RANT: I don't care if you want to sit next to your kids on the airplane

I'm not trying to imply anything-I was just asking a simple question.

Ok, well I wasn't sure if you were going to try and point out how selfish it is to not give up a seat for someone on a bus when you don't know anyones circumstances. :) That happens a lot on here too.
What do you feel is the difference?
You do not pay for your seat on a bus, and most of the seats are the same.
You do pay for your seat on a train though so my thoughts are the same for a train + plane.
What do you feel is the difference?

I will answer even though you didnt ask me...most bus trips are for a short period of time, not long flights in a confined space for a long time. No one paid extra for their seat. I have and do give up my seat on a bus and a plane, but once again it is how one is being asked, I dont care the means of transportation, if you demand that I get up/move, you can move along. And as with anything if you need a seat that badly for whatever reason, whether a parent with a sleeping child or an elderly person with a cane etc, than take PERSONAL responsibility and make it happen, whatever that means for the means of transportation.
What do you feel is the difference?

Lots of differences. Generally a ton more leg room on a bus. A bus ride is generally quite short. And, you can get off the bus at any stop you like (generally within a couple minutes, or even less) should you feel claustrophobic or extremely uncomfortable. Plane rides: generally longer (and the longer the flight, the LESS inclined I would be to change seats on request, particularly if it's on a "lesser" seat as it nearly always is....why is that?!?!), tighter spaces, and getting off simply isn't allowed.
Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.

I'll answer your question It depends, more than likely yes I will give up my seat and instruct my children to do so as well.

But IMO, if you need a seat, it is your responsibility to wait for a bus with empty seats.
Again, I will also go back to the notion that when I've been asked to switch on a plane, 100% of the time, the person doing the asking to "sit next to someone" is asking for the seat that is the BEST available...e.g., they want the seat closer to the front, or with more leg room. I don't see them offering their "better" seat to agree to take a seat closer to the back or the toilet or whatever. They look at it as an opportunity to improve their own position. Word of advice to the people doing the asking....go back to the WORST seat on the plane and offer to switch with that person in order to sit next to your loved one. More likely to get a better result.
You are right there is a huge safety concern, so then it is the parents responsibility to ensure that he or she does have the ability to sit next to her children. If there are no seats that are right next to one another then it is her responsibility as a parent to go to the front gate and tell them she cannot board that flight because she needs seats that are together. Yes it sucks they'll have to wait longer for the next flight or whenever two seats are available but sometimes thats just how it works. If someone is willing to give up their seat that's great, but if a person says no they shouldn't be made to feel like a horrible person because they don't want to move. They are just as entitled to sit with whoever they came with, or in the seat that they paid more money for.

Totally agree, my kids safety starts and ends with me.

Totally disagree it should be on the airline and if people need to be moved the airline should move them

I actually can't believe people would be so selfish as to force a family on to a different flight just so they could sit in the seat they chose

I can't believe how selfish people are becoming.

I'm not selfish darn it, and I'm personally sick of parents who encounter a little advisory crying because the rest of the public doesn't make their life easier. Yes if you can't get the seats you need on a flight get the heck off the plane and make proper arrangements.

Maybe we are not selfish, maybe we are finally forcing you to take responsibility.
Yes, I have missed flight because of my little ones
Yes, I have left movie theaters early
Yes, I have left the magic kingdom due to meltdowns
Yes, I have paid 70 bucks for a meal I took one bite of because my little precious was acting like a park ape
I've rebooked, rearranged, remade a thousand and one thing due to child issues, went through hundreds of vacation days dealing with child issue.

It's called being a parent, if you want others to make your life easy, hire a nanny.
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Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.

As far as public transport like buses, we board when there are seats for us. If there aren't we wait for the next one. No big deal, personal responsibility and all that.
I realize not everyone feels the same way, and yes, I would assist if it was possible.

On the other hand, I don't feel any different about reserved seat air travel than I do when I go to reserved seat concert. If I've purchased specific Delta seats, then I expect to sit in specific Delta seats. Is that unreasonable? Would you arrive at a concert, walk down and request/demand folks in 5th row center seats move to accommodate you?
As far as public transport like buses, we board when there are seats for us. If there aren't we wait for the next one. No big deal, personal responsibility and all that.
I realize not everyone feels the same way, and yes, I would assist if it was possible.

On the other hand, I don't feel any different about reserved seat air travel than I do when I go to reserved seat concert. If I've purchased specific Delta seats, then I expect to sit in specific Delta seats. Is that unreasonable? Would you arrive at a concert, walk down and request/demand folks in 5th row center seats move to accommodate you?

Sure. Because my kid DESERVES to be able to see Taylor Swift up close and will throw a fit if she doesn't get to. So, person in those 5th row center seats, you better move, or else. LOL.
Apples and oranges as far as I'm concerned. Busses/commuter trains don't have assigned seats. It's a first come, first served scenario. The only place I've ever seen anybody asked to move on a train/bus is if they're in the priority seats that are specifically for pregnant women, the elderly, etc.

I do think though that if you know you need a seat then maybe you should wait.

As I mentioned up thread I do not like hoards of people in close proximity. I've waited up to an hour because I just couldn't do a 20minute ride packed up against people.

I think it's a bit humorous that people have no problem calling others out as rude or selfish who wouldn't give up their seats for a family. I can almost guarantee if I started a thread about asking people to trade my middle seat for their window because of my anxiety that I'd be torn apart on responsibility and rudeness.

I'm willing to bet I'd even get a few responses on how I probably just shouldn't travel.

Actually, there are some airlines that also have no assigned seats.

