Rider Switch changing (Started June 16th)

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I find it so sad that anyone would pay for that.
Very sad indeed. If a potential buyer of these were to look closely, the majority of the passes are for attractions that can easily be found as a 4th FP.

Then there’s:
FOP = already expired
Test Track = already expired

So basically for the asking price of $395, the only passes with any sort of “value” would be:

•(1)FEA = valid for the rest of June

•(1) Soarin’ = valid for the rest of June

•(1) Magic Kingdom Multiple Experience that appears to include any MK attraction

•(1) Magic Kingdom Multiple Experience that specifically excludes 7DMT, PP, and Meet Mickey

This is hardly a bargain.
If the hour does come into play, I would bet they will be using the second tap stiles again as the "clock" for your hour. Not the entry one. But the entry one will be when you need to tap in within the hour by. So both tap stiles will be used again (some are only using one now).

I get why they are doing this and especially with Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge opening next year. But (and I have no idea how much printing costs would be), wouldn't it just have been easier to have same day paper tickets printed? So instead of expiring end of the month like they do now, they expire at the end of the day? Surely they have statistics on roughly how many RS are used each day and at each ride so they would print the right amount. Costs couldn't be much higher than what they are printing now right?

This falls right into what I posted earlier - that this could be handled just like the DAS where the computer sees the Standby time then adds the hour. This gives anyone ample time.

But we all know Disney doesn't always take the time to see all impacts and do the logical thing.

Disney is moving away from paper overall and pushing everything digital. Not sure but AKL was testing not accepting cash anywhere in the hotel. You still need employees to print the things along with the equipment, sorting them and delivering them to rides. And the usage would not be in their control.

The only issue I have with this is I used rider swap tickets we couldn't use for various reasons to spread the magic. I guess that could be looked at as abusing the system.

For example, when we went, we got RS for FOP. Everyone in my party had FP for it. DH wasn't sure he would be able to handle it so he told me to ride it first and tell him how intense it was (he can hardly handle Soarin'), and if I thought he could he'd use the RS.

I didn't think he could. Rather than ride again, we found a family of 3 who couldn't get FP and didn't get a chance to ride it and gave our ticket to them.

We've done that sort of thing a couple of times when DH decides he's not up to a certain ride after the fact, but we always have FP for everyone in our family.

They are "Nontransferable" so while nice, you aren't supposed to do that.


To me it seems the system was WAY too flexible and thus was ripe for fraud.
With the MB technology, I am surprised it took this long to get it digital anyway.

I never felt the need to use it -- as I dont mind riding alone or just simply didnt go on rides the kids cant go on.

The only time I went with two kids (one old enough to ride most everything, the other not) -- we just rode solo on things (like Soaring or SDMT) and used our fast passes as normal. No need for Rider Swap.

I wonder how abused it was?

Multiple ways. Again, this system was created before FastPass so families didn't have to wait in STANDBY twice.

- There are always MANY for sale on ebay etc.
- There are rentals that give paper FP+ away with rentals since they could lasted to end of month.
- Any given trip I have seen guests walking around with so many there are rubberbands on their stack ... so we have a CM problem.
- CM problem, lets remember that 15-18,000 are college kids there for 4-5 mos to work and have fun .... you think lots of them aren't using those on off days.
- Folks using a child to get one, then leave the podium only to use as regular FP+ later with no intent to wait, enough Disney started a lanyard system at some rides.
- Folks using as multiplier to get 2-3x or more the FP+ as everyone else depending on how many adults.
- Folks using the extras on a variety if days that does impact operations, this isn't just one family.
- Folks using to bypass the Tier system on popular rides.

GAC (disability pass) didn't go away because some random woman was reporting she hired a disabled tour guide. It went away because of OVERUSE and ABUSE and it was impacting lines and operations. We all look at ourselves as islands but when we multiply by all the other islands our land mass impacts operations. Many got GAC but really didn't need it just like with FP+ and good planning many groups don't need R/S = abuse. Many got GAC and used it as an instant FP which often filled those lines with people and red cards = not the intent and it impacted operations = overuse. Disney started to track usage and came up with a new program. All went nuts because new DAS meant they couldn't do and get more than everyone else. But it works, it's fair and it has cut down on abuse and overuse.

I am sure they have been tracking usage at WDW for some time. And the DL system sounds like it is more structured so my guess is they are using it as a base.

I’m curious too, and whether it was actually abused or it was just inevitable it became digital.

I’m also curious if it was a case of clear abuse (selling them) or use not abuse as was the case of the GAC. I think it’s harder to abuse the RS pass since it does require some waiting in some way before it can actually be used.

Both, see my above comment.

Don't forget to factor in now Pandora, TSL and SWL where there are highly popular rides with clear rules and restrictions on getting two tier 1 FP+, yet the R/S in essence gives folks that. Will the new system close that loop, don't know, but it would be a fail on Disney's part at this point in time with these lands to not.

Disney is the only park that I'm aware of that makes the second parent wait through a significant number of ride cycles before getting on the ride. That is why riding back to back at Disney world isn't always practical. It's nice not having to make the kid wait in line, but most places the second parent rides the next ride cycles or at most a couple later, WDW can be 30+ minutes for the second.

