Running for my Disney - Finally a TR!

Karma is when a rude family jumps in ahead of you and you have to wait.....and then finding that there is no one behind you so you can take your time with Dug. Great pics!
I love that Redwood Playground area.

Shame you missed out on C&D and M. NEXT time. :thumbsup2
Love the pics with Dug. I have regretted not queuing for a Dug and Russel pic at AK-I know time was getting on and we had a dinner date ...but 10 more mins wouldn't have made a difference!

On this trip, I kept realising how important it was to take any opportunity that presented itself. There were a few things I missed out on (even though I was there for about 13 days or something ridiculous all up :rotfl:)

Karma is when a rude family jumps in ahead of you and you have to wait.....and then finding that there is no one behind you so you can take your time with Dug. Great pics!
I love that Redwood Playground area.

Shame you missed out on C&D and M. NEXT time. :thumbsup2

Definitely next time - I've even planning to Disneybound for the occasion :thumbsup2

Having missed them at DCA, I decided to try my luck with Chip N Dale at DL. My first stop was Guest Services to enquire as to when and where I might be able to find them. While I was there, I asked optimistically about Piglet. There would be no Piglet for me today unfortunately. However, since I still had some time to kill before Chip N Dale were due out at the Halloween Roundup, I decided to drop by Pooh Corner anyway and see if I could at least see Tigger.

I hit the jackpot here, and managed to time it right when Eeyore was coming out to relive Tigger. So I got the both of them! Group hugs all round!

I met Pooh again on the way out.

I still had time to spare, so I dropped by BTM for a quick ride on my way through to the Halloween Roundup.

Once at the Halloween Roundup, I briefly considered conjuring a villain, but I was starting to feel a bit tired, and it looked like a bit much work lol! Instead I stood and watched the gypsy entertain the people in line for a bit.

It was a bit of a weird area. It was kind of empty and disorganised. Eventually I spotted Chip (Dale must have been on holidays while I was there lol!) wandering around the area. There didn't seem to be a specific photo area, and he didn't have a handler with him. Eventually I just wandered up and luckily there was a random stranger available to take a photo for me.

On my way out, I had a brief stroll through the little house with the pumpkin scarecrows in it.

I lingered at the exit for a while, watching the antics of the resident goats.

I was pretty tired, and it was getting late, but part of me wanted to stay until closing. After a serious debate with myself, I decided the sensible thing to do was to head out. On the way, I ended my visit with a classic attraction, the castle walkthrough.

Then I trudged back up to the Portofino for the last time, to collect my luggage and make my way up to the Marriott Suites for the night (Portofino was too expensive for me without my parents to split the cost with, and I got the Marriott for $80 on Priceline).

I severely underestimated exactly how far away the Marriott was. I really felt like I was going to keep walking forever! I'd say it was a half hour walk from the Portofino, which was a 10 minute walk from the parks. It was starting to get dark, and away from the main Anaheim resort area, I began to feel a little uncomfortable walking around on my own toting along all my worldly possessions. I made it to the hotel unscathed, and helped myself to some lovely fruit infused water in the lobby.

Check in was nice and quick, and soon I was on my way to my room on the 10th floor. I had a 1 bedroom suite on one end of the hotel, so only one neighbour. Looked like it was an accessible room too. The room was beautiful and much more luxurious than I would normally get.

It had a lovely view over the city. I was pretty disappointed I hadn't arrived in time to see the view in daylight.

After settling in to my room, I headed downstairs to check out some of the facilities and grab something to eat. The pool area was pretty nice, and I enjoyed soaking my legs in the spa for a while. I had the whole space to myself, and it was beautiful and quiet.

On the way back up to my room, I grabbed a 'protein pack' from the Starbucks in the lobby. I haven't gotten used to eating out on my own yet, and prefer to grab something to take back to my room.

I had a quiet rest of the night, re-organising my suitcase a bit, and catching up on facebook and emails from home.
Fantastic pictures with Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore. Shame about Piglet.

Hotel looks nice. That was a good score on priceline.
Fantastic pictures with Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore. Shame about Piglet.

Hotel looks nice. That was a good score on priceline.

I'll ask about Piglet in September. Hopefully since it will be a busy time, they'll have him out at some stage.

I wouldn't normally stay at the Marriott because it's WAY too far from the parks, but it was nice to stay somewhere a bit luxurious on that last night :thumbsup2
Anaheim - Phoenix

It was an early start for me this morning, so I decided I may as well make it a really early start and try to catch the sunrise.

