Return to River Country . . . And More! A New TCD Trip Report- April 2010

Holy cow! I can't believe you waded around in that! :scared1: And even came out alive! :worship:

Awesome TR! Keep it coming!

My husband and I went on a similar journey back in May 2004 with much more success it seems. I've been meaning to post these in this forum ever since.

Back then the Wilderness Swamp trail was still intact but just barely. We had to climb around, under and through fallen trees, jump over broken boards etc but we were able to traverse the whole thing. This was just months before two hurricanes hit Disney World and I'm sure made the whole thing impassable.

We found it strange at the time that FW still had signs up directing people to the trail. Our "friends" also got some photos of River Country at the time -- including an answer to what used to be painted on the red River Country restrooms. It does indeed say HOT.

Looking back at our handful of photos we sure wish we had taken more!


This was one of the thickest parts with trees across the path. I seem to recall there was a water portion and then a land portion and then a water portion. I can't help but think that the land portion must still be buried in the somewhere. TCD will you go back and double check???





Here are the photos our "friends" took of River Country -- again from May 2004. Can't believe it was 6 years ago!

















Here are some other photos from May 2004 for comparison with TCDs pics.

The Horse Barn display is interesting... there were many more photos than there are today and each wall was a different theme: Horses and Motion Pictures, Walt Disney and Horses and Walt Disney World Horses.

As for the calliope, I'm all for it having a home in the barn although I doubt it will get played. Anytime Disney spends money to preserve and celebrate a piece of it's history should be welcomed with open arms! This beautiful calliope used to be in the televised Christmas and Easter parades each year back in the 80s. Joan Lunden would always give such interesting commentary about it.

Here is a model of the calliope that used to be on display in the horse barn (I assume its not anymore as it wasn't in TCDs pics):






Here are photos of the lawnmower tree in better days. The thing is back then I thought it was so said that you could barely see it anymore. But that was before the tree was cut down and fungas began growing around the exposed mower!

First, let me say a big WOW! to Dsneygirl for all of those old photos. There is so much there that I will temporarily derail my trip report to backtrack and talk about some of the many interesting points raised by these photos. They are really, really great, and add so much to this report. Thanks!

Before I get to my response to Dsneygirl's photos, let me catch up with these posts:

:scared1: Just thinking about being knee deep in that water makes my skin crawl. What with the skeeters, gators and moccasins, not to mention parasites.... Thank goodness there were no could've been killed! :hippie:

You're a brave, brave soul TCD! Thanks for the TR!

As you well know, I would trust a snake or gator before I trust a hippie. I should say here that I really have nothing against hippies. I like what they stand for. But, they are dangerous! You know, with the drugs, accordions, and murdering and such.

Ok....Im probably wrong...but wouldnt it have been easier to rent one of the little boats at the marina and head to where the boardwalk used to be to see if it were still standing? Can you even get to that area with the boats?

You are a real adventurer, TCD.....thanks for taking one(or several thousand) for the team. I tried to head back that way on the trip before last...I had no idea where I was even trying to get to...but the bugs were larger, the buzzing was louder, the foilage was scarrier, and I gave up real quick!!! I would never have waded through the water like you did. You are a real "crocadile hunter" type maniac!!

A boat? D'oh! Why didn't I think of that? J/K I did think of that. I don't think you can drive the boats into this area. It is roped off. And they patrol the lake. Plus, what adventure would there have been if I was safely exploring in a boat?

Great swamp report,:thumbsup2.
Now you just know that mosquitos or not, that I'm gonna havta try fish'n back there.:banana:
(if I can wade far enough out to get deep enough water)

I think there are some Stump Knockers out here for sure. Go for it. But, don't forget the bug spray.

TCD, you are a true American hero, battling alligators, mosquitos and Disney CM's all just to get that shot. I smell a pulitzer...

BTW, don't know if you saw that some other adventurer beat you to Discovery Island

Apparently he swam it

Funny you should mention that guy. That website is very interesting. The guy takes photos of nude women in abandoned places? I wonder if he makes a living doing that? Mrs. TCD would kill me.

