's all the news that's fit to print.
Back from Aldi's where I spent $16.52, all on snack food except for 1 veggie item.

My dishwasher tracking information changed this morning and it instructed me to call. I called and after they checked they found out my dishwasher was picked up by the installers.

Sometimes people are so inconsiderate :( Glad that your dishwasher is at least with the installers!

I asked who was going to tell me and that I was kept waiting from 7am until 9pm yesterday with no communication. CSR replied, 'They didn't call you?'

No, they didn't call me. Apologies were given and also a small courtesy for inconvenience. Now to wait until Wednesday and hope there are no further delays. And, no one has to listen to this story any more today!

By the way, it's cold out but no snowflakes that I can see yet.

Started snowing here about 1:30. Steady but not heavy, and very light to sweep away. I just went outside to give the cats fresh food and warm water, and found one of them 'gone' on a chair on the front porch. It was the one who came and went all the time, wouldn't let anyone pet him, never meowed, and never took care of his fur,,it was all matted, but since he wouldn't let anyone touch him, there wasn't anything we could do. This morning he had come onto the front porch, but wouldn't eat. Jumped onto a chair and went to sleep in the cold. I went down and got another big warm blanket and covered him with it. I guess his time was up, as I found him gone to the Rainbow Bridge 3 hours later. I checked on him every hour and he seemed okay, but I guess he just came 'home' to die :( And one of the other outside ones hasn't been seen since Thursday. She was one of the 2 that the neighbors left when they moved almost 3 years ago. I hope that she is okay and just staying warm somewhere. Sometimes it's so hard being a furbaby parent :(
think I'm getting a margarita and going to soak in the tub for a little while
That sounds like my kind of plan! I think I am going to make a cocktail and go sit in the hot tub myself. I hope all goes well with your husband‘s annual visit tomorrow to Mayo-
found one of them 'gone' on a chair on the front porch
Sounds like he came to where he was most comfortable we knew it was his time.

the Fates have answered my calls and it’s snowing finally! Haha- it’ll turn to ice then a cold, miserable rain soon enough so I best get outside & enjoy it while it’s here.
@lynxstch So sorry about the kitty. They do want to be somewhere comfortable and safe when their time comes. Thank you for taking good care of them. I hope you don't get too much snow.

Pea n me Glad your DD is feeling better. I hope she is able to enjoy her midweek getaway.

This morning it was one lonely degree out when I left for the house. I remote started the car so at least it would be a bit warm. It is now 27. I took a walk when I got back to older DS's house. It felt balmy compared to yesterday and Friday. We are expecting a little snow but a changeover to rain and temps around 41 tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow so I will in the house anyway. I just have to go out for a shingles vaccine in the afternoon when it will be raining.

It was so nice to see younger DS's 3 kiddies today. They were interested in what I had in my bag for them. When I told older DGD that I remember she wanted the mama and pup dogs. I told her I am giving them to her because I know she will take good care of them. Her eyes lit up and she smiled. She went to her room with them and made up a bed for them. Younger DGD liked her sparkly penguin and dog. She said, I like penguins. DGS was very happy with the car and the stuffed triceratops. He made a bed for him too. While he was playing with the car I noticed for the first time (and I gave the car to Chris as a stocking stuffer probably 20 years ago) that the little license plates on the front and back of the car had 1973 on them. That is the year we met. Another sign from Chris. I am surprised I never saw that before. We played games, read stories, and had pizza and salad for lunch. It was such a nice time. I got to talk with DS and DDIL about selling the house and looking at the condo this week. I appreciate their advice and insights.

Have a nice evening.
We are up to about 4" of snow,,but its very lightweight. I swept it away again from where the car is parked back to the back door, a path to the 2 sheds, 1 around the house, and the front and back steps. One of the outside cats, Tiger we call him,,is running around in the snow having a ball all by himself. I saw footprints going into the woodshed, so I know at least 2 of them are in there. 2 are under the front porch as I saw them both go under there. There is just one still missing,,and I hope she's okay.

