Sarah Palin rally Today!

I don't think she's all that intelligent..... She's a face in a skirt

I'm thinking right about now McCain is kicking himself in the butt and wishing he had picked Romney as his VP. While Palin generated some excitement initially.., given the economic focus of the country right now, Palin is no longer the asset they hoped she'd be. I don't think the media has given her a fair shake by any means. The dye has been cast..she is the female "Dan Quayle". Whether she is intelligent or not..I don't think we're ever gonna find out.

WHY doesn't McCain ever just say..."I"M NOT GEORGE BUSH"..when Obama links him to Bush. I can't even watch these debates any more..they're pointless. They're gonna be right near my house this week...traffic will be horrible. They've already had Obama rallies...getting ready for him to come. Hardly seeing any McCain adds on's OBAMA, OBAMA,OBAMA.
You have the media telling us it's a done gotta wonder why it is we vote, :confused3 when we have the media analyzing every state, and every possible scenario calling the election before ONE vote has been cast.

Anyone find it interesting that Obama has donated some $800,000. to ACORN (accused of voter registration fraud) in the past year.:confused: Registering DEAD people, and people with businesses as their home address, and people who don't exsist. How is it that the media is not outraged over this..and it's not a lead story being just weeks from an election? I have a feeling if it were McCain who donated that kind of money the media would be screaming from the roof tops.

I'm just sayin'....:mad:

It's easy to explain, the media and hollywood are all extreme left wing liberals, and they get to choose what the country sees. And that makes all the people in the country who aren't smart enough to make up their own minds based on facts, pick the candidate that the liberal media wants. And before anyone flames me for being a right wing republican, I voted AGAINST Georgy boy both times.... I am just scared to death that Obama is going to win, and man are we in trouble then.
It's easy to explain, the media and hollywood are all extreme left wing liberals,

FOX too? Phyllis, McCain's way to smart to waste money advertising in NY - nothing he can do will change the vote here! Given that, I wish he had chosen someone else - Sarah is a real problem for me.

She is hot though! :lmao:

AND, thanks Rog - that explains a lot about Ross!
I'm thinking right about now McCain is kicking himself in the butt and wishing he had picked Romney as his VP. While Palin generated some excitement initially.., given the economic focus of the country right now, Palin is no longer the asset they hoped she'd be. I don't think the media has given her a fair shake by any means. The dye has been cast..she is the female "Dan Quayle". Whether she is intelligent or not..I don't think we're ever gonna find out.

WHY doesn't McCain ever just say..."I"M NOT GEORGE BUSH"..when Obama links him to Bush. I can't even watch these debates any more..they're pointless. They're gonna be right near my house this week...traffic will be horrible. They've already had Obama rallies...getting ready for him to come. Hardly seeing any McCain adds on's OBAMA, OBAMA,OBAMA.
You have the media telling us it's a done gotta wonder why it is we vote, :confused3 when we have the media analyzing every state, and every possible scenario calling the election before ONE vote has been cast.

Anyone find it interesting that Obama has donated some $800,000. to ACORN (accused of voter registration fraud) in the past year.:confused: Registering DEAD people, and people with businesses as their home address, and people who don't exsist. How is it that the media is not outraged over this..and it's not a lead story being just weeks from an election? I have a feeling if it were McCain who donated that kind of money the media would be screaming from the roof tops.

I'm just sayin'....:mad:


Phyllis, you said it better than I could have! :thumbsup2
Wached part of a McCain rally being telvised earlier this afternoon...was in North Carolina I think. He mentioned how the national media has him counted out..and how they've seemed to have forgotten that it's the VOTERS who get to decide.
(someone ought to let NBC and CNN know that:sad2: )
If I hear one more time how down in polls he is...I don't know about any of you...but know ones EVER called and polled us about anything? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

Al...your right about wasting money here in NY. Bob and I say the same thing, it's as if our vote doesn't really's gonna go Democrat no matter what.
I'm thinking this whole electoral college thing isn't really fair. I mean we will vote, because I think it's my duty to do so..but we know which way our state will go before we even go into the booth.
I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am really sick and tired of this campaign - it's been going on for more that 2 years now. Both sides are so negative it's sickening. If I get another negative email I may just have to stop even downloading it. I haven't decided who to vote for yet, and at the rate it's going, I may skip it all together. No I won't do that, but I was planning on voting for the Conservative Party candidate until I found out there isn't one. Where's Ross Perot when you really need him?

