Resort mugs


When you wish upon a star.....
Jan 1, 2001
What is the latest on resort mugs? Are they bar coding them with length of stay? Or was this just another rumor?
Not as yet, but, I think they will be doing it in the near future!:(
I think that bar coding the mugs is a horrible idea. Does anyone have an email address to write to someone at Disney regarding this. I am going to the WL this Sept and will be using my WL mug for the 3rd time and I will continue to use the same mug. I am not purchasing another and I am not going to wait in line to get a soda in my mug! Who thought of this idea? Also, when I purchased the WL mugs I was told they were good for unlimited use on ALL visists.....I am sticking to that.
Originally posted by Mickey1
I am going to the WL this Sept and will be using my WL mug for the 3rd time and I will continue to use the same mug. I am not purchasing another and I am not going to wait in line to get a soda in my mug! Who thought of this idea?
It is because you are abusing the system and reusing your mug that made the bar code/scan thing happen to begin with. I don't understand what part of "length of stay" isn't understood??
Excuse me, but I am NOT abusing the system thank you very much!!! I was TOLD ON ALL THREE TRIPS that we could use those mugs over and over again....BY CAST MEMBERS!!!!! So HOW IS THAT ABUSING the system?? I'd really like to know. Actually you know what? I am not going to start an argument over a MUG! You can do what you want and I will do what I want...we have differ in opinions....but don't tell me they are putting in bar codes because I am abusing the system. Maybe you should get all your facts first. Thanks! Have a great day!
Originally posted by Mickey1
I was TOLD ON ALL THREE TRIPS that we could use those mugs over and over again....BY CAST MEMBERS!!!!! So HOW IS THAT ABUSING the system??
Its abuse in the same way as taking a fast pass that shows 1:10 - 2:10 to the FP line at 3:30 and the CM still letting you in. You know it was suppose to be used during the 1:10 - 2:10 time frame, so you were betting on the chance the CM would still let you in.

You buy a mug that is good from length of stay, but bring it back to use on a second trip, betting on the chance the CM's will let you use it again.
WHERE it is posted in the WL that the mugs are for the one time only....then WHY did the CM's when we orignally bought them say they are good for all trips....You know what...this is so stupid!! I am not going to defend WHY I use the mugs I was told I could use when I orignally BOUGHT them! I really don't care if you agree or not OR if you'd rather place the blame on people who use them over and over. You do what you want and I will do what I want.....lets leave it at that......but I would like to know WHERE the sign is posted in the WL or any other Disney Resorts that state the above.......hmmmmm-FUNNY THERE ISN'T ONE! BOY, I remember when these boards used to be FRIENDLY!!
Mickey1 - I agree with you. I have 2 mugs from about 8 different WDW resorts. Each time I buy them, I ask the CM if they are good for length of stay or forever and each time and at each different resort the CMs say the same thing - they are good at their respective resort and forever and to please keep bringing them back. I have an old Dixie mug and when the name changed to PO, I asked the CM, "Is it really ok for me to use my old Dixie mug, ... I'd be glad to buy a new one." And the CM said, "oh no, use your old ones". I've seen plenty of "old DL" mugs at PO and since they are a whole different color, if they were not suppose to be used, the CMs could catch us horrible people who are using them and tell us to stop. I ask each and every trip and get the same answer at all the different resorts. I even asked a manager (he was in a suit) at the GGrill at the GF. I had the old GF mug and my daughter had the new one and I asked him if it was correct that I could always bring back the old one and use it and he said "absolutely". I'm not cheap. I'm not dishonest. I'm doing what I was told was the policy. I'm not upset at the cost of buying new ones now. I'm upset that they are now acting like we did something wrong and all we did was follow what they said we were suppose to do..... bring the mugs back whenever we visited the resort.

Now WDW2002 - you want to pick a fight - pick a fight with all those people who have thermos bottles, large plastic containers or just paper cups and are there filling up and filling up and filling up. They are the reason the change is taking place! They seem to think the soda machines are there free - just like a water fountain.
I am not trying to pick a fight, but the mugs are for length of stay, they always have been, regardless of what a CM says. Just because a CM "allows" something doesn't make it right.

