RANT: I don't care if you want to sit next to your kids on the airplane

So thouse who can have kids for what ever reason are pushed aside like I side I don't mind switching but I see where others are combing from, I would not be happy about throwing money out the window
Do you know what parents nowadays just can't win with members of the general public.

If our kids misbehave we are neglectful, not doing our jobs etc etc etc see it all the time on these boards

If we want to be seated next to our kids to supervise and look after them then we are helicopter parents, entitled etc etc etc.

Quit giving parents such a hard time. Most of us are doing our best day in day out.

You act as though the vast majority of adults aren't or weren't parents of young children. Believe it or not, you are not the only person with young kids.
You act as though the vast majority of adults aren't or weren't parents of young children. Believe it or not, you are not the only person with young kids.

I don't have young kids I just think the attitude toward young kids in this thread stinks My kids are all adults but I don't like the way parents are being spoken about in this thread

At the end of the day kids being separated from their parents is a safety issue. If there is an incident they need a parent to help them with their oxygen masks the safety video shows that. If there is an evacuation they need parents help. If you end up with a couple of young confused kids in the aisles during an evacuation that puts everyone at risk and don't tell me people would help kids as I've seen kids pushed out the way in fire drills never mind plane evacuation

At the end of the day a safety concern like young kids being separated from parents should be a higher priority than a lone adults seat preference or even an adult couples desire to sit together
I don't have young kids I just think the attitude toward young kids in this thread stinks My kids are all adults but I don't like the way parents are being spoken about in this thread

At the end of the day kids being separated from their parents is a safety issue. If there is an incident they need a parent to help them with their oxygen masks the safety video shows that. If there is an evacuation they need parents help. If you end up with a couple of young confused kids in the aisles during an evacuation that puts everyone at risk and don't tell me people would help kids as I've seen kids pushed out the way in fire drills never mind plane evacuation

At the end of the day a safety concern like young kids being separated from parents should be a higher priority than a lone adults seat preference or even an adult couples desire to sit together

You are right there is a huge safety concern, so then it is the parents responsibility to ensure that he or she does have the ability to sit next to her children. If there are no seats that are right next to one another then it is her responsibility as a parent to go to the front gate and tell them she cannot board that flight because she needs seats that are together. Yes it sucks they'll have to wait longer for the next flight or whenever two seats are available but sometimes thats just how it works. If someone is willing to give up their seat that's great, but if a person says no they shouldn't be made to feel like a horrible person because they don't want to move. They are just as entitled to sit with whoever they came with, or in the seat that they paid more money for.
You are right there is a huge safety concern, so then it is the parents responsibility to ensure that he or she does have the ability to sit next to her children. If there are no seats that are right next to one another then it is her responsibility as a parent to go to the front gate and tell them she cannot board that flight because she needs seats that are together. Yes it sucks they'll have to wait longer for the next flight or whenever two seats are available but sometimes thats just how it works. If someone is willing to give up their seat that's great, but if a person says no they shouldn't be made to feel like a horrible person because they don't want to move. They are just as entitled to sit with whoever they came with, or in the seat that they paid more money for.

Totally disagree it should be on the airline and if people need to be moved the airline should move them

I actually can't believe people would be so selfish as to force a family on to a different flight just so they could sit in the seat they chose

I can't believe how selfish people are becoming.
Totally disagree it should be on the airline and if people need to be moved the airline should move them

I actually can't believe people would be so selfish as to force a family on to a different flight just so they could sit in the seat they chose

I can't believe how selfish people are becoming.

Couldn't you equally say that you can't believe people would be so selfish as to force someone to sit in a different seat just so they could fly on that particular flight?

I do agree it should be on the airline, but it also shouldn't come at the expense of other passengers who have paid just as much, if not more for their seats. I honestly think that the airlines could manage to do that. While I would switch seats to help out other passengers, I'm not going to do it if it means getting a significantly worse seat, separating from my own family (just because we're all adults doesn't mean we're not a family too!) and especially not if I've paid extra for that particular seat. On my upcoming flights I will have paid a total of $900 for my mum and I to sit together in economy plus. If someone asked me to switch my seat for a regular economy seat so they can sit next to another passenger then they're basically asking me to give something I've paid for to them. I really don't think it's selfish if I say no.
I never threatened anyone. I was stating a fact. If a kid is put beside some stranger then they do have to deal with the crying as the parents are not there to help.
Where did all these crying children come from? How do they all cope with everyday, normal separation from their parents of more than a couple of hundred feet, where the parent isn't more than fifteen seconds away?
I would not demand anything if my request was not granted I guess the airline and passengers beside the child would take the chance. I think it's awfully selfish to make a mom and kid wait for another plane because people won't shift some seats and they say the parent is entitled.
I think it's awfully selfish to make any other passenger move for the convenience of a parent and child.
't have young kids I just think the attitude toward young kids in this thread stinks
I think the attitude toward adults who won't give up their seats stinks.
At the end of the day a safety concern like young kids being separated from parents should be a higher priority than a lone adults seat preference or even an adult couples desire to sit together
Just exactly how many emergency situations are there every day? Advocates for forced reseating make it sound as if there are hundreds.
Totally disagree it should be on the airline and if people need to be moved the airline should move them

