S/O - What is your least favorite scent?

Well, I don't *know* perfumes as I tried to avoid them. Anyone wearing strong perfume causes me to have a reaction. But, admittedly, even though I get a reaction I actually like the smell of some of them.

My daughter wore one for about a year that I absolutely hated: Miss Dior Cherie or something like that. Thought it was awful.

All BBW sprays, etc, smell fake and cloying to me and I don't think the wearers have any idea. One woman in my office wore one a few weeks ago that had a coconut smell to it (which I normally like) but it was so fake and so strong that it overpowered a whole 2,000 sq foot section of the office ALL DAY. Had to shut my door for that and telework one day until I could speak with her.
Most any that very old ladies tend to bathe themselves in. So strong, and almost always smells old, like they should
throw the bottle away and buy something new.

I am more into subtle scents for myself. Right now my favorites are 1000 Wishes and Falling Snow from Bath & Body Works.

Drakkar Noir is one I can’t tolerate for DH. It actually gives me nausea. :crazy2:
Anyone have any idea what sort of scent they are pumping out in the Nautica stores. I think it's fabulous. It's a definite clean beachy smell with a subtle hint of the 1960s Coppertone mixed in. Wish I could get it in my house. It's one of the few scents that doesn't bother me and it's so subtle you almost don't know it's there.
Anyone have any idea what sort of scent they are pumping out in the Nautica stores. I think it's fabulous. It's a definite clean beachy smell with a subtle hint of the 1960s Coppertone mixed in. Wish I could get it in my house. It's one of the few scents that doesn't bother me and it's so subtle you almost don't know it's there.

My dad uses their body deodorizer thing (like frebreeze for your personage) in "Blue" that smells kinda like that. It's really pleasant and not overwhelming. I mentioned it in most liked fragrances. I don't know what blue smells like but I like it.
My dad uses their body deodorizer thing (like frebreeze for your personage) in "Blue" that smells kinda like that. It's really pleasant and not overwhelming. I mentioned it in most liked fragrances. I don't know what blue smells like but I like it.

Thanks, I'm not even sure it's a fragrance to wear but some sort of store air freshener they have to give the store a vibe. But I guess I shouldn't be loving it on this thread since this is a "dislike" thread!:)
Thanks, I'm not even sure it's a fragrance to wear but some sort of store air freshener they have to give the store a vibe. But I guess I shouldn't be loving it on this thread since this is a "dislike" thread!:)

He now uses it as a car and den febreeze (he smokes down there and is very self conscious about it). It might work for you. I found it at Marshall's for like $5 or $6 and stocked up as part of his Christmas. If the man wants something he buys it, so I have to get creative, or buy duplicates of things he likes which he's always super happy with.
Most perfumes don't bother me. It's when a person wears way too much of any perfume that makes me sick! The worst is getting stuck next to someone in a theater (with assigned seats so I can't get up and move) who bathed in their perfume that day. My very least favorite smells are dirty diapers and vomit, which is unfortunate because I work in a preschool classroom where potty training is not required. Whenever I have to deal with it, I put on my gloves, hold my breath and repeat "they pay me for this" over and over in my head. Otherwise, the kids are awesome!
Axe Body Spray. When my kids were in high school in the early 2000s, their male friends bathed in it and made be want to gag.


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