Recovered from worst trip ever, now planning a mother-daughter trip for DD's birthday

Are your kids going trick or treating? I wish I could still go but I'm 16, so I guess I'm too old now

The 16 and 13 year olds are staying home, but the R and the baby will trick or treat. I went my senior year of high school, but only to our friends' houses!

omg i LOVE your pumpkins!

Thank you! We had fun doing them! Get that trip report finished!

Those pumpkins are great!! I also love the shirts! What did you use to make them?

I ordered the rhinestone transfers from etsy, then just ironed them on! They were SOOO easy!

I can't believe we are almost at 2 weeks. I'm starting to get nervous! Last night I placed our Garden Grocer order, so that's off the list. I also printed the activity book for the plane, just need to take it to work and bind it. It seems like I'm slowly checking stuff off the list, but adding more to it! R hasn't seen any of this stuff yet. It's going to be fun watching her face when I hand her the journals, shirts and books!

This weekend my plans are to finish the mousekeeping envelopes, invites and tshirts and go shopping for carry on luggage. I'm not totally set on buying a new suitcase, but I want to see what's out there. I think I'm okay with checking one bag and doing the rest in carry ons (leaving on carry on pretty empty for all the Christmas shopping I'm planning on doing!) I havent flown commercially as an adult, so this packing thing (and then having to fly!) are freaking me out a little!

Update Passporter with changed ADRs
Update Passporter with confirmation number of room only stay
Figure out how to surprise R with AKL
Make decision on changing MVMCP dates, rearrange ADRs?
make autograph book?
bind activity book for plane ride?
Get movies for plane ride
Make and print last 3 mousekeeping envelopes
Make and Pirate League invite
Make 1 last shirt for R
Write note for school/email teacher (sent a heads up last week, send reminder 2 weeks before)
Complete packing list
$1 bills for mousekeeping tips in envelopes
tip money for dinner in envelopes
finish and print day by day calendar for DH while I'm gone so he doesn't forget to pick up kids from various activities!
Confirm ADRs
make luggage decision (new or old)
Hmmmm....I am on the hunt for some carry-on luggage myself. I am trying to keep the checked luggage to a minimum because of the fees. We have five people though so that is tough. I think I can at least get all of the kids' stuff in carry-ons and maybe some of DH's and my stuff. I'm shooting for only two checked bags. Anyway, I am so jealous that your trp is in two weeks...wish I was that close!
Hi, I am leaving in 10 days and have forgotten where I went to print the tip envelopes for mouskeeping. Can you share the info?
oh my...I am so in awe of your planning/organization! :worship: I usually start to pack (literally), the night before!! Can you come organize us for our trip?!

I'm enjoying your report and countdown - I'm excited for you! There something soooo sweet about being in the final countdown!
Hmmmm....I am on the hunt for some carry-on luggage myself.

I've been looking, but I guess I'm just going to use our junky old stuff and pray the airline doesn't destroy it.

I love the shirts for DD. I'm sure they will be a lot of attention :)

I hope so. R may not. She's not a fan of being the center of attention

Hi, I am leaving in 10 days and have forgotten where I went to print the tip envelopes for mouskeeping. Can you share the info?

I got it all from the Creative DISigns board. Most came from donatalie's thread.

oh my...I am so in awe of your planning/organization! :worship: I usually start to pack (literally), the night before!! Can you come organize us for our trip?!

Packing the night before would totally give me hives. I'm a chronic over planner!

Holy cow, we got to Disney NEXT WEEK!! :banana:

Well, we go if R straightens up her act. Wow, is she ever going through a not so good behavior thread phase right now. I'm not sure what to do with her. Hopefully it's just clamoring for attention and the trip will help, but part of me is thinking rewarding her with a trip is just wrong. Yikes! DH is insisting we go, and I really don't want to cancel it, but she better straighten up fast! (I may have to go alone :laughing: )

Anyhow, I'm going on as we're going and keeping up my planning and packing. Today I even checked in online. That makes it seem so real!

We also got another round of etsy shirts today. A Minnie dressed in leopard print for Animal Kingdom days, and our Minnie JOY shirts for MVMCP. Now just waiting for one more, Minnie as Cinderella.

