Second trip to Universal . . . and probably the last.


I'm beautifully tragic - Elphaba (Wicked)
Oct 10, 2006
My sister and I had decided that we only wanted to spend one day of our trip at Universal since we weren't overally impressed with when we went in late April 2005. It stunk having to actually pay for parking since as a Disney resort guest we never did. It seems like the parking is a mile away from either park. I hate how you have to walk through City Walk to get to either park. We went to Islands of Adventure first since I wanted to get Jurassic Park out of the way first. We wandered around Dr. Seuss land for a little bit since my sister wanted some pictures. Then headed over to Jurassic Park.

Since we rode it the last time we were there, we decided to pay $2.00 to put our stuff in a locker to make sure it wouldn't get wet. I asked the cast member if it would be OK if I had my sunglasses on or if they would fall off on the drop. She said it would be OK to wear them. We then proceeded to walk through the que line. Part way through we realized we were in the express lane, but no one said anything. The cast member at the beginning never even asked if we had the express thing. We were allowed to get right onto the ride. The first time I rode it I didn't know how tall the drop at the end was and this time I did. I also made the mistake of seeing the building while we were on the ride. I was too scared to even scream. Afterwards I was thinking about buying our photo, but changed my mind when I heard the price. I believe it was something like $22 for ONE 5x7 photo. I paid $20 for TWO 5x7 photos from Dinosaur at Disney. I think the 8x10 at Universal was $27. Quite the ripoff IMO.

After Jurassic Park we were going to ride Spiderman. There was a 40 minute wait time posted for it. My sister who really doesn't like simulators read some of the warnings and decided that she didn't want to ride it. After a freak out experience earlier in the week we had agreed not to pressure each other into riding something they didn't want to ride. So we did a little bit of shopping then went to lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp Co.

I was surprised that Bubba Gump's wasn't busier. It was probably about 12:30ish that we went to go eat and there was hardly anyone at the restaurant. I don't know if there was just no one at the park or if its because the restaurant is newer. When we've gone to the one in Chicago its pretty much always packed. We had a nice table with a view of the path leading into City Walk. They had the windows open which provided a nice breeze. The food was excellent. I had the Cheeseburger and fries. I'm not a shrimp fan, but my sister loves it. She had the fried shrimp and fries. Our waiter was also very good.

After lunch we went to Universal Studios. The first ride we went on was Back to the Future which we were surprised was still opened. We had front rows seats and enjoyed the ride. I know I said my sister doesn't like simulators, but she loves BTTF for some reason. Go figure!

After BTTF we went to Men in Black: Alien Attack. This was one of my favorite rides from last time. We waited in line for what seemed like forever. Just as we got to the front of the line to board the ride, it broke down. They then sent all the cars through empty before anyone could board. It was fun. I actually beat my sister! Ha! :)

Next was Jaws. The day was getting late. I had hoped to be heading back to Disney by 4:00 since we were flying out the next day and to pack, etc. Jaws had a 20 minute wait. Our boat driver wasn't that great. In fact I would say he was quite bad. Last time our driver had made it fun. I hardly even got wet. :( I still liked it, but it was kind of lackluster.

After Jaws we decided to skip Shrek 4D and Earthquake looked shut down, which was a bummer. We did some shopping then left.

All day long it seemed that almost everything that Universal did was imitation Disney (the photographers, express plus, etc), but none of it was as good as Disney. Overall it was a pretty disappointing day after 5 fun filled days spent at WDW parks. For us, because we aren't thrill riders, it isn't worth the money to go to Universal. It was $78.80 for a one day/2 park pass and that just seems too much money for what you get. Universal also doesn't seem as family friendly. And I hate how you have to walk through City Walk which at times can be very crowded and difficult to navigate through.

I like the rides we rode, but honestly I can get the same type of ride at Disney. The next time we go to Orlando, I don't think we will be going to Universal.

I will post some pictures later after I get home. I haven't had time to upload any of them yet.
I honestly have to say your report was filled with misconceptions and untruths. Rather than dissect it I'm just going to say Thank God you have Disney. :) OK, maybe I'll just list one or two...

All day long it seemed that almost everything that Universal did was imitation Disney (the photographers, express plus, etc), but none of it was as good as Disney

Disney doesn't have express plus. What etc ( and the rest and so forth) were you referring to? Photographers are used in many theme parks and entertainment venues, thank goodness they had Disney to come up with that idea.

