Riddle me this!

Good morning OK and the Corral

It has been so long since I read the riddle I will have to go back and reread it. I know that I did not know the answer. And, there have not been any hints here. Everyone is getting daily doubles and I am clueless.

It is windy here and blowing the dusting of snow that we got yesterday.

I have made an executive decision and put Willy in charge of the music for the pool party.

Bro, great news for your wife. I know that even in the health industry, jobs are not secure because of all the reimbursement problems with third party payers.

Well, I will go look at the riddle again. Any help for the hintless will be gladly accepted.
Credit Man! Ya big lug, ya'! :)
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can only mean.....


oh, the images are just frightening.

But then again.......so satisfying! :teeth:

Can't wait for the pics of this extravaganza!

Have a good day, all!

For riddle #2!

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Sis! ALTERNATE pants for #2!

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Send them in, Dan!!!! :)

The thong talk continues.....we just can't help ourselves, can we?? :p :p :p :p

Is there some kind of special pen we'll need to sign Marsha's thong???? We are all going to have to right really teeny.....:)

I second that nomination, Sis! Willy - I know we'll be rockin' at the Days Inn! :)
Sis - you got them both!

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:) :)
Thanks to a friend, I think I have it now.

It is REALLY blowing here today. The snow on the ground is all drifting. The way our driveway is cut into the yard, our yard will be down to the bare grass and the driveway will be full of a foot of snow. Hope I can get out to work.

Just a short thought, not to be a downer, but is anyone else getting really freaked out by the talk of creating your own emergency shelter?? It reminds me of the bomb shelters in the 1960's. I don't even want to talk to the kids about it. I don't want them to be as worried today as I was then.

Now, back to our regularly schedules fluff and talk of lime green throngs. Do you know I dreamed about lime green flip-flops last night?? Where on earth could that have come from? LOL:rolleyes:
Well - It is really lousy out there and they've cancelled school for the day....SO..............

I've made the decision to work from home today....


I am.........



See you all in a bit! :)
Originally posted by Breezy_Carol
Just a short thought, not to be a downer, but is anyone else getting really freaked out by the talk of creating your own emergency shelter?? It reminds me of the bomb shelters in the 1960's. I don't even want to talk to the kids about it. I don't want them to be as worried today as I was then.
Carol...yes, I've become a bit concerned....DH has told me that he's not worrying, and that I am worrying enough for the whole family.
Good morning everyone! Slept in today due to the 2 hour delay. We seem to be getting lots of those this year. I have to catch up on the last 8 pages, then I'll be back.
LK!! You got both of them!
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:) :)
I'm not sure how to feel about the shelter precautions. Wouldn't hurt to be prepared in any case.

The actual act of terrorism will be terrible in and of itself, particularly if it comes about in the ways the papers are describing, but the awful aftershocks will be terrible too. I'm talking about the impact agains our psyches, the economy and much of the infrastructure that we take for granted - particularly medical care, freedom of movement on public transportation and even food distribution.

Sobering thoughts indeed...
Where's yepod today? Maybe he was outside mooning someone and then he backed into a flagpole and he stuck to it - just like the kid on A Christmas Story!
I made the mistake of visiting the yaya thread yesterday, and now my e-mail is full of "new message" alerts! What have I done? They talk more than we do!:p
I have it on good authority that John was spotted inside his local Thongs 'R' Us store, inquiring about bulk discounts......:teeth:

Laura - sounds like you've subsribed to the YAYA thread AND you have answered YES to the "Send you an email when you receive a Private Message?" question in your profile.

Go to your UserCP to see if you are subscribed to that thread!

I owe you some YESTERPANTS! (Sorry about that!) and ALTERNATE pants for #2 today! :)
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:) :)
Yay!! I think I really know this one and won't need pity pants! :p

Good morning to all of you riddlers!

PM on the way, Bernie.
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I do hope you're feeling MUCH better today! :)


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