Seabee's myspace questionaire...

1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? yes

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? no way

3) Abortion: for or against? AGAINST

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? no

5) Do you support the death penalty? no, but, I would look the other way for child killers

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? no

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? neither, but I won't judge anybody who does it.

8) Do you believe in God? YES

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? no

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? yes, if she has the necessary support

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? no, I like the idea of raising the voting age and the military service age, though

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? yes

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? yes, worked great on me

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? yes

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? no, anyone who murders IS insane

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? nope
Nicole posted this questionaire on myspace...I thought it was thought provoking......

1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? Guts yes, should I, maybe not but here goes anyway...

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? NO. I have personally witnessed the power and tragedy of this brew. Fully grown adults with adult children who decided one night "what the heck". One night was all it took to get hooked, lose their house, marriage, and years of no contact with their children. One of them has managed to stay clean but needs constant support to stay clean. Be afraid, VERY afraid of this.

3) Abortion: for or against? I am against, but think every woman should have the right to choose. This is not an easy answer.

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? No. We may have our problems, but what we currently perceive as difficult times would make our founding fathers (and mothers) laugh. When times get tough, the tough get going and I take this moment to thank all of you who have served and still serve our country.

5) Do you support the death penalty?Yes.

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?Yes, despite seeming hypocritical against the meth question, but they have different effects

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? For

8) Do you believe in God? Yes

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?Yes

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? With the proper support, and she should be allowed to drink Kungaloosh if she is still doing well at 18!

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? Yes

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? I think the law should not have to stoop to this level. I think if you want to kill yourself, do it yourself and don't be so weak as to involve others, but there are some things that our legal system should not be asked to resolve.

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? I used to. I am not sure. Waiting 12 hours for our oldest to come out of surgery gave me a lot of time to think and wonder if I could do things better.

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? No, millions of brave men and women have paid a much higher price to defend what that flag stands for and I would not soil their memory so cheaply

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? No

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? No

Wow, good questions... some are easier to answer than others.
Dont be sorry...ya reap what ya sow. I did refuse to take the test...although it was not offered till I was already at the lock up facility and my truck had already been I figured I didn't want to play by there rules since there rules weren't going to benefit me in anyway. I somehow keep finding myself on the wrong side of the law..I don't meant for it to happen, I am not a bad guy, not a criminal by most people's standards...but I sure have a knack for finding trouble.

That sucks Rog, hope everything works out. The whole breathalyzer thing kind of creeps me out in a way like having police cameras all over the place now and electronic eavesdropping so prevalent. Seems so damn Orwellian?

We laughed at and enjoyed the premise behind the Terminator movies and Enemy of the State in the 80's and 90's, but it's starting to get a little creepy on the loss of privacy. How slowly do we settle into a police state mentality?
16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? Yes, and I have before - that's the correct way to dispose of the flag. I don't have 2 purple hearts so I can infringe on other people's rights.

I had forgotten that this is the protocol for proper flag disposal and just read into the controversial side of the question. I guess I am not smarter than a 5th grader!

Also - thank you for your service.
by requiring something like that in a it a first step down a slippery road of having government play too big a part in our personal lives? Should we not hold ourselves responsible for anything? It's pretty simple. You don't drink and drive. We need the car to tell us that?..Really?

I'm with you on this one Auntie!! I dont live in this country to have someone "save me from myself". :lmao: You want it on your car...great. Convicted of drunk driving, ok, put it on there.....BUT don't limit the rights of others who are responsible and law abiding citizens!

The whole breathalyzer thing kind of creeps me out in a way like having police cameras all over the place now and electronic eavesdropping so prevalent. Seems so damn Orwellian?

We laughed at and enjoyed the premise behind the Terminator movies and Enemy of the State in the 80's and 90's, but it's starting to get a little creepy on the loss of privacy. How slowly do we settle into a police state mentality?

Well I have to be honest and admit when Im wrong. You guys are 100% right on this...I wasnt really looking at it from this perspective. I know...some of us are much less responsible than others, and it would certainly benefit the screw ups in this world that know when to say long as they are sober!!! But once sobriety disappears, the word "WHEN" becomes a state of in "Hic, burp, Remember when I was sober...god...tha'wu'zoh'looong'ago!!!!":sad2: We are allowed to make fewer and fewer decisions on our own these days...and I really dont WANT this to be a decision the government makes for me and others like me...but in MY may be a neccessity. It may be the best thing in the world for my dumb azz!!! Im pretty sure it wont be a CHOICE for me soon, but as I said before....if ya plant a seed, ya better be ready to handle its growth.
Nicole posted this questionaire on myspace...I thought it was thought provoking......

1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"?
2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? heck no do you know what is in that stuff???

3) Abortion: for or against?
against but special circumstances I'd say yes...rape
4) Would our country fall with a woman president?
ahemmmm NO I don't think so...just as with a man....we just need the RIGHT one
5) Do you support the death penalty? yes for those who intentionallly take another person's life

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?don't care

7) Are you for or against premarital sex?sex? I remember it...

8) Do you believe in God?YES

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?no and my daughter is gay lol

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? no, I think she should have the chance to finsh growing up herself and allow a family who can't have children to adopt!!!

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? no

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? under certain circumstances...not for chronic depression!!!

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? yes

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? why burn one at all> and no

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? how insane must you be to kill any person? I can't even answer this one! I can't imagine killing EVER!

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers?
NO..I am who God made me! HE IS MY JUDGE!


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