Your mantra, "but none of it was as good as Disney." I suspect nothing ever will be for you. Such a shame that you must compare rather than experience something "different" and actually view it for its own merits.

As far as Universal goes, what do ya think? 3 times a charm or 3 strikes you're out?
My sister and I had decided that we only wanted to spend one day of our trip at Universal since we weren't overally impressed with when we went in late April 2005.

Sorry, if you weren't overly impressed late April 2005, why did you bother going again, since there is nothing really new since then? Seems to me you went looking for a bad time, and you got what you expected. :confused3
I honestly have to say your report was filled with misconceptions and untruths. Rather than dissect it I'm just going to say Thank God you have Disney. :) OK, maybe I'll just list one or two...

Disney doesn't have express plus. What etc ( and the rest and so forth) were you referring to? Photographers are used in many theme parks and entertainment venues, thank goodness they had Disney to come up with that idea.

Your mantra, "but none of it was as good as Disney." I suspect nothing ever will be for you. Such a shame that you must compare rather than experience something "different" and actually view it for its own merits.

As far as Universal goes, what do ya think? 3 times a charm or 3 strikes you're out?
"You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill-I will choose a path that's clear,I will choose..................."
Disney doesn't have express plus. What etc ( and the rest and so forth) were you referring to? Photographers are used in many theme parks and entertainment venues, thank goodness they had Disney to come up with that idea.
Disney has FastPass which is a similar concept to the express plus, only you don't have to pay for it. That was what I meant. I also meant the photographers that Universal has at the entrance to the park, near the globe, etc to take your picture similar to the photopass photorgraphers at Disney. I thought the photographers at Universal far more pushy than at Disney. The one at the entrance to Universal wouldn't take no for an answer. I don't remember the photographers being there in 2005, but I know that photopass was at Disney in 2005.

I did enjoy the rides I went on in April 2005 so that was why we decided to go again. Plus my sister wanted to buy something from the Men In Black store that she didn't get last time. It was fun, but overall, there isn't enough there that I enjoy that would make me spend that much money again. I'm not a thrill ride person and I don't like coasters. This was my sister's birthday trip and she wanted to go.
They've had photograpers for as long as I've been going (1999).
Disney has Fast-Pass which is a similar concept to the express plus, only you don't have to pay for it. That was what I meant. I also meant the photographers that Universal has at the entrance to the park, near the globe, etc to take your picture similar to the photopass photographers at Disney. I thought the photographers at Universal far more pushy than at Disney. The one at the entrance to Universal wouldn't take no for an answer. I don't remember the photographers being there in 2005, but I know that photopass was at Disney in 2005.

I did enjoy the rides I went on in April 2005 so that was why we decided to go again. Plus my sister wanted to buy something from the Men In Black store that she didn't get last time. It was fun, but overall, there isn't enough there that I enjoy that would make me spend that much money again. I'm not a thrill ride person and I don't like coasters. This was my sister's birthday trip and she wanted to go.

Really in truly Disney's fast-pass is not a similar concept and just as soon as Disney does offer a similar concept, I'll head back for a visit. I still cant comprehend the photographer thing having any bearing on anything. Pushy photographers?? Did they climb into your pocket and extract $? Sorry, dont get it. They took your picture, or not and you went and had a look or not.
Since I have photos taken at the globe back from 2001, maybe earlier? Disney must have copied from Universal!:mad: You stated you werent impressed when you went in 2005 I must have missed the part where you said you liked the rides.:confused:

We all have preferences. I just took a tiny bit of offense to the way you stated yours. I do hope your sister had a great time since it was her birthday and her choice to go there. "I'm not a thrill ride person and I don't like coasters." Really? I didn't know Universal had ANY coasters? Hmmm... Tell me how many of the rides are coasters? I'm not too much a thrill ride junkie either and yet I find so much to do and see while I'm there that I often return home saying next time I'll get to that.:confused3

Maybe someday the kool aid will run dry and the glasses will get scratched and you'll head back to Universal with an open mind. I think you can actually have LOTS of fun and I hope you do. :)
i really dont understand all the universal bashing. We only started looking at florida as our holiday destination since nov 2005. Since then we have returned in 2006, and 2 trips booked for this year. We enjoy all the parks for there own merits not once have we compared any. We love wdw, universal, SW and BG.