Would you rather do Universal's and have to take that child in a line that might be an hour long? I know that is how Disney did it years ago but without nice rooms to wait in. It is up to the parents to decide if they want to do Standby (wait many cycles) or do FP (wait a few cycles). There really isn't any way to shorten either one. I still don't understand the issue. When I do it we hit the bathrooms, we get a snack and find shade or A/C and mostly we go ride something that we can complete. Seems a great time to let a little nap or run around somewhere to stretch.
I'm really hoping they don't implement the 1 hour window. Just from our experience this past May there were a number of rides we did where I know we wouldn't have gotten back in time. Our worst was for FOP. For background we're a family for 4, myself, DH, DS (6), and DD (2). DS and I went on FOP, waited in the queue for I'd say about 35 minutes from the FP line before we got in the room for the videos. Did the videos, got on the ride and halfway through the ride went down. We sat in the room for about 10 minutes before the CM's came to get us. We had to walk back out and around back to the queue area and wait for another room. Once one opened up we had to wait through the videos again. When we had gotten to the end of the first video DS let me know he had to use the restroom so we had to bail out. They gave us a paper FP to come back, but it took I kid you not almost another 10 minutes for the CM to come back with it because she kept getting stopped by guests in the line. By the time we were done. By that point an hour and a half had passed. DS was at the point he didn't even want to do the ride anymore. We had another experience with TT which wasn't as extreme, but we didn't make it back out within the hour. Thankfully we were using our RS and DH had taken DD back for a nap.

Whenever we've done RS we've always done it where everyone in our party has a FP for the ride (minus DD who can't since she's not old enough for a ticket, thus we can't schedule them for her). Normally we'll have 1 possibly 2 RS that we'll get in the morning and hold them until DH would take DD back for a nap after lunch, around 1 or so. DS and I would then use the RS and see what other FP's we could schedule until they'd get back. I can understand wanting to close the loophole, but I'm hoping instead of the hour limit just limit it to only have 1 available at a time and have it expire at the end of the day like they do when a ride goes down.
I wonder how they will handle the if the ride goes down scenario.

Especially for rides like Space that seems to have issues every time we are there.

Will the rider switch pass become an anytime, if the ride happens to go down during the 1 hour window?
Have any other sources reported on this? WDW news today seemed to just be a rip-off of the Dr. Disney Article.

Also still wondering how this will allow use of FP with rider swap... It starting to sound like it might not be worth swapping with FP if both people have to have a FP in the first place to get a swap...Its much easier to find solo FP's and then you could just stagger the times in case the wait is long. Swaps may only make sense for standby (since you can only use one at a time)
I'm not sure if it's the abuse that (I agree it was flexible but I felt they were getting stricter, particularly with FOP, this year) or that people are selling them online. Go on eBay right now and put in "Fast Pass Disney" and you'll find someone selling two RS for Rock N Rollercoaster for $50, 3 Soarin RS for $19, and someone selling 21 RS tickets for $395 dollars!!!! It's people like that that ruin it for others. And I'm sure it will be only a matter of time before they figure out how to scam the next system.

I don't think this is the reason for the change. This could be eliminated by simply making the paper swaps expire same-day, and enforcing the expiration strictly. Any "sales" would then have to take place at the park. So there must be more to it than that.
Have any other sources reported on this? WDW news today seemed to just be a rip-off of the Dr. Disney Article.

Also still wondering how this will allow use of FP with rider swap... It starting to sound like it might not be worth swapping with FP if both people have to have a FP in the first place to get a swap...Its much easier to find solo FP's and then you could just stagger the times in case the wait is long. Swaps may only make sense for standby (since you can only use one at a time)

A moderator on another thread said that Doctor Disney is highly reliable especially on Rider Switch, and one reason the others haven't reported is most went to Paris for the special event.

Also someone here has reported they just used it and were told similar things about the upcoming changes to the program by a CM.
Would you rather do Universal's and have to take that child in a line that might be an hour long? I know that is how Disney did it years ago but without nice rooms to wait in. It is up to the parents to decide if they want to do Standby (wait many cycles) or do FP (wait a few cycles). There really isn't any way to shorten either one. I still don't understand the issue. When I do it we hit the bathrooms, we get a snack and find shade or A/C and mostly we go ride something that we can complete. Seems a great time to let a little nap or run around somewhere to stretch.

I've covered this already, but if you have a 1 hour rule, plus can only hold one at a time, that severely limits what you can do while you wait. For us at least, I am generally ready to do something as a family after it took one parent nearly an hour to ride something (with a FP), as opposed to jumping right back in and taking another near hour for the second parent to ride it. If they want parents to always ride back to back, they should let the second parent go up the exit, otherwise they should leave the flexibility for the second parent to go do something else, elsewhere and ride later in the day.

On many rides, I would prefer the Universal system, especially if we already have FPs. Yeah it would be horrible with standby on FoP, but the current system is pretty poor with FoP with FP+ and really poor with standby. The flexibility usually makes up for the disadvantages, though, because I can come back and ride when DD is asleep or after we've been able to do some things as a family.