I actually can't believe people families would be so selfish as to force a family other passengers on to a different flight into less desirable seats just so thet the families could sit in the seat they the displaced passenger chose.
Fixed it for you.
Totally disagree it should be on the airline and if people need to be moved the airline should move them

I actually can't believe people would be so selfish as to force a family on to a different flight just so they could sit in the seat they chose

I can't believe how selfish people are becoming.

This is a long thread, and many of the more recent posts were responding to mummabear's insistence that if her flight gets cancelled, she should get the same seats on the next flight because her flight came first. I think that's selfish.
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Oh my this thread is interesting. Just reading these posts is exactly why I would ask people to switch so I could sit with my kids. I have absolutely no faith in anyone helping if an emergency should arise. All the flights I've taken with my kids I've paid to make sure we sat together and even then we were broken up once. I was not happy and spent hours on the phone trying to straighten it up just days before the flight. The best they could do was put my 2 year old with me, my 4 year old with my DH and my 7&9 year old together spread throughout the plane.
Quite honestly if they hadn't moved people and some stranger had to deal with my younger kids crying or what not its first the companies fault for switching our seats and second if the passenger refused to move too bad for them have fun listening to the crying.
What do you suppose the parent should do? Comfort the kid over top of you? Yes older kids should be fine but really sometimes a parent being with a child is just common sense.
Oh and why should I wait for another plane when there are seats on that one, just for your comfort? And yes I think if you paid extra then you should be reimbursed.
Above anything I think this should fall onto the air companies shoulders. Kids under 5 should have a parent beside them.

And once again that is a threat, you may not want to admit to that but it is.

Do you know what parents nowadays just can't win with members of the general public.

If our kids misbehave we are neglectful, not doing our jobs etc etc etc see it all the time on these boards

If we want to be seated next to our kids to supervise and look after them then we are helicopter parents, entitled etc etc etc.

Quit giving parents such a hard time. Most of us are doing our best day in day out.

Once again MANY parents chiming in here who dont think we are being selfish at all. We think it is the responsibility of the parent. And I think is is the responsibility of the airline. I think the airline should offer more incentive to move if it was their issue that the parent is now separated from a child. And not stupid drink coupons that might not even be able to be used for a variety of reasons.

I AS A PARENT, had DS18 separated from us when he 18mos old on USAir. I too panicked and called the airline to have it changed when we realized the switch. For both flights we had to go to the gate, and they asked people to move. They did. We were grateful for those who did, not DEMANDING! But if they did not then it was on us as parents, to figure it out.

My DH as a parent, has moved countless times, always to a worse situation then before, it gets tiresome. Practically every flight we have ever taken as a family, and some he has taken solo for work, he has been asked to move. Are there really that many parents who had the airline mess up their seats, or are there that many parents who take advantage. After seeing the behavior of some of the families after he moved from us, I think they are the selfish ones for not figuring it out.
I don't have young kids I just think the attitude toward young kids in this thread stinks My kids are all adults but I don't like the way parents are being spoken about in this thread

At the end of the day kids being separated from their parents is a safety issue. If there is an incident they need a parent to help them with their oxygen masks the safety video shows that. If there is an evacuation they need parents help. If you end up with a couple of young confused kids in the aisles during an evacuation that puts everyone at risk and don't tell me people would help kids as I've seen kids pushed out the way in fire drills never mind plane evacuation

At the end of the day a safety concern like young kids being separated from parents should be a higher priority than a lone adults seat preference or even an adult couples desire to sit together

About the fire drill-Did you speak up and make sure the kids were back in line and safely evacuated? I think I would be very unhappy to be part of a group that would do this.

When flying solo, I've been seated next to unaccompanied minors on several occasions. I was kind and helpful to those children. I mean really...do you truly believe someone wouldn't help a child with an oxygen mask?
I've also been seated next to two hearing impaired adults on a flight that had significant turbulence. They could read lips, and asked me to keep them up to date with announcements, which I did.

I sit next to my dh. He has serious health issues. I am there to assist, when needed. Nope, I won't be moving.
I won't be explaining this to another passenger, either. I'm sorry, it's not possible for me to move is all they are going to get.