Also, this guy is on Disney's radar:

Disney Angry about Discovery Island Visit

That makes me glad that it was my cousin Yuri, and not me, who took some of the River Country photos I posted previously. For the record, I have never, ever, trespassed anywhere on Disney property. Even a little. As far as I know, there have never been any signs anyplace I have been saying keep out or no trespassing.

You are a very brave and/or seriously crazy man! You are also probably far more determined than some of the "star reporters" on TV when it comes to getting your story!! pirate:

Thank you for risking your very flesh to get the answers to the burning questions. Have a beer and an antihistamine on me! :crazy:

I think we all know that seriously crazy is closer to the truth than brave.

TCD you have gone way beyond expectations! You are a true adverturer for sure.

I hope those bug bites heal soon!

Oh just the thought of the gators and snakes yuk!


Thanks! And remember: Adventure is out there!

Wow. Just wow.

You know, the Fort is getting too small for your exploits. Think you could break into that Iranian nuclear facility and see just what they are up to?

Pish-shah! Do you think the Iranians have better security that WDW? Iran would be a piece of cake compared to me trying to stay ahead of *itchy Brian in his pick-up truck.

:worship::worship::worship: TCD you have done it again. We bow to you oh great one! DH is in his glory knowing you are back to your shenanigans and stealth reporting. Good to have you back!

Thanks! Be sure to read on, and tell George that there's a lot more shenanigans and stealth to come!

Haha! As soon as I saw that hammock, I thought, "Are we allowed to tie things to the trees? Is his hammock tied to the tree? I can't really see it that well...maybe it's on a, it's on a tree...well...maybe a pole...dangit! I can't tell!"

Great report!!!!

Who says a man can't tie his hammock to a tree? By gosh, this is the U S of A! If I want to tie my hammock to a tree, I am going to tie my hammock to a tree. Just try to stop me!

Holy cow! I can't believe you waded around in that! :scared1: And even came out alive! :worship:

Awesome TR! Keep it coming!


Thanks, and more will be coming right up.

Next, let's take a closer look at some of Dsneygirls' photos . . .

So this is where we will be taking a little detour.

I have got to stop and discuss some of the things I am seeing here in Dsneygirl's photos.

These are really great photos!

Let’s start with your Wilderness Swamp Trail boardwalk photos. This is how I last remember the boardwalk. I remember those barricades, and even the sign. Your photos inspired me to go back to an old thread where two Disboarders posted photos from 2006 and 2007. Here are those posts for anyone interested:

The Wilderness Swamp Trail as of New Years weekend 05-06






Here are a few from Feb.07-----




So, as you can see, the poor boardwalk suffered a long, painful death.

Given the dangerous condition that it was in, I see why WDW management removed it. It would not have been easy to fence off and keep secure, and it had deteriorated to the point of no return. It's a shame that it came to that. There are boardwalks like this in some of the local parks we have here, and they can last a long time, if properly maintained.

I am sorry that the Fort lost this amenity.

As you can see, it was a beautiful place to visit.

And you can't anymore, unless you want to wade through the swamp.

Now, I want to comment on what Dsnyegirl said here about the horse barn:

Here are some other photos from May 2004 for comparison with TCDs pics.

The Horse Barn display is interesting... there were many more photos than there are today and each wall was a different theme: Horses and Motion Pictures, Walt Disney and Horses and Walt Disney World Horses.

As for the calliope, I'm all for it having a home in the barn although I doubt it will get played. Anytime Disney spends money to preserve and celebrate a piece of it's history should be welcomed with open arms! This beautiful calliope used to be in the televised Christmas and Easter parades each year back in the 80s. Joan Lunden would always give such interesting commentary about it.

Here is a model of the calliope that used to be on display in the horse barn (I assume its not anymore as it wasn't in TCDs pics):


Your photo of the calliope jogged my memory, and I went looking for this post of mine from January 2009. I have seen that calliope model a million times. I remember the cheesy photo of the people in the background. Here's my old post:

I promised some photos of the inside of the horse barn, so here you go.

