Recovered from worst trip ever, now planning a mother-daughter trip for DD's birthday

Your basket sounds great! I can't wait to see the shirts that you make! Make sure you post pix up here! I am thinking about making some shirts myself!!! We'll see how time goes for me! You are just over a month away!!!!!! :banana::banana::banana::banana:
I've always wanted to go around Christmas but I'm still in high school and my mom doesn't like taking me out for more than 1 or 2 days(especially since I'm a junior. Most important year!)

I have a son who is a junior. I wouldn't pull him out at all. I won't even pull the 8th grader out anymore. R's only in second grade. She won't be too bad off :)

I can't wait to see the shirts that you make! Make sure you post pix up here! I am thinking about making some shirts myself!!!

I cheated and ordered some off of etsy, but I'm going to make at least a couple. I'm starting to panic I won't get them done, but I have to remind myself that it's not like she won't have any clothes to wear if I run out of time! She has plenty of Disney-themed tees that will do.

It's a gorgeous fall day here today! I love fall. I wish I would have planned our trip for Oct again! I love Disney at Halloween, but I'm excited to see all the Christmas stuff (without the crowds, hopefully!)

I took a couple of pictures of some of our vacation prep! Thank goodness for the DISigner girls. I do digital scrapping and probably could have tried to make them myself, but it was SO nice to have them made and all I had to do was tweak them a little!

Mousekeeping envelopes. I need to make 3 more

Restaurant envelopes

and our first etsy arrival, Pirate Minnie for her Pirate League appointment! I'm so thrilled with how this turned out!

I also bought R a bag to carry her autograph book. It's pink Minnie fabric and her name is on the adjustable strap. I bought the pins for her to put on it. It arrived a week or so ago, and I tucked it away and haven't taken a picture of it. I need to get that done and posted.

Mickey and Minnie pins

Today I'm working on laying out journal pages in Word to print. The Epcot passport is printed and ready to be trimmed. It's hard trying to do it with R hanging around :) Even harder since today was her last day of school for Fall Break, so she's going to be here on Friday, which is my day off and my usual day to do projects. Right now she and DS13 are playing Mario Kart, so I've got some time :)
Cute stuff!!!!! I love that shirt! The envelopes are great! You know...I've never gone over to the Disigners threads??!! I should go check them out!
I have a son who is a junior. I wouldn't pull him out at all. I won't even pull the 8th grader out anymore. R's only in second grade. She won't be too bad off :)

Yeah, my mom doesn't like pulling me out either. What happened the past couple years was, we couldn't get a flight out until the Wednesday of my vacation and couldn't get a flight back until the day school started again. If we go again during a vacation this year, we're going to try to leave earlier and get back earlier so I won't miss any school :) I miss elementary school. It was so much easier to go on vacation :laughing:
And I got an email back from Memories by Betsy, and here is what she's putting in R's basket

Singing Birthday Minnie Plush
Birthday Ears w/name
Mickey Activity Kit (papers, markers, stickers)
WDW Beach Towel
AKL T-shirt (youth - Medium?)

Love what's in your basket! Thinking about one for Marco..

I cheated and ordered some off of etsy, but I'm going to make at least a couple. I'm starting to panic I won't get them done, but I have to remind myself that it's not like she won't have any clothes to wear if I run out of time! She has plenty of Disney-themed tees that will do.

I do the same thing!! I'm looking at Etsy and love the stuff-though there are ,as usual, more for girls. I'm thinking about one of the Jedi Mickey ones for him. Also about iron cuz i just found the good transfer paper I thought i had lost.

Mousekeeping envelopes. I need to make 3 more

Restaurant envelopes

and our first etsy arrival, Pirate Minnie for her Pirate League appointment! I'm so thrilled with how this turned out!

Love these! I've never done restaurant tip ones before. Maybe...
Nice envelopes!!! Silly question but when do you present the restaurant ones? Do you leave it on the table with the tip inside? or do you do the tip on a credit card but leave that anyway?

When I worked at BBB I got one once and I was just thrilled to get something like that!

Cute stuff!!!!! I love that shirt! The envelopes are great! You know...I've never gone over to the Disigners threads??!! I should go check them out!

I love reading through the DISigner thread. There are so many fun things over there. It can be dangerous, because you see all these things you want to do, and don't have time to finish! (like me!)

I miss elementary school. It was so much easier to go on vacation :laughing:

Not just vacation. Elementary is much more fun!

I'm thinking about one of the Jedi Mickey ones for him. Also about iron cuz i just found the good transfer paper I thought i had lost.

I love Jedi Mickey!

