Rip Ride Rockit - how bad is the first drop?

I WAS the biggest ride weenie in the world in 2008....I took chicken exits over and over, and only begrudgingly got on EE / RCnRC crying and begging my DH to tell me what was about to happen! Fast Forward to FEB 2011....Mom and Teen son trip....I so didn't want my son left out, and to be bored....I didn't want to ruin his time, so I just went for it all out ......EVERYTHING at WDW and Universal/ IOA....EVERYTHING!! and you know what??? it was fine....I had a blast...yes, Dragon Challenge RED side was a little more rough than I like ( I enjoyed Blue side much more).....but all in all, I loved it! I loved RRR.....there are NO loops, even though it might feel like are on top of the track, no over the head harnesses, so no worries about a loop being in there! I just looked up at the sky, and the ascent didn't bother is a fun, fun ride, I say go for it!! You may be Pleasantly surprised!

There are coasters with inversions but no over-the-shoulders harnesses, so this is not always an indicator. Not many, but a few. ;)
I loved every second of this ride. We set in the front seat (we always request the front) and I remember looking down saying to myself "wow...this puppy goes STRAIGHT down." But it was literally over before I knew it.

It not a bad ride at all. Very smooth and you get some cool views. Also... ride it at night time. Its soooooo much fun
Do it anyway! I promise, you'll survive.:thumbsup2

I feel like you've just jinxed the ride. :headache:

Not bad. My dd barely made the height and begged to go on it. I took a picture of her car as it passed by as I won't go on it. When got off asked how I knew it was her car. I said it's because it was the only car I couldn't see anyone in one of the seats!

She rode it a few times and said it was fun, liked how it pushed her face back.

Now *you* ride it. :)

Like I said before, my son loved it, saw nothing wrong with it. I, however, couldn't believe I'd taken my son on that.

I've convinced myself it's safe, that we're not going to slide out (my memories of the restraints are vastly different from the pictures of the restraints that I linked to), but still, the feelings remain! :)
The first drop is not like a drop at all`s more of a very smooth and very quick descent :thumbsup2

I love the climb and the drop......lots of fun. It`s best on the front row ::yes::

I agree with this! It didn't feel like a huge drop like some of your older giant wooden coasters feel. Its very smooth and the seat is very comfortable. We just got back a couple weeks ago and it was my second favorite coaster in all of WDW and US. The Mummys Revenge was my favorite.

OP, buck up, you're going on it and you're going to love it!! :thumbsup2
I am having anxiety just reading this thread! :eek:


I feel sick thinking about this ride. DH says he'll go on it this time. Me? I'm still trying to convince myself to go on the Hulk! Lol I'm such a big wuss that as soon as its time to get on the ride I run & leave DH behind.
Hi everyone!
I can't ride Space Mountain or Thunder Mountain anymore because of the jarring effect....both are rather rough rides.
I love RNR at HS and The Mummy at US. I can endure EE at AK for one ride per trip only.
How does this coaster compare to RNR in terms of smoothness? How does it compare in terms of drops?
I have always NOT ridden RRR because I assumed the drops were bad. I can do 'round and 'round but big drops are unsettling.
How much you have to ride this rollercoaster depends upon how much you get rollercoaster remorse. My husband can spend months, even years, saying that he should have gotten on a coaster that he skipped. It was about five years after our trip to California Adventure in 2006 that he said that he should have gotten on that ride which I think was called the California Zephr or something like that. It took him a long time to work up the nerve to get on the Rip Rocket because he was afraid that he would get up there and have a heart attack. He he told me in his own words that he felt like he should ride it. He got on it one day while I was working on the ground below, and he had fun.

I have never gotten on the Rip Rocket and don't know whether I coud now that I have been prejudiced against it by things that former co-workers said while I was working at Universal. One person selling the Express passes told me that the ride just barely passed the qualifications for insurance. That may or not be true. I also had a co-worker tell me something which I believed at the time but now do not. He said that the man who designed the Rip Rocket killed himself because he did not want to take responsibility for someone dying on the ride. I tend to believe people until I am presented with evidence that this person lies for the sake of lying. I now think that lying just to get attentiion may be a fair description of my former co-worker's actions. He claims that this was in the newspaper. What newspaper? I ran an Internet search and saw nothing about that, only that the ride was the work of a German engineering company. There was no mention of any suicide in connection with it.

While I am glad that I did not listen to any of my co-workers stories about the Rip Rocket until after my husband had gotten on and off of it in safety, I agree with the person who said that you only live once. I used to candy-stripe in a hospital. What every single one of my patients who knew that they didn't have much time left regretted the most about their lives is what they DID NOT DO. If you really want to ride the Rip Rocket, don't live to regret not doing it. If you really don't care much about it, move on and check out the new Dispicable Me ride or something because you are there to have fun and not to make yourself miserable doing what is not fun. It is YOUR vacation.
How much you have to ride this rollercoaster depends upon how much you get rollercoaster remorse. My husband can spend months, even years, saying that he should have gotten on a coaster that he skipped.

While I am glad that I did not listen to any of my co-workers stories about the Rip Rocket until after my husband had gotten on and off of it in safety, I agree with the person who said that you only live once. I used to candy-stripe in a hospital. What every single one of my patients who knew that they didn't have much time left regretted the most about their lives is what they DID NOT DO.

Well said.
To OP, I can't even remember the first drop (and I rode it 3 or 4 times) so, how bad could it really be?


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