Saturday 10/4 - What are you doing today?

I was planning on picking up some wood pellets I need for heat at home before my TRIP TO FW.

Then I was going to mow the lawn before my TRIP TO FW.

Then I was going to go to the bank before my TRIP TO FW.

But it's raining, so I'm going to get my stuff together for my TRIP TO FW.

Did I mention I'm going to FW?

We're right behind you Jim!
2 soccer games, laundry, cooking for the week!:thumbsup2
there might be a nap in there somewhere................:flower3:
ate a hearty breakfast, drove to the BIG CIty, got groceries for the week, came back to a bookstore so I could post!
Let's see got up had breakfast. Read newspaper. then went out and painted 2 of my sheds. Now watching FSU and Miami. Going to Chili's for dinner and then going to a movie.

What a boring life I have. LOL
Well today, I finished my Mickey Mouse Lamp:

Silicone Drying

And I cut off my old porch rails to get ready for the contractor to install our new vinyl columns, rails, and new front door!!!!



New Door:

Now I'm piddling here on the puter and listenin to the Alabama game, and we'll probably sit out on the back deck and watch the Auburn game with the grill going.
Just hang around the house, straighten up a bit, let the dogs in and out a 100 times, cook supper, do dishes and watch some TV. I haven't been out since Monday, I'm getting bored, I guess that means I'm feeling better.

Do I get the DULL LIFE AWARD for today? :rolleyes1

No award,, not til my supper is on the table ! pirate:
The girls had piano lessons today, they played beautifully thank you! We then went to a fall festival thingy that was fun. Afterwards, I stuffed myself silly at Red Robin....blah. Now I'm typing at you people and waiting on Scott to get home a day early from chicago.:goodvibes
John will be proud you used his "thingy" word.:rotfl2:

I like your day better than mine.
I went to the car dealership and picked up my, wait for it, wait for it.....
NEW F250!! Then I went to the mall and bought the girls some shirts for our trip to Disney that is 11 days away!!!!

Yup, it was a good day!
... We are swapping out our clothes today too,

You and Chris are swapping clothes? That's strange even for you.

A lot of outside work, washed floors and I'm drinking beer now - ate at Shannons Pub tonight and had corned beef & cabbage and a draught Harp ---

This one's for you Shannone! :cool1:
I went to the car dealership and picked up my, wait for it, wait for it.....
NEW F250!! Then I went to the mall and bought the girls some shirts for our trip to Disney that is 11 days away!!!!

Yup, it was a good day!

OMG, Congrats!!! Lets see some pics girly! :thumbsup2
Well, lets see, I am sitting in my recliner with my laptop, typing this message, while watching tv and drinking Mt. Dew....

I a gonna get dressed and take the golf cart up to the old abandoned cemetery behind the house to take some pics with the new camera. Then it is a birthday party for one of matts girlfriends.

Tonight, we are going to Pittsburgh for the fireworks.... They are gonna be HUGE, shooting from 17 locations, and are supposed to be the largest in Pittsburgh history, and that is saying something.... Our 4th of July usually lasts about 35-40 minutes. Zambelli internationalle is from here and they are the BEST!!!

We were going to go to the 250th birthday party (until our sitter decided to go)
We were on our way home from our son's baseball game at Big Beaver elementary when I got the call.
We got up early (thanks girls)...dh went to get some good coffee at the local coffee shop since we ran out of kona beans. We took the girls to Chuck-e-Cheese (ugh, i know....but it was a birthday gesture for dd4). We then went to Bass Pro Shop and proceeded to look at a ton of stuff we wanted but cant afford...but we did come home with a couple of new fishing rods for the girls. We grilled some steak and potatoes for dinner (dh's fav), put the kids to bed and now we are browsing DIS and having a few drinks before bed.
We were going to go to the 250th birthday party (until our sitter decided to go)
We were on our way home from our son's baseball game at Big Beaver elementary when I got the call.

Answer me why that town gets to be called Big Beaver, our Beaver is clearly more populated.
Great looking truck!!! Makes me a little jealous with my 10 yr old, 206,000 mile GMC.
I checked out the PUP today to make sure no vermin have gotten into it before my trip to FW in a couple of weeks.


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