Now if someone posts that they think they should continue to be allowed to fill up their gallon thermos or whatever because they have been allowed to in to past I will point out thatthe same regardless of what you have been allowed to do in the past it is not policy to allow this.
A CM didn't "allow" us to refill our mugs. Many CM's and a manager "told" us that was the policy.... no different than You telling us that was not the policy. What makes you right, me right, a CM right? Hundreds, probably thousands, of guests have been "told" by cast members (plural) that mugs were good at the same resorts whenever the guest came back to that resort. You say that was not the policy. I say it was the policy because I was told that repeatedly. I was never told it was for length of stay and there was never a sign in any resort I visited saying anything about the mugs except they were for free refills and when asked, the CMs always said that meant "forever - each and every visit". Therefore, up until this NEW policy took effect, as far as we are concerned, we were not being cheap, we were not cheating anyone, we were only doing what we were told to do. You happened to be told something different and were following that rationale. Therefore, you have no right to judge Mickey1 or anyone else that was doing what they were told was the correct thing to do.
Here is my take on this.

IF there is a sign posted at the resort that says good for Length of Stay only. Then that is a policy that is clear and if clearly posted should be followed.

IF the purpose of the mug was for LOS then they should have put a slip of paper in each mug that explained that. Easy to do.

Now, I say IF because on each stay we had at POFQ and PORiverside I, also, asked and was told good for life. In fact, one CM explained that this was the case because not a lot of people remembered to bring their mug back and Disney wasn't that concerned as long as it was from the same resort or sister resort.

I also looked for specific signs around the mug and on the wall. During MY visit there were none. I, too, talked specifically to the food court managers, and was told the same thing as the CM told me. Therefore, I have nothing to go on but the assumption that what the CM told me was true. And, if I had not been visiting these boards I would never have known any different.

When I was there in November I specifically asked again, due to the debates on the board, and what I had heard was policy on the mugs (but not been told from Disney) if the mugs were only good for length of stay. I was told again, by the food court manager, that the mugs were good for life, as long as they were from the POFQ or PORiverside. I mentioned the debates on these boards and what people had said Disney had emailed them in regards to this issue. I was told that they had not been told this at all.

So, I think that there are many people out there who are bringing their mugs back and using them, in good faith. We typically buy a couple new ones each trip anyways. But, if we didn't I wouldn't consider using my old mugs cheating.

What irratates me is the fact that people do fill up thermos jars, cups of their own, etc. and don't think anything of it. Since I was told that the mugs were good only at the resort or sister resort, it is also annoying when people use mugs from other resorts. But, as a customer, it isn't my job to police the situation.

Do I think Disney needs to do a better job of enforcing the policy that it is only good at resort purchased? Definitely. Do I think they need to enforce their policy of LOS, if that is truly their policy? YES. But, I also think they need to be keenly aware of the message that has been communicated to many loyal Disney World customers regarding mugs for a lifetime -- and carefully think about how to implement either a changed policy or better communicate the current policy (however, you look at it.)

If Disney has decided to either enforce or change the policy that is their right. Afterall, it is their business. They just need to make sure EVERYONE within their organization understands the policy and then look for ways to implement it so that customers are not inconvenienced.
Originally posted by Mickey1
I am going to the WL this Sept and will be using my WL mug for the 3rd time and I will continue to use the same mug. I am not purchasing another and I am not going to wait in line to get a soda in my mug! Who thought of this idea? Also, when I purchased the WL mugs I was told they were good for unlimited use on ALL visists.....I am sticking to that.