Again, for any newbies reading along, I strongly suggest that you pay a visit to the barn. They keep the horses that work at the Magic Kingdom and around the Fort here.

Also, just inside the door, there is a little display:


Inside this little display area are interesting photos that show Disney horses and livestock.

The Hidden Mickey handbook that they sell at all the gift shops at WDW does not list a single Hidden Mickey at Ft. Wilderness. The book does mention that there is a photo of Minnie Moo hanging outside of the Yachtsman Steak House at the Yacht Club Resort. (Someone is trying to be funny I guess). Well, no need to go all the way to the Yacht and Beach Club, there are photos of Minnie Moo right here:


Other items are on display, too:


Every time we visit this display, my DD's comment about how cute this photo of Walt Disney and this little colt is:


There are lots of other photos of Walt and horses and old Disney movies in here. Be sure to stop by and check it out.

So, here’s what I just realized. The calliope model that we see in these photos is from the actual calliope that is coming to the Fort:

These are photos of the Calliope from the D23 Site:



The color photo is from the movie Toby Tyler. I remember that one from The Wonderful World of Disney television program.

I have now changed my mind about the calliope. I think it will be a pretty cool thing to see. And hear. The D23 article says that they are going to play it. I still feel sorry for the poor horses having their peace and quiet disturbed, but I would imagine that this music playing won't be an every day affair.

TCD u are my hero :lmao: I wanna go exploring with you!!! Im just glad the mickey police didnt get you!!! Tell your illgeal cousin he rocks too ;)
As you well know, I would trust a snake or gator before I trust a hippie. I should say here that I really have nothing against hippies. I like what they stand for. But, they are dangerous! You know, with the drugs, accordions, and murdering and such.

Who says a man can't tie his hammock to a tree? By gosh, this is the U S of A! If I want to tie my hammock to a tree, I am going to tie my hammock to a tree. Just try to stop me!

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Thanks for the comic relief! They should change M.I.L.F. to TCD's Laugh Floor. (Even though I know the hippies weren't originally intended to be funny. :hippie:)

The Fort NEEDS a clothesline, hammock hanging communiity. What's campin' without a little rope tied to long as it doesn't fall into the hands of the hippies. I'm just sayin'.

BTW, what DO the hippies stand for? The drugs and murdering are bad enough, but ACCORDIANS.......YIKES!
Now, let’s get to the really good stuff: Dsneygirl’s River Country photos! I don’t even know where to begin with these. First, you have several photos with peacocks in them! Peacocks used to be a common sight at Fort Wilderness. But, no more.

Also, it is amazing to me that your photos were taken in 2005. Things really headed south from there fast.

Here is your photo of one of the kiddie slides:


Here are the same slides in November 2009:



I was also intrigued by your photo of one of the ticket windows.


I don’t recall what the “Disney Club” was. It sure didn’t get you much of a discount.

I also have some old photos of the ticket booth. These first photos were taken some time in 2007:


These next two shots are what you could see if you peeked around the plywood barricade that was erected in front of the ticket booth. These are bait tanks that were used by the recreation department for fishing excursions. Also, note that the ticket prices were still posted on the concealed ticket booth.




This sign was moved September, 2008:


The old ticket booth was cleaned up, and the plywood wall was removed, as were the bait tanks and other stuff formerly being used by the fishing guides:



This little building was cleaned up, too. This display used to promote Discovery Island. Back in the day, there used to be a little burrowing owl that lived here. He is not back. The cage is empty, but it is still there:


Here’s something else I noticed. In these photos, you can see an elaborate plywood wall fortified with cinder blocks:



All this junk we see in these photos from 2010 appears to be the rotting remnants of these walls:




I think that about covers what I wanted to say about Dsneygirl's photos, so we will be back to our previously scheduled program next.

Alrighty then. That detour wasn’t so bad, was it?

Now here we are back on track already.

So where were we?

I don’t remember.

Oh yes. We were leaving that God forsaken Wilderness Swamp Trail. And the mosquitoes, too.

