RANT: I don't care if you want to sit next to your kids on the airplane

I will never understand why the world thinks that the needs of one person trumps the needs of another. People without kids get awfully sick of people with kids thinking the works should revolve around the needs of them and their children.

I'd add that even people with kids get sick of other people suggesting that THEIR kids are special and need special accommodation. ;-)
To me it does make sense instead of saying flight A was cancelled now flight B is going and flight A people have to fit around and get screwed over twice (by being late and by loosing the seats they have paid for), I would see it as Flight A is due to go first so the next flight is really still flight A.
Nope. Sorry Flight A. You fit in where you can.

Otherwise it sets off a chain reaction...flight A has a problem so they put everyone from flight A onto flight B as "priority" so now the people who were originally on flight B get put into Flight C as "priority"...it'll never end.
You are right-someone wanting the isle seat because they like to have the space to stretch out is a completely equal need to a 2 year old requiring parental supervision. But what do you care-its not your kid so not your problem.
Actually that's the most correct thing you've said...it's not my kid so it's not my problem.

It becomes even less my problem if the parent comes at me demanding anything or with any sort of an attitude of expectation that THEIR needs trump mine.
Actually that's the most correct thing you've said...it's not my kid so it's not my problem.

It becomes even less my problem if the parent comes at me demanding anything or with any sort of an attitude of expectation that THEIR needs trump mine.

I don't think someone else's "needs" trump my "needs" (or even that someone else's "wants" trump my "wants") but I can certainly see putting someone else's "needs" before my "wants." - For example, if I booked a window seat just so I could enjoy the view, and someone else with a child in a car seat got bumped to my flight because of weather delays, I wouldn't mind trading seats because the car seat "needs" to go there due to safety regulations, but I only "want" to look out the window. (Of course, besides just being kind, cooperating also gets my flight on it's way faster, so I guess it's not totally altruistic.)
And I dont see why you think an issue caused by the airlines is parents being a) cheap b) disorganised or c) overbearing helicopter parents

I also just cant agree with this automatic "me" mentality when the best defense you have for wanting the seat is "because I paid for it" even when someone else did and has an actual need for it

But someone else didn't pay for it. And in the original example, it sounded like the person asked to move had paid for an upgrade.

Honestly, I think the "me" mentality is with the person asking others to move. I would have the airlines rebook my flight to something acceptible before asking strangers to move. I book my flights way in advance and do aisle seats in first class or economy plus. Not trading except for another aisle seat in the same area, because I get claustrophobic
If someone wants to switch I'd switch. What do I care I spend most flights either reading or sleeping.
So why should you be trusted in an emergency situation to take care of them?

They can't be. Just like the only ones watching out for an unaccompanied minor are the flight attendants. Who frankly in a life or death situation even they don't know if they would put themselves in harms way for your kid. Since until someone atually has to make that choice I don't think anyone really knows.
You are right-someone wanting the isle seat because they like to have the space to stretch out is a completely equal need to a 2 year old requiring parental supervision. But what do you care-its not your kid so not your problem.

Some people NEED an aisle seat to stretch their legs for medical reasons. It is not up to you to judge why they are sitting where they are sitting or why they are declining to move. There are dozens of seats on an average plane. If no one volunteers to change with you, your choice as a parent is to request seats on the next available plane, NOT expect or demand that others accommodate you.
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And I dont see why you think an issue caused by the airlines is parents being a) cheap b) disorganised or c) overbearing helicopter parents

I also just cant agree with this automatic "me" mentality when the best defense you have for wanting the seat is "because I paid for it" even when someone else did and has an actual need for it
As a fellow parent, let me tell you how we handled a situation--which is how I feel parents SHOULD handle it:

Flying from LAX to DET in October 2001 with a two and a half year old and a four and a half year old. We had done everything we needed to do long ahead of time to have reserved seats 2 and 2 so each of us adults could sit with a child.

DS (2 at the time) split his head open when he leaned back in his chair at the gate and it turned out the back was broken and he fell into the support bar below. We missed our booked flight while at the ER where he was got several staples and was checked for a concussion. Our luggage made the flight without us, and the gift shops were closed when we returned to teh airport--so DH and I as well as DS all had blood on our clothes and DS had a big bandage on his head plus hospital paperwork.

We had been rebooked on the last flight of the evening--which was totally full. We were in 4 separate seats scattered about the plane. I had doctor's instructions to awaken DS every 45 minutes that night. (and permission to fly)

SO many people were trying to sit together that the gate agents were making announcements as we got there that they could not change anyone's seat assignments, sorry.