Gate agents will work with people who have seating issues. Sometimes they can find seats together, sometimes they may need to reschedule. Either way, that is the time to get things fixed, before you board.
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Totally disagree it should be on the airline and if people need to be moved the airline should move them

I actually can't believe people would be so selfish as to force a family on to a different flight just so they could sit in the seat they chose

I can't believe how selfish people are becoming.

I can't believe someone would expect me to go and sit on the non-reclining seat near the bathroom for 5 hours just because they want my seat. My seat that I chose and paid for weeks (or even months) ago. I can't believe that you think your comfort is more important than mine after I just got off an 8 hour flight from hell and finally can stretch my legs out for my last segment.

It may be an inconvenience to you to wait for the next flight. I am a very caring person, but there are some instances where I really don't care about making strangers happy.
I am a parent and flew with my kids several times when they were under 5. Although we were lucky enough to have never been in a situation where we were split up, I would never have demanded that others move for us. Ask nicely? Sure. But think less of another passenger if their answer was "no?" Never.

The problem some posters fail to see is that the scenarios where people decline to switch are often where the parent and chld are both in middle seats. That means the other passenger is being asked to give up an aisle or window seat for a middle. Not many people are comfortable in a middle, and they have every right to decline to make a change.

The other thing bothering me about some posters is the basty attitude that assumes that a passenger who won't switch ro a more uncomfortable seat would not help a child, especially in an emergency. Those two are not mutually exclusive. It's actually rather rude for someone to assume that passengers who would decline to give up a seat are automatically the kind of people who would not help a child in an emergency.
I never threatened anyone. I was stating a fact. If a kid is put beside some stranger then they do have to deal with the crying as the parents are not there to help.
I would not demand anything if my request was not granted I guess the airline and passengers beside the child would take the chance. I think it's awfully selfish to make a mom and kid wait for another plane because people won't shift some seats and they say the parent is entitled.
Like I said before if the airline switches you around from what you originally booked it should be on them to make sure they are keeping kids with their parents. But a little common courtesy goes a long way to.
The better solution is to tell the person the child is sitting next to that you are in row xx and if there is a problem let you or the fa know. Threatening that your kid throws up or talks a lot (by the way my answer would probably be something to the effect that no worries I have my headphone and the last season of walking dead on my iPad your kid won't bother me at all. Common courtesy goes both ways. Expecting people to rearrange for you is rude. I have taken the next bus plane whatever because my kids could not sit or sit near me. Now they are old enough to be on their own twenty feet away in an enclosed space).
You are right there is a huge safety concern, so then it is the parents responsibility to ensure that he or she does have the ability to sit next to her children. If there are no seats that are right next to one another then it is her responsibility as a parent to go to the front gate and tell them she cannot board that flight because she needs seats that are together. Yes it sucks they'll have to wait longer for the next flight or whenever two seats are available but sometimes thats just how it works. If someone is willing to give up their seat that's great, but if a person says no they shouldn't be made to feel like a horrible person because they don't want to move. They are just as entitled to sit with whoever they came with, or in the seat that they paid more money for.

Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.
Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.

If you have an interest in that discussion check out the transportation board. It is frequently discussed.
Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.

I would say they should wait for another bus if they need a seat, it would be a safety issue for myself if I were to give up my seat on a bus or train. I don't like what you are trying to imply.
I would say they should wait for another bus if they need a seat, it would be a safety issue for myself if I were to give up my seat on a bus or train. I don't like what you are trying to imply.

I'm not trying to imply anything-I was just asking a simple question.
Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.

There is a huge difference between a bus and a plane.
Just out of curiosity-& I mean no disrespect-would you give up your seat on a bus or train for a young child, baby, elderly person, person with special needs, or do you feel they should also wait for another bus? Again, I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious where you draw the line.

Apples and oranges as far as I'm concerned. Busses/commuter trains don't have assigned seats. It's a first come, first served scenario. The only place I've ever seen anybody asked to move on a train/bus is if they're in the priority seats that are specifically for pregnant women, the elderly, etc.

I do think though that if you know you need a seat then maybe you should wait.

As I mentioned up thread I do not like hoards of people in close proximity. I've waited up to an hour because I just couldn't do a 20minute ride packed up against people.

I think it's a bit humorous that people have no problem calling others out as rude or selfish who wouldn't give up their seats for a family. I can almost guarantee if I started a thread about asking people to trade my middle seat for their window because of my anxiety that I'd be torn apart on responsibility and rudeness.

I'm willing to bet I'd even get a few responses on how I probably just shouldn't travel.


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