On the way out, I was treated to this view:

I took five of basically the same photo here. I figured one would be good, and I could post that. But I like them all, so here you go. No extra charge:






See what I mean? They are all good, right?

You know, that Bay Lake Tower building really used to bother me when it was being constructed. I think it blocks the view of Space Mountain and the castle from here. But, I don’t know anymore. I guess it’s not that bad now that it’s finished.

I have one more shot of the canal behind the 300 loop:


That gate is new. And there are a lot of tire tracks in the grass here. What's up with that? I'll put it on my list.

One of these days, I intend to walk all the way down the far side of this canal. I think I will come out at the Osprey Ridge Golf Course, and that there will be a bridge there to get me back across. I’ll bet that I will see something interesting along the way. I’ll be sure to let you know if I do.

Now, let’s see.

We are at a point in our story where I have some random photos to share. None of them deserve their own post, so we will just knock them out here one at a time.

First, someone mentioned clotheslines. Actually, I think more than one person did. There’s a thread floating around here debating the pros and cons of clotheslines. Really. Only on the Disboards. That’s why I love this place. We deal with real issues that affect real people. Anyway, I am in the pro-clothesline camp. Why?

Take a look at the view my neighbors gave me. Right outside my camper door:


I am not one to judge. What you do on your campsite is your business. But, please, for the love of humanity, do not hang your Jockey shorts with the skid marks on a tree outside of your neighbor’s camper door.
But, as you know, TCD has a charmed life. Right after I took this photo, these folks started packing up, and headed for home. I hope it wasn’t something I said.

This important announcement regarding Easter activities was duly posted on the Meadow Trading Post bulletin board when I took this photo on April 17. For the record, Easter was April 4 this year. But, what was I to expect? The announcement telling me the Meadow Snack Bar was reopening was still posted there. It opened April 9. That's 2009! There was also another notice posted on this bulletin board. About something important. Something that was spotted at the Fort back in January. Only no one bothered to mention it to us here. I will come back to that later. Here’s the Easter info, in case you’re interested:


The little lake in front of the Bike Barn is looking a little green these days:



Notice all these folks in canoes are wearing green shirts. Are they eco-terrorists or something?

If you are a fan of TCD trip reports, you may remember that I have an inexplicable fascination with one of the new campsites in the 600 loop. Site 617, to be exact. I am amazed at the thought that went into designing this site so that all of the guests arriving for and departing from the campfire program each evening via the 800 loop bus stop will parade past your site. Well, guess what? The Fort management, in its infinite creative wisdom, has devised a solution. Lookey here:



Problem solved! I expect that maybe these poles are going to become a fence? Or, maybe not?



Here we go. On Saturday afternoon, we were minding our own business doing a little looping around, when we heard sirens. In the Fort. We were coming out of the 400 loop at the time. And, we saw a fire truck and an ambulance come in from the area of the Settlement bus stop, and turn right toward the Meadow area. See?:




Wow! I wonder what this could have been about? Did those eco-terrorists attack? Not being one to rubberneck, we turned the other way, and continued with our looping.


We high-tailed it right behind the ambulance, and joined in hot pursuit. As I drove by the 700 loop, Miss Hilda called out to me: “Go get ‘em!” and “Come back and tell me what is going on!” We hollered back that we would. Those dang emergency response vehicles sure drive fast, though, and by the time we looked up the road as we drove past the 400/500 loop comfort station, we couldn’t see the ambulance or fire truck anymore.


But wait, as we approached the 800 loop, we found a castmember with his white van pulled across the entrance. He was telling people they could not enter the loop. Unless they gave him their site number. Well, it wouldn’t be too hard to come up with a site number to provide, would it? But since when does TCD do anything the easy way? I already was on plan B. You know that sidewalk that goes into the 800 loop by the tetherball court? There has never been a sign there that says no carts. I don’t know why, but there never has been. So, we do a u-ey, and before you know it, we’re in the loop. TCD rules! We drive around. We don’t see anything. Then, as we get to the end of the loop, we see the fire truck and ambulance, and we see that there is a small crowd up by the comfort station. I drive by, and pull into an empty campsite. I walk up a little way to the comfort station, and this is what I see:


This ended up being no big deal (which is a good thing). The ice machine apparently shorted out, or something, and someone smelled smoke, and called it in. You can see they pulled a panel off the comfort station wall in the photo above. I went back for a closer look later. There was really nothing to see. I will file this as a false alarm.

