Seabee's myspace questionaire...

1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? Sure, why not?

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? No

3) Abortion: for or against? Against

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? Depends on the woman

5) Do you support the death penalty? Yes, getting real tired of supporting proven murderers living better than a lot of homeless families.

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? Yes and I think it's a crock of crap that it is a "gateway drug" and stoners all turn into heroin addicts

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? Not "for" it, I would prefer it didn't happen, but lets be realistic

8) Do you believe in God? Absolutely

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? No, I don't want to redefine marriage. But the government should provide ways for all Americans to equally enjoy the benefits of citizenship

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? Depends on the girl and the family support she may have

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? Not sure about this one, I guess so

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? Depending on the circumstances, no

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? Yes

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? No

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? No

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? Not really
1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? I’ll Play

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? Well I guess that would …heck no

3) Abortion: for or against? I hope I never need one. Would we no, pro-choice

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? No, unless her last name is Clinton

5) Do you support the death penalty? Oh yeah baby. Especially for cop and child killers!!!gang bangers are allowed to off each other to their hearts content so long as they don't hurt anyone else. Heck I 'll give them shooting lessons

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? No

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? For my son for, for my daughters NO WAY (see #5)

8) Do you believe in God? Aliens

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? Nope

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? I think it depend on child and family

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? See BDR’s answer but add a breathalyser to ANY car operated by the under 21yr old.

13) where is this question at???

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? Forget who said it but with 2 or more consenting doctors opinions for someone with terminal illness.

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? Wish more people did but only for serious offenses (playing with matches and so on)

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? Can I have an appropriate ceremony while I do it? If it means for a demonstration no

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? See #5. don't know how someone could ever do that

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? As long as I am comfortable with my thoughts and feelings I am happy.
1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? Yes

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? No

3) Abortion: for or against? For Choice, not necessarily abortion

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? depends on the woman

5) Do you support the death penalty? In certain circumstances
6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? No opinion one way or another

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? dont care between consenting ADULTS, but not my daughter who is still a teenager

8) Do you believe in God? Yes

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? Absolutely

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? If she has the support of her parents and the father and his parents and/or the means to take care of it

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? No

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? for people with terminal illness

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? no

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? probably would burn almost anything for a million dollars

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? If you are referring to Andrea Yates, absolutely agree. She was as insane as anyone could be. She is the definition of insanity and she should be in a forensic hospital and not in jail. And I dont think her husband is to blame either. He did just as anyone of us would have done in the same circumstances. He did the best he could with what he had. It is always easy in retrospect to say "yeah i shouldnt have done this or that and maybe i should have done this better or differently". As a family member of someone with a serious mental illness and a mental health advocate, i know that there are millions of people in the same circumstances due to the sorry state of our mental health system and health care system in general.

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? I am sure they will but i dont care.
Nicole posted this questionaire on myspace...I thought it was thought provoking......

LOL, that's what I'm here for. Get those brain juices flowing, or to start riots. Whichever. I don't usually post those myspace bulletins, but this one actually had real questions. Not, what are you wearing on your many people have you kissed... It's fun to see other people's points of view.
I'm wondering about Rog's breathalyzer suggestion for car's operated by those under 21. Couldn't they simply have someone who is sober breathe into it. Also..there are plenty of people over 21 who drive drunk as well. Maybe all cars should be equiped with them..but then I imagine we're talking about restricting one's personal liberties. I think it's good idea, I just don't know how enforceable it would really be.
I think Education has been..and still is the key to having kids under 21 realize the dangers of drunk driving. Having the age restricted to 21...only makes them abuse it more. Ask any college student.
Auntie...I actually suggested the every car sold should come equipped with one, period. Sure, anyone could get a sober person to blow for them...but assuming the sober person cares enough to blow for them...Im sure they would care enough to take the keys since they are already in their hands and the owner knows he may be drunk enough that he needs someone to blow for him. This would be a win win situation for everybody...drunks wouldnt be able to drive as easily...and non drinkers wont die from drunks as often.
I was arrested Saturday before last with suspicion of DWI...its gonna cost me a fortune with lawyer fees, fines, reinstatements, etc....if the device were already on my vehicle...this wouldnt be an issue for me.
Rog..I'm sorry to hear that. Did they breathalyze you when they stopped you? I know police here have the device in their cars. You can also refuse their request to use it..but then you leave yourself open to what your facing now.
Dont be sorry...ya reap what ya sow. I did refuse to take the test...although it was not offered till I was already at the lock up facility and my truck had already been I figured I didn't want to play by there rules since there rules weren't going to benefit me in anyway. I somehow keep finding myself on the wrong side of the law..I don't meant for it to happen, I am not a bad guy, not a criminal by most people's standards...but I sure have a knack for finding trouble.
Dont be sorry...ya reap what ya sow. I did refuse to take the test...although it was not offered till I was already at the lock up facility and my truck had already been I figured I didn't want to play by there rules since there rules weren't going to benefit me in anyway. I somehow keep finding myself on the wrong side of the law..I don't meant for it to happen, I am not a bad guy, not a criminal by most people's standards...but I sure have a knack for finding trouble.

Like I told you before, stand tall Grasshopper. When the rest of the world can be perfect in all ways I'll allow them to speak to someone else's mistakes (like mine, take your pick from the long list).

I don't think I need to tell you that you're a good guy, Rog. You seem to know that for yourself. As far as making mistakes, see the first paragraph.