We went up to the agent anyway (BEFORE boarding that flight) and explained the situation calmly, showed them the paperwork from the hospital, etc and asked if it was possible to find a way to seat me with my DS or if we should rebook for a flight going out the next day. Fortunately, a couple sitting near the counter overheard, had seats together and offered to switch with DS and I under the circumstances which were clearly out of the norm and there was a real need. I must have thanked them about a million times lol

DD4 sat on her own a few rows from DH--in the seats they were given when we moved to the flight. She was capable.

Had we not been able to work something out prior to boarding we would have asked to be rebooked on the next available flight which had seats together which could be assigned to us. It would have sucked because DH had to get back to work, so he probably would have gone without me and I would have overnighted in a strange city alone with two kids and no luggage and needing to care for DS'S injury---but that is a risk we take when we travel -- we risk having circumstances beyond our control strand us wherever we are until things settle down. We risk having to wait for flights if they are cancelled, missed or there are other issues which prevent us from flying as planned (like needing to wait for seats together). Responsible travelers assume those risks and do not demand to be exempted from them because they choose to travel with children.

(which doesn't mean I, or others might not switch with someone, just that no one should ever be expected to)
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I think the problem runs into demanding...if I pay for my seat, then I may have a very good reason, so if I say no, accept it and move on to the next passenger. If I dont have a good reason and I am WILLING, I will gladly move for you if you tell me why I need to move. I will move if there is a good reason but I am not moving bc you were too cheap to pay for the preferred seat or the early bird check in. And I have read too many posters here and on FB that say that are not paying extra and will use their child as a threat to get the seat they want. Therefore I would be skeptical of someone asking and I will be MORE skeptical of someone demanding. I dont respond to demands.
So why should you be trusted in an emergency situation to take care of them?

You don't seem to get it. There is absolutely no reason that you have to sit apart from your child if that is what is important to you. No airline is forcing you to separate from your child. They are just offering you the seats they have available.

If there are not two seats together on the first flight available, it is easy peasy. You just say no thank you and wait for the next flight that has two seats together. You are in the wrong to demand that somebody give up their window or aisle seat just because it is more convenient for you to get home on an earlier plane.

Just wait for a plane with two seats then nobody is inconvenienced. You want your cake and eat it too and damn those whom you inconvenience to get it. I don't get that mentality.
Some people NEED an aisle seat to stretch their legs for medical reasons. It is not up to you to judge why they are sitting where they are sitting or why they are declining to move. There are dozens of seats on an average plane. If no one volunteers to change with you, your choice as a parent is to request seats on the next available plane, NOT expect or demand that others to accommodate you.
Exactly. I can't understand why Mummabear seems to ignore the idea that not all adults who pay for a seat do so just for convenience. I know somebody who had to have an aisle seat for medical reasons.

And the flight attendants cannot ask all the passengers if their seat is due to a medical need or because they just wanted that particular seat. Besides the privacy laws, it would take forever to quiz everybody on the plane whether their need was more important than the parent/child's need.
I think the problem runs into demanding...if I pay for my seat, then I may have a very good reason, so if I say no, accept it and move on to the next passenger. If I dont have a good reason and I am WILLING, I will gladly move for you if you tell me why I need to move. I will move if there is a good reason but I am not moving bc you were too cheap to pay for the preferred seat or the early bird check in. And I have read too many posters here and on FB that say that are not paying extra and will use their child as a threat to get the seat they want. Therefore I would be skeptical of someone asking and I will be MORE skeptical of someone demanding. I dont respond to demands.

So true. It reminds me of how crappy people are.

Example...My sister sells a lot. Garage sales, flea markets, CL, etc.

When she sells her Disney VHS tapes there is always one person (usually calls herself a grandma, no kidding), that will ask for "The Little Mermaid" and then give some excuse like my granddaughter LOVES that movie or some such hooey.

We know that the jacket is sought after because of the "art" on the cover.

Bunch of liars.
I don't think someone else's "needs" trump my "needs" (or even that someone else's "wants" trump my "wants") but I can certainly see putting someone else's "needs" before my "wants." - For example, if I booked a window seat just so I could enjoy the view, and someone else with a child in a car seat got bumped to my flight because of weather delays, I wouldn't mind trading seats because the car seat "needs" to go there due to safety regulations, but I only "want" to look out the window. (Of course, besides just being kind, cooperating also gets my flight on it's way faster, so I guess it's not totally altruistic.)
Most people on here have said that they would consider trading if there is a need.

The difference is the person with the window seat has the right to decide whether they will trade or not. It is their seat. The person with the car seat does not have the right to expect nor demand somebody move for them.

I fly SW most of the time. I always buy EB. As others have said, I probably would not move for somebody who wasn't bumped from another flight, but can't sit with their child because they have late C boarding passes. No parent has to have a late C boarding pass. They can pony up the $12.50 just like I did to have a better chance at getting A or B where there will be two seats together. Somebody who was bumped due to weather or mechanical failure is a different story.


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