Sean & Elaina **Where Dreams Come True** Planning Journal UPDATE 7-9 Pro Pictures!

I ordered our invitations and thank you notes yesterday!:cool1:they should be here in about a week maybe two.

I was wondering how soon you guys started recieving wedding gifts? I wasn't going to order our Invites until January but when we registered at Bed bath & Beyond they asked if they could ship gifts to us starting that day. So I went ahead and ordered the invites/thank you notes just in case somone sends a gift early. :thumbsup2

We didn't start to receive gifts until about a month ago and our wedding is this weekend. We had a really high number of people who are coming. We invited 325 and 275 are coming and they say 2/3 will come so we really aren't expecting too many gifts in the mail/ups.
I started getting gifts as soon as my invitations went out. Then I got a bunch more for my shower. Not a lot was off our registries though... actually we've gotten almost nothing off them!!
We got a gift even before the invites went out! Registry stalkers! LOL Of course, we didn't put the registry info on our invites though...

We received several gifts before the wedding. Those that came more than 1 month before the wedding, I sent a brief thank you to acknowledge that we received it. Everything after that we waited until after the wedding. I sent notes thanking them for attending, if they had already sent a gift and I had already sent a thank you, though...
Today is the 6th month mark until our wedding!:banana: Woo Hoo counting down! I can't believe it's been 6 months since we got engaged! Time flys when your busy planning a wedding! Not to mention it shows just how fast those 6 months will go!:lmao:
Time for a little update: Soon I will have photos of the completed Invites, thank you notes, rsvp cards, placecard holders, and garters.

Sean and I have been working on our vows. Our reverend sent us 6 sermons and we mixed and matched until we came up with an individual one of our own. I'd love to know what you all think!:cool1: Sorry if this is long!:banana:


Who gives this woman to be married to this man?

Welcome to all of you, as we celebrate the marriage of ___________.

We are gathering together today to share and to bless the commitment of ______&______'s wedding vows. This ceremony is true validation of the love that they feel within their heart and their soul. A testimony of two becoming as one.
They are not only best friends; they are soul mates. They stand before us, strong and committed to each other, ready to face life together as a married couple. They know that through the private commitment of their hearts and the open affirmation of their vows, they are embarking on a life that binds them spiritually to one another.

The relationship that you have nurtured together stands for love that will blossom and grow with each passing day. Before you knew love, you were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that is now your destiny. Marriage is the clasping of hands, the blending of hearts, the union of two lives as one. Marriage is caring as much about the welfare and happiness of your marriage partner as your own, it is not total absorption into each other; it is looking outward in the same direction together. Marriage makes burdens lighter because you divide them. It makes joys more intense because you share them. It makes you stronger, so you can be involved with life in ways you dare not risk alone. To make your relationship succeed will take love. This is the core of your marriage and why you are here today. It will take trust, to know in your hearts that you truly want the best for each other. It will take dedication, to stay open and honest with one another - and to learn and grow together. It will take faith, to go forward together without knowing exactly what the future brings. And it will take commitment, to hold true to the journey you both promised today to share together. An intimate and secure relationship is not based solely on promises, but also on trust, respect, faithfulness and the ability to forgive. A lasting marriage is based on all of these, bound together by love.

May you never take each other for granted but always experience the wonders of your union. May your life together be a source of strength and inspiration to yourselves, your families and your friends. May you never forget the beginning of your love for one another, take care of it, nurture it, and allow it to grow strong and firm in the years that are to come. May you always concentrate on making each other happy and secure in your commitment to one another and always rely on your ability to keep the promises you have made to one another today throughout the thick and thin of life’s experiences. And may you always be in love. May your love be as beautiful each day you share as it is on this day of Your Wedding and may all of your wishes come true.

I would now ask that you take a hand next to yours so we may join in a blessing for this couple and their wedding ceremony.

Dear God,
We thank you for this day and the blending of two lives joining within the sacred commitment of marriage.
We ask that you watch over them and guide their everyday activities should they be alone or be apart.
May they always know peace, harmony, and abundance in all things; as well as having the knowledge and the wisdom of understanding and complimenting one another's personal views in relationship to life itself.
We also thank you for the greatest gift within all of our lives, that being the gift of love, and the gift of peace. May this union be a constant source and reminder for all of us present here today in the hope that this same energy will extend itself outward and into the lives of others. Amen

The vows that you are about to exchange serve as a representation of the love you have promised to each other. For it is not the words that you speak today which will unite you together as one, but the inner sense of love and commitment that each of you feels within your soul. No other human ties are as tender, no other vows more sacred than those you now assume.

I take thee to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health to love and to cherish, For as long as we both shall live.

I take thee to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, For as long as we both shall live.

May I have the Rings please?
Your wedding rings are a constant reminder that when you are apart, you are never alone. They also represent to all, that you are devoted, and one with another person, physically and spiritually. The circle of the ring is without beginning nor end of the love you have for one another. Please repeat after me.
______, please wear this ring, and the world will know that I am yours, and you are mine.
Now that and have given themselves to each other by solemn vows and by the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and
wife. You may kiss your bride.
Congratulations! May I now present to you, Mr.and Mrs.
I love reading your pj... except it reminds me of just how much I have to do... I'm getting married June 7th.... happy planning...
Ok time for another update! Sean and I just celebrated our 5 month mark! Woo Hoo!:cool1:

We went to The Men's Wearhouse last week and selected the tuxes for the big day! Sean will be wearing a black tux with a white vest and white tie [he wasn't too thrilled on this one.....he wanted a black tux with a navy vest/tie combo like his BM- I told him he can dictate what we do on the Honeymoon in much for seeing my dear DLR during those 8 days ;) ]

The invitations, rsvp cards, and thank you notes arrived and they look wonderful! I did make one mistake when ordering them......I completely spaced about the fact that I can send 1 invite per family [in most cases] and so instead of ordering 1 invite for a family of 4 I ordered 4 invites.......1 for each person! I'm gonna have A LOT of extras! Oh well live and learn I guess. Here are some photos:



I also recieved my garters! I ordered a matched set; one for tossing and one for keeping. The have a little castle charm on them:)


In addition the castle pen holder set arrived for the Guest Book table [don't have the guest book yet as Sean's dad will be hand making ours - see for examples of what he does :) ]


I decided to purchase mini castle placecard holders for the table numbers. I decided to simply number my tables instead of naming them, but i'm not going to have every person with a specific seat, just a specific table i.e. Jones Family table 9.