Good luck, man. Hope it works out for you. :thumbsup2
I'm so sorry to hear that Rog! You are certainly on to something, though! Just think how much more cut and dry these situations would be if a breathalyser were required! I hope you get through this unscathed and with your wallet intact.
...You are certainly on to something, though! Just think how much more cut and dry these situations would be if a breathalyser were required! ...

I can see it now. A synthesized voice chimes, "To start me up, please blow." I would never rent a car again, or loan mine to a friend! LOL
Help is on the way.:thumbsup2


Dont be sorry...ya reap what ya sow. I did refuse to take the test...although it was not offered till I was already at the lock up facility and my truck had already been I figured I didn't want to play by there rules since there rules weren't going to benefit me in anyway. I somehow keep finding myself on the wrong side of the law..I don't meant for it to happen, I am not a bad guy, not a criminal by most people's standards...but I sure have a knack for finding trouble.
Hang in there Rog! Do not accept gatordads help.:rotfl2:
Nicole posted this questionaire on myspace...I thought it was thought provoking......

1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? Guess so cause here I am.
2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? No way!

3) Abortion: for or against? I am for a woman's right to choose.

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? not if she was a good one.

5) Do you support the death penalty? yes.

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? Maybe, that might not be a bad idea.

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? for if you are in a serious relationship with someone.

8) Do you believe in God? YES

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? No. Marriage is between a woman and a man. I do believe they deserve the same rights as a married couple.

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? No. Babies shouldn't be having babies.

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? Not sure. There are sometimes I think yes then sometimes I think no.

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? No.

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? I don't have kids but yes I believe in spanking. Never hurt anyone I knew growing up. Looks like most kids these days need it.

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? That is a lot of money. I think I would.

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? NO!

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? I don't really care.

Also wanted to add to hang in there Rog!
1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"?

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No way , legal, free, included w/ health insurance.. Have you ever seen the teeth and skin of meth heads
3) Abortion: for or against?

4) Would our country fall with a woman president?

5) Do you support the death penalty?
6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
7) Are you for or against premarital sex?
I do not see anything wrong with it.
Actually, I never had the marital kind.

We do have three children and have been together for 14 years.

8) Do you believe in God?
9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it?
depends, sometimes yes sometimes no (most of the time no)

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree?

15) Do you believe in spanking your children?

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree?
no. I do not get the insanity thing, I think it is a given your insane if you murder your children. Does not make one innocent , just guilty and crazy

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers?
I just don't see auto makers producing a vehicle that is going to have a breathalyzer. I think they would be opening themselves up for a variety of law suits the very first time someone did get in an accident and alcohol was involved. Did the machine malfunction?..was it not accurate? the auto maker also responsible for any injury or loss of life caused by someone who should have known better. Also.. by requiring something like that in a it a first step down a slippery road of having government play too big a part in our personal lives? Should we not hold ourselves responsible for anything? It's pretty simple. You don't drink and drive. We need the car to tell us that?..Really? I know, I don't sound sympathetic, and likely most of you are right, maybe it would prevent tragedy. Only I really don't want to have to breathe into my car to make it go. I can see something like this placed on a car where someone has been convicted or arrested for drunk driving....or even if you WANT it on your car. However, to have every car equipped with this device. I don't think I'd be in favor of it. Just my opinion..and I'm often wrong...(just ask my kids!:laughing: )...but take it for what it's worth.
1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? i guess so

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? nope no way

3) Abortion: for or against? it is a womans choice not mine

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? no politicians are all alike, doesn't matter what gender or race. Heck there would probably be less wars if a woman was president

5) Do you support the death penalty? YES

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? Heck yes

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? Yes as long as it isn't my daughters

8) Do you believe in God? Yes

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? I don't really care

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? I guess it could happen but dang she would just be too young. So I guess I would have to answer no. Now if her parents wanted to help and support then maybe

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? yep it was when I was 18

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? Yep

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? Yep

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? I wouldn 't burn THE American Flag but an American flag. Well a million is alot of money so I would have to say yep. and it is the proper way to dispose of a flag anyway.

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? I guess she would be insane to do that. I have wanted to kill mine plenty of times, just never acted on it. so no she shouldn't get a free pass for killing her kids

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? Why would I care. I march to the tune of my own drum

pirate: [/QUOTE]
I just don't see auto makers producing a vehicle that is going to have a breathalyzer. Should we not hold ourselves responsible for anything? It's pretty simple. You don't drink and drive. We need the car to tell us that?..Really? I really don't want to have to breathe into my car to make it go. I can see something like this placed on a car where someone has been convicted or arrested for drunk driving....or even if you WANT it on your car. However, to have every car equipped with this device. I don't think I'd be in favor of it. Just my opinion..and I'm often wrong...(just ask my kids!:laughing: )...but take it for what it's worth.

I'm with you on this one Auntie!! I dont live in this country to have someone "save me from myself". You want it on your car...great. Convicted of drunk driving, ok, put it on there.....BUT don't limit the rights of others who are responsible and law abiding citizens!
1) Do you have the guts to answer these questions and post them as "The Controversial Survey"? yes

2) Would you do meth if it was legalized? no

3) Abortion: for or against? against in most circumstances

4) Would our country fall with a woman president? no

5) Do you support the death penalty? yes

6) Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? yes

7) Are you for or against premarital sex? for

8) Do you believe in God? YES!

9) Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized? yes

11) A 12 year old girl has a baby, Should she keep it? with family support yes..w/o family, no way

12) Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? yes

14) Assisted suicide is illegal, do you agree? depends on circumstance of course

15) Do you believe in spanking your children? Yes

16) Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars? not maliciously, but yes

17) A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case, Do you agree? not innocent, but insane for sure!

18) Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers? no


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