From bumper stickers I saw years ago in Dallas;

Will Rogers never met H. Ross Perot:lmao:

Now for all you young'ns......if you don't get the humor in this, let me...or
Al know.
Anyone find it interesting that Obama has donated some $800,000. to ACORN (accused of voter registration fraud) in the past year.:confused: Registering DEAD people, and people with businesses as their home address, and people who don't exsist. How is it that the media is not outraged over this..and it's not a lead story being just weeks from an election? I have a feeling if it were McCain who donated that kind of money the media would be screaming from the roof tops.

I'm just sayin'....:mad:


Let us not forget McCains ties to Charles Keating who was convected during the S&L ( savings and loan) scandle. On top of that....In 1995, McCain had ties to or shall we say was a personal friend and sent birthday wishes and a gift to Joe Bonano the head of the New York Bonano crime family... wait there is more.......John McCain has accepted the blessing of “Pastor” John Hagee, who believes the Pope is the Anti-Christ, who believes Jews are responsible for their own suffering in history due to their failure to believe correctly, and who advocates starting a war with Iran in the Middle East to ‘hasten Armageddon’; and who calls Washington “the City of Satan”. Hagee also has said “God may already have sent hurricane Katrina to punish the U.S. for its role in helping Israel remove Jewish settlers from the Gaza strip”

Do we really want to look into each and every person each canidate knows??????????????:confused3
I'm thinking right about now McCain is kicking himself in the butt and wishing he had picked Romney as his VP. While Palin generated some excitement initially.., given the economic focus of the country right now, Palin is no longer the asset they hoped she'd be. I don't think the media has given her a fair shake by any means. The dye has been cast..she is the female "Dan Quayle". Whether she is intelligent or not..I don't think we're ever gonna find out.

WHY doesn't McCain ever just say..."I"M NOT GEORGE BUSH"..when Obama links him to Bush. I can't even watch these debates any more..they're pointless. They're gonna be right near my house this week...traffic will be horrible. They've already had Obama rallies...getting ready for him to come. Hardly seeing any McCain adds on's OBAMA, OBAMA,OBAMA.
You have the media telling us it's a done gotta wonder why it is we vote, :confused3 when we have the media analyzing every state, and every possible scenario calling the election before ONE vote has been cast.

Anyone find it interesting that Obama has donated some $800,000. to ACORN (accused of voter registration fraud) in the past year.:confused: Registering DEAD people, and people with businesses as their home address, and people who don't exsist. How is it that the media is not outraged over this..and it's not a lead story being just weeks from an election? I have a feeling if it were McCain who donated that kind of money the media would be screaming from the roof tops.

I'm just sayin'....:mad:


Romney was my first choice...... Palin is a dud.
I think when a candidate has donated over $800,000.00 to an organization that has registered voters in a Presidential election and those voters happen to be DEAD or non existent people....THAT is something to look into. I think when one of the candidates has spent TWENTY YEARS in a pew listening to Jerimiah Wright, then claims he never heard him speak in the tones that I saw depicted.. he is a LIAR. I've sat in a pew, and not liked what I heard..and I got my *** out of there, and found a different Church. I question the judgment of a candidate who has coffee in the living room of known terrorist William Ayers. A member of the Weatherman a radical underground group from the 60's and 70's who planted bombs in our Pentagon and our nations Capital. The same terrorist who in his NY Times interview on Sept. 11th 2001, was quoted as saying "I don't regret setting bombs"..."I feel we didn't do enough". From a person who remembers the 70's and vietnam, I don't give a rats behind that Obama was eight years old when that happened. He wasn't eight years old when he sat in the guys living room.
Jeeze, I could deal with Hillary..maybe not Bill again(and I did vote for him..)..but I could suck it up and deal with Hillary..but this guy...his lack of experience and questionable judgment is just plain scary.