Not calling anyone rude, I'm just appalled at some of these responses. I also suffer from anxiety, especially on planes. But I am an adult, so I have the tools to help myself in a situation like that. I can speak for myself, that my need to sit next to my small children has nothing to do with making my trip more comfortable or convenient. It's simply for safety issues. It's a CHILD-in my case a 1 year old & a 3 year old. The poster who mentioned basic safety, if something were to happen on the plane, speaks volumes.

Personally, if this were to happen to me, I would gladly wait for the next plane or bus (& have done it in the past no problem), before I asked someone to change their seat-it just makes for an awkward situation. I think some of these responses are certainly in the minority of the population though.....or maybe I've just been lucky. When I was very pregnant, holding my baby or toddler, or traveled with an individual with cognitive issues, kind people have always offered to give up their seat for me/them without any hesitation. I've only been in one circumstance that I can recall where I've had to ask & was greeted rudely (a person who took up an extra seat on a bus to place their backpack).

I am also in the camp that the airline needs to take charge of this, to avoid unnecessary confrontations. Put rules in place to protect peoples' basic needs and compensate accordingly, if need be.
What do you feel is the difference?

Are you serious?

Giving up your seat on a bus, a vehicle that doesn't assign seats and is used for a short distance, and giving up your seat on plane, used to cover longer distances over a longer time period and where you may have paid for that particular seat, is nothing alike. I really question your motives for even trying to make this comparison.
Actually, there are some airlines that also have no assigned seats.

Not calling anyone rude, I'm just appalled at some of these responses. I also suffer from anxiety, especially on planes. But I am an adult, so I have the tools to help myself in a situation like that. I can speak for myself, that my need to sit next to my small children has nothing to do with making my trip more comfortable or convenient. It's simply for safety issues. It's a CHILD-in my case a 1 year old & a 3 year old. The poster who mentioned basic safety, if something were to happen on the plane, speaks volumes.

Personally, if this were to happen to me, I would gladly wait for the next plane or bus (& have done it in the past no problem), before I asked someone to change their seat-it just makes for an awkward situation. I think some of these responses are certainly in the minority of the population though.....or maybe I've just been lucky. When I was very pregnant, holding my baby or toddler, or traveled with an individual with cognitive issues, kind people have always offered to give up their seat for me/them without any hesitation. I've only been in one circumstance that I can recall where I've had to ask & was greeted rudely (a person who took up an extra seat on a bus to place their backpack).

I am also in the camp that the airline needs to take charge of this, to avoid unnecessary confrontations. Put rules in place to protect peoples' basic needs and compensate accordingly, if need be.

Well I would hope you would plan accordingly to ensure that you and your 1 and 3 year old children are next to you. There is a difference between a 5 year old and a toddler/preschooler.
Just because you have anxiety and are an adult doesn't mean that you can easily control it. Just because YOU can doesn't mean other adults can, everyone has different levels of anxiety and what they can tolerate. Maybe you should have compassion for disabled adults too, because anxiety can be very disabling. It seems you are only focused on children and families and feel those should come first above anyone else's needs (those who have a physical or mental disability) and those who have paid for a seat that they got for a specific reason.
Are you serious?

Giving up your seat on a bus, a vehicle that doesn't assign seats and is used for a short distance, and giving up your seat on plane, used to cover longer distances over a longer time period and where you may have paid for that particular seat, is nothing alike. I really question your motives for even trying to make this comparison.

You are being a bit rude.

It was a simple question & there is no motive. It's a message board discussion. I actually disagree with your response, & that's ok-clearly we are different kinds of people. But I have no interest in continuing this discussion with you if you are going to be rude.
I never threatened anyone. I was stating a fact. If a kid is put beside some stranger then they do have to deal with the crying as the parents are not there to help.
I would not demand anything if my request was not granted I guess the airline and passengers beside the child would take the chance. I think it's awfully selfish to make a mom and kid wait for another plane because people won't shift some seats and they say the parent is entitled.
Like I said before if the airline switches you around from what you originally booked it should be on them to make sure they are keeping kids with their parents. But a little common courtesy goes a long way to.

You are contradicting yourself.

You said you felt children under 5 should be seated next to a parent. The airline accommodated that and made sure that each of your younger children were seated next to a parent.

So now you are also saying that even though you think the age should be 5 and under, that people are selfish if they don't move for your older children too? What do your 7 & 9 year old do in school? They have to ride a bus without a parent next to them where the bus could be in an accident? They have fire drills, lock down drills, tornado drills without a parent next to them and usually just one adult to 15-30 children. If a 2nd and 4th grader cannot sit in an enclosed area just feet away from their parents then there is a problem with today's youth.

And I love children. I would help a child in an emergency before helping myself. An emergency is far different than a seat especially since they are so rare. I could almost say that with 4 children, it is safer for you to be able to focus on your little ones and allow strangers to guide the older children who are trained how to act in emergency situations. Most schools have fire drills monthly. Older kids are trained to follow directions.
You are being a bit rude.

It was a simple question & there is no motive. It's a message board discussion. I actually disagree with your response, & that's ok-clearly we are different kinds of people. But I have no interest in continuing this discussion with you if you are going to be rude.

Please explain to us all how giving up a seat on a bus and giving up a seat on a plane is the same thing.
Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.
You keep bringing up a bus as a comparison. A bus or train is completely different because the ride is usually short. There also are not different levels of seats you can buy and nothing is uncomfortable. Nobody on a bus has chosen a particular seat and then paid extra for that seat. 15-20 minutes on a bus is completely different than 4 hours on a plane.


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