Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

How many days before you leave? Must be getting super excited!! Does roxyhubby get in to it as much as you do?

If you get a chance would love to see what you have planned (especially now I have first hand experience!)

Roxyhubby loves Disney too but it's hard to top my obsessive levels about it. I think he loves watching kiddo (and probably me too) react in the parks more than anything.
He kind of trusts me to make plans and then if I've left out something he hoped for we work it in. I also know his faves.

We will have lots of hotel and pool downtime in this trip. A relaxing approach. But highlights will be the Halloween party, food n wine booths, Bobbi bobbidi boutique, mickeys BBQ party and the 5k (me) and 10k (hubby - it's his turn to experience a long rundisney race.). We have fastpasses but won't go commando with rides unless kiddo becomes gung ho.
Not too many reservations as quick service with a 5 yr old is so much easier than always sitting for table service. But I have snuck in some good ones.
But I'm willing to cancel or re arrange just to keep us relaxed. Main reason for no half marathon for me...I just want to go ahhhhhhhh (not AHHH) for a week :)
Today we let kiddo know that while daddy was waiting for us after Disney Live that he ran into mickey and talked about her birthday. And mickey came back and gave this to daddy.

It went well!




My phone video cut off halfway through so I just took a million mostly blurry kid going hyper action shots. She told us she wants to meet mickey very badly :). We showed her the hotel and pool and then she asked if she could play iPad. Typical kid! But she's asked to ride the snow coaster already so her gears are turning.

Also I loved Disney Live because of course I did!

It's raining now (boooooo) so will my 8 miles be on a treadmill tonight??? Tbd, blech, but whatevs I'll do it if I have to. Last time I post about how much I like the weather #jinx
That shot of her with her little hands under her chin is just entirely too cute!!! I'm so happy it went perfectly.
I hope you frame that one of her looking at @roxyhubby, it’s too cute for words!

That shot of her with her little hands under her chin is just entirely too cute!!! I'm so happy it went perfectly.

Yeah gonna have to put that in an album! We decided to keep it simple. Too many "things" would have distracted her. She's so set on mine train already and immediately wanted her color magic band when I showed her. I'm so excited now. Wish we were going tomorrow :)
Yay!!! I love it! Dress is super cute - our niece has a dress similar to roxykiddo's that she calls her "A-punzel" dress! Just so excited for you - love Food and Wine, love MNSSHP and so exciting to run during Wine and Dine weekend!!

So after this, your next trip will be Marathon Weekend 2019, right? I'm thinking roxykiddo will be plenty old enough for the 5K by then. @mateojr is planning his first 10K that year (still kicking myself for not registering for that this year - I think he could have done it with a little more running between cross country season and the race.) Wondering how old you need to be to get a @DopeyBadger training plan! :)
Good job on the reveal! Was Mickey’s signature from the computer or did you hand write it?

Your trip plan sounds great - we are very much the same when touring, only part days in the parks (5 hours is about our limit), back to the hotel for pool and rest, then play it by ear for the evening. We don’t get everything done, took four visits to DLR before I did splash, but makes for a wonderful trip.

Mrs McN also doesn’t do any planning, but loves our Disney time. She doesn’t have too many requirements however was annoyed the trip we somehow didn’t get Dole Whips.

Dining at WDW is interesting, I kept reading how you have to make ADRs in advance else you won’t be eating, I’m pleased we only made a couple as I found them to be a big time suck, especially seeing as in most cases we had to wait up to 30 mins to be seated. Quick service worked better for us especially the places that had on line ordering through the app.

Looking forward to hearing how the trip goes!
How exciting! I have to say I've always very jealous of Roxykiddo. I don't think I ever got a letter from Mickey inviting me to a Not So Scary Halloween Party. Where's my letter, Mickey?
Oh my goodness those pictures are the CUTEST!!!! I love what you ended up doing too with Dad running into Mickey and getting the letter- so fun!!! You guys are going to have such a magical time!!
Monday Update: Race Week! (well, more like, go easy during a race week!)
So yesterday was quite the busy day. We went to Disney Live which was so fun! I was dorking out to the characters more than most of the kids in the audience, let's be honest. We had a lovely girls lunch at Gibsons near the theatre including some pre-birthday ice cream (and coffee for me.) And then had the big birthday trip reveal to kiddo. She's really excited that Mickey is having a party and we've had some fun looking at park maps. She told her teachers this morning she's going to Mickey's party and she has a magic bracelet that opens doors. Haha!
Epcot is very intriguing to her because there's a Nemo ride so I'm glad that's our first fast-pass on our Epcot day.

It was raining ALL DAY. But we had a blast indoors all night and kiddo fell asleep on me on the couch and then it was 8:47pm all of a sudden. And I should have gone to the gym. I really should have. But I didn't. I was exhausted (have not been sleeping well) and I got a really good nights sleep. But woke up with gym guilt. I know skipping long runs is not a great thing to do. So I'm pretty peeved at myself.
But I'm getting it done tonight!! Whether it's 7 or 8 miles, but I just want to make sure I get an over an hour run in early enough this week, so that I can do some easier 45-60 min ones later this week so I'm not setting myself up for any ouches come Sunday's Hot Chocolate 15k.

Collectively yell at me to go run right around 8:30 tonight! Hubby has to swim about an hour before that so I need to be dressed and ready to go to hand off the gym baton to me.

I STILL DON'T HAVE A CORRAL! The over-planner in me really wants to know my wave at least so I can know my start time. Come on Hot Chocolate peeps, don't make me wait until I'm at the expo on Saturday!

And the final thing I've realized pre-trip...I forgot to get my hair dyed/cut. I like looking cute in disney pics and I'm all kinds of gray right now! Running and life have just trumped being fancy. So now I got figure that out quick or go the old "at home boxed dye" route. Wish me luck!

And Happy Monday :)
I'm glad you got some good sleep last night! I think that's a pretty important part of any running plan too! And I know you'll get your long run done today, so it will all work out!

I hope you get your corral soon! I hate waiting on information when I'm trying to plan.

And I'm sure you look fab, but I know how you feel. I always want to look my best at Disney, but then I remember my hair hates Florida so no matter what I do, I look like a crazy person haha (do you have good products that tame Florida humidity??)


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