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I actually had 4 BLT sellers willing to part with their points for $100-$105pp on all the contracts (one with full 2017 points, and all the others with partial). A lot of the brokers literally just pick a number out of thin air, and the sellers (some, not all) are willing to drop, A LOT. One seller was listed at $115pp and was willing to come down to $105pp. Some sellers have it listed where they want, and others are very negotiable. I think the longer it has been sitting, the more willing they may be to reduce the price. Some sellers are completely delusional though, and thinpoints are made of gold! If a seller has a loan taken out to cover the cost of the points, it is tough to get them to come down because they don't want to bring money to the table at closing. I found this more so when looking at VGF.

I understand where you are coming from....IF I was going to sell my three BLT contracts I would list at 125.00 pp (firm) on each one since my reasoning would be pay my price or buy direct at 195( which is where I think dvc is selling BLT right now). Much like buying a new RV, some people just want to get rid of a purchase even if they have to bring money to the table and others really think they need to get the price they paid even though they have used or rented points for their timeshare and have received some value for their purchase.

Sad your BLT offer went south but think as others do it seemed like a fishy contract.
I understand where you are coming from....IF I was going to sell my three BLT contracts I would list at 125.00 pp (firm) on each one since my reasoning would be pay my price or buy direct at 195( which is where I think dvc is selling BLT right now). Much like buying a new RV, some people just want to get rid of a purchase even if they have to bring money to the table and others really think they need to get the price they paid even though they have used or rented points for their timeshare and have received some value for their purchase.

Sad your BLT offer went south but think as others do it seemed like a fishy contract.

Disney is selling at $185pp direct right now for BLT. Also, the Disney ones come fully loaded which rarely happens in the resale market. Closing costs are higher with resale as well, and the timeline is pretty brutal, so you have to take all of that into account when pricing. I think if you have fully loaded small(ish) contracts, then $125 would work. If you have large non-fully loaded contracts, then I think the $125pp would probably just sit. Hopefully though you are right when I am an owner/seller and too high when I am a buyer. Haha. See how that would work for me?!? :rotfl:
oops - meant to quote Texaschick123 re: contract having existing reservation.

Here's the deal, unless your offer had a cannot close before Jan. 2018 clause(which is how existing reservations are usually handled,) the deal could close as per the contract terms & that reservation would be automatically canceled when title changed & sellers kids (or renters) would be out of luck, the points would be yours. Your broker should have advised you of this.
In fact I remember a thread a few years ago with a cannot close before clause that DVC ROFR'ed and closed too early automatically canceling the reservation creating chaos for the poor point renter (who'd also been the attempted buyer of the points ROFR'ed.)
Nevertheless, sounds like a super flaky situation and best to cut bait, IMO.
I agree. I was quick to cut bait! Also, I just remembered that the broker told me the reason the seller was selling the points was because no one was using them, and she'd been renting them for years. I think the kids thing is a bunch of baloney. She rented them out probably. I will probably never know. Time to move on.

Wow, that is really sketchy! Did you have any sign that this was an issue when you were negotiating the contract? (ie delays in getting back to you, etc?) Well, sorry this didn't work out for you, but also glad to hear that this was caught before it got any further!!
oops - meant to quote Texaschick123 re: contract having existing reservation.

Here's the deal, unless your offer had a cannot close before Jan. 2018 clause(which is how existing reservations are usually handled,) the deal could close as per the contract terms & that reservation would be automatically canceled when title changed & sellers kids (or renters) would be out of luck, the points would be yours. Your broker should have advised you of this.
In fact I remember a thread a few years ago with a cannot close before clause that DVC ROFR'ed and closed too early automatically canceling the reservation creating chaos for the poor point renter (who'd also been the attempted buyer of the points ROFR'ed.)
Nevertheless, sounds like a super flaky situation and best to cut bait, IMO.

Agreed. It was time to move on.

Wow, that is really sketchy! Did you have any sign that this was an issue when you were negotiating the contract? (ie delays in getting back to you, etc?) Well, sorry this didn't work out for you, but also glad to hear that this was caught before it got any further!!

Super shady for sure. It took the seller a couple of days to send back her docs with her signature because she was on vacation and had to get everything faxed to a hotel overseas and had to fax it back. She was on the phone with the broker though trying to make it go through. The annoying thing was that she did not have email because she was older. :( It all worked out for the best because the resale process already tries my patience, so it seems like this was not going to work out. Oh well.

Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone! I'm already looking for another one, so it'll be ok. That's the good news: there are always a lot of contracts for sale and a limited number of people who can afford it or want to pay for it!
Well, I have a bizarre update. The seller's kid(s) made a reservation for January 2018 using her points without her knowledge, and Disney noticed the discrepancy between the points listed in the contract and the points available and contacted the broker. The broker reached out to the seller who had no knowledge of this, and owner still has not resolved the issue. The broker told me to move on because this was sounding fishy to her, and she didn't like that the owner had ample time to rectify it and did not. It sounded like it would deplete the 2017 points and borrow some of the 2018 points which obviously hugely changes the contract. Man, this stinks. I do feel soooo much better just knowing now though which is worth something!
I can only imagine what a mess this would have turned into. Best to cut loose while you still can! Sorry it turned out this way, though :(
Since the previous thread is closed already, I should thank Littlelulu01, Aron1012, kboo and njprb for responding to my question here :-)

That's been said, DW and I went ahead and put an offer on VGC. It went back and forth but finally seller accepted our offer at 12% less of asking price per point. We have to stretch on our budget for this, but since we've been looking for VGC with Sep use year with a reasonable price for a while we thought it'd be worthed.

Crossing our fingers!

RiSaNicNol---$130-$34616-250-VGC-Sep-0/15, 0/16, 500/17, 250/18- sent 4/3/2017

Hello pangyal, I think mine got overlooked :(
Or is it the 2017? This is without the 2017:

RiSaNicNol---$130-$34616-250-VGC-Sep-0/15, 0/16, 500/17, 250/18- sent 4/3

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