Silly question but when do you present the restaurant ones? Do you leave it on the table with the tip inside? or do you do the tip on a credit card but leave that anyway!

I put cash in them and leave them on the table. I leave everything in the safe and just take that day's envelopes in my Passporter pocket. I just like having tips budgeted ready to go.

Today I got the picture of R's finished basket for approval. How unbelievably cute is this??


It's pouring rain here today. Supposed to rain the next 2 days with up to 5 inches of rain. Thankfully the older kids are out of school for Fall Break, which means no standing in line for carpool, or soccer practices! DS13 has tournament on Friday night/Saturday morning, but they drew the bye for Friday. Unfortunately, that means we have to be there at 8am on Saturday, and it's going to be stinking cold! (40 degrees!)

Updating my to-do list:
Update Passporter with changed ADRs
Update Passporter with confirmation number of room only stay
Place Garden Grocer order order entered, just need to place and pay
Figure out how to surprise R with AKL
Print MVMCP tickets and put in Passporter
Print journal/autograph book/Epcot passport Passport printed, journal laid out
bind journal/autograph book/Epcot passport
Make and print last 3 mousekeeping envelopes
Make and Pirate League invite/Illuminations Cruise
Make 3 shirts for R
Buy new rechargeable batteries for camera
Pay for basket when invoice arrives
Write note for school/email teacher (sent a heads up last week, send reminder 2 weeks before)
Complete packing list
$1 bills for mousekeeping tips in envelopes
tip money for dinner in envelopes
make day by day calendar for DH while I'm gone so he doesn't forget to pick up kids from various activities!
Confirm ADRs

The list keeps getting longer while the time gets shorter! :scared1:
Not just vacation. Elementary is much more fun!

Very true! I miss all those parties that we had for every holiday and before vacations. Now those days are just more school work :sad2:

I love the basket! Would it be wrong to order one for myself? :rotfl:
Love all your stuff you've made/bought. You're daughter is lucky :) I am so inspired!! I'm going all out for our next trip...surely it makes the waiting easier if you are doing Disney at home!!
We got Mickey Mail!​

I wasn't expected it so soon, yet today it was in the mailbox! So exciting!!!
I don't know if you realize it, but in less than an hour from now...your ticker will be under 1 month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's celebrate for you!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
And, that basket is absolutely adorable! Great buy!
30 DAYS!!!​

I'm excited, and slightly paniced. I'm way too OCD and I like to have things done! Not going to happen just yet.

However, this weekend I did get a few things done. I pulled out our over the door shoe holders and started packing them with samples I have stashed in our "vacation box" and some of the items left over from the cruise DH and I took this summer (sunscreen etc) I also dug out the suitcases to try and make a decision on buying a new carry on or just using our old luggage. Our really light suitcase was destroyed by Princess Cruises this summer, so if I check a big bag, it has to be the one that already weighs almost 20 lbs. Decisions!

I also finished printing all the journals. I meant to bring them to work to bind, but I left them on the table.

Updating my to-do list:
Update Passporter with changed ADRs
Update Passporter with confirmation number of room only stay
Place Garden Grocer order order entered, just need to place and pay
Figure out how to surprise R with AKL
Print MVMCP tickets and put in Passporter
bind journal/autograph book/Epcot passport
Make and print last 3 mousekeeping envelopes
Make and Pirate League invite/Illuminations Cruise
Make shirts for R
Buy new rechargeable batteries for camera
Pay for basket when invoice arrives
Write note for school/email teacher (sent a heads up last week, send reminder 2 weeks before)
Complete packing list
$1 bills for mousekeeping tips in envelopes
tip money for dinner in envelopes
make day by day calendar for DH while I'm gone so he doesn't forget to pick up kids from various activities!
Confirm ADRs
make luggage decision (new or old)
I am so upset that so many of our countdowns are not visible! I was enjoying watching my crown make it's journey to the end of the banner!! Anyway, I think you are at 23 days??!!
I am so upset that so many of our countdowns are not visible! I was enjoying watching my crown make it's journey to the end of the banner!! Anyway, I think you are at 23 days??!!

I know. I may have to go somewhere else and make a ticker. It's driving me nuts, especially since R is in charge of our little countdown thing at home, and she either forgets to do it, or does 2 in one day. :)

OMG 3 weeks from today, at this very time, we'll be eating a late lunch at Le Cellier. :thumbsup2

I've had sick kids again (sore throats, runny noses, cough) plus DS13 has been knee deep in soccer tourneys (lost in the second round) and work has been crazy, not to mention I hurt my back last week and have been spending lots of time at the chiropractor and at therapy. I can finally stand upright, but chiro is totally not jiving with my roller coaster riding in 3 weeks. He said I should be okay, but he's not happy about it. :( So, I haven't been plugging away at my vacation to-do list, and I'm starting to freak a little. I've got to get on the ball!

