Saturday 10/4 - What are you doing today?

Here's the pics Sonya!


Cool truck guys! Congrats!
Answer me why that town gets to be called Big Beaver, our Beaver is clearly more populated.

A heavily populated Beaver can cause unwanted social diseases!!! However, I wouldnt be bragging about a Big Beaver, either!!!!:scared: :rolleyes:
Nice truck Nicole! I notice you didn't answer when the other half asked to drive, tough! :lmao:

Let's see, a round-up of the day: good softball, good sniping at Jim, got my tank cleaner installed in the trailer, I think successfully, good birthday partying, crappy day on the football field (watching Nebraska and Auburn). Not too bad. Beats being at work, which is where I am now.
We were going to go to the 250th birthday party (until our sitter decided to go)
We were on our way home from our son's baseball game at Big Beaver elementary when I got the call.

Answer me why that town gets to be called Big Beaver, our Beaver is clearly more populated.

Hey neighbors!! I have to say, WOW!!!
That was amazing! I have been to a lot of fireworks, and that was the absolute best ever. It was about 35 minutes of non stop wow! To give you guys an idea, except for a couple of dramatic pauses, there was never less than about 30 shells in the air at all times. And the ending was incredible. It was at least 5 minutes of mayhem, just imagine the best finale you have ever seen and then have 17 of them going off at one time for 5 minutes. THAT IS NO EXAGGERATION!

I love living near Zambelli Fireworks Internationale.
I am so angry at our former sitter.
All my morning phone calls have been from friends and family reporting on the great fireworks
Well, my weekend was as follows, pretty darn boring...

Saturday was cleaning the house, laundry, making two stitched football jerseys for my website and unfortunately watching Auburn throw away another football game.

Sunday was fixing the last part on the RV with my father (hazard light switch, when it goes out, no brake lights). We got to use the steering wheel puller! That was cool. Cleaned up the RV for our Auburn trip this weekend, and went and got my jeep from my parents.

Pretty darn boring...
My week-end was packed as usual for high school footbal season. Friday night had to ride the bus with drill team to out of town game. I got to ride in place of the instructor since I am also a district employee. We got beat 69-24!
Then on to manning a concession stand all day for drill team! Lots of teenage girl drama for me this week-end!
December at the fort cannot come soon enough!


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