We spend more time at disney due to the extra parks they have and the size of the parks. We love universal and so do our 2 young ones (3 years old and 17 months), both of them hold special memories and i do not understand this US IOA are not for kids, we have spent many an hour getting soaked at the playgrounds, being scared by the dinos etc etc. Hubby and i find the baby swap parent rooms so much more pleasurable than wdw.

I would say to any newbies go to all of the parks with open minds, enjoy the different settings of all the parks, cause believe me walking up main st makes me fill up with tears but so does walking through jurrasic park, the soundtrack just does it for me.

It doesnt matter where you go in the world and we have travelled europe, Uk and Ireland, ignore the little things that irritate you and enjoy what you are doing. (the worlds most irritating place has got to be Disneyland Paris - but lets not go there).

Love universal for all the good things and the same with wdw :love:

See you soon US and IOA. We cant wait:goodvibes :cool1:
sorry you had such a bad trip. most of what you posted is exactly why my family and i are so excited. we are staying onsite, so the parking will not be a problem for us. the price of tickets is an incredible bargain, compared to disney. fotl express pass sounds way better than fast pass. no problems eating at a popular restaurant during main meal times is something you could never do at disney. i cant imagine city walk being more crowded than some of the places at disney especially when the restaurants were not even busy. and yes, we love thrill rides also. i realize i committed a faux pas by comparing things to disney, but this was mainly in response to the op. universal sounds great and we cant wait.
Your sister hates simulators....wont go on Spiderman, but will go on BTTF. Sounds like you were just like every other dis'er that goes to Universal. You want disney, you went thinking disney, and you compared it to disney. You went, again, uninformed, and ignorant of how Universal works things, and blamed it again for not being like disney.....They are different parks, and had you researched a little more you might have known a few things that got you onto some better rides, and some more things. But hey, disney will be happy to take you, and your money back.:goodvibes
WOW... you don't like roller coasters nor thrill rides yet you bought tickets to US/IOA after having been before and knowing what kind of park it is.
And now your'e unhappy.....all I can say is...WOW.
I did not read the OP did not like USO. They just like Disney better. I agree.:rotfl2:
We enjoy USO/IoA. And I agree walking through City Walk is a pain. DH goes to HRC quite a bit. To me, it is not worth the parking and walking to get to one place to eat.
I wish the preferred parking at USO was similar to USH. (Although we have not been there 5 years, so it might have changed.) Preferred parking at USO is a waste of money. Where guests park is just a crap shoot at USO.
I want to try Bubba Gump's. We have not eaten there yet.
USO is a good time. Disney is just better overall, as they offer more. :love: USO offers a different venue at other times that is better than Disney (for adults sans kids).
And Mardi Gras is around the corner.... :hippie:
We have always had good times at USO too. The team members have always been very good. We just don't go to USO near as much as WDW.
As the other poster said, if I paid $78 and only rode 4 rides, I would probably come away with less than happy memories also!

To be perfectly honest, I didn't enjoy my day at MGM. There are a couple of rides we enjoy (RNR and ToT) but the rest of it is pretty lame, IMO. Let's be fair...not all WDW parks compare favourably to OTHER WDW parks! Love AK an MK;, not so much. You get a different experience at each of the 4 disney parks, both US parks, and SW. You can't really compare them exactly. We will still go to all the parks (even MGM!) because my experience this year may have been influenced by my state of mind, the weather...who knows.
Let's rewrite this and pretend you posted this on the Disney boards. What kind of reaction would you expect to get from the Disney fans?


My sister and I had decided that we only wanted to spend one day of our trip at WDW since we weren't overally impressed with when we went in late April 2005. It stunk having to actually pay for parking since as a Universal resort guest we never did as we could just walk to the parks or ride the boats. We went to Magic Kingdom. It seems like the parking is miles away from the park. First we had to take a tram just to get to the ferry and Monorail. Then we had to ride a looooong way just to get to MK on the monorail.

We decided to pay $2.00 to put our stuff in a locker to make sure it wouldn't get wet on SplashMountain. Universal has free lockers at the rides that require you to put your stuff in before you ride. Part way through the line we realized we were in the express lane, but no one said anything. The cast member at the beginning never even asked if we had the fastpass thing. We were allowed to get right onto the ride. I was so mad that we were able to get in the fastpass line and no one stopped us---they just let us ride.

The first time I rode it I didn't know how tall the drop at the end was and this time I did. I also made the mistake of seeing the drop while we were on the ride. I was too scared to even scream. Afterwards I was thinking about buying our photo, but changed my mind when I heard the price. I believe it was something like $12.95 for one 5X7. They don't even sell an 8X10 like Universal does. Not only that, but they don't even offer a 15% discount for Annual Passholders like Universal does! What a rippoff!