I've got my fill in arranged for work and have her instructions written down. I have a few things I'll have to cram in next week before Wednesday, but it should be easily doable.

Okay, off to make dinner, then get to working marking some of this stuff off my list!

Update Passporter with changed ADRs
Update Passporter with confirmation number of room only stay
Figure out how to surprise R with AKL
Make decision on changing MVMCP dates, rearrange ADRs?
make autograph book?
bind activity book for plane ride?
Get movies for plane ride
Make and print last 3 mousekeeping envelopes
Make and Pirate League invite
Make 1 last shirt for R
Write note for school/email teacher (sent a heads up last week, send reminder 2 weeks before)
Complete packing list
$1 bills for mousekeeping tips in envelopes
tip money for dinner in envelopes
finish and print day by day calendar for DH while I'm gone so he doesn't forget to pick up kids from various activities!
Confirm ADRs
make luggage decision (new or old)
Maybe the excitement of knowing she is going away is what has her acting differently?? I hope she is good for you on vacation! I'm sure she will's all about her! Wait until she sees all of the surprises you have for her!

Holy cow, we leave THURSDAY!!!!

It's really snuck up on me the past couple of weeks. I feel unprepared! It's total panic mode here. Airline restrictions are murder on OCD over packers like me!

We are pretty much packed, other than I still need to decide on luggage. I have our old stuff packed, but our old luggage is HEAVY (almost 20 lbs without anything in it!) which means I'm already at 50lbs without souveniers/Christmas shopping! I need to either buy lighter luggage, borrow an extra carryon from someone and make R take it along with her backpack, or I need to maybe ship stuff home. Driving is so much easier just because you can cram as much as you want to in the van!

Yesterday R and I counted her Mickey Money box.. $62.00! Plus some odd change leftover which we'll take for tolls.

Figure out how to surprise R with AKL writing note for security guard and check in stating that we are checking in but it's a surprise. Hopefully they'll play along!
bind activity book for plane ride? Must do at work tomorrow!
Get movies for plane ride buying UP tomorrow
Make and Pirate League invite
Make 1 last shirt for R
print day by day calendar for DH while I'm gone so he doesn't forget to pick up kids from various activities!
Confirm ADRs
make luggage decision (new or old)
Take R's change to bank to exchange for cash
pick up prescription refills and pack
pack R's meds
charge laptop/cell phone/camera batteries on Wednesday

I'm sure there is a ton more, but that's what I have so far!

And I think my countdown is screwy. We leave in 3 days (unless it's already done counting today??)
Wow! it really cam up fast!

i hear ya with the behavior. Maybe it is a 2d grade thing? i made a paper chain counter and was so excited for us to count. And now its still long b/c I'm not too happy with recent sauciness.

Can't wait to hear all about it.
You have got to be a huge bag of mixed emotions! Excited, nervous, not sure if you are forgetting something, can't wait to give R all her surprises, etc....Thursday will be here SOOOOOOOOOOOO soon!
you are soooooooo close! 2 or 3 days, lol either way is just around the corner!! I think I may need to borrow your listing your list idea! Accountability to someone, anyone, motivates me!

I hope you have a wonderful, magical:wizard: time on your trip!
I hope you guys are having an awesome time! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back! :goodvibes
We are home! We had a great time, but boy, is it wonderful to be back. The crowds were picking up crazily Sat and yesterday (80 minute waits for Test Track when last Monday we waited FIVE!) We had perfect weather minus the first cool rainy day, no waits for anything and just had amazing food, service and lots of magic! I can't wait to get our trip report started. I took 1,500 pictures (but will not post them all!! :rotfl: )
We are home! We had a great time, but boy, is it wonderful to be back. The crowds were picking up crazily Sat and yesterday (80 minute waits for Test Track when last Monday we waited FIVE!) We had perfect weather minus the first cool rainy day, no waits for anything and just had amazing food, service and lots of magic! I can't wait to get our trip report started. I took 1,500 pictures (but will not post them all!! :rotfl: )

Yay!!!! Glad to have you back!! Can't wait to hear all about it! When are you starting the TR???? I hope I get to see some before I go in nine days!!


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