I'm just sayin'......:mad:
Romney was my first choice...... Palin is a dud.

My husband thinks McCain is the Republican "throw away candidate". That they are throwing him out there..because they know this term is gonna be tough and if they lose it, so be it. They're saving Romney for 2012 to take it back.
My husband thinks McCain is the Republican "throw away candidate". That they are throwing him out there..because they know this term is gonna be tough and if they lose it, so be it. They're saving Romney for 2012 to take it back.

I agree with that. BUT he'll have to win it. The big problem with the republican party is the way the radical right has taken over the party. John is a moderate who had to pick someone like Palin to appease the right wing. His campaign is stalling because he still has to play to the right when most Americans are much more to the center - including many democrats. Obama doesn't have that liability so his campaign is much more focused.

Whoever wins, he's got to find a way to bring this country together - that's how we got into this mess to begin with - neither side was willing to compromise on the big issues, well actually they couldn't agree on ANY issues. :confused3
My husband thinks McCain is the Republican "throw away candidate". That they are throwing him out there..because they know this term is gonna be tough and if they lose it, so be it. They're saving Romney for 2012 to take it back.

Whoever wins it's 4 and out. Hopefully it's 4 and out for Obama.
.............................................................November 4th can not get here soon enough................................................................
Wached part of a McCain rally being telvised earlier this afternoon...was in North Carolina I think. He mentioned how the national media has him counted out..and how they've seemed to have forgotten that it's the VOTERS who get to decide.
(someone ought to let NBC and CNN know that:sad2: )
If I hear one more time how down in polls he is...I don't know about any of you...but know ones EVER called and polled us about anything? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

Al...your right about wasting money here in NY. Bob and I say the same thing, it's as if our vote doesn't really's gonna go Democrat no matter what.
I'm thinking this whole electoral college thing isn't really fair. I mean we will vote, because I think it's my duty to do so..but we know which way our state will go before we even go into the booth.

The rasmussen and gallup are the only two I would even give credence to.
The others have sampling issues.
Truth be told...McCain wouldn't be my first choice for President. Only the choice is between the two. I feel Obama gets a pass from the media on a lot of issues.
As far as Sarah Palin, while I think she generated a great deal of excitement among the "base"...I feel as if the media has been pretty harsh on her. Where as Obama gets a pass on his religious affiliations, the exuse being that it's a cultural thing. I don't think so.

I don't worry that my daughter, or any female family member is going to have to give birth to a child of rape, because of any Republican candidate. I think abortion is a done deal. It's not going to be overturned. I think the republican candidate has to tow the party line in regard to this, because as Al mentioned, it has been taken over by the radical right wing. Like it or not..(and I don't) It would be great if there truly was an Independent candidate,but I don't see that happening any time soon either. For me...honestly ya have to pick I'm going with McCain.
I have voted both Republican and Democrat in the past. Whle my husband is a die hard Republican..and yet he hates McCain, but there again figures he's the only game in town.

Neither candidate has hardly mentioned more than a word in regards to illegal
immigration, which is a HUGE issue for us. Only I don't hear much from either one of them in regards to it. Effects us every single day. Our school tax is based on single family homes, only homes in our neighborhood are now being occupied by families with two, and three families. (illegally) In turn, our schools have to educate these kids..but yet our tax is only for a single family. We don't have the money...and it effects the quality of the education and the value of our homes.
The rasmussen and gallup are the only two I would even give credence to.
The others have sampling issues.

Anyone actually ever been contacted by either of these? Just curious.:confused3
Truth be told...McCain wouldn't be my first choice for President. Only the choice is between the two. I feel Obama gets a pass from the media on a lot of issues.
As far as Sarah Palin, while I think she generated a great deal of excitement among the "base"...I feel as if the media has been pretty harsh on her. Where as Obama gets a pass on his religious affiliations, the exuse being that it's a cultural thing. I don't think so.

