Rachel & Chauncey-SBP/Morocco 12/08/09 Updated 6/10 TR IS DONE!!!!

love your pictures!!! I love the boardwalk one with you on the bike and in the photo booth!

Agree, your dress was amazing!
I love all the beautiful pictures inside the Boardwalk Lobby before and after the ceremony. The backdrops and colors went so well with your wedding attire. It looks like you had a very nice ceremony, I love how you included the photos of your loved ones on the table with it. Some of my favorite shots are of you and Chauncey near the photobooth, especially cute is the one with your dress peeking out underneath the curtains.

I had to laugh when you mentioned having your mom help you go to the bathroom. I was given the tip to sit on the toliet facing the wall, so your dress is behind you. Thankfully, I managed to not have to go but I thought it was a good tip :rotfl:

I had read about danger frog in Carrie's TR too. We ran into them later in their trip at the Disapalooza that Saturday :goodvibes
I miss Danger Frog... :sad1:

Great update! I loved seeing the photos of the dessert because at the actual party it was so dark I wasn't sure what I was piling on my plate (but pile I did!). :rotfl:

Here are our pix from the party, in case you want them (and if you don't want them, lemme know and I'll take 'em down!)







Fantastic photos - you have some of the best DPS photos I have seen!

Were hoping to have Morocco for our wedding too, your photos have been really useful :thumbsup2
I'll have more TR for ya soon, but for now, how about a life update?

DH and I have settled into married life quite well. He started his 2nd semester of grad school and I sent in my application so if I get accepted I'll start grad school in the fall. Other than that, we've both been working like crazy, saving money for our upcoming Disney trips and a down payment for a new car for DH.

Our at-home reception is coming together as well. We have a DJ and photographer booked and DH's mom and dad have graciously offered to pay for the catering! We found a great catering company who can do the menu I wanted (fried chicken!) at a great price including linens. We still have to find a cake too (hopefully replicating our wedding cake flavor with one of the layers) but we still have some time. Now it's just a matter of figuring out how we're going to decorate the place and other fine details.

Speaking of upcoming Disney trips, we've had a change in plans for June. We're now going to WDW instead of DL, taking advantage of the great deals (25% of value rooms, Pop Century here we come!) and our APs. Plus flights are much cheaper so in all we'll be saving almost $1000! That and we'll hopefully be able to catch the Electrical Parade during its run. We'll make it out to DL soon but for now we'll save our pennies.

That's it for now. I'll have more TR soon!
sounds like life is good for you guys!! That's great!! Good luck on your cake search!
December 9th: Day 5 Part 1

So after an amazing time the day before, DH and I woke up fairly early to our first full day as husband and wife. We got dressed as we were having breakfast at the Crystal Palace (a tradition I started 3 years ago) with Terry, Taylor and Tweeter. Unfortunately we were a bit delayed in leaving as DH couldn't find his wallet. After tearing the room apart we finally located it and caught the bus to the MK. Turns out, as late as we were, DH's family was running even further behind. Luckily they were still able to get us in after a minimal wait after checking in.



This was DH's family's first character meal and they really enjoyed it. I'm not sure what they enjoyed more, the characters or the food but we all stuffed ourselves silly. They even brought us a cupcake to celebrate our wedding and a card signed by all the characters!











After paying the bill we met up with Aunt Sue in Tomorrowland. Terry was going to do one of the Richard Petty driving experiences at the Speedway that same day so we stayed in the MK.





December 9th: Day 5 Part 2

Terry's RPDE was at 12:30 but he had to be there early to check in, so he and Tweeter left us to take the shuttle to the track and we stayed in the park for a little while longer. It was quite easy to get there, the shuttle sits right by the kennel at the TTC. There wasn't anyone but us going so we got the van all to ourselves and the guy driving was nice to talk to. We arrived at the track and found Tweeter along with Jenni and Matt sitting in the stands while Terry was still in his training class.






We settled in the the stands while we waited for the drivers to come out. With the Richard Petty Experiences they offer the opportunity to drive a real NASCAR style stock car or you can ride-along with a professional doing the driving. Terry was doing the driving experience, and while we were there Matt surprised Jenni with a ride-along experience and then Sue decided to do a ride-along too!

The driving group went first and Terry was one of the first to go!





There he goes!




I think the look on his face when he pulled back into the pit lane said it all, it was money very well spent!




Then Jenni got to do her ride-along!





Then Sue did her ride-along (she thought it wasn't fast enough :rotfl: )



OMG I would love to do RPDE! I think it would be so cool!
Sorry I've been MIA, life has been to crazy busy! I got my official acceptance to graduate school including an offer of almost $3000 in financial aid and stipends! We've also been working on the reception, including several DIY projects and sending out our Save-The-Dates. It's really coming together and I think everyone is going to have a good time.

And now back to the TR!

December 9th: Day 5 Part 3

So after everyone was done at the speedway, Jenni and Matt went back to the condo while the rest of us decided to go to the Studios. So we take the shuttle back to the TTC and walk to the buses. We get on the bus and while we're waiting to depart DH realized that his phone (brand new Motorola Droid) was missing! He and Terry decide to go back to the speedway while the rest of us go ahead to the Studios.

So Tweeter, Sue, Taylor and I reach DHS and some of the Streetmosphere characters are out including Taylor's new girlfriend:




She had been talking to some people on the street while Tweeter took pictures and she heard Tweeter's camera go off. She exclaimed that it couldn't have been a good picture as she was in the sun and that Tweeter should try again. Then she spotted Taylor and starting flirting with him, luckily Taylor was nice enough to play along.

We were getting hungry so we stopped for some pizza near the ToT and RnR. Not long after we sat down DH called to let us know he had his phone! Apparently it had fallen out of his pocket in the grass while waiting for the shuttle, and someone at the track found it and had it waiting for him when they got there. So he and Terry were on their way to DHS.

Once they got there we did RnR which everyone loved.




Then we did the Great Movie Ride.





By then it was dark and the Osbourne Lights were in full swing, which was one of the reasons we did the Studios.









Hi everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates. Unfortunately even with all the great things going on, getting into grad school, planning the reception, life has decided to throw us a major curve ball. I don't want to get into any real details right now, but I'll just say that I have a close family member who is suffering from some serious health issues and is needing some support. I promise I will get back to my TR and will finish it before our 1st anniversary ;)
Hey Rachel, I'm so sorry for what you're going through right now. Sending lots of warm thoughts your way and I hope things turn around soon.
Hi there, I have enjoyed your TR so far, and I just wanted to send some well wishes for whatever it is you need them for!


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