What else do I have?

Let’s see.

Oh yes, who remembers the big stink that was raised right here on the camping boards just a year ago when Trail’s End stopped selling take out breakfast items? Well, maybe it wasn’t a big stink. But, there was a stink. Well, a year goes by, and guess what? They put the stupid sign that they used to have back up, and they are back in business for breakfast? Was all of that necessary WDW management?:


And, I am not one to complain, but if they are going to put this sign back up, do you think maybe they could put one up that isn't so blurry? Is that too much to ask?

On Saturday afternoon, the TCD gang left the Fort for a visit to Typhoon Lagoon. (or, as some of you refer to it Typhone Lagon ) (did I get that right?).

On our way out of the Fort, our progress came to a screeching halt as the result of a Saturday afternoon traffic jam:


I love Saturday afternoon traffic jams at the Fort!

At this point in my narrative I will be using a technique that writers refer to as foreshadowing. I have some photos of something that I saw at Typhoon Lagoon that will be the subject of a very thorough and interesting post to come later in this report. So, be sure to check back. Ok, that's it for the foreshadowing.

Moving right along. . .

On our way back from Typhoon Lagoon, I snapped some photos of the entrance area of the new Four Seasons development which is practically at the Fort’s front door:




It looks like this place is ready to open any day. Except, if you look back beyond the entrance, it looks like nothing else is done. Just the entrance. I thought about getting the TCD spy bike and conducting an inspection. But, then I decided I really don’t care. Really, I don’t. So, I didn’t go in there. Hopefully, I never will.

Is this post ever going to end?

To be honest with you, I’m worried about it. It is getting pretty long. But, not to worry. I know you can only have 25 photos in a post, and we are getting pretty close now.

Here we are back in the Fort. Here’s one of TCD’s old friends, Lori:


That’s Lori driving. I don’t remember the horse’s name. But, I think we’ve met.

Alright , look.

This post is getting too long.

So here’s what we will do.

I’ll post three photos and we will be at 25 and done.

And then we can move along.

So here you go.

I like these photos:





We made it.

Thanks for reading.

Next up? Maybe something about that something I took photos of at Typhoon Lagoon?

You are hilarious!!! I agree about that sign. Why is it so blurry? What's up with that?

TCD, can you post a picture of yourself? I would love to put a face with the story.
Here are some of the last picture we took from July 2009 Wilderness Swamp Trail



more to come as I find them
You are hilarious!!! I agree about that sign. Why is it so blurry? What's up with that?

TCD, can you post a picture of yourself? I would love to put a face with the story.

Sure. I would be happy to. Here you go:


(I am the man on the far left in this photo).

Seriously, there can't be too many photos of TCD floating aound on the Disboards. I have to keep a low profile.

Here are some of the lst picture we took from July 2009 Wilderness Swamp Trail
more to come as I find them

Todd- Thanks for sharing these. One thing I neglected to point out is that the cold weather this past winter really knocked back all the air potato vines. There are some other places that I was able to get into that in the past had been too overgrown to gain access. I am sure the vines will be back with a vengeance, but I'm glad that the trees are getting a bit of a reprieve.

TDC I was there this week just to shoot some new pics because I ran out. A lot of the vengeance was back from when we left in Feb.
TCD.....I think this may be the most humor-filled report youve ever done.....I like it. Its nice to see your not all cloak & dagger!!!! Not that the super-spy reports arent extremely entertaining...but youve got a good sense of humor. You're getting better and better when we already thought you were the best!!!
Hey, if you are familiar with Typhone Lagone....were you lurking during your absence??

Admit it, you love us too much to stay away completely. :rotfl2:

You were Colson, weren't you? :lmao:


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