Sarah Palin rally Today!

The way I understand it is the electoral college is set-up so that each state's vote will count the same as the rest. The state's with huge populations won't just drown out the state's with small populations. They review the populations every so often and take away or add some electoral seats to try and keep things even. If we didn't have the electoral then some states wouldn't even need to vote. That is also why this country was called a republic when it was started. Now all the craze is democracy, which in turn also is mob rule. We are not a democracy and that is not the way to go unless you like mob rule. When are supposed to be a nation of laws, but then again laws are just made to broken I guess.
Actually in a popular election where every vote counted, each individual would be encouraged to vote. For me, living in NY, the vote here will go for Obama and he will get all the elctoral votes from the state, so it makes no difference if I vote or not - if it were a popular vote election, my vote would count because a plurality would be needed to elect a president. Even though I haven't decided yet, I'll probably vote for McCain.

You're right about the US being a Republic though - it's because of the Constitution. I think I like it this way.

America is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic, a system where the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law and citizens elect representatives to government.

Democracy, by contrast, designates a system of government where the will of the majority rules, unrestricted by any law. The Founders of the United States of America went to great measures to ensure that our new nation was not a democracy.

The Constitution was designed to preserve individual rights and to limit the power of government to the protection of individual rights. The Founders opposed unlimited majority rule because they recognized that individual rights and liberty would be compromised by mob rule, that the will of the majority could be just as tyrannical as the will of a monarch. In short, they knew that just as monarchy did, so democracy would, lead to the infringement of individual rights.


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