I don't worry that my daughter, or any female family member is going to have to give birth to a child of rape, because of any Republican candidate. I think abortion is a done deal. It's not going to be overturned. I think the republican candidate has to tow the party line in regard to this, because as Al mentioned, it has been taken over by the radical right wing. Like it or not..(and I don't) It would be great if there truly was an Independent candidate,but I don't see that happening any time soon either. For me...honestly ya have to pick I'm going with McCain.
I have voted both Republican and Democrat in the past. Whle my husband is a die hard Republican..and yet he hates McCain, but there again figures he's the only game in town.

Neither candidate has hardly mentioned more than a word in regards to illegal
immigration, which is a HUGE issue for us. Only I don't hear much from either one of them in regards to it. Effects us every single day. Our school tax is based on single family homes, only homes in our neighborhood are now being occupied by families with two, and three families. (illegally) In turn, our schools have to educate these kids..but yet our tax is only for a single family. We don't have the money...and it effects the quality of the education and the value of our homes.

We do not have issues with illegals here. If the above applied to me, I would be very upset.
Our school tax is based part on income (of every working tax paying person) and part per capita.
Does either candidate mention how they are going to handle this on their respective websites?
Not that I'm any political analasyst, or really know squat about politics in general, but I honestly feel one of the biggest problems we have today is the Democratic/Republican parties. That's one of the reasons we are so devided. Why can't we just have the 2 people with the most votes(not electoral college-but the PEOPLE's votes) be the people who run for pres.? Same goes for senate/congress. It should be the BEST person period, not the best Democrat against the best Republican. Then the worry about pleasing the party goes right out the window. You have THE PERSON, not the party puppet. This election drives me nuts. Neither canidate says anything of interest. It's like they are reading from a script. Phyllis is right, everyone says they want a "normal" person in the whitehouse, then they get someone "normal" and down to earth, like us, and they rip them to shreads. Make up your mind.:confused3 Do I think Palin is experienced enough to possibly run the country? No. But, she is more like me, and thinks more like me, the commoner, then anyone there. Obama is not even in my same wavelength. And Biden, HA! Besides the fact, that whatever these people say during their speeches is a bunch of hot water. They can't do everything they say they will in 4 years, and they can't do it without congess' permission. It's the senate/congress election everyone should be getting all excited about, and you hear nothing about that. Those seats need to be flipped over and redone. That's where your problem is America! Wake up! Demand term limits and get those people who have been there for 30+ years out. You want CHANGE-there ya go!:teacher:

Rant over.
Not that I'm any political analasyst, or really know squat about politics in general, but I honestly feel one of the biggest problems we have today is the Democratic/Republican parties. That's one of the reasons we are so devided. Why can't we just have the 2 people with the most votes(not electoral college-but the PEOPLE's votes) be the people who run for pres.? Same goes for senate/congress. It should be the BEST person period, not the best Democrat against the best Republican. Then the worry about pleasing the party goes right out the window. You have THE PERSON, not the party puppet. This election drives me nuts. Neither canidate says anything of interest. It's like they are reading from a script. Phyllis is right, everyone says they want a "normal" person in the whitehouse, then they get someone "normal" and down to earth, like us, and they rip them to shreads. Make up your mind.:confused3 Do I think Palin is experienced enough to possibly run the country? No. But, she is more like me, and thinks more like me, the commoner, then anyone there. Obama is not even in my same wavelength. And Biden, HA! Besides the fact, that whatever these people say during their speeches is a bunch of hot water. They can't do everything they say they will in 4 years, and they can't do it without congess' permission. It's the senate/congress election everyone should be getting all excited about, and you hear nothing about that. Those seats need to be flipped over and redone. That's where your problem is America! Wake up! Demand term limits and get those people who have been there for 30+ years out. You want CHANGE-there ya go!:teacher:

Rant over.

I am 100% with you on term limits in congress.
I think some members have been in congress longer then I been alive.
Yes, Yes, Yes. You got that right Nicole! :thumbsup2

You guys have a nice trip - we'll be 3 weeks behibd you - we may even go over and eat at Evergreen!


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