Sarah Palin rally Today!


Sep 1, 2007
I went to the Ft.Myers rally today and it was awsome! Last Thur I waited 2 hours outside in the blazing sun for tix. (Think Space Mountain in July) and then 1 1/2 hours in line outside today to get into the venue (a hocky arena no less) with DH and DD. This is the rally where our sheriff refered to Obama by his full name! The crowd went wild! It was great and DD had a learning experience. She came home and wrote a report on it to take to school tommorrow. Including that part where protesters yelled at Sarah and she looked right at them and said "My son is in Iraq so you can have the freedom to protest" as they were dragged out to a chorus of boos from everyone else! Upon leaving there were protesters outside yelling at DD and she looked at me and said "Do they know that he (Obama) is a liberal wuss?" SHE"S 11! Sarah did great, she focused on energy, the economy and Obama's bad record.
Very cool to see her in person! I would have waited too; i loved that they used osama...oops obama's real FULL name. ;)
Wow, guess I should not post in this
Wow, guess I should not post in this

yep, same reason i refrain from posting in the obama threads. i can't relate to the kool-aid drinkers at all, so i just steer clear.:rolleyes:
yep, same reason i refrain from posting in the obama threads. i can't relate to the kool-aid drinkers at all, so i just steer clear.:rolleyes:
not a big fan of Kool aid here....
Way cool. She will be here in NC tomorrow at East Carolina State. Wish I could go. I would love to hear her speak.
Just as a friendly reminder, I'm copying and pasting this from Webmaster Alex's post on the main Community Board:

Every election season we have a few recurring issues. I'd like to remind everyone that all regular board guidelines apply to political threads. You can review them here:

We have already seen a lot of reported posts. I'd like to point out that it IS ok under board guidelines to call a politician an idiot. It is NOT ok to call your fellow poster an idiot. It's ok to express your point of view, it's not ok to fight about it.

We do NOT support, encourage or enforce "xxx only" threads. Anybody can post on any thread, if you want to request certain people stay off your thread feel free but it won't be enforced by the board moderators.

Sometimes the entire front page of the boards get filled up with political threads. We reserve the right to delete, combine, move etc as we see fit. Please try to limit the new threads.
No we are not going to start a political or debate board.

You may now return to your regularly scheduled Political discussion!

Thank you! :goodvibes
ROZ FER PREZ!!!!!:cheer2: :banana: :yay:

With her diplomatic skills she would be a natural. Hell...if she can keep peace
around this bunch; why the Middle East would be a walk in the park for her.:rolleyes1

Henry Kissinger....Eat your heart out. :lmao:
ROZ FER PREZ!!!!!:cheer2: :banana: :yay:

With her diplomatic skills she would be a natural. Hell...if she can keep peace
around this bunch; why the Middle East would be a walk in the park for her.:rolleyes1

Henry Kissinger....Eat your heart out. :lmao:

I second that !!
A political post on the Camping Community board. Now can we start calling each other names? Oh, sorry Rhonda. Who's your running mate?

Was it really Sarah or was it Tina? They look so much alike! :lmao:
Well, it would appear that if you're not slick or polished enough the media will rip you a part. Everyone claims they want these politicians to be more like regular folk, but when they are..they get eaten alive for it.

I don't think the media gives her a fair shake. All they do is report on her gaffs...and not the excitement, and interests she generates at these rallies.
I don't think she's all that intelligent..... She's a face in a skirt
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am really sick and tired of this campaign - it's been going on for more that 2 years now. Both sides are so negative it's sickening. If I get another negative email I may just have to stop even downloading it. I haven't decided who to vote for yet, and at the rate it's going, I may skip it all together. No I won't do that, but I was planning on voting for the Conservative Party candidate until I found out there isn't one. Where's Ross Perot when you really need him?


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