Just where can you find AP discounts at Disney??? We went shopping and no one would give us a discount. They kept saying that I had to go all the way to Downtown Disney to the main store if I wanted an AP discount on merchandise. Almost every store and restuarant at Universal gives us a discount on food and merchandise and their AP costs 1/3 as much as the Disney one does.

After SplashMountain, we were going to see Philharmagic. There was a 40 minute wait time posted for it. My sister who really doesn't like 3-D read some of the warnings and decided that she didn't want to see it. After a freak out experience earlier in the week we had agreed not to pressure each other into doing something they didn't want to do. So we did a little bit of shopping then went to lunch at Cinderella's Royal Table.

I was surprised that CRT wasn't busier. It was probably about 12:30ish that we went to go eat and there was hardly anyone at the restaurant. I don't know if there was just no one at the park or if its because we weren't there for breakfast. The food was excellent. Our waiter was also very good but when we asked for the AP discount, once again we were told there was no AP discount.

After lunch we went to Buzz Lightyear. This was one of my favorite rides from last time. We waited in line for what seemed like forever. Just as we got to the front of the line to board the ride, it broke down. They then sent all the cars through empty before anyone could board. It was fun. I actually beat my sister! Ha! :) But those guns are stationary and not nearly as easy to use as the ones at MIB.

Next was Jungle Cruise. The day was getting late. I had hoped to be heading back to Universal's Portofino Bay Hotel by 4:00 since we were flying out the next day and to pack, etc. Jungle Cruise had a 20 minute wait. Our boat driver wasn't that great. In fact I would say he was quite bad. Last time our driver had made it fun. I hardly even got wet. :( I still liked it, but it was kind of lackluster.

After Jungle Cruise we decided to skip Pirates and Haunted Mansion looked shut down, which was a bummer. We did some shopping (once again with no AP discount) then left.

All day long it seemed that almost everything that Disney did was imitation of Universal (the photographers, fastpass, etc), but none of it was as good as Universal. Very few rides at Magic Kingdom even offered fastpass where at Universal every ride and show was available with express pass plus. Nothing though compared to the fact that we always have unlimited express at Universal for all rides and shows. All we have to do is flash our room key and voila! we are in the express line! There were only a handful of rides at MK that even offered fastpass and then we had to wait for our return time. I hated being halfway across the park when our fastpass time came up. At Universal, we just rode when we wanted to ride and never had to plan our day around a fastpass return.

Overall it was a pretty disappointing day after 5 fun filled days spent at Universal and Islands of Adventure. For us, because we aren't into babyrides like Dumbo, it isn't worth the money to go to Disney. It was $119 for a one day parkhopper and that just seems too much money for what you get. My sister's 5 days tickets only cost $85 at Universal. I have an annual pass at Universal for $192 which is the equivilent of what 3 days at Disney would have cost us. A 3 day parkhopper at Disney is $219! What a ripoff!

Disney also doesn't seem as adult friendly. We could hardly walk because of all the strollers. And I hate how you have to go so far from your car just to get to Magic Kingdom (which after the fireworks can be very crowded and difficult to navigate through.) Not only that, we had to wait 30 minutes just to get on the monorial to get back to our car and then wait for a tram to take us to our car. I wish they had moving sidewalks like Universal. I would have been to my car in half the time.

I like the rides we rode, but honestly I can get the same type of ride at Universal/IoA. And Disney doesn't one ride ride that is even close to what the Spiderman ride offers. The next time we go to Orlando, I don't think we will be going to Disney.

I will post some pictures later after I get home. I haven't had time to upload any of them yet. Look for our sad faces in the pictures as we were sooooo missing Universal.
Phamton, that was awesome, and made excellent points! :) I think us Uni regulars can easily predict the sort of bashing that would occur had you posted that on the Disney TR board. :goodvibes

We love Universal because we only have to go to 2 parks that are in very close proximity to get all the great rides that Disney spreads over 4 parks that you have to take some sort of transportation system(s) to get between.

I felt awful when my sister's college friend asked me to pick up a 1-day hopper for her. When I saw the $119.xx charge on my card, I didn't have the heart to tell her how much it cost and lied to her. I kept thinking she could've had 5 days at Universal, 2 parks, and CW club access for $85 ....


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