My cake topper arrived! Oh it's wonderful! I couldn't love it any more and it will be a great keepsake after the wedding! It looks identical to the DLR castle!


Sean and I are pretty much done with the ceremony music decisions and I couldn't have done it without these 2 CDS!


I wanted to share my purchase from DLR in November! I bought a really nice leather photo album with the castle on the front! I'm going to use it for our honeymoon photos!



And finally I'm going to meet with my hair stylist on Monday to go over hair styles I want to try and also to discuss costs etc.
things are slowly comming together and we're down to just under 5 months! Time's going by so fast but I'm excited! :goodvibes
Just for fun I thought i'd also share for the first time with you all Sean and I's son! His name is Mr. Merlin BoJangles and he will be 3 in May! We got him when he was about 5 days old and I had to bottle feed him.....somone abandoned him at Sean's work.

Merlin as a baby:

Merlin as a big boy! Try 13 lbs big!

And Merlin holding his "Monk Monk" [monkey that he slept with as a baby to simulate litter mates/mom when I wasn't with him]
Everything looks great! Your vows are very touching and I love your invites! I hope your guests are better about responding than some of the guests of other DIS brides. Btw, Merlin is ADORABLE! I can't wait to read more! :)

Oh yeah, we are getting married a little over a week after you! :cool1:
everything looks wonderful. I really like the invites and the castles. Merlin is adorable too. Looking forward to reading more...
Where did you find the pen??? I love it!!!!!!!!!
I found the Castle pen at It's much better in person than that pic!:goodvibes
Well last night I went ahead and addressed all of our invitations and got them ready to be mailed......even though they won't be going out for a few more weeks :rotfl: I guess I needed somthing to do :thumbsup2 I decided to use clear mailing labels instead of hand writing all of handwriting is less than spectacular. :rolleyes: They look really well.....I was worried the labels would look bad but I'm pleased with them.

Also I called Maggie at Willow Park and scheduled our food tasting.....we're going in on March 29th to do that. I also got some great news from Maggie! It seems that [for now] they have stopped construction on the ballroom and they probably won't be removing the columns around the dance floor until AFTER our wedding:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: This made me very happy........can't you tell?:rotfl:

Sean and I also met with Mel our DJ. He seems amazing! Not only will he be our DJ but he will also coordinate the procession etc. I'm really looking forward to working with him! We changed our music for our ceremony. As of now this is what it looks like:

Ceremony: [All songs are from Disney's Fairytale Weddings CD]

Seating of the guests: Various Disney love songs [instrumental]

Seating of the mothers: "When you wish upon A star"

Groom/BM/ Officiant entrance: "You've got a friend in me"

MOH entrance: "Can you feel the love tonight"

Bride entrance: "Beauty & The Beast"

Recessional: "A whole new world"


First Dance: "Wishes" Peabo Bryson & Kimberly Locke

Father/Daughter dance: "The Way You Look Tonight" Steve Tyrell

Mother/Son Dance: Unknown.....FMIL is keeping it a surprise :)

Cutting of the cake: "Ever Ever After" Carrie Underwood

Bouquet Toss: "Girls Just Wanna have Fun" Cyndi Lauper

Garter Toss: "Shook Me all Night Long" ACDC

Final Dance: "Save The last dance for me" Michael Buble

Well thats all for now.....sorry no pictures for you this time around! I promise to add more in the future though:thumbsup2
I am loving your planning not anywhere close to get married but i love reading these and following along!
Ok time for an update! Sean and I are now down to just under 3 months until our wedding OR 80 days to go!!! WOO HOO!!!:banana:

I had my first dress fitting today. I think it went well. They need to hem my dress, shorten the shoulders, bustle it [11 darn buttons to hold up my train!!:scared1: ] ] and adjust the petticoat. Total estimate was $347!:eek: I had budgeted $200-$250!! Yikes! AND they may end up taking in my dress at the hips later assuming I don't gain weight which would be an extra charge! Oh well.......I guess it's worth it!:lmao:

I also went to the mall W/ FMIL and purchased makeup for the wedding.....we went with Clinique. I don't wear a lot of makeup- I'm a pretty casual jeans/t-shirt kinda gal and mascara and lips balm are the staples for me. It felt pretty wierd getting all dolled up.

In fact I wear so little makeup in my everyday life that DF looked at me and said "Gee I don't think I've EVER seen you with that much makeup on!" he was so sweet though and said I look better W/O any!:cloud9: I knew I liked him!:love:

Next Saturday is the tasting for the reception food and the following weekend is the first fitting for my MOH dress.

May will be busy too w/ the bachelor/ette party and my bridal shower. I'm getting excited!:cool1:

And now for the big update!!

I'm a new mommy! :rotfl: A friend found a 7 day old baby kitten and now I get to bottle raise her! She's very sweet and tiny!


OMG!!!! The kitten is sooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!


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