That is so sweet that Chris left you another 'sign',,he's been really good at that since he's been gone :grouphug:
Snow had stopped at about 4 inches or so..just a very light snow now. I cleared the paths again, and did a path down the driveway so I could get to the end and clear where the plow dumps stuff...it was still very light, and the slush he dumped hadn't started to freeze..temp is up to 18 now, so it's warming up..lol
Stay indoors and safe and warm everyone!
Lynn, so sorry to hear about your cat. Even the outdoor ones are special. When I was in my late teens, we had a number of outdoor cats that my mom fed.


Weather was cold when we got up this morning but the sun quickly warmed things up. The wind is barely blowing so it made for a nice day outside. The GK's have been a little cranky today, some because they have been stuck inside and some because I don't think that they are feeling 100%.

DH has been sitting around all day, I don't think that he is 100% either. It's not normal for him to at least be tinkering with something. DD is taking Lil Joe and Lou Lou to get a Covid test. I'm getting one tomorrow also, I wanted to wait until Tuesday but since the kids are staying home from school this week, I didn't want to drag them with me. I signed DH up for one also. That is a tell tale sign that he is not feeling good.

DH cooked breakfast this morning, fried eggs and sausage patties. I toasted the bread, such a hard job! ;) He must have gradually started feeling bad as the day wore on.

I cleaned the kitchen and puttered around for awhile. Then I decided that I should just go ahead and work in the office so I changed over all the files both business and personal. Glad that's over with! Then I lay down for a short nap, asked DH to wake me in an hour so I could start cooking an early dinner.

DD woke me up, she and Lou Lou were heading to Kroger. I walked into the kitchen and found that it had been taken over by DD and GK's making mini gingerbread men and brownies. So I scrapped my dinner plans, handed over some cash and asked DD to pick up dinner at Sonic.

@Easyas, I finished The Radium Girls. I'm horrified at what they went through. Their faith is inspiring. If anyone here would like to read the book, please message me and I will mail it to you. I got it from Easyas and would be more than willing to pass it on.
Started snowing here about 1:30. Steady but not heavy, and very light to sweep away. I just went outside to give the cats fresh food and warm water, and found one of them 'gone' on a chair on the front porch. It was the one who came and went all the time, wouldn't let anyone pet him, never meowed, and never took care of his fur,,it was all matted, but since he wouldn't let anyone touch him, there wasn't anything we could do. This morning he had come onto the front porch, but wouldn't eat. Jumped onto a chair and went to sleep in the cold. I went down and got another big warm blanket and covered him with it. I guess his time was up, as I found him gone to the Rainbow Bridge 3 hours later. I checked on him every hour and he seemed okay, but I guess he just came 'home' to die :( And one of the other outside ones hasn't been seen since Thursday. She was one of the 2 that the neighbors left when they moved almost 3 years ago. I hope that she is okay and just staying warm somewhere. Sometimes it's so hard being a furbaby parent :(

I'm sorry about your kitty. But it's good that you know that he passed. Every time KittyKitty misses a meal - very rare - I worry that a hawk has got him or that something has gone wrong.

I made beef stew earlier today and DD ate it happily. I had a small bowl. I'd been eating cookies and chips so my appetite was light. Plus I like it the next day almost better. Then I took a nap as I was on carb overload. Just woke up with the tv going and old kitty curled up against me.

KittyKitty came all the way into the cage quickly to eat this evening. I sat there freezing with the window open about 6 inches, but it wasn't too bad as I had wrapped the cage to keep the wind from blowing too much into my kitchen. I was hoping he would linger and get comfortable but I have to be more patient. He ate all the food and drank some water and then turned and went back in the igloo. I expect this will repeat in the morning.

There is still snow on everything again and the temperature is high thirties. But the sleet is coming down hard and fast. It will be an icy mess tomorrow morning. Good that it is a holiday for many. We don't have to leave the house and I will feed the birds from my deck. Can clean the mess later. Sweep it away when it melts. It's just one corner and the bird feeder hangs over the side but it still gets scattered with seed shells.


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