Unless it was put into writing that mugs were good for life then I'm afraid you might be out of luck. There is nothing printed on any of the mugs (I have 6) indicating they are for future and unlimited use.
Personally, I believe the fault lies with the cm's who said you could keep bringing your mug back. This May, I encountered the person in front of me in line being told just that (I had just bought five new mugs, and was surprised when this cm actually said they were good at any resort..first I had heard that!). Some suits were at POR, measuring and discussing with workers at the food court station a change (this was in May) that was going to take place (at the time, he said they were upgrading it to be more like the Allstars, with better drainage, garbage cans along the drainage etc), and I asked about the policy, and he said the cm was incorrect, and they hoped to be "fixing" that wrong info.
As far as the sign, I believe the thread in the budget board has a picture of it. I've seen the sign at all the Allstars and POR. It does clearly say it is for length of stay. At Allstars the sign is on the wall by the exit nearest the pool..and also as you go in, on the right (where they do the charactures at night) wall that tells you what is available. It's pretty large.
I don't think anyone is cheap, or trying to get away with anything. That has been the "unwritten " policy at WDW, and many have been told time and again, it was ok...and although I use my FP's at the times I'm suppose to..again, if the policy had been stated over and over by cm's that I could come at a later time, I would expect that that is OK. Disney either needs to train their cm's better, or admit they just don't care if you bring your mug back. Most people don't read the signs, obviously (I didn't until I read here it was up), and we just take the cm's word. Like others, I have asked managers in the foodcourt (beliveing they would know their own policy), and they too, say, sure, bring it on back (I hadn't thought I needed to email Disney about the official policy). So maybe we ought to lighten up on the people who were told it's ok...and wait and see if Disney finds a way to correct this mess. I personally would rebuy (as I did this year when we went to POR..although at that time, I expected to be able to bring 'em back), since I think it's such a deal.
Thanks TeenaS for your words.....I don't understand WHY some people need to turn this into a huge deal. ALL I was saying it what i was told by SEVERAL cast members on SEVERAL diffrent trips. What makes WDW2002 more correct than a CM? I believe we are all told diffrent things......and you know what? This policy has not even gone into full effect so I am not going to worry about it....I am not cheap and if I have to buy a new mug and that is the written rule then so be it...but I am not going to buy another mug for the same resort I always go to......

Thanks again TeenaS it is nice to see someone talking and not jumping all over people! HAVE A GREAT 4th EVERYONE!
This topic comes up about 10 times a week and everyone still fights over it time and time again. I believe the blame lies with Disney on this one. It doesnt matter what the "official" policy may be. The fact is that the official policy is not posted when you buy the mugs and when a CM is telling people that they are allowed to use the mugs over and over again on each trip, what are people supposed to believe? I dont care if there are signs at the allstars. The fact is that there arent signs at each resort and thats the only way to let people know what the "official" policy is. There have been way too many people on here that have said that the CM that they asked told them that they could use them again on each trip to that resort. If people cant rely on the CM's to give the right answer, who do you ask? Maybe in addition to the thousands of dollars spent on the actual vacation, it is everyone's responsibility to study disney policy since the CM's dont know it. Disney could easily fix this problem, but they choose not to. Who's fault is that? I think wdw2002 needs to realize that not everyone is a disneyholic and knows every detail of every policy that disney has and if an everyday vacationer asks a CM a question, you have to be able to trust that the answer is correct. As far as Ive been able to see, the Cm's arent "letting people get away with it". They are flat out stating that its policy that the mugs can be used for a lifetime at that resort. All these people cant be lying.
The whole "mug debate" is really pointless anyway, isn't it?? Disney's policy is now clear as a bell for everyone to see. You will have to buy a new mug each visit. At the average of $2.50 for a soda, the mug pays for itself in less then 5 fill ups plus you get to keep the mug. Sounds like a good deal to me.
I don't think the debate is pointless anymore. I think the policy will change and change and change. Why? Because the thousands of people who have been told their mugs were good for life at that particular resort are going to drive Disney crazy and I think the lines during the crowded seasons at WDW will be so long to scan the bar code, etc. to get a soda that the "new" policy will end up being discarded anyway. From the "reviews" we are getting from the water parks where it is already up and working, the scanner sometimes takes 4-5 scans before it turns on the machine. Can you see the lines at Allstars on a Saturday in July? I won't be in it but I will be telling the managers it is insane. So, the "new" policy might be effective now but just like everything else, it will change and change and change and then just when 90% of the public thinks Disney has it right, it will change again.


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