At the end of the day, though, it looks like Disney is less and less concerned with getting families with young kids, considering the proliferation of rides with height restrictions, even in "kiddy" areas.
Something I haven't seen mentioned is the impact of the first few park hours. Those hours are practically gold, with low wait times for rides. We are always there at rope drop, hit popular rides once with low wait and grab a rider swap for the other parent to use later. Now, we will be forced to ride each ride twice in a row (which does take quite a long time for some rides), meaning we will miss out on low waits for the other rides.

In every rider swap thread that ever pops up, there are always a bunch of comments that say, "I can't wait until we don't have to use rider swap anymore." Using rider swap is a huge hassle. Just from this thread alone, I've seen a lot of people say they just don't bother with it and choose to skip the ride instead. Our family has done the same. While I think the system could use some clean up to prevent abuse, I am disappointed that Disney has made it more difficult and tedious for families to use.
I've covered this already, but if you have a 1 hour rule, plus can only hold one at a time, that severely limits what you can do while you wait. For us at least, I am generally ready to do something as a family after it took one parent nearly an hour to ride something (with a FP), as opposed to jumping right back in and taking another near hour for the second parent to ride it. If they want parents to always ride back to back, they should let the second parent go up the exit, otherwise they should leave the flexibility for the second parent to go do something else, elsewhere and ride later in the day.

On many rides, I would prefer the Universal system, especially if we already have FPs. Yeah it would be horrible with standby on FoP, but the current system is pretty poor with FoP with FP+ and really poor with standby. The flexibility usually makes up for the disadvantages, though, because I can come back and ride when DD is asleep or after we've been able to do some things as a family.

At the end of the day, though, it looks like Disney is less and less concerned with getting families with young kids, considering the proliferation of rides with height restrictions, even in "kiddy" areas.

Yes! This exactly! The only saving grace of Disney's system was the flexibility and the ability to take the non-riding children to do something else while we wait. If you take those perks away, then Disney's system pretty much stinks. I too would rather have a system similar to Universal and other parks.
On many rides, I would prefer the Universal system, especially if we already have FPs..

It does depend on the ride. Rider Swapping with 7 dwarves mine train allows you take a child to tea cups or another attraction suitable for younglings while a bigger kid goes on the bigger ride. But as people pointed out, its a pain with FOP. I'd rather everyone go in together since the preshow is so long.
If they're using the same machines for RS that they currently do for DAS, lord help us all. They are the most temperamental little things, we got more paper DAS return times in April than we ever have since the system went digital. I can't imagine having two or three times the number of people using them than currently do.
I've covered this already, but if you have a 1 hour rule, plus can only hold one at a time, that severely limits what you can do while you wait. For us at least, I am generally ready to do something as a family after it took one parent nearly an hour to ride something (with a FP), as opposed to jumping right back in and taking another near hour for the second parent to ride it. If they want parents to always ride back to back, they should let the second parent go up the exit, otherwise they should leave the flexibility for the second parent to go do something else, elsewhere and ride later in the day.

On many rides, I would prefer the Universal system, especially if we already have FPs. Yeah it would be horrible with standby on FoP, but the current system is pretty poor with FoP with FP+ and really poor with standby. The flexibility usually makes up for the disadvantages, though, because I can come back and ride when DD is asleep or after we've been able to do some things as a family.

At the end of the day, though, it looks like Disney is less and less concerned with getting families with young kids, considering the proliferation of rides with height restrictions, even in "kiddy" areas.

I have never waited an hour with a FP+ and I have done FoP quite a few times, with FP+. At most I would say we spent 30 minutes from the time I entered until I got off. The only other ride I can think of that cause me to wait close to that may be TT, and then the safari due to the nature of the ride but I don't think it has R/S.

That said Disney is fully aware of their wait times in both lines and would have to be beyond stupid to not factor that in to their new system. We don't know for sure what this "one hour" means so I would like to wait and see how it is all set up rather than get all upset.

Going digital gives them many more parameters they can add to the old system. Just like the DAS, change is hard, folks get upset, but the system is quite fair, runs smooth and handles the need.

WE ALL make decisions about when we go to Disney for our luxury vacation. If a young child is going to impact your touring plans then maybe wait. I've gone to Disney with my kids since they were 4 mos old and we make it work and have never had a bad trip because a child was too small to ride. It is not Disney's job to plan my trips to my likes.

Yes! This exactly! The only saving grace of Disney's system was the flexibility and the ability to take the non-riding children to do something else while we wait. If you take those perks away, then Disney's system pretty much stinks. I too would rather have a system similar to Universal and other parks.

I just don't understand why it's so hard to do something with your other child. Nothing about this sounds like that is going to happen. It sounds like maybe your pass isn't going to last for days/weeks but I don't believe this one hour thing will come into play as folks think because Disney knows many of these rides they are talking about have a wait time that long.

But even if I were expected to do back to back rides, I never had trouble doing something with a child, occupying them in a positive way ... and I still have to handle this situation.
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