After finalising my packing, I went downstairs to check out and wait for my shuttle to John Wayne airport. It was a nice quick drive to the airport, and before too long I was checking in and going through security. At the gate lounge, there were power points every few seats, and free wifi. It was SO much easier than LAX and I will definitely be going through SNA again whenever I have the chance.

It was an uneventful flight. I have since heard that take offs and landings at SNA are extreme because the planes have to get higher quicker due to the surrounding residential area. I didn't notice anything different. When we reached altitude, we heard the usual message from the pilot advising us of the flight time and predicted weather in Phoenix. Flash floods? Did I hear correctly?

Coming into Phoenix, it did indeed look like rain.

My plan had been to pick up my hire car and head straight out to Montezuma Castle. With heavy rain, storms, and flash floods forecast for the afternoon, I thought I'd better check with a local about whether that was still a good idea. The guy at the rental car counter assured me that the bulk of the weather wouldn't hit until later, and I should continue with my planned sight seeing.

I went downstairs to the parking garage, where I found my VERY fancy looking (that I had booked as economy) car. To this day I can only assume I got an upgrade, as I'm pretty sure that car was not in the economy class.

I put my luggage in the boot, set up my navigator, and tried to fix the seat to my requirements. There were so many knobs and dials, I couldn't figure out how to do it and had to wander over to the little stand they had in the garage to get someone to show me.

Turned out that I was pushing the right lever, it was just an electronic one, so I had to wait for it to start adjusting. Next, I went to start the car. And hit a blank again lol! This was a keyless ignition car, and after searching for a few minutes I found the start button. When I pushed it it told me to put my foot on the brake. But when I put my foot on the brake, nothing happened. *sigh* It was back to the little stand for me.

Embarrassingly, it turned out that you just needed to press the start button while you already had the brake on.

Finally, I was ready to hit the road. The navigator led me to the freeway, and I was on my way.

I hadn't eaten yet, and had planned to get something on the way. However, this freeway was a bit more isolated than those I had been on previously, and wasn't surrounded on all sides by fast food joints. When I saw a sign advising that there were no services for another 20 miles, I decided that I'd better get off and see what was available in the little town. There was a little supermarket there (like an IGA), where I picked up a few things I could eat picnic style (yoghurt, fruit etc).

Back on the road, it definitely started to feel like I was in the middle of nowhere. I hadn't hit any rain yet, but I could see a MASSIVE storm cloud ahead of me, with a big grey patch underneath that I could only assume was absolutely pelting rain. I really hoped that my route would take me around that!

I passed a massive rest stop on the other side of the highway, which looked like it had quite a nice scenic view. At this point I was pretty keen to get to my destination, so I kept going. Right into that huge grey area. As I drove further into the rain, it got so heavy that I couldn't see and was forced to pull over. I also realised that I hadn't put my lights on, and spent about 5 minutes trying to figure out how to do it before I realised that they had come on automatically lol! I realised how serious this rain was when I started seeing more and more drivers pulling over. Then, one by one, they all started heading out again slowly. With no wind, I started to wonder if I would be stuck there all day if I tried to wait it out, and very cautiously started driving again. Everyone was going very slowly, so I didn't have to worry too much about that, as long as I could see enough to stay on the road! After what seemed like an eternity, I finally reached the other side of the cloud! Montezuma Castle was not much further along.

The entrance to the park was through a little visitor centre, where they had some information and lots of books on the area and the history of the site.

The site is not very big, and there is just a short circuit walk which takes you up to the viewing area for the cliff dwellings and back next to the river. You could easily walk it in about 15 minutes if you weren't stopping to read information boards and take photos.

On the way back there was a little diaroma of the how the cliff dwellings would have looked when they were in use.

I was there for less than an hour. I enjoyed seeing the cliff dwellings, but it seemed like a lot of effort for what I'd gotten out of it lol!

I tried to find something else in the area to make the trip worthwhile, and as I was making my way back to the highway, saw some signs to Fort Verde State Park. I couldn't really figure out exactly what it was, but looked like some sort of historic buildings. I stopped to take a couple of photos, but decided to press on without doing too much further exploration.

Luckily the big rain cloud had moved by the time I was on my way back, and I didn't have to deal with the torrential rain again.

This time though, I decided to stop at the big rest stop and have a wander around.

I finally made it back into the outskirts of town, where my hotel was. It was a little tricky to find, and I was a little concerned by all the warnings about flash flooding in the area. The hotel was lovely.

I immediately called the trail riding place I had booked with for that evening, and was told that the ride had been cancelled. Trying not to let the disappointment of the day so far ruin my short time in Arizona, but unsure about whether I wanted to do any more driving with the concern of flash flooding, I decided to take a self-guided tour of the hotel grounds. It was beautiful and I would have liked to spend more time there.