Updating my to-do list:
Update Passporter with changed ADRs
Update Passporter with confirmation number of room only stay
Place Garden Grocer order order entered, just need to place and pay
Figure out how to surprise R with AKL
Print MVMCP tickets and put in Passporter Done
bind journal/autograph book/Epcot passport
Make and print last 3 mousekeeping envelopes
Make and Pirate League invite
Make shirts for R 2 done, 2 to go
Make my "I'm with the birthday girl" shirt
Buy new rechargeable batteries for camera
Pay for basket when invoice arrives Done
Write note for school/email teacher (sent a heads up last week, send reminder 2 weeks before)
Complete packing list
$1 bills for mousekeeping tips in envelopes
tip money for dinner in envelopes
make day by day calendar for DH while I'm gone so he doesn't forget to pick up kids from various activities! Done, unless something else comes up
Confirm ADRs
make luggage decision (new or old)
OK...tickers are back and yours says 20 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What??? I can't wait for mine to say 20 days! You will already be on your trip when mine says 20 days!!! That's crazy! Anyway, hope everyone gets better soon! I have been sick all week also. I don't like being sick, but I'd rather have it now than while on vacation!
I'm sorry about your back and all of the sick kids! :( Swine flu hit my high school recently...We're all getting vaccines next week. I hate shots :sad2: Oh well, I'll take one little prick over the swine flu. There are a few other things going around my school. There have been at least 3 people absent in every single one of my classes all week. And I have a cough and a sore throat. :sick: No fun, but at least it's not bad enough for me to be out of school. I'm so glad it's the weekend though :rotfl:

I wish I could say I'm going to Disney in 18 days :laughing:
We're in the teens! Woo hoo!

The kids decided to share their germs with me, and it's turned into my yearly sinus infection. Just so thankful and it happened now and not at WDW!

Yesterday we carved our pumpkins...all Disney themed. Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Pluto. I meant to go out last night and take a picture of them lit up, but I had a horrible sinus headache and went to bed early!

Here's R doing her Minnie pumpkin

Earlier this week I finished 2 shirts for her and one for me. I still need one more for R. And I'm waiting on 3 shirts from etsy. One lady has been in touch with me, but I haven't heard anything from the other. That's making me a little nervous since we leave in a little more than 2 weeks.


Friday I took all R's journals and passport to work to bind. I think they turned out great and can't wait until she gets to use them!

Yesterday I packed about half our clothes and started filling our over the door shoe holders. I really hate this in between, where you can kinda pack, but not really! It did feel good to get some things in a suitcase, though.

Now I'm deciding if I want to change our MVMCP party dates if WDW will let me. We're going on a Thursday, and from the polls I've seen, it looks like it will be the busiest day (TGM said Thursday and apparently everyone is listening!) I'd like to change it to Sunday, but then I'll have to rearrange some ADRs. We've always had good luck with MNSSHP on Sundays. Part of me is just saying to leave it alone, but I really don't want to pay $100 for MVMCP tickets for it to be too busy to do anything :(

Updating my to-do list:
Update Passporter with changed ADRs
Update Passporter with confirmation number of room only stay
Place Garden Grocer order order entered, just need to place and pay
Figure out how to surprise R with AKL
Make decision on changing MVMCP dates, rearrange ADRs?
make autograph book?
make activity book for plane ride?
Get movies for plane ride
Make and print last 3 mousekeeping envelopes
Make and Pirate League invite
Make 1 last shirt for R
Write note for school/email teacher (sent a heads up last week, send reminder 2 weeks before)
Complete packing list
$1 bills for mousekeeping tips in envelopes
tip money for dinner in envelopes
make day by day calendar for DH while I'm gone so he doesn't forget to pick up kids from various activities! Done, unless something else comes up
Confirm ADRs
make luggage decision (new or old)
Wow the journals and everything look amazing!!! I just counted and OMG I have 20 days until we head down for the launch!! I didn't even THINK that it's THAT close!!! EEEK!!!! Now it's time for me to start freaking out, haha!
Aww those pumpkins are adorable!!!

Are your kids going trick or treating? I wish I could still go but I'm 16, so I guess I'm too old now...although I went last year with my 18 year old cousin :lmao:

I can't believe it's already the end of October. It'll be time for my potential February Disney trip before I know it! It's not definite yet, but my mom's looking into it :thumbsup2


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