Reading, seeing and hearing

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that is the most unreal thing I have ever seen for a hidden is totally awesome......

We went swimming one year down in the old Disney was in the low 70's ...but for us Mainers that is swimming weather.....hahahaha..some one actually commented to us that we must be from the Northeast......laughed on that one...

MIL went for a few walks today at the hospital and they may let her go back to the Home tomorrow and not a nursing home.....remember that you have to have family sometimes to be your healthcare advocate......someone to speak up for you........hubby did when he said ........walk that woman.....
Shelby, you should pop in and say hello to Marita while you're at the Beach Club! Hope you have a great vacation.

Cute cat pics.
Hello, friends!! How was everyone's Sunday? I spent it watching DVD's...NIce and relaxing. We have now finished season one of Gilmore Girls!! Loving that show! The snappy dialog just cracks me up!

I am so jealous of everyone's WDW trips!!! Hope you all have a great time!
Shelby have a great trip. Hope you have great weather. And come back and telll us about it.

Twinkie can't help you with the clothes, at least you don't have to throw in dressy clothes. Which means more shoes for everyone. On the boat the weather is cool when you start but very warm since we end up in Cozemel Mexico. When we were there in Jan. last year we swam but we are used to cooler temps.

I wish I was going to WDW to met up with Marita. Maybe someday.

okey just checked at the countdown central and we have 102 days until we go on another GET OUT OF TOWN TRIP......we are ready again and you figure we have been back for a few weeks........taking care of your elderly parents takes alot out of is exhuasting mentally and physically
Pumba get yourself a ticker. It is really easy. Go to the website and just follow the instructions. I thought I couldn't do it either. Try it, really.

Hubby is sitting here watching Larry the Cable guy laughing his head off. Guess I won't be watching Housewives.

:lmao:Twink! Yes, Marita is a grand Floridian!!!

I had great fun hearing her tell the story in person about Princess Di entering the Grand Floridian through a red carpet bedecked loading dock.
Man, I wish I were at the Grand Floridian!! DH does not care for it though, so we probably never will. :guilty:
Twinkie- love your ticker hijack! Getting close! Just bring a varity pack this time of year. Layers can be removed. It's probably alot nicer than the summer, I'm guessing. Go Utes!

Toot- OMGosh- I miss you when you take an unauthorized leave of absence, MISSY!

NAbbygirl- you just gotta watch Desperate Housewives, it's NEW. My DH likes Larry too, I tell you what.

Pumba- get a ticker ! I'm thinking of being a smarty pants and get one for a year and 9 months down the line! (Sept 08) but I'm attempting to go to a WISH meet next Jan.

marita- I'm a California girl and think utah state is FREEZING under 65*

SHelbee! What a cute kitty!!!!! I once saw a picture of a HM on a cow. (not in moo's avatar)

Everyone- I posted a new huge 3 part ch. in my TR in case your bored. Have a diet Pepsi and get comfortable.
Hi Utah!! Sorry, I am around sometimes, but I've been feeling lethargic lately and I get too lazy to post as much as I used to. I still love you girls though! :love:

And when did you go to the World, lady? Was this a recent trip, or are you behind on your TR for an old one?
Lurker and infrequent poster YAK here!!!

I'm around but just not as frequently as I would like. Plus no trips in the near or distance future....:sad1:

NAB - your trip is coming up and I bet you're not even tired of winter!!! :yay:
Have a great time.

Hey Martia :wave2:

Hey everyone else!

I'm going to try to finish my TR soon!!

Have a great one :upsidedow

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
Hi YAK,thanks for stopping by! :wave2:

Boy, I am dragging tonight. Think this will be an early night for me.

Grammy, yes, that is the pic of the shuttle I saw from my back yard too, but I am about 30 miles closer to the east coast than the Poly, so I probably saw all of .2" of light more :cool2:

night all!
Yak-- Your right. Is it winter, thought this was spring. My tulips are coming up. Kids go back to school tomorrow.....I need to go shopping and trying clothes on with them is now fun.

Marita-- Hope your not getting sick. Your are still tried after your nap. Get some rest.

UMA-- I need a re cap of Housewives. We watched Larry. It was pretty funny.

Photographic evidence that Marita and I met - neither of us are fond of having our photos taken, so please be kind!!! The humidity did not make for good hair days for me.


Wow, I was about to go to bed after puttering around here, and ran across THE PICTURE!

I LOVE how it turned out! We have proof!!!!

Oh, one other thing i didn't mention before. usually, I park in the convention lot at the Grand (no, no free valet parking). A coupleof weeks ago I had a meeting there and the convention lot was closed, so I turned around and headed back to my office and called it for a conference call.

So this day, I got there right on time, IF the covention lot were open, that is, but it was NOT! The thought crossed my mind for a second, should I just go home? BUT, if course, there was no way I could do that. So, I made the ultimate sacrifice and hoofed it all the way across the street. A few minutes late, but I made it!
Good morning everyone!

Marita, I'm confused. Did you change jobs? I'm sure I missed a lot during my hiatus!
Moo and Marita are just beautiful!
But, we already knew that!

Humidity is your skin's friend! I dry out on the way home and by the time I set foot in our dry, high dessert again, I'm back to wrinkles and parched skin. I can feel my hair lift off my head after being plastered down in sweat for a week.

Toot- No, I am still referring to my Sept. trip. In the finishing process, so I'll either drag my feet into oblivion or RIP the band-aid off quickly!

YAK, I love your TR, so drag it out, ok?
YAK, I love your TR, so drag it out, ok?

UM - OK - I just have to find my non-notes!!

Actually I have a lightish week this week so I'll try to Git 'r done!

Moo- nice pic of you and Marita!

Dre - :wave2:

NAB - DH was too funny because Bree's hubby (forgot his name...Oscar?) was hiding out in Canada - in Winnipeg! How nice! Now get packing!!
Afternoon all.

Yak-- I went to tape but Housewives but I set the wrong time. I have to get my am and pm straight. We got a whole 5 mins of wet snow today. It is windy and cold though.

Marita and Moo-- Love the picture. So glad you got to meet.

I was out all day shopping. Doesn't everyone shop before their trip. I convinced hubby to look at getting a new black suit. Tried a few on but didn't get one. Got the kids some new things too that we found on clearance.

Hubby doesn't like my choice for dinner tonight so he said lets go out tonight if the kids don't have much homework. No arguements from me.:lmao: No cooking and dishes.

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