There was some flooding around the hotel already, which made me decide that I definitely wouldn't go out.

That left me with the dilemma about what to do for dinner. Room service was expensive and unappealing, and there really wasn't anything within walking distance. I ended up finding a vending machine and putting together a delicious and nutritious dinner of twiggy sticks and rice crispie squares :rotfl:

I spent the evening interneting and having a relaxing bath, before turning on the TV for the first time this trip!
Oh no so sorry about the horse riding which you had been really looking forward to. What awful weather too. The hotel looks very nice. Yep we have been known to do a "make do" dinner! We had to get help to start an electronic start hire car too, I think it was the one day KSC hire day. I wouldn't have known where to begin. While DH guessed the basics he couldn't fathom out how to start it either til he got help as you did - so even guys don't always get it right!
The first time we had a keyless ignition, we ended up pulling the manual out to read how to start the car. :rotfl:

I think you might have gotten the economy car. Phoenix seems to have a better calibre of hire cars than LAX. We were also surprised by the car we did get when we (eventually) got it at Phoenix. I suspect it might be because there are so many people hiring cars in LA that the cars are well used.

Sorry that Montezuma's Castle felt like a lot of effort for very little. But at least you know that you don't need to venture back there again.

Shame about the rain and not being able to do the horse riding; and having to make do with a very scrappy dinner. I guess you have unfinished business in this part of Arizona now.
Oh no so sorry about the horse riding which you had been really looking forward to. What awful weather too. The hotel looks very nice. Yep we have been known to do a "make do" dinner! We had to get help to start an electronic start hire car too, I think it was the one day KSC hire day. I wouldn't have known where to begin. While DH guessed the basics he couldn't fathom out how to start it either til he got help as you did - so even guys don't always get it right!

Well that makes me feel a bit better. I felt like a real loser when I had to keep going back to the desk :rotfl:

The first time we had a keyless ignition, we ended up pulling the manual out to read how to start the car. :rotfl:

I think you might have gotten the economy car. Phoenix seems to have a better calibre of hire cars than LAX. We were also surprised by the car we did get when we (eventually) got it at Phoenix. I suspect it might be because there are so many people hiring cars in LA that the cars are well used.

Sorry that Montezuma's Castle felt like a lot of effort for very little. But at least you know that you don't need to venture back there again.

Shame about the rain and not being able to do the horse riding; and having to make do with a very scrappy dinner. I guess you have unfinished business in this part of Arizona now.

Wow I'm very impressed if that was the economy vehicle. My guess would have been 'compact luxury' :rotfl:

I would go back to Montezuma Castle if I was passing anyway (like on the way from Phoenix to Arizona or something). It would make a good leg stretch break.

I definitely have unfinished business in Phoenix, although I did achieve my main goal which was to see the saguaro cacti :thumbsup2
Another early start this morning as I wanted to actually achieve something in Phoenix before I had to go to the airport :rotfl: I checked out of my lovely hotel, loaded up my fancy car, and hit the road again.

I stopped at Walmart for some breakfast provisions. Has anyone noticed that I haven't had a proper meal since my parents left? :rotfl:

Last night I had located a spot on a map that looked like it might be quite nice for a picnic breakfast and a short walk. It was nice and easy to find, and had great modern facilities at the trail head, including a couple of picnic benches. I enjoyed the desert view while I ate.

I would have loved to do one of the full walks, but I just didn't have the time. I had to make do with just following one of the trails for 10 minutes, then heading back.

Soon I was back on the road again. I really should have gone straight to the airport, but I didn't want to leave Phoenix without checking out the Hole in the Rock, and it was so close to the airport, I figured I had time for a 10 minute detour.

There was a short trail up behind the rock which took me to the window. It was pretty washed out after the rain.

There were a couple of people already there, who I had a brief chat with before heading back down. It was really beautiful up there, so quiet and relaxing. I really had to tear myself away.

I was just about back at the airport when I realised I hadn't filled up with petrol. I drove around for about 10 minute looking for one, but reached a point where I just had to take the car back, or I would risk missing my flight. Luckily for me, I had only used half a tank. It still doubled the cost of my car though. Lesson learned. I did make my flight in the end, and even had time to buy a couple of gifts on the way through, but I wouldn't have wanted to cut it any closer.

Out on the tarmac, as we were taxiing to the runway, the rain came pouring down again. There was an announcement from the cabin crew manager on the way, advising the person who had just received a flash flood warning on their phone that they were required to turn it off lol!

It was another uneventful flight (my favourite type!), and soon enough we were coming in to land in San Antonio. I was one of the first off the plane (I had been able to choose a great seat with my AA status), and my bag was literally the first one off the carousel. I grabbed it gleefully and headed to the desk for the shuttle into town. My glee was short lived when I found out that the shuttle had been delayed and wouldn't be arriving for another 30 minutes.

I stood around and watched the rest of the flight get their bags and leave the airport. Finally, the shuttle bus arrived. Only to mention that he would not be leaving for another 20 minutes! Still, at least it was a comfortable place to sit while I was waiting, and there were some friendly ladies on the bus to chat to.

After what seemed like forever, we were on our way. It wasn't a long drive into town, and my hotel was one of the first stops. The other ladies I was talking to started oohing and aahing over the hotel as we pulled up, and looked like they'd been slapped in the face when I told them it was my stop. I think they had been expecting me to be going to a hostel or something lol! Little did they know that I paid a ridiculous price for it through Priceline!

The hotel really was too fancy for me. I felt a bit out of place there among all the older couples wandering around. I don't think I saw one child the whole time I was there, and there were very few younger people. But it was a great location and generally a reasonable place to stay. My room was obviously one they didn't mind giving up for a cheap price. It was on the second floor, right next to the stairs, in kind of an open second floor foyer type of area, overlooking renovations on the building next door. Eh. It suited me fine.

I dumped my luggage and went off to find some dinner. I had seen a Subway from the shuttle bus that I thought would do the trick, and made my way there. By then it was starting to get dark, and I felt a little uncomfortable on my own. I didn't want to wander too far, so I just grabbed my meal and took it back to the hotel. Further exploration would have to wait until the morning.
I get the feeling that you had a lot of scrappy meals on this part of your holiday. :rotfl:
That Hole in the Wall would be lovely to have to yourself.

Pity about the wasted time with the shuttle.

But what a great looking hotel. :thumbsup2
I get the feeling that you had a lot of scrappy meals on this part of your holiday. :rotfl:
That Hole in the Wall would be lovely to have to yourself.

Pity about the wasted time with the shuttle.

But what a great looking hotel. :thumbsup2

I wished so badly that I had more time to enjoy the Hole in the Rock. I definitely have unfinished business in Phoenix.
The hotel looks great. Looking forward to hearing more about San Antonio. The weather in Phoenix certainly didn't look too good. Hope it was better here for you!
The hotel looks great. Looking forward to hearing more about San Antonio. The weather in Phoenix certainly didn't look too good. Hope it was better here for you!

Yes, better weather in San Antonio, although it was threatening to rain so it was a bit hot and sticky.

I was actually surprised by how much I liked Texas :thumbsup2
San Antonio

This morning I wandered around the city while I was waiting for my DisMeet.

I checked out the Alamo Plaza (sadly never went to the actual Alamo...).

I wandered down historic Houston Street.

Houston Street led me to the RiverWalk.

Finally, I decided to check out more of my historic hotel.

Camille came to pick me up at the hotel for our DisMeet, and took me to an awesome TexMex lunch. We chatted for a long time, and only left the restaurant when it became clear that we were starting to encroach on the dinner crowd lol!

After Camille dropped me back off at the hotel, I went for another walk. I checked out the Alamo again, wishing I had another day so that I could actually go in (it was too late by the time I got there and it was closing up for the day).

I walked along the RiverWalk for a while before coming across the Tower of America.

I had time, and the price was reasonable, so I decided to head up for the sunset.

I headed back to the hotel along the RiverWalk and called it a night.
San Antonio is beautiful!

DH has been there, but not me and DS. I keep wanting to head there but DH is keen to go to other locations. Oh well. I get to look at it from your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Shame about the Alamo. I guess you have unfinished business there.

How cool was the DisMeet? I bet you chatted and chatted and chatted with the conversation picking up from where you left off on the Dis.
San Antonio is beautiful!

DH has been there, but not me and DS. I keep wanting to head there but DH is keen to go to other locations. Oh well. I get to look at it from your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Shame about the Alamo. I guess you have unfinished business there.

How cool was the DisMeet? I bet you chatted and chatted and chatted with the conversation picking up from where you left off on the Dis.

I loved San Antonio. Definitely keen to head back there with DH one day.

And yes, I had a great DisMeet with Camille!
The Riverwalk looks beautiful. Confess I know nothing about San Anontonio. Sounds like you had a lovely day or so though.
The Riverwalk looks beautiful. Confess I know nothing about San Anontonio. Sounds like you had a lovely day or so though.

The RiverWalk really was lovely. Would have been nice to spend an evening with DH